View Full Version : More Speeding In Calgary Residential Communitys

05-02-2008, 02:05 PM
SO leading off a story from yesterday about two people speeding in somerset area yesterday and one of the cars hitting a bus shelter and a guy in a wheel chair,

I've seen it again yet today. I live in Ranchlands and since i've lived here I've lived both in the north and south part or Ranchlands and seen a tottal of 12 accedents in 4.5 years

one of the most recent major ones was a 16yo in daddys stolen corvette that lost control and smashed two cars on the street right infront of my house,

And now today an asian lady not payin attn on her cell phone doing aprox 65 - 70km/h through a 30 km/h school zone and theres even not a solar powerd sign that says your speed and to slow down but i guess she ignored that!

luckly nobody was hurt but I think it's time the drivers test gets a little bit harder in alberta we just give them out like candy!



05-02-2008, 02:09 PM
everybody speeds out here. Too much money and fast cars in this city. Chaparal has some pretty bad ones too actually. Especially now that they've open the new road straight on through from the Mac's all the way to 194th ave.

05-02-2008, 02:12 PM
WTF? Sunny, dry, not even a skidmark ... that's absolutely brutal.

05-02-2008, 02:14 PM
it is because it is a nice day that people speed. When i worked in insurance...summer was always the busy season for MVAs.

Faster speeds = more serious accidents

05-02-2008, 02:16 PM
Ya there was a guy in a 2008 chevy 2500 on john laurie the other day doing an easy 180km/h

we need to stop giving d/l away soooo freely

05-02-2008, 02:22 PM
haha, this is not even her first accident. Crazy woman has a accident tag already in her windshield. :banghead: :banghead:

05-02-2008, 02:24 PM
thats tag is what they just put on today .... I think ...

05-02-2008, 02:29 PM
The school zone and playground zone in citadel is also pretty bad too!! Both elementary school!! Even when there are kids playing around and those patrol cones are laid out everywhere!
I like to see their reaction if they saw a speeder in school zone while their kids are playing on the playground!!

05-02-2008, 02:32 PM
i have to admit that, yes, I do speed....but when it comes to school and playground zones...it is totally a big NO to speeding for me.

05-02-2008, 02:38 PM
I NEVER SPEED IN SCHOOL ZONES and def never do 180 on deerfoot or jl blvd

I have done 20 or 30 over before and its mainly when people around me are doing that cause i just keep speed then i look and im like oh shit im speeding

i think drivers around you can affect your speed too w/o you knowing your speeding

05-02-2008, 02:41 PM
I only speed when its safe to - no 30 - 50 zones should be sped in, a 90 in a 50 (to me) is worse than a 150 in a 110 zone - same fine

05-02-2008, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Jfro962
thats tag is what they just put on today .... I think ...

Nope. You only get one of those when you go to the police station for a full report. She's done something like that before.

I do agree with you, however, on the fact that licenses are too easy to get in this province. Bring back the government based tests. These new tests are so easy, a blind, retarded monkey with one eye tied behind his back could get one.

05-02-2008, 02:58 PM
They just recently changed the testing. The tests are now a 30 questions exam, you are allowed 5 wrong, and the questions are from the government database. You also HAVE to do the exam on the computer at the Registry Office, they don't let you do written anymore.

I find that the issue is this: In Alberta, if you do not speak english, you are allowed a certified translator to help you with your test. You are also allowed a to have a Certified Translator in the car with you for your road test. Now, this is only for class 7/5. Not for 1-4.
But IMHO, that should not even be an option. If you do not speak the language, then you shouldn't be able to drive.

The other thing is that when you move here from another country, depending on your legal status, you don't even HAVE to get an Alberta licence. You don't have to change your licence.

Is it just me or is there something terribly wrong with that??

05-02-2008, 03:16 PM
ya my friend told me the new learners is a lil tough but still its far tooo easy

i think they should bring the DOMV BACK!

Cause im not the worlds worst driver but wont claimk to be the best and i know when i went for my test it was a cake walk

and thats how things like this happen people who think they desirver the licnce and if there no cops around its ok to speed and possibly take someones life. You never know when something will pop up and when your speeding or even tailgating thinking your cool cause the person infront of you is not going fast enough you never know when they will have to hit there breaks and BAM an accdent for noting!

Penis McNickels
05-02-2008, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by dannie
But IMHO, that should not even be an option. If you do not speak the language, then you shouldn't be able to drive.

So when you go on vacation to Mexico or perhaps Europe, you wouldn't mind taking the bus though non-English speaking countries?

Driving is like math, the language it is done in is not important. All road signs are international (i.e. they can be understood by anyone regardless of language). With the exception of street names.

That being said, don't get into an accident with a non-English speaking foreigner....

05-02-2008, 03:56 PM
Well... the ideal is that all signs are the same or similar. But they arent


Thats a stop sign in Russia... I don' t know about the rest of you, but I would have no idea that it says stop

This one is a sign in China.... I have no idea what it says


My point is that if you are unable to figure out the roads in another country due to a language barrier, then you should not be driving. I would not drive in a situation like the two above. I think it is simple common sense. If you cannot understand what is being asked of you while driving (which is a privilege, not a right) then you shouldn't be doing it.

05-02-2008, 04:09 PM
^^ That is a "fire lane" in chinese, probably implies no parking around that area.

05-02-2008, 04:19 PM


i don't know what you were looking at....cause these are the pics that I found for a chinese stop sign...

05-02-2008, 04:30 PM
Young kids are one thing, but it is the older, wreckless 40 yr old drivers who are fucking scary.

We should be tested each time we renew our licenses.

05-02-2008, 04:31 PM
I do agree driving is a privilege not a right! and as for the speeders...i live on a playground zone and i would say that about 2 out of 10 cars actually slow down. And when you gesture to them to slow down they swerve at you...this just recently happened to my wife about 2 months ago. She was gesturing to slow down to a guy driving by and he swerved at her, we took his plate number and reported him. I bet he didn't like the visit he got from the police later that night. But what will it take for them to start to patrol this street? I have put so many complaints in to them that it feels like its falling on deaf ears. I swear if some thing ever happens to my kids from speeding on this street there will be shit to pay. If you need to make a complaint you go on to the link below...not that it helps.....


05-02-2008, 05:00 PM
Well they probably dont do anything because they have better things to do than spend all their time trying to catch people doing 20 over in a school zone. And of course swerving at someone trying to get you to slow down is pretty dumb. But ive had times when people have run out onto the road or yelled at me when i was doing the f'n speed limit, or maybe 10 over sometimes but still, get a f'n grip people. I would have to say that a better way to start is to try drilling into your kids heads to NEVER run onto a street untill they make absolutely sure that its clear. Trying to be a jerkoff and somehow force people to do the speed you feel is appropriate is just going to end up with you getting your ass kicked someday when you piss off the wrong guy.

Yesterday even I had some kid run out infront of my car and another in the oppisite lane, now both cars were about 20 feet away when he decided to beeline it across the road after his ball, now if i had been looking at my cd player this little guy could have been in rough shape. Now of course i was paying attention and stopped as soon as his ball started heading out on the road, but this kid didnt even look just blindly beelined it onto the road after his ball. Now if i saw my kid do that there would be some hell to pay.

And there was even a study released from europe that lowering speeds to 30 in playground zones didnt even help, going that much slower caused people to stop paying attention, where leaving it at 50km/h only increases the stopping distance negligibly, now getting up to 100km/h speeds the stopping distance increases exponentially but as they said 50km/h and under it doesnt really matter. Now im not saying we should get rid of playground zones but if you ask me having people that pay attention when their driving and having parents keep their kids off the roads will make a difference, and that someone doing 10km/h more isnt really going to do anything more to hurt your little babies.

05-02-2008, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by ZMan2k2

Nope. You only get one of those when you go to the police station for a full report. She's done something like that before.

That's not actually true. When I was hit by some retard driving a jacked up truck, the police gave the accident sticker right there.

05-02-2008, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by ekguy
everybody speeds out here. Too much money and fast cars in this city.
Ya, it's got to do with the money in this city. Because it takes a lambo to go 20 over in a 50 zone :rolleyes:.

05-02-2008, 06:31 PM
:werd: I don't think it has anything to do with money. hahaha That woman proved that with her probe. I do admit that I speed occasionally, I just try to keep it within 15% of the limit, I also NEVER speed in school/playground zones. There is a really good reason they have those up!

05-02-2008, 06:50 PM
playground and school zones need to be eliminated. they only serve to teach children that you don't have to pay attention to the road at all. This is only seen in this part of the world. Just because you are a walking pedestrian doesn't give you the right to declare that you are god on the street and that all vehicles must bow to you the moment you decide to cross.

conversely, speed limits must be adhered to by motorists. if it's posted, stick to it. Granted though, speed limits in Calgary are kinda bs on the low side. dont' even get me started on idiots who insist on travelling below the speed limit.

05-02-2008, 07:01 PM
30 while kids are playing is what it should be!

and 50 in residential is all it should be

but even if it was 100 people would still add to that and do 140

just to show off that they can go that fast in there sporty cars

05-02-2008, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by AG_Styles
playground and school zones need to be eliminated. they only serve to teach children that you don't have to pay attention to the road at all. This is only seen in this part of the world. Just because you are a walking pedestrian doesn't give you the right to declare that you are god on the street and that all vehicles must bow to you the moment you decide to cross.

:werd: I'm confident that when I was younger I would have been fine even if people were going 50+ in school zones. I was taught to look both ways and not to be retarded in the street, hence, I never had any issues with cars.

05-02-2008, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by dannie
If you do not speak the language, then you shouldn't be able to drive.

The other thing is that when you move here from another country, depending on your legal status, you don't even HAVE to get an Alberta licence. You don't have to change your licence.

Is it just me or is there something terribly wrong with that??

Good points indeed. But think about the other side of it, if you had to relocate to somewhere in europe, say germany, would you still have the same opinion?

05-02-2008, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by Mazstyle

Good points indeed. But think about the other side of it, if you had to relocate to somewhere in europe, say germany, would you still have the same opinion?

I had to get a Cook islands Driver's Licence to ride a scooter there, and an IDP to accompany my license in several other countries.

I have driven in many countries where I did not know the language and where signs and laws were somewhat different from the norm. It doesn't take much effort to learn what the differences are, what signs look like, and even if you don't learn the language itself, you can learn what certain words look like.

I've heard that US/British/Canadian Troops in Afghanistan for instance refer to stop signs as 'three men in a canoe'.

I wouldn't fly into a new country without knowing how they designate their airspace, how to communicate with ATC, and what their rules of the sky were. There is no reason why the same responsibility should not be extended to drivers.

I think that this is well away from the point of the OP though...

05-03-2008, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by dannie
If you do not speak the language, then you shouldn't be able to drive.

Hum, sorry to say man, but thats the most retarded thing I have heard ever!

Its like, if you don't speak english you shouldn't play hockey.

Driving is a skill, if you have it, don't matter where the hell you are, you can drive. The stop sign posted in russia is WAY OFF, perhaps in some village it says something, but standard stop signs are same old octagons but stop is written in russian.

If you know the shape of signs your good, if you know how to drive and have some common sence, you will figure out the few odd ones as well.

I went to Japan last month and drove around there in a rental. I don't speak japanese, and hell I don't even drive on the other side of the road ever, yet when I got there, I drove for a month in a rental and had no problems with any signs, or the fact that I was driving on the other side of the road, which was a first for me.

I must admit that licenses here are given away way too freely. When I was in japan, driving was a pleasure. I mean, sure there is a fuckton of people there, but they all seem to know how to freaking drive! Being stuck in a rush hour wasn't even that bad because people are not sleeping behind the wheel during turn signals and shit, they actually go and be nice to the people behind them, and not selfish and just worry about themselves getting through an intersection.

Anyways, end of rant

Supa Dexta
05-03-2008, 09:30 AM
Speed limit in front of my house was 80km/h growing up.. I never got hit by a car once. :dunno: My school was also on that road, and that was primary to grade 12, again, no kids hit by cars..

05-03-2008, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by AG_Styles
playground and school zones need to be eliminated. they only serve to teach children that you don't have to pay attention to the road at all. This is only seen in this part of the world. Just because you are a walking pedestrian doesn't give you the right to declare that you are god on the street and that all vehicles must bow to you the moment you decide to cross.


I've been preaching this forever!


adam c
05-03-2008, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by ZMan2k2

Nope. You only get one of those when you go to the police station for a full report. She's done something like that before.

some guy ran into me in a parking lot, he called the police, filled out a report and they gave me a damage sticker on the scene.. didn't have to goto the station

05-03-2008, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by AG_Styles
playground and school zones need to be eliminated. they only serve to teach children that you don't have to pay attention to the road at all. This is only seen in this part of the world. Just because you are a walking pedestrian doesn't give you the right to declare that you are god on the street and that all vehicles must bow to you the moment you decide to cross.

Wow...just wow. You don't have kids do you? By your reasoning then...any speed through a playground or school area would be acceptable. If a child knows not to cross the street without looking it doesn't matter HOW fast the car is travelling...is that your thinking? :rolleyes:

Here's a little life tip...kids don't always do as their told.
God forbid your beloved child is ever mowed over by some moron in his sports car doing 60 k's or more...and then defends himself by saying..."your child should've been watching before running across the street like that..."

God help this world with attitudes like yours

05-03-2008, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by Maddog55

By your reasoning then...any speed through a playground or school area would be acceptable. If a child knows not to cross the street without looking it doesn't matter HOW fast the car is travelling...is that your thinking? :rolleyes:

Here's a little life tip...kids don't always do as their told.

God help this world with attitudes like yours

The point of doing 30km in a playground/school zone isn't to make the pedestrian "god on the street". It's because as alleged adults, with driver's licenses, we're supposed to watch out for kids who aren't old enough to watch out for themselves. It's the same reason that you don't put paint thinner and dish detergent within reach of your kid. It's not because you're making the kid "god" and catering to their desires, it's because he's a fucking kid, and sometimes they just don't look.

05-03-2008, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by rage2


I've been preaching this forever!


How the hell do you guys get the memory to recall year old threads? I don't even remember what I ate for lunch. That thread was a good read BTW.

05-04-2008, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by Maddog55

Wow...just wow. You don't have kids do you? By your reasoning then...any speed through a playground or school area would be acceptable.

that was not his reasoning... reading comprehension

God help this world with attitudes like yours

No, this world was fine for thousands of years without ninnies like you in the past 50 years that want to put everyone in a "safety bubble"... North America is about the only place on earth i've seen that gives pedestrians the right of way on the roads. North America is not "the world"

Pedestrian crosswalks are another abomination. Pedestrians should only cross at a light, or wait until there are no cars coming. These crosswalks have probably killed a lot of people with the attitude that the crosswalk will save them from cars crashing into them.

05-04-2008, 11:54 AM
yup, pedestrians now dont' even bother looking when they set foot on the street before the light turns

nice that many of us have this same opinion
but i could care less, if they keep that up they're bound to be hit by a careless driver one day

i also think it's a contributing reasons to the slow downs at rush hour in downtown, with the amount of ppl crossing and esp. the fuckers that run the last few seconds, you only get one car to turn per light

i invite all of you that agree to "pedestrians have the right of way" to try this shit in other parts of the world. no i'm not going to ur funeral

05-04-2008, 12:22 PM
I mean seriously… They have pedestrian crosswalks on 16th ave. That’s Highway 1 for crying out loud!!!! A HIGHWAY!!! 4 to 6 lanes coming to a COMPLETE HALT while everyone slams on their brakes because granny is crossing the road. And they wonder why traffic on 16th is so terrible. Give me a break.

05-04-2008, 12:31 PM
I've only seen this in Southern California so far, but their playground/school zones are only in effect when children are present. It works down there, so I don't see why it can't work up here.

Supa Dexta
05-04-2008, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by BigMass
I mean seriously… They have pedestrian crosswalks on 16th ave. That’s Highway 1 for crying out loud!!!! A HIGHWAY!!! 4 to 6 lanes coming to a COMPLETE HALT while everyone slams on their brakes because granny is crossing the road. And they wonder why traffic on 16th is so terrible. Give me a break.

Exactly! the same god damn highway that you would get on to end up on the east coast of the country..

Theres a lot of sections across the country though, where it travels thru some hole in the wall town, with nothing but a garage and motel, where it's down to 50, annoying, but you're thru it in a minute, where as 16th is from one end of the city to the other...

05-04-2008, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by rage2


I've been preaching this forever!



