View Full Version : Collection agencies?

04-30-2008, 07:45 PM
Has anybody dealt with any local collection agencies? I've done some work for a company worth significant dollars and have not been paid (and probably will not be as things are turning out).

I don't want to waste my time with legal action, and just want to send it to collections, but I have no idea who to use.

I found several names online, but was curious if anybody had any personal experience with local firms.


04-30-2008, 10:14 PM
that would be way more of a waste than using small claims court. its pretty easy and costs you nothing if you win. then, they pay by court order. i dont think it makes much sense to use a collections agency on one off cases.

04-30-2008, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by googe
that would be way more of a waste than using small claims court. its pretty easy and costs you nothing if you win. then, they pay by court order. i dont think it makes much sense to use a collections agency on one off cases.

I don't think small claims court is appropriate for 6-figure amounts......I'd rather loose 30% flat fee on anything recovered for that than to have to deal with the hassle of a lawyer.

04-30-2008, 10:27 PM
What kind of work? Can you register a lien based on it?

04-30-2008, 10:31 PM
Ah, well that changes things. I'm not gonna pretend to be experienced in collecting 6 figure debts, but I can't see anyone giving a shit about a collections agency asking when its that much. Do you think they plan to pay it and are just slow/having problems, or do you think they just took you for a ride?

Again, you do get legal fees if you win.

There is also a good chance that they'll settle before it goes to trial, cause it'll cost them money too and they know they wont win (if your claim is legit). Once they see a letter from a lawyer, they'll probably be more responsive.

To me it just sounds like trying to get it via collections is throwing good money after bad.

Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
What kind of work? Can you register a lien based on it?

You need a court order (win a lawsuit) in order to register a lien.

04-30-2008, 10:44 PM
Can't get any work back or anything - this is all consulting based, so mostly time (thank god no physical $$$$$ was spent, that would suck!)

I've never had a client do this before, so I just don't know.

Instincts are telling me to lawyer up and just deal with it, but I don't want to go through the wasted time and headaches that come with that field.

Supa Dexta
04-30-2008, 10:47 PM
Boo hoo, if you don't feel that strongly about getting your money back, sit back and grumble. It's part of life, someone screws you, you take it to them.

04-30-2008, 10:57 PM
Six figure amounts?

I'd call a lawyer at 9:01 am tomorrow were I you.

04-30-2008, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by 2EFNFAST

Instincts are telling me to lawyer up and just deal with it, but I don't want to go through the wasted time and headaches that come with that field.

Originally posted by A790
Six figure amounts?

I'd call a lawyer at 9:01 am tomorrow were I you.

Ummmmm yeaaa, lawyer up dude.

If I'm reading this right, someone owes you 6-figure money and they're not paying... therefore, I BELIEVE it'll be hard for a collection agency to do anything solid for you. (i.e. collection agency calls them, give so and so $100,000 for his work... then the scammer goes "What are you talking about? I'm not paying so sue!")

It'd be different if you won a court case (or small claims agency won it for you), and now a collection agency can act on your behave to collect what's written on a court order.

With this amount, I think it's a little different that the phone company sending collection for late bills. IMO

05-01-2008, 09:16 AM
Surely if you're a highly paid consultant, you have a lawyer? Call him or her, and get it handled. Yes, it's a hassle. But if you win, you'll get your legal fees back, and so if it takes you, say, 10 hours of your time, and you save the, say, $30K the collection agency would cost, you're making $3K per hour. You really don't think that's worth your time? Hey, if you're charging more than that for your consulting work, no wonder you're bill's unpaid...

Just be sure that they have some financial strength before you sue them, or else you might end up with a judgment that's not worth anything.