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05-01-2008, 10:59 AM
About 5 months ago I caught my girlfriend talking kinda dirty with some guy she used to want to screw and we had the obvious fight about it. She swears she hasn't done it since but I think she has. I know she hasn't cheated she's not like that and plus that guy won't touch her cuz he's a pussy. Anyways we got into a fight last night and she brought that up and told me that all normal people will go on msn or call people while they are drunk and talk dirty whether they are in a relationship or not. My opinion is that while your with someone you should have the decency and self control to not do that. Am I wrong here??? I mean no word of a lie I never ever cross that line with any girl while I have a girlfriend just seems kinda crooked to do so...Dunno what to think here I was raised to not do things like that while with someone.

Let's hear it. I'm sure among all the stupid 08 responses while be some good ole beyond members who've been here a while with decent answers hehe :dunno:

05-01-2008, 11:01 AM
sorry but "i was drunk" is not an excuse to talk dirty to someone...
but then again, what kind of dirty, im not asking you to go into detail but was she just flirting? or actual "phone sex" type stuff

adam c
05-01-2008, 11:01 AM
i've never had a gf of mine talk dirty to anyone else whether it was drunk or sober.... some of them have flirted but everyone does that once in a while and so have i

05-01-2008, 11:02 AM

05-01-2008, 11:04 AM
If my gf did that I would not be happy I would really re-think our relationship.

05-01-2008, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by adam c
i've never had a gf of mine talk dirty to anyone else whether it was drunk or sober.... some of them have flirted but everyone does that once in a while and so have i

so ture everyone does that once in a while .........:bigpimp:

05-01-2008, 11:06 AM
no like before we went out she was obsessed with this guy and was really aggressive in trying to screw him and he wouldn't even touch her. HE told her it's because he's a virgin which I believe because when she would try to fuck him or anything when she was with him he would get all shy and kiss her for like 10 mins and then find an excuse to leave but on MSN he'd be all talk. Well the convo's kept going on after we started going out and she's like don't worry I won't fuck him because he won't fuck me. She thinks him not wanting to fuck her is good enough reason for me to trust her with him. But I spend the night at her place a few months ago and she had a convo with him open on her computer from the day before and it's plain to see that she had said she wished she could suck him dry...im like whats this. she's like oh I was drunk it's ok their just words no harm no foul. i was like umm no and even yesterday she said if it's just words and that she's drunk that it's not a problem. Yet if I did it I know she'd flip out....Like we're getting serious but this is an issue I feel I am right about.

05-01-2008, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by adam c
i've never had a gf of mine talk dirty to anyone else whether it was drunk or sober.... some of them have flirted but everyone does that once in a while and so have i

There is a huge difference between a friendly flirt and
talking dirty to someone.
She needs to learn some morals is what she needs to do.

05-01-2008, 11:07 AM
Famous Line that is 100% true when it comes to this shit:

Drunk Talks are Sober Thoughts.

You wanna see how someone feels about the people they're around, get them drunk or give them an 8ball, they'll talk all night about how they really feel.

Your girls a tramp, move on. Using the "I was Drunk" line is horseshit.

05-01-2008, 11:08 AM
IDB then kick her to the curb.:burnout:

05-01-2008, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by ekguy
no like before we went out she was obsessed with this guy and was really aggressive in trying to screw him and he wouldn't even touch her.

why are you with her?:dunno:

05-01-2008, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by adam c
i've never had a gf of mine talk dirty to anyone else whether it was drunk or sober.... some of them have flirted but everyone does that once in a while and so have i

flirting is different....sometimes people flirt without realizing it it's human nature....but telling a guy they wish they woulda sucked him dry is another thing. I know nothing will happen because he's either gay, a premature ejaculator or a virgin...or all 3. (on a side note he's actually used all 3 of those as an excuse, well the gay one was inadvertently used at his bday cuz he kept saying who looks gayer himself or his brother)

05-01-2008, 11:10 AM
that is not normal dude
id re-think what the hell your doing with this brod

Supa Dexta
05-01-2008, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by Ben
Famous Line that is 100% true when it comes to this shit:

Drunk Talks are Sober Thoughts.

You wanna see how someone feels about the people they're around, get them drunk or give them an 8ball, they'll talk all night about how they really feel.

Your girls a tramp, move on. Using the "I was Drunk" line is horseshit.

word. ^

05-01-2008, 11:11 AM
Record her MSN history then you'll know for sure haha

05-01-2008, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by Princess*Precid

why are you with her?:dunno:

cuz other than this she doesn't have many issues that bother me at all. She's a bit jealous but she's 34 and I'm a college student. I feel that her jealousy is at least somewhat normal considering the fact that I am around college chicks every day all day during school. Despite the fact that I have never cheated and never will. I know she won't cheat and I don't even know if this dirty talk shit is still happening but i have no way of knowing. She keeps saying I probably do it too but I don't....Oh well we're going to some counseling soon because she says I need it desperately so I'll just bring that shit up with the counselor hahah at least it'll be funny if they say it's imoral to do so.

05-01-2008, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by ekguy

telling a guy they wish they woulda sucked him dry

move on and spare yourself the time, money and headaches.

05-01-2008, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by 94boosted
Record her MSN history then you'll know for sure haha

hahaha she already does this herself on her own computer...After the first incident i bugged her for 2 hours to see the convos with that douche and she wouldn't let me until she finally after being on the defensive for 2 hours gave up and let me read it and she had done it like 3 times in the first 2 months we were together....nothing wayyyy sexual but just crossing the line a bit is still crossing the line.

adam c
05-01-2008, 11:15 AM
34 and ur in college? wtf

no wonder the other guy doesn't want anything to do with her.. its too much of a age gap and he's not comfortable

dump her.. lots of younger fresher models out there

05-01-2008, 11:16 AM
If you don't dump her now you'll be back in a year telling us about how you caught her fucking some guy while drunk.

05-01-2008, 11:17 AM
she sounds like a tramp, get the hell outta the relationship before you get even more serious with her.

05-01-2008, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by ekguy
....but telling a guy they wish they woulda sucked him dry is another thing.

uhhh, and youre SURE she would or has NEVER cheated on you?!??!?!
what makes you so sure?
you must be in denial or just completely :whipped:

05-01-2008, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by ekguy
Oh well we're going to some counseling soon because she says I need it desperately so I'll just bring that shit up with the counselor hahah at least it'll be funny if they say it's imoral to do so.

You see this? :banghead:

Start doing it until you knock some sense into your head man!

Relationship Counselling? When dating? WTF??? If it's not working you move on, THAT'S WHY YOU DATE. Keep dating people until you find the one that works. :dunno:

05-01-2008, 11:23 AM
Hmm she probably wouldn't like that if it was on the other shoe. Maybe you should ask her how she'd feel if she read that on your screen.

Sounds like your woman is bored. I dont know how long you've been together, but if she's bored now, anything in the future will only get worse. And a guy can only be chicken shit enough to ignore his testicles for so long. Even if he never sleeps with her, she sounds like the kind of girl that will let someone else come along that will hold the same thrill as this guy. Basically it sounds like you're destined to be cheated on (no matter what kind of girl you think she is)

05-01-2008, 11:24 AM
GTFO of the relationship...if a chick did that to me...i would kick her to the curb. THat shit is just not right.

05-01-2008, 11:24 AM
hahahah i guess eh. I know she hasn't cheated I just have a gut feeling. Got cheated on a lot back in the day and you see the signs with her I don't. And we've been together quite a while and were starting to talk marriage which is why she suggested counseling. Other than the little fights here and there things are really good between us she just has a very skewed view on certain things. It's like she sees things on a completely different plain than 99% percent of people in a relationship sees things...She even said if we got counseling and was told to be in the wrong she'd make every effort to change which is all I can ask. I know i have ot deal with my temper so I will be doing so. I do love her and want to see if we can make it work but just before we actually go to counseling wanted to know how not wrong I am about this issue hahah I should print this out and show her hahaha.

And the age difference doesn't mean a thing. Sonia looks damn good for her age. Looks years younger than my sister and my sister is 31. Most my friends actually pegged her at 23 when they met her. And no problems in the other departments hahaha.

05-01-2008, 11:25 AM
Sounds to me like you don't trust her.

Sounds to me like she has given you cause not to.

For me, trust is important in a relationship, so I'd be telling her this while packing a bag.

05-01-2008, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by 98type_r

move on and spare yourself the time, money and headaches.

What he said ^

No point avoiding the inevitable

05-01-2008, 11:31 AM
Maybe it's you, dude. Do something and try to get the spark back.

05-01-2008, 11:31 AM

05-01-2008, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by Heff
Sounds to me like you don't trust her.

Sounds to me like she has given you cause not to.

For me, trust is important in a relationship, so I'd be telling her this while packing a bag.

well last night we got in a fight and she brought up that i didn't trust her I said it had to be earned. She got mad. I said look show me you can be trusted and you will be trusted. I told her if she wasn't willing to start admitting to having issues as well I'd be walking. I told her I wouldn't talk to her till Friday so she can think about this. It sucks since we were talking marriage and stuff for the somewhat near future, but I have the right to not have a gf talk to guys like that. I think she only does it with that one guy either way so who knows...We'll see what happens...I won't jump into anything unless it's absolutely clear in my mind it is safe to do so. She's 34 with no education (although she has a good job), no savings, and not alot of possessions; whilst I am going to be done my second go at college soon and have alot of shit ready to move out and def don't want to be taken advantage of after school when I have a decent gig here in Calgary....We shall see what happens...Gonna give her the benefit of the doubt until a couple sessions with a counselor.

05-01-2008, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
Relationship Counselling? When dating? WTF??? If it's not working you move on, THAT'S WHY YOU DATE. Keep dating people until you find the one that works. :dunno:

So let me get this straight. You are worried about her cheating on you, and she's making you go to counselling?
Dating isn't life or death, go try out some gals your own age.

05-01-2008, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by rmk
Maybe it's you, dude. Do something and try to get the spark back.

don't think so there is def a spark there hahaha. Not to go into details but there is def no problem in that department hahaha. We even had to pull over on the way back from banff before on the side of the highway for a quickie hahaha. It was kinda hilarious with cars driving by at 1 am going like 150 passed us hahaha.

oh and edit we are planning a trip to vancouver island for a week and a half in august...if we can last till then maybe it will help us.

05-01-2008, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow

So let me get this straight. You are worried about her cheating on you, and she's making you go to counselling?
Dating isn't life or death, go try out some gals your own age.

I did date plenty of girls my age and they are dumb whores more interested in clubs and getting drunk then settling down. Was even engaged to a girl from out here....big mistake. Bitch slept with one of my friends....needless to say i kicked both to the curb never talked to them again. But yeah she wants me to go to counseling cuz i have a bad temper...Never hit her though and never will (never hit a girl in my life) I just get angry and am self destructive (turn to really bad booze binges and drugs) which is mostly in control now due to myself seeking help about it.

05-01-2008, 11:38 AM
get a gf that doesnt drink.

works wonders=)

05-01-2008, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by ekguy
don't think so there is def a spark there hahaha. Not to go into details but there is def no problem in that department hahaha. We even had to pull over on the way back from banff before on the side of the highway for a quickie hahaha. It was kinda hilarious with cars driving by at 1 am going like 150 passed us hahaha.

oh and edit we are planning a trip to vancouver island for a week and a half in august...if we can last till then maybe it will help us.
Sexual spark and relationship spark are 2 totally different things. What you described can be true for a $500 hooker. Sure I might wanna bang some whore on a drive to wherever, but I'm not gonna have an enjoyable conversation or think about settling down with a whore.

05-01-2008, 11:40 AM
Run and never look back.:burnout:

05-01-2008, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by ekguy
hahahah i guess eh. I know she hasn't cheated I just have a gut feeling.

Yeah i had that gut feeling too until i walked in on them in bed together...then i had a totally different gut feeling.

get out man, and do it quick. move on, find someone else and you'll be much better off. Dont trust you gut, i had to learn the hard way, and felt like a f*ckin idiot :(

05-01-2008, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by ekguy

Let's hear it. I'm sure among all the stupid 08 responses while be some good ole beyond members who've been here a while with decent answers hehe :dunno:

Do a barrell roll.

05-01-2008, 11:43 AM
Falcon punch.

05-01-2008, 11:47 AM
buy her a jdm that wont pass oop

05-01-2008, 11:49 AM

K but seriously.
WTF. I see it as if youre in a relationship..its you and your spouse. Not some other nimrod.
If shes happy with you she wouldnt have done it in the first place.

05-01-2008, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by adam c
i've never had a gf of mine talk dirty to anyone else whether it was drunk or sober.... some of them have flirted but everyone does that once in a while and so have i

:werd: Everyone gets a bit "friendlier" when they're drunk but that does not excuse talking dirty to someone else.

05-01-2008, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by rmk
Maybe it's you, dude. Do something and try to get the spark back.
:werd: "spark" doesn't just mean plains old fucking here, maybe you're not giving her enough attention. After all you said you are still going to school and I'm assuming working as well.

Or maybe she's just one horny ass chic and needs more fucking :dunno: :drool: :poosie:

05-01-2008, 11:55 AM
Haha you're either clueless or in denial. :rofl:

Let's point out some red flags here:

- She has not earned your trust yet, but you think you want to marry her
- She wants you to go to councelling together, even though you're still only DATING.
- If a therapist tells her she's wrong, she will TRY to change (seriously, dirty talk with a chicken shit gay guy isn't something a woman should have to try all that hard to change)
- She sees dating differently than 99% of the people out there. If you fall into that 99% (which you obviously do since you posted this here) your relationship will be nothing but problems once you uncover more of her "interesting" views on relationships.
- The only "good" things you've mentioned about your relationship is that you dont fight, you get along pretty well and the sex is good. Sounds like a match made in heaven...

Wow, this one is a tough one man...NOT! You asked for advice, and people on here (both men AND women) are telling you this isnt right, she isn't right and you're being treated like a spinless jellyfish. I'm actually curious as to why you posted this thread, since you're so hell bent on defending her and her actions and are therefore completely ignorant to any and all advice being given to you.

Oh and BTW - she shouldn't need to have a professional tell her that what she's doing is wrong. Just the fact that it makes you upset and uncomfortable should be enough to make her want to stop...unless of course she doesnt give a crap about your feelings.

05-01-2008, 11:55 AM
hahah ok but with the spark thing we do have it. We really enjoy being with each other but it's just her view on this issue that bothers me. It's not even like she tries to hide it she says she doesn't do it barely ever but it's like she was never told or taught that it wasn't right. Like you know most people learn cheating is bad, and so on but with her this is one thing she just never considered being wrong. Maybe i'll do it to her and save the convo and leave it somewhere on my laptop desktop just so she can see how it feels maybe I dunno. :dunno:

05-01-2008, 11:56 AM
not hell bent on defending her either just really like being with her...Maybe it's time to part ways though...

05-01-2008, 11:56 AM
its a maturity thing, i've caught my EX doing the same shit....super immature and irresponsible thing to do. Best day was getting that weight off my shoulders.

If I were you I would get past it, your just opening the floodgate for more trouble.

05-01-2008, 11:59 AM
Dude, you know that if you used the "I was drunk" excuse on any normal girl...it wouldn't fly, so why would you let her get away with it?

From my point of view, regardless of what others are saying, if you feel that her comments to this guy makes you feel uncomfortable, then it is an issue. And for her to not respect you by just saying is not big deal, that is not acceptable.

05-01-2008, 12:00 PM
The simple fact that you posted this shit on the internet tells me that your relationship is doomed.

If she loved and cared about you, she would stop and would seek help for it for herself. Not for you two as a couple.

You don't trust her and she wants to fuck someone else. That is an awesome foundation for marriage.

05-01-2008, 12:00 PM
Trade her in for a newer model.

05-01-2008, 12:01 PM
There is no need to put up with all this crap while just dating... especially going thru counselling. Sheesh.
While dating isnt always rainbows and puppy dogs.. it shouldnt be fights and counselling.
Sounds like to me you have the right idea.. and jsut needed trhe support or confidence to actually follow thru.

05-01-2008, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
Trade her in for a newer model.

Yup, onto the next lease.

05-01-2008, 12:04 PM
If she does it online she would do it in person...maybe not to the guy that she has been flirting with but some other random dude. Right now is only a sample of what your "married life" will entail. Are you with her 24 hours a day? Cuz i hate to say it but theres probably more than just you and the other guy that shes been flirting with!

05-01-2008, 12:05 PM
Hey dude, I didn't mean to stir this up, we were just having an innocent talk. :poosie:

Let me know if you want the pics back.

05-01-2008, 12:06 PM
dude if she were to call someone while she was drunk to talk dirty
she should be calling YOU cuz you are her boy friend. if she happens to flirt with a guy that just happens it can be labeled as friendly. but calling and talking dirty EF that. i have never had any of my girl friends do that EVER cuz they would always end up calling me to come pick them up and take them to my house. simple.
your woman seems like she's confused wants to have some fun... 2 for 1 type of deal
in my opinion if you can leave her she's nothing but bad news a relationship is nothing without trust once you lose it i don't even know how long it would take to get that trust back if your lucky 6 months... might take years and you in fact might become really paranoid later in life... putting yourself in a position where she has to TEST her trust which means your gonna have to leave her at parties and have her drink the piss off then what? check her phone records and shit or read her msn history that is a bit much kinda seems creepy. i'd just cut my rope short and leave if i can sure it'll hurt sure it might be hard but think about it.
if she did end up cheating on you your just going to devote like say 6 or 7 months months of your life to find out that SHE really is just out to have fun.. then you take another say 6 or 7 months to get over her.. when you can just leave her now and take that 6 or 7 months or whatever time to takes to get over her saving yourself that wasted time/money.... thats just my opinion but it is easier said than done.

good luck to you sir.

05-01-2008, 12:08 PM
I think that, generaly speaking, users of this forum are quick to jump on questions when they are free to voice their negative thoughts. This particular thread is no different.

But this time, I have to tell you, I think everyone is right.

What constitutes "cheating" is something that each individual has to decide for him or herself. In my personal opinion, I think cheating can be determined as soon as the significant other makes any romantic or sexual advances on another.

Talking dirty to someone else is, imo, a "lesser" form of cheating. I'm sure she knows you wouldn't like it, but she is doing it anyway. It shows - if nothing else - a total lack of respect.... no matter what her definition of "cheating" is.

If you give her the impression that this kind of conduct is ok in any way, she will then take that to a step higher. And we all know that a step higher is to actually sleep with someone else.

Typically, I would not predict that your relationship is doomed from her talking dirty to some dude by itself. (Though it's a major red flag.) But the fact she shows no remorse and actually fights with you about it shows me that she simply does not respect you, your emotions, and what is right and wrong in the scope of a relationship.

All this, combined with the fact that you have serious doubt yourself about the relationship tells me that this is simply not the right situation for you.

IMO, you have two choices:
1) Get out now.
2) Get out later when you've absorbed more heartache.

Your call.

05-01-2008, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by Melinda
Haha you're either clueless or in denial. :rofl:

Let's point out some red flags here:

- She has not earned your trust yet, but you think you want to marry her
- She wants you to go to councelling together, even though you're still only DATING.
- If a therapist tells her she's wrong, she will TRY to change (seriously, dirty talk with a chicken shit gay guy isn't something a woman should have to try all that hard to change)
- She sees dating differently than 99% of the people out there. If you fall into that 99% (which you obviously do since you posted this here) your relationship will be nothing but problems once you uncover more of her "interesting" views on relationships.
- The only "good" things you've mentioned about your relationship is that you dont fight, you get along pretty well and the sex is good. Sounds like a match made in heaven...

Wow, this one is a tough one man...NOT! You asked for advice, and people on here (both men AND women) are telling you this isnt right, she isn't right and you're being treated like a spinless jellyfish. I'm actually curious as to why you posted this thread, since you're so hell bent on defending her and her actions and are therefore completely ignorant to any and all advice being given to you.

Oh and BTW - she shouldn't need to have a professional tell her that what she's doing is wrong. Just the fact that it makes you upset and uncomfortable should be enough to make her want to stop...unless of course she doesnt give a crap about your feelings.

:werd: :werd: :werd:

very well said. dude... your young why are you even considering settling down... date around and worry about that shit after you get out of college.

EDIT: and in response to the person who posted above me... talking dirty to another guy is definitely considered cheating... especially in a serious relationship like the one the OP describes... IMO... that said... she is walking a fine line between cheating and just having fun with a "friend"

05-01-2008, 12:14 PM
She obviously wants another man's cock in her mouth as you read her own words yourself. That is her feelings whether she's drunk or not. Maybe not today, maybe not tormorrow, but she will suck another man's cock whether you marry her or not. She's 34 and should be mature enough to know that talking about swallowing another man's load isn't innocent play. Some men and women can't be satisfied by one person only, happens all the time. Move on.

05-01-2008, 12:20 PM
Dude honestly,

That's just dumb... and yes you would have self control. If my gf got drunk she would know who's her bf and who's NOT her bf. Like wtf... dude I'd be pretty pissed, and probably re-thinking the relationship for sure.

Like that's just breaking the trust you've built up, and now she just had to take a wrecking ball to it. We'll just be on guard, and keep an eye out. You never know... people change over time dude, and she just might not be interested in you anymore.

BUT if shit aint working out then it was never meant to work out. So just move on dude... and find a better gf that will be loyal to you, and respect you. Nice guys don't deserve bottom feeding cray fish...

And what comes out of a drunk sometimes are sober words...

05-01-2008, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by JordanEG6

Do a barrell roll.

Damnit, you took my idea :rofl:

To the OP: Seriously, relationship advice on an internet forum?

05-01-2008, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Melinda
Haha you're either clueless or in denial. :rofl:


A casual flirt is entirely different then dirty talking

Best to not get burned.......tell her you dont agree with her actions because you wouldnt do it yourself and let the chips fall where they will....


05-01-2008, 12:32 PM
if she is 34 and not settled down yet maybe there is a reason for it?

just like when me and the girlfriend went to the bar last night all her stupid friends were there and you can just label the different girls

one was a total whore bag: "my boyfriend comes home tomorrow but im hitting on anything with legs"
another was not quit as whore baggish: kiss 3 guys while in a relationship
another was a girl that i could see partying the same way she does now in 10 years
another was (well 2 of them) love there boyfriends but just drink WAY too much, but never do anything with anyone else but there boyfriends

so the point im trying to make is, not all girls are built for a relationship. this one is getting pretty old and isnt ready to settle down but probably figures if she doesn't now she never will and will end up alone with 30+ cats

05-01-2008, 12:39 PM
dump the whore or learn to control her better. sometimes i punch my gf in the face for no reason just to let her know who's boss.

it's ok because i love her and she knows.

05-01-2008, 12:41 PM


05-01-2008, 12:45 PM

05-01-2008, 01:05 PM
I'm a counsellor part time, i can give you a really good rate. The only thing is I'll need to start with her first to get a good feel of her mouth i mean her side of this. Please PM me her number and measurements. ;)

Flirting is one thing but when you tell a guy you wanna suck him dry that's a whole other level. And the fact she said that shit to him drunk makes it worse because if she loved you sexually you should be the one on the recieving end. Fuck that guy must be a total pussy for passing that shit up, you gotta have sexual issues if you say no to a chick who's offering to suck you dry. There's things in life that you always say no to ie. drugs, guns, good ol gang life but a BJ from a chick:dunno:

And im gonna have to agree with everyone else, Get the fuck out before you do catch her cheating.

05-01-2008, 01:07 PM
I think everything that needs to be said has been said. But in the end, you have to decide whether to take the advice or not.

We've all been in a situation where you are searching for advice but when you get it, it's hard to accept.

No one knows your gf better than you do, but you have to admit that her actions are more than questionable and like many have said, if she hasn't cheated on you yet (which a gut feeling that she hasn't isn't proof that it's true), she's showing signs that she probably will in the future. And if you think that would feel like shit now, imagine being married and having to deal with that.

Her saying "I haven't slept with him cuz he won't do it with me so no worrries" isn't exactly comforting.

Like Rage said, any hooker can have great sex with you, but relationship spark is another thing.

You said your relationship is great in every way except for this one issue, but this isn't just a small thing. It's enough to warrant you leaving imo.

05-01-2008, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
Try beating her.

I do this all the time +1 for that

05-01-2008, 01:43 PM
MSN id plz

05-01-2008, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by ekguy
About 5 months ago I caught my girlfriend talking kinda dirty with some guy she used to want to screw and we had the obvious fight about it.

She swears she hasn't done it since but I think she has. Anyways we got into a fight last night and she brought that up and told me that all normal people will go on msn or call people while they are drunk and talk dirty whether they are in a relationship or not. My opinion is that while your with someone you should have the decency and self control to not do that. Am I wrong here??? I mean no word of a lie I never ever cross that line with any girl while I have a girlfriend just seems kinda crooked to do so...Dunno what to think here I was raised to not do things like that while with someone.

Let's hear it. I'm sure among all the stupid 08 responses while be some good ole beyond members who've been here a while with decent answers hehe :dunno:
Ok so she wanted to get pounded by this dude, and you caught her talking dirty to him???


She wouldn't have been my girlfriend 5 months ago.

I'll swear to you that I won't kick you in the nuts, doesn't mean I won't actually do it. Girls say a LOT of shit! (so do we!!) but you don't need to put up with shit dude.

My gf's a bartender, so ya know she's getting hit on and she flirts back... I don't care. If she was to do as your gf did, I would be pissed, mostly because she disrespected me (or pissed about the lack of respect she has for me) and if she doesn't respect you... where the fuck is your relationship gonna end up?!!?!

I haven't read anyone elses posts, but I will say this...

Best way to get over one, is to get under another!!

05-01-2008, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by Destinova403

:werd: :werd: :werd:

very well said. dude... your young why are you even considering settling down... date around and worry about that shit after you get out of college.

EDIT: and in response to the person who posted above me... talking dirty to another guy is definitely considered cheating... especially in a serious relationship like the one the OP describes... IMO... that said... she is walking a fine line between cheating and just having fun with a "friend"

Nothing wrong with getting married at a young age. I'll probably get married soon... just make sure that you're FUCKING SURE that she's the one!

oh, and PRENUP!!!!!

Originally posted by goat_killer
dump the whore or learn to control her better. sometimes i punch my gf in the face for no reason just to let her know who's boss.

it's ok because i love her and she knows.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

05-01-2008, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by ekguy

I did date plenty of girls my age and they are dumb whores more interested in clubs and getting drunk then settling down. Was even engaged to a girl from out here....big mistake. Bitch slept with one of my friends....needless to say i kicked both to the curb never talked to them again. But yeah she wants me to go to counseling cuz i have a bad temper...Never hit her though and never will (never hit a girl in my life) I just get angry and am self destructive (turn to really bad booze binges and drugs) which is mostly in control now due to myself seeking help about it.

Which friend!!!?? :clap:

05-01-2008, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by goat_killer
dump the whore or learn to control her better. sometimes i punch my gf in the face for no reason just to let her know who's boss.

it's ok because i love her and she knows.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

05-01-2008, 02:14 PM
Sounds alot to me like youre in an open relationship

Did you cover those grounds before you started dating?

05-01-2008, 02:17 PM
Fuck, this is hilarious. You come on here telling us that she is telling another guy that she wants to suck him dry and you are contemplating staying with this whore. Grow a pair and get rid of the bitch.

You call the other guy a pussy, but the real pussy is you because you are putting up with this bullshit. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

05-01-2008, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by USED1
Fuck, this is hilarious. You come on here telling us that she is telling another guy that she wants to suck him dry and you are contemplating staying with this whore. Grow a pair and get rid of the bitch.

You call the other guy a pussy, but the real pussy is you because you are putting up with this bullshit. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:werd: ^

05-01-2008, 02:34 PM
Dude, listen to me, seriously.

What the fuck are you thinking right now? You've made like half a dozen posts defending this chick who quite clearly wants to rail some other guy. WHY? Look at yourself in the mirror- are you fucking happy right now?

I know where this is going because I've seen similar shit happen. You're going to resolve it, live happily for a while, adn then she's going to cheat on you. Period. You've established that she can pretty much do what she wants by not bringing down the hammer the first time shit got out, so what makes you think that she's going to be all contented and humble if you let her get off on this?

Leave her, period.

It will suck, you'll be hurt, blah blah blah, but at least that way you don't get cheated on and you retain your dignity. Find someone who's as dedicated to you as you are to them. Believe me, the relationship's a lot different when she wants to suck you dry, not some other guy.

05-01-2008, 02:36 PM

This girl is a complete Whore!

She messaged a guy and said she wanted to suck him dry and yet you think she hasnt cheated on you?.. haha


Does she have kids?


05-01-2008, 02:43 PM
I also hope you never took her to ruth chris's!

05-01-2008, 02:51 PM
there are different levels of cheating or affairs or whatever you want to call them. Some are emotional and some physical. I guess it depends where you stand on this sort of thing. I wouldn't be happy with that happening....She would be sent to the curb like the trash she is.

05-01-2008, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by analbumcover

This girl is a complete Whore!

She messaged a guy and said she wanted to suck him dry and yet you think she hasnt cheated on you?.. haha


Does she have kids?


I'd give her the test. If she performs ATM on you she really loves you.:thumbsup:

05-01-2008, 02:58 PM
Sounds to me that she allready cheated on you by talking dirty to some other dude. I would get a divorce over shit like that. If your dead set on being with her maby you should go talk to "the guy" and let him know that you wont tollerate him dirty talking with your woman.

Supa Dexta
05-01-2008, 02:59 PM
guys! I'm just not ready for her to "suck me dry".. Give me time, I'm still learning how these things work, dicks.. NO! I mean you guys are dicks, I'm not trying to figure out how dicks work.. ah nuts... I mean JEEZE, ah jeeze..


05-01-2008, 03:01 PM
Contrary to what everyone is saying, it might be in your best interest to work this one out.

She's 34 and likes sucking cock. That spells keeper to me. :thumbsup:

05-01-2008, 03:02 PM

I hate to say this but ekguy you're a big huge spineless, ball-less fool. If your gf is proper, she'd be trying to fuck you when she's drunk instead of spewing nasties over the phone/msn/text or whatever. I say dump the bitch, call your boys up, get fucking smashed and harass women all night.

NJ Devils
05-01-2008, 03:05 PM
34 and your in college wtf?

05-01-2008, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by NJ Devils
34 and your in college wtf?

reading > you. He's not 34, she is.

Besides, go check into the average age of university students. Do you think it's 18? :rolleyes:

05-01-2008, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by Jlude
Nothing wrong with getting married at a young age. I'll probably get married soon... just make sure that you're FUCKING SURE that she's the one!

oh, and PRENUP!!!!!
Pre-nups can only enforce current assets, not future assets. Well, you CAN try and protect future assets, but it gets challenged sucessfully in court all the time.

Since he's currently in college, I'd say he doesn't have enough assets to warrant a pre-nup.

05-01-2008, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by rage2
Since he's currently in college, I'd say he doesn't have enough assets to warrant a pre-nup.

Well rumor has it she enjoys sucking guys dry so he may want to leave no stone unturned.;)

05-01-2008, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by jonnycat
Contrary to what everyone is saying, it might be in your best interest to work this one out.

She's 34 and likes sucking cock. That spells keeper to me. :thumbsup:
You failed sex ed, didn't you?

We learned that a male's sexual peek is 18. Women is 34. She's at her peek now, but it's all down hill from here. :rofl:

05-01-2008, 03:29 PM
i say dump the bitch llol

05-01-2008, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Jlude

Best way to get over one, is to get under another!!

Truer words have never been spoken (or written) by mankind. Take heed young skywalker!

05-01-2008, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by ekguy
Quick relationship question...need honnest no non sense answers.

+1 To EVERY comment in this thread (yes even the barrel role)

So what happens when little virgin boy decides he's had enough of it, and DOES want to fuck her?

05-01-2008, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Pre-nups can only enforce current assets, not future assets. Well, you CAN try and protect future assets, but it gets challenged sucessfully in court all the time.

Since he's currently in college, I'd say he doesn't have enough assets to warrant a pre-nup.

Ahhh... I'm going to revamp my gameplan.

Originally posted by spikers

Truer words have never been spoken (or written) by mankind. Take heed young skywalker!


05-01-2008, 03:48 PM
Love it when 07's make threads that make 08's look good. It helps to balance out the forumiverse. :thumbsup:

05-01-2008, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
Love it when 07's make threads that make 08's look good. It helps to balance out the forumiverse. :thumbsup:

Hey easy, not all '07 are so emo. ;)

05-01-2008, 04:00 PM

Just like not all 06's are such assholes. :D

05-01-2008, 04:00 PM
you're posts defending your gf just made me angry, so i took it out on my gf. she can be found at the peter loughead hospital.

i suggest you do the same.

05-01-2008, 04:03 PM
it's quite funny how you come online and ask for relationship advice and you don't listen to what people are telling you to do.

stop being her bitch. maybe then she'll stop using you as a doormat.