View Full Version : Reptile Owners

05-02-2008, 02:49 PM
I am hoping to pick up a new pet this weekend. I have wanted a reptile since I was a kid. A family friend had a few snakes and I loved them. I went to petland and looked at some ideas, but they were not very informative. I am considering a bearded dragon, chamelion, or snake (propably california king snake). I have a 33 gallon aquarium I was hoping I could convert into a terrarium. I was wondering what I need?
-I need a screen top, where could I get one to fit me tank?
-And lighting? Can you just buy a common uv light fixture from a pet store? How do you mount it so it doesnt touch screen?
-And how often and appx how much does it cost to feed them?
For snakes I saw there are many different kinds of mice, which one do I feen and how often?
And for crickets someone told me you can get a box that has crickets and food in it, and the crickets just come out on there own, and its supposed to help with the odour?
- Cleaning? Can I simply get a green mat for the bottom of tank and clean that regularily?
Thanks for any info you guys can give me. I think I have a basic idea, but I wana know exactly what im getting into and be able to keep it healthy

05-02-2008, 02:51 PM
Riverfront Aquariums has what you are looking for. Really nice guys there, they will help you out.


05-02-2008, 02:55 PM
Corn snake! So cool. It's the one single thing that the wife won't let me have/do.....

Not bad all things considered, but I really want that snake dammit.

EDIT - That's what she said!

05-02-2008, 03:00 PM
Does yer wife like the small snakes?...
I didnt think corn snakes got that big:dunno:
Thanks, Ill check out riverfront tomorrow, maybe they will have better prices if the sell more.

05-02-2008, 03:01 PM
You missed the reptile show last weekend. I take it this is your first reptile. Do not get a Chameleon then. They are great pets. But are not good as a first reptile. IMO snakes suck as pets, they just lie around all the time. I have no experience with beardies. I myself have a crested gecko. The easiest reptile to keep. I have nothing on the bottom of the terrarium. Thats what the vet told me to do. Makes it easier to clean. For the most part most reptiles are easy to take care of, and you do not have to be home everyday like having a dog. Keep in mind some reptiles live for a long time. Make sure you do your home work before you get something.

I also have 2 terrariums for sale cheap. 33 Gal is too small for a Chameleon.

05-02-2008, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Bushy
Does yer wife like the small snakes?...
I didnt think corn snakes got that big:dunno:
Thanks, Ill check out riverfront tomorrow, maybe they will have better prices if the sell more.

No, I mean I can't have any snake period and I think they're awesome so I wish I could have one. My vote is go for the snake!

05-02-2008, 04:14 PM
I have been thinking about this for a while and mentioned it to my fiance, but today I told her im gana pick something up this weekend and she wasnt happy:whipped:
But she will allow it

05-02-2008, 06:31 PM
Go to J & J Reptiles on 17th ave SE. 273-4666. Best prices in town and the people who work there actually know what they are talking about. You just missed the show last weekend which would have been the best place for you to pick something up. Post here if you have any reptile questions. http://www.albertareptilesociety.org

Greg West

05-03-2008, 01:07 PM
Thanks guys for all the help. I bought a Ball Python today and LOVE it:)
I found a woman very helpful at a store in okotoks and hooked me up with everything I need. And its easy to care for. If I get a chance ill post a pic

05-05-2008, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by syeve
Riverfront Aquariums has what you are looking for. Really nice guys there, they will help you out.


When I was at riverfront, they had huge Goliath Bird Eater tarantulas kept in cages smaller than the leg span of the spider, and on nothing but a shriveled paper towel. I was extremely unimpressed with how they treated their spiders. I don't know enough about the other things they sell to comment about how they are treated. Also, their prices were outrageous when I was there - asking $200+ for certain Tarantulas that can be bought for less than $20 elsewhere.

05-05-2008, 11:04 AM
Cant wait for my Monitor to come in soon!
It is reptile season! :thumbsup:

05-05-2008, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt

When I was at riverfront, they had huge Goliath Bird Eater tarantulas kept in cages smaller than the leg span of the spider, and on nothing but a shriveled paper towel. I was extremely unimpressed with how they treated their spiders. I don't know enough about the other things they sell to comment about how they are treated. Also, their prices were outrageous when I was there - asking $200+ for certain Tarantulas that can be bought for less than $20 elsewhere.

I too dont like how their reptiles, insects are housed, I once went there to get a water dragon and looked in their cage and there was about 30 of them in a 20G tank with one dying in the corner. I asked them what the deal was, and dont you think you should quaranteen the sick one/s? The guy looked at me and said that is what a water dragon looks like. I was blown away with the lack of care and walked out the door.:thumbsdow

05-05-2008, 02:30 PM
Wow, im kinda glad I didnt go there, and its pretty far for me being in Okotoks. I actually went to Animal House in okotoks, and the owner there helped me and she was great, and they took really good care of there animals. She even breeds sand boas, but I wanted something a little bigger so I got the Ball Python.

05-05-2008, 02:38 PM
Ball pythons are sweet, enjoy your new pet.:thumbsup:

05-05-2008, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt

When I was at riverfront, they had huge Goliath Bird Eater tarantulas kept in cages smaller than the leg span of the spider, and on nothing but a shriveled paper towel. I was extremely unimpressed with how they treated their spiders. I don't know enough about the other things they sell to comment about how they are treated. Also, their prices were outrageous when I was there - asking $200+ for certain Tarantulas that can be bought for less than $20 elsewhere.

Hmmm...That defn. doesn't sound good. I use to buy fish from there and just ventured into the reptile area every once in a while and seemed like they knew what they were doing. Anyways...looks like the OP got what he was looking for. Sorry for the bad reference!

05-05-2008, 03:17 PM
We have a male ball python,.. hes a chicken and a total sweetheart

we also have a 5 year old female corn snake and a year old female chameleon,.. shes nasty,.. we had a male before and he was a sweetheart before he died of old age.

05-06-2008, 01:46 PM
Yea mines a chicken too. Not too fond of me yet. Has taken a few strikes at me. ANy tips for feeding. I have had him since saturday and he was supposed to be fed that day but couldnt because I bought him, so I thought id give him a few days to settle down. Tried feeding him last night and he striked at it a few times but missed then just didnt bother with it. I put him in a bucket as I was told, and left him with it a while, then tried moving it with some tongs. Any tips?
BTW: Im using pinkies(baby mice)

05-06-2008, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt

When I was at riverfront, they had huge Goliath Bird Eater tarantulas kept in cages smaller than the leg span of the spider, and on nothing but a shriveled paper towel. I was extremely unimpressed with how they treated their spiders.

sorry man but this made me LOL.. if you saw what my girlfriend does to spiders when she sees them then you would cry like an indian witnessing someone littering

05-06-2008, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by analbumcover

sorry man but this made me LOL.. if you saw what my girlfriend does to spiders when she sees them then you would cry like an indian witnessing someone littering

Haha nice analogy. Yeah I know lots of people dont like big spiders, but its all relative. Lots of people hate snakes, cats, lizards, other exotic pets, etc. as well. Treating a tarantula poorly is no different than mistreating any other animal/repitle or whatever. A pet tarantula isn't for everyone, thats for sure!

05-06-2008, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Bushy
Yea mines a chicken too. Not too fond of me yet. Has taken a few strikes at me. ANy tips for feeding. I have had him since saturday and he was supposed to be fed that day but couldnt because I bought him, so I thought id give him a few days to settle down. Tried feeding him last night and he striked at it a few times but missed then just didnt bother with it. I put him in a bucket as I was told, and left him with it a while, then tried moving it with some tongs. Any tips?
BTW: Im using pinkies(baby mice)

Hes probably just not used to the new place. He could also have been fed recently too. Im assuming youre just thawing the pinkies in a cup of hot water and throwing them in? After theyre thawed fill the cup with hot water again and let them actually get warm (at least body temp), whenever i fed mine hed be on the things in seconds.

Pinkies are probably pretty small, even for a baby ball python. Thats what i started my corn snake on and theyre much smaller than pythons. You could probably move up a size or two (cant really remember how they name them anymore).

And not sure what you did with your terrarium, but when i had my snake i just got one of those adhesive electric heating pads and stuck it on the outside bottom, covering about half the area. The whole thing stayed pretty warm and the snake could just move back and forth between the two sides. I found it a bit less annoying than having a UV lamp on all the time too. And with the flooring, i had that green stuff that was recommended for a while, but it gets gross pretty quick even after you clean it. What i found worked really well was just sterilized sand. It always looks good, doesnt stink, its cheap, it distributes the heat really well, and cleaning takes seconds.

Good luck with the snake. :thumbsup:

05-11-2008, 08:17 PM
SUCCESS! I warmed up the mouse and when I feed I put him in a seperate bucket (told to do so so he doesnt get used to being fed in his cage and bite you when you reach in) and put the bucket on the register to warm it up, and ge gobbled up the mouse. Thanks for the tips.

05-11-2008, 11:23 PM
EDIT: i got pwnt by not reading the whole thread... once again reading>me... enjoy your new ball python... they are beautiful snakes. im going to leave my post up because it could be useful to another member considering a snake.

well i have an albino jungle corn snake... his names speedy hes pretty awesome but anyway

for the cage... youll want it to be long enough that he will be able to stretch out a little... corn snakes like to do that.

for the light... i just have a desk lamp and a heat lamp... i try to keep one side of his cage cold and one hot so he can regulate his temp... and put the water right in the middle.

the lamps just sit directly on the screen top... its a metal screen so it isnt really a fire hazard.

im pretty wary about the heated rocks because they can get pretty hot and iv read about reptiles actually burning themselves on it.

my snake is still pretty small so he eats one pinky... mice are chosen by size... you get them frozen and then warm them up in warm water before you feed him.

speedy eats once a week... every thursday

in terms of bedding... you should look into what each snake needs... a boa for example will probably need wood-chips because they are good for a humid environment... from what i understand they need lots of humidity... for my corn snake i just use normal aspen shavings.

corn snakes like to dig a lot and bury themselves so i leave it pretty deep... in terms of cleaning... well he eats once a week so he craps once a week and usually what i do is just replace all the bedding every 2 weeks or so... basically when it looks dirty

its pretty critical to make sure you have a good sized water-bowl because he loves to submerge himself in the water.

hes going to get to be about 5 or 6 feet long... which is ok and about a loonie thick at the most.

in terms of cost for feeding and that, it really isnt that bad, i just stock up and leave the extra mice in the freezer until he needs to eat.

dont feed a snake a live mouse... especially if its never had one before because live mice fight back... and youll end up with an aggressive/hurt snake which sucks.

in terms of other decorations and stuff... make sure they have a rock or somthing rough so that they can rub against it when they shed their skin... and make sure they have a little house or cave or somthing to hide in... thats pretty much all corn snakes need

i use a big branch... i got it at the pet store its like a piece of drift wood... and then one of those little fake rocks they have with the cave in it.

he likes to climb on the wood.

anyway... hopefully this has helped you out atleast a little... if anyone has any questions shoot me a P/M