View Full Version : My excellent experience with Oyen Towing LTD

05-13-2008, 01:56 AM
I have been meaning to post this for a while but midterms then finals caught up with me and I wasnt able to.

Coles notes at the bottom

The background:
I live in Medicine Hat but I go to the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon. I usually try to make it home once a month which involves either a 4 or 5 hour drive depending which way I go.

The Incident:
My truck had been having some starting issues over the winter but with -50 degree weather which vehicle wouldnt. I had replaced the battery before I came home for the Christmas break and my truck was running fine. It made it from Saskatoon to Medicine Hat, then from the hat to Swift Current then calgary then lethbridge and ferni twice without any issues at all.

It was sunday January 10th when I head back to school. I left at about 4 in the afternoon and after about an hour of driving I noticed my voltage gauge was dropping. It wasn't long before my headlights started to dim and eventually my truck stalled out. It was getting dark so I some how managed to push my truck off into an approach and called a tow truck company to come and get me. I was what I thought about 20kms away from Oyen at the time

It was a busy night and I was told it would take an hour or so to come and get me. Half an hour later a man by the name of Paul Christianson showed up and loaded my truck up. I was freezing in my truck with a candle and my jacket to keep me warm so it was a pleasant sight to see his big red tow truck pull up.

His kindness:
He loaded my truck without any problems and gave me a ride into town. He was a very friendly guy with awesome stories to tell as we rode back. I explained the problem and we both agreed it was the alternator. Of course being a student I was broke as hell so I wasn't looking forward to paying that bill. He said he would see what he could do about getting me into his friends shop at a discounted rate and if not I could buy the alternator and he would let me use his shop to change it myself. I thought this was very kind of him. When we were talking about where I would stay for the night he offered his spare bedroom in his new house if I couldnt get into the motel.

On the trip back to his yard to drop my truck off he was telling me about his dodge dullie and this new bully dog power thing he has for it. When we droped my truck off he left his tow truck there and took me for a ride in the dullie to show off its speed (it fucken flew!) He then dropped me off and said he would come back in the morning to get me and help me with my truck.

The next morning at 8a.m on the nose I get a call from Paul saying he has me booked into a shop first thing in the morning and he is coming to get me. He then picked me up, drove me to my truck, loaded it up and towed it to the shop free of charge. I am sure he knew the shop owner cause I got in right away when there were lots of vehicles waiting to be worked on.

As my truck was being worked on I took him out for coffee to thank him and he took me to see his old mint firebird (I think thats what it was I cant remember now). He then took me back to my truck and I was on my way.

Coles Notes
-trucks alternator fucks up driving back to saskatoon at 8pm
-Get picked up from tow truck driver name Paul Christianson half an hour after call
-Tows my truck for $100 to Oyen then stores my truck in his yard and drops me off at hotel for no extra cost.
-Offers his shop and tools to me if I cant get into a shop next day and place to stay if I cant get into hotel.
-8am sharp next morning calls me to tell me he has my truck booked into a shop and I will be getting in as soon as we get my truck there.
-Picks me up then loads my truck up and takes it to the mechanics for free.
-I buy coffee to thank him
-Shows me sweet mint muscle car.
-Truck is done and I drive to saskatchewan but stop at "Welcome to saskatchewan" sign to take picture of my naked ass next to the provinces name as a kind of FUCK YOU for being boring and flat.
-Pass school write review on beyond 5 months later.

So if your or around the Oyen area and need a tow (or a vehicle delivered) Call him up. I definitly think he went above and beyond what he had to do and was very nice through everything. I highly recommend him!

Paul Christianson (Owner/operator)
Oyen Towing LTD

05-13-2008, 01:58 AM

05-13-2008, 02:03 AM
Its good to know that theres still nice people in this world.
(The whole time i was reading i was thinking something bad was going to happen hahahahah)

05-13-2008, 02:42 AM
good story

05-13-2008, 02:57 AM
wow that is well above and beyond what he needed to do to have a satisfied customer. Kudos to that guy.

05-13-2008, 03:29 AM
Yea, Oyen is a nice little town.

Did you happen to show your bare ass at the cummings rest area by that Saskatchewan sign?

05-13-2008, 06:47 AM
That's fantastic!

05-13-2008, 07:59 AM

05-13-2008, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by TomcoPDR
Yea, Oyen is a nice little town.

Did you happen to show your bare ass at the cummings rest area by that Saskatchewan sign?

It was on the "Welcome to Saskatchewan" sign on highway 7 and 9 between alberta and saskatchewan. I got a few honks and thumbs up as I was doing it from red plates it was a good time. I then made sure to send that picture to all my sask friends.