View Full Version : Hit and Run....

05-11-2008, 09:32 PM
went to walmart tonight and came back... but noticed a piece of paper on windshield wiper..
somebody witness a car hit my car and wrote down info about the car... but no phone#..

i called a cop and waiting for cop to show up to write a statement..

if cop catches the bastard.. what happens to that guy?

I'm pissed... so i hope that guy will get a big fine..

05-11-2008, 09:36 PM
sucks dude, happened to me once, except noone saw anything :thumbsdow

how bads the damage?

05-11-2008, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by davechoi1973
went to walmart tonight and came back... but noticed a piece of paper on windshield wiper..
somebody witness a car hit my car and wrote down info about the car... but no phone#..

i called a cop and waiting for cop to show up to write a statement..

if cop catches the bastard.. what happens to that guy?

I'm pissed... so i hope that guy will get a big fine..

hope they catch him and can get him to confess...

if he says it's not true, then you might be fucked, unless they pull a "we've matched the paint on the hit car to yours" and get him to admit it.

I went through something similar, we finally went to court and the cp said "we're going to give him a 300 dollar fine, how do you feel about that". Fuck, I almost lost my mind, there was 2500 dollars damage to my car that I had to cover.

05-11-2008, 10:43 PM
If they do catch that person, then the police will have a warrant out for him. The same thing happend to me once. I hope they catch that bastard.

05-12-2008, 12:14 AM
just big scratch marks... but no big dent....

already talked to police officer but the license plate # that was on the paper wasn't really right license plate #...

police officer showed me his computer and went through couple of simular license plate # but didn't really find much...

he told me that if he find the guy, he will contact me...

hope the officer will find him...

but eventhough the officer find the guy.... what if he denies?

there isn't eye witness (didn't leave phone #)... just piece of paper with info about the car....

my guess is most likely he will get away with it...

05-12-2008, 12:29 AM
always scared shit like this will happen to me.

:thumbsdow to all the people at walmart. you would think at one of the most busiest stores more than one person would have seen the accident.

05-12-2008, 01:21 AM
I hope it's not the same guy who hit you and left you the note on your windshield. Making people beside him think that he's actually leaving you with his info.

05-12-2008, 03:29 AM
too bad they won't CSI the paint left on ur car

05-12-2008, 04:02 AM
i was hit and run with just scratches.. i don't really care. My vehicle gets me from A to B. Mine are almost washed out can't even notice them. If you can hope you catch the dick.

05-12-2008, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by davechoi1973

already talked to police officer but the license plate # that was on the paper wasn't really right license plate #...

The ass that did likely left the note with the wrong info. so it looked like he was doing the right thing to anyone who may have been watching.

05-12-2008, 08:19 AM
*cough* BMW Driver *cough*

I'm willing to bet everyones right, the guy probably hit your car, saw someone else looking, and wrote up some fake information and left it on your windshield. Either that or the person that hit your car had a stolen plate? What is the damage like? does it look like the car backed into you or scraped along the side?

05-12-2008, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

The ass that did likely left the note with the wrong info. so it looked like he was doing the right thing to anyone who may have been watching.

that's what I was thinking too

05-12-2008, 09:06 AM
The cops are pretty useless when it comes to small things like this. Hit and run, vandalism, break-ins... They'll tell you they're doing everything they can, but you're a fool if you actually believe them.

Best thing to do is let Karma run it's course.

05-12-2008, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by davechoi1973
went to walmart tonight and came back... but noticed a piece of paper on windshield wiper..
somebody witness a car hit my car and wrote down info about the car... but no phone#..

i called a cop and waiting for cop to show up to write a statement..

if cop catches the bastard.. what happens to that guy?

I'm pissed... so i hope that guy will get a big fine..


And Seriously. Happened to me :) Someone side swiped my car while they pulled in, and I got the cops after them even though I had plate info etc...

The cops did fuck all... just wrote a statement, and told me they can't do anything because the other person claims they has "Scrapped their car on the garage while pulling in"


05-12-2008, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by richardchan2002
The cops are pretty useless when it comes to small things like this. Hit and run, vandalism, break-ins... They'll tell you they're doing everything they can, but you're a fool if you actually believe them.

Best thing to do is let Karma run it's course.

Originally posted by Bimmer88


And Seriously. Happened to me :) Someone side swiped my car while they pulled in, and I got the cops after them even though I had plate info etc...

The cops did fuck all... just wrote a statement, and told me they can't do anything because the other person claims they has "Scrapped their car on the garage while pulling in"


You both are either missing:
a.) Your Spine
b.) Your Balls
c.) All of the above

for not letting making the cops help you. You can request to have the 2 vehicles line up to match the impact location. But hey, if you dont want to stick up for yourself and expect other people to do it for you, you have bigger problems than hit and runs on your vehicles.

05-13-2008, 02:20 AM
damn it...

you guys are right... (I think...)

that bastard could be the one left a message on my car with wrong info.. to let other ppl think that he was leaving his info...

oh well... when I was talking to the cop.. I kind of knew I was screwed...

the damage isn't that big.. just large scratch marks on the rear side ...

this really sucks.... Damn....

05-18-2008, 09:51 PM
oh well..

officer found the guy.. but he just keep saying he didn't hit my car... and no real witness...

officer can't really prove anything.. so there is no case for me...

but i found out that he is selling his van on buysell...

just few days after I gave my report to police...


05-20-2008, 09:37 AM
My insurance company fixes any hits and runs on my car with no deductible. I don't worry about this stuff. :thumbsup:

05-20-2008, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by BlackFyre
*cough* BMW Driver *cough**cough* Arse. *cough*

Last October, a guy backed into my car... a week after I had first got it. I was fortunate enough that he had left his information and that it was actually valid. Got in touch with him, his parents paid cash for any and all damages to the vehicle, and Maranello's did the paint work. I give this kid and his family huge kudos for doing the right thing.

Unfortunately, your mileage may vary; some people know where the "Mute" button is on their conscience and use it rather liberally.

05-20-2008, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by davechoi1973
oh well..

officer found the guy.. but he just keep saying he didn't hit my car... and no real witness...

officer can't really prove anything.. so there is no case for me...

but i found out that he is selling his van on buysell...

just few days after I gave my report to police...


Phone him up and pretend to be interested in the van to find out his address. :devil: