View Full Version : Ticket/Demerit Questions

05-05-2008, 09:05 AM
Long story short, I got a ticket today for an Improper Right Turn (I turned right during restricted time period posted on sign). Not here to talk about how he spelt my name wrong and if I can throw the ticket out or how I hate cops or anything like that. With that said, I was just wondering - with the ticket being 2 demerit points, these would be the only points on my driving record. I have had tickets in the past involving demerits, but these were from a few years ago and have been long since cleared off my record. Would any of you be able to tell me if I would expect to see my insurance premiums increased under these circumstances? Or is this something that I should be prepared to take to court (where I would plan to plead guilty and ask for decrease in fine/demerit) no matter what, if I don't want to see the aforementioned occuring. I would call my insurance company for advice on this, but I was told that this was not a good idea as it would be as good as telling them I got a ticket already and they could increase my premiums just like that. Thanks

05-05-2008, 09:18 AM
The short answer? it depends.
most insurance companies don't check your driving record until you renew, and I THINK that when I was in a situation similar to yours, my premiums did not go up. However, that's no guarantee for you.
Two points isn't much, so if it does change your premiums, it won't be much.

05-05-2008, 09:23 AM
chances are you wont see a difference on your premiums, ive had my fair share of tickets and my insurance only kept going down.
an improper turn vs. speeding tickets...i wouldnt worry about it.

05-05-2008, 09:41 AM
Yeah, you should be okay. It would definitely ding you if you'd made the illegal turn and, say, run over a box of puppies.

05-05-2008, 09:43 AM
Thanks guys. That's what I was hoping to hear, but as I mentioned before, I haven't had a ticket involving demerits for a few years now and am not aware if the system has changed (i.e got alot stricter), so I thought I'd ask. Well, on the upside, atleast this whole ordreal is keeping me wide awake this morning when I would otherwise be dozing off looking at investments charts.

05-05-2008, 09:48 AM
2 demerits is nothing. I can't see any insurance company making that a major issue. If they do, then I think it's time to switch companies!

Just be careful - the more you add up, the more they are likely to hike your rates.

I don't get a lot of tickets, but I ended up getting two speeding tickets in the same WEEK. (No, I don't learn.) My insurance never said anything. But I would suspect two tickets in a row would make some of them stop and look.... ;)