View Full Version : If wikipedia is just too damn liberal for you

05-15-2008, 10:27 AM
Conservapedia.com (http://www.conservapedia.com/Main_Page)

Are you just sick and tired of having to prove what you're saying in the face of challenges from others? Then this is the place for you. The best part is that it pretends to be just as informative as Wikipedia, just without the Liberal Bias. Of course if you look at the articles that are about something that isn't religion, Republican, or smearing something that is against religion or Republicans, it's about as informative as a comic book.

The best part is the top ten searched items:

hahahahaha (http://www.conservapedia.com/Special:Statistics)

Most viewed pages
Main Page [2,658,434]
Homosexuality [2,400,533]
Wikipedia [395,753]
Arguments Against Homosexuality [333,018]
Homosexual Agenda [332,939]
Ex-homosexuals [317,838]
Homosexuality and choice [312,257]
Examples of Bias in Wikipediaý [294,838]
Homosexuality and Health [293,169]
Theory of Evolution [288,080]

05-15-2008, 10:40 AM

You'll never see stuff like this on wikipedia.

05-15-2008, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by rage2

You'll never see stuff like this on wikipedia.

It's fun to compare the pages.

Wikipedia page:

references: 119
Related topics (the thing at the bottom of the page):
Global warming, Carbon Finance, Climate change feedbacks and causes, economic problems, history of climate

Conservapedia page:

references: 20
Related Topics (also called Liberal Characteristics and Traits):
Bias, deciet, denial, friendship, Global warming, globalism, gun control, hate speech, hollywood values, homosexual agenda, hypocrisy, liberals, logic, myths, obfucation, quotient, redefinition, school grading, style

05-15-2008, 11:47 AM
It's all about the gays with these guys. I guess the saying is true: republicans think about gay men more than gay men do.

05-15-2008, 12:46 PM
haha, for a site that seems to hate homos, they sure talk about them a lot.

Supa Dexta
05-15-2008, 12:50 PM
No, they seem to BE homo's. Now they are trying to find info as to why, and how they can hide or suppress it.

And when they are not out being gay, doing gay things in secret, they like to have arguments about gays, church and guns.. :rofl: Should they find themselves in a bathroom stall rubbing feet with an undercover cop, they are going to need those arguments.

05-15-2008, 12:52 PM
:rofl: it's like CubeTV i think it's called, the conservative youtube :rofl:

GTS Jeff
05-15-2008, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Antonito

It's fun to compare the pages.

Wikipedia page:

references: 119
Related topics (the thing at the bottom of the page):
Global warming, Carbon Finance, Climate change feedbacks and causes, economic problems, history of climate

Conservapedia page:

references: 20
Related Topics (also called Liberal Characteristics and Traits):
Bias, deciet, denial, friendship, Global warming, globalism, gun control, hate speech, hollywood values, homosexual agenda, hypocrisy, liberals, logic, myths, obfucation, quotient, redefinition, school grading, style LOL, better yet, look at the actual references in those pages:

Wikipedia's top 20, filled with references to the Royal Society and reputable peer reviewed primary literature:

^ a b c d e f g h i Summary for Policymakers (PDF). Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2007-02-05). Retrieved on 2007-02-02. ¡°The updated hundred-year linear trend (1906 to 2005) of 0.74 ¡ãC [0.56 ¡ãC to 0.92 ¡ãC] is therefore larger than the corresponding trend for 1901 to 2000 given in the TAR of 0.6 ¡ãC [0.4 ¡ãC to 0.8 ¡ãC].¡±
^ Hegerl, Gabriele C.; et al. (2007-05-07). Understanding and Attributing Climate Change (PDF). Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 690. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Retrieved on 2007-05-20. ¡°Recent estimates (Figure 9.9) indicate a relatively small combined effect of natural forcings on the global mean temperature evolution of the seconds half of the twentieth century, with a small net cooling from the combined effects of solar and volcanic forcings¡±
^ Ammann, Caspar; et al. (2007-04-06). "Solar influence on climate during the past millennium: Results from ransient simulations with the NCAR Climate Simulation Model" (PDF). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (10): 3713¨C3718. ¡°However, because of a lack of interactive ozone, the model cannot fully simulate features discussed in (44)." "While the NH temperatures of the high-scaled experiment are often colder than the lower bound from proxy data, the modeled decadal-scale NH surface temperature for the medium-scaled case falls within the uncertainty range of the available temperature reconstructions. The medium-scaled simulation also broadly reproduces the main features seen in the proxy records." "Without anthropogenic forcing, the 20th century warming is small. The simulations with only natural forcing components included yield an early 20th century peak warming of ¡Ö0.2 ¡ãC (¡Ö1950 AD), which is reduced to about half by the end of the century because of increased volcanism.¡±
^ The 2001 joint statement was signed by the scientific academies of Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, the Caribbean, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, New Zealand, Sweden, and the UK. The 2005 statement added Japan, Russia, and the U.S. The 2007 statement added Mexico, and South Africa. Professional societies include American Meteorological Society, American Geophysical Union, American Institute of Physics, American Astronomical Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Stratigraphy Commission of the Geological Society of London, Geological Society of America, American Chemical Society, and Engineers Australia.
^ The Science Of Climate Change. Royal Society (May 2001). Retrieved on 2008-01-04.
^ Joint science academies' statement: Global response to climate change. Royal Society (June 2005). Retrieved on 2008-01-04.
^ Joint science academies' statement on growth and responsibility: sustainability, energy efficiency and climate protection. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (May 2007). Retrieved on 2008-01-04.
^ Don't fight, adapt. National Post (December 2007). Retrieved on 2007-11-18.
^ A guide to facts and fictions about climate change. Royal Society (March 2005). Retrieved on 2007-11-18. ¡°"However, the overwhelming majority of scientists who work on climate change agree on the main points"¡±
^ Beyond the Ivory Tower: The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change. Science Magazine (December 2004). Retrieved on 2008-01-04.
^ http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/global+warming
^ Climate Change: Basic Information. United States Environmental Protection Agency (2006-12-14). Retrieved on 2007-02-09. ¡°In common usage, 'global warming' often refers to the warming that can occur as a result of increased emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities.¡±
^ United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Article I. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Retrieved on 2007-01-15.
^ Berger, A.; et al. (2005-12-10). "On the origin of the 100-kyr cycles in the astronomical forcing". Paleoceanography 20 (4). PA4019. Retrieved on 2007-11-05.
^ Genthon, C.; et al. (1987-10-01). "Vostok Ice Core - Climatic response to CO2 and orbital forcing changes over the last climatic cycle". Nature 329 (6138): 414¨C418. Retrieved on 2007-11-05.
^ Alley, Richard B.; et al. (January 2002). "A northern lead in the orbital band: north-south phasing of Ice-Age events". Quaternary Science Reviews 21 (1-3): 431¨C441. Retrieved on 2007-11-05.
^ Robock, Alan, and Clive Oppenheimer, Eds., 2003: Volcanism and the Earth¡¯s Atmosphere, Geophysical Monograph 139, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 360 pp.
^ Joint science academies' statement: The science of climate change (ASP). Royal Society (2001-05-17). Retrieved on 2007-04-01. ¡°The work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) represents the consensus of the international scientific community on climate change science¡±
^ "Rising to the climate challenge" (2007-10-18). Nature 449 (7164). Retrieved on 2007-11-06.
^ Svensmark, Henrik (February 2007). "Cosmoclimatology: a new theory emerges". Astronomy & Geophysics 48 (1): 18-24. doi:10.1111/j.1468-4004.2007.48118.x.

Then Conservapedia's references to popular media and newspapers like CNN and the chicago tribune, and fucking SPACE.COM?!? and reports from independant groups. In fact, I don't see a single peer reviewed source on this pathetic list!

¡ü Some people predicted "global warming," which has come to mean extreme greenhouse warming of the atmosphere leading to catastrophic environmental consequences. [1]
¡ü http://www.forecastingprinciples.com/Public_Policy/WarmAudit31.pdf
¡ü http://www.americaabroadmedia.org/media/On line extra materials/Climate change - lindzen interview.doc
¡ü [2]
¡ü The Nature of Arguments for Anthropogenic Global Warming, Richard S. Lindzen, Institute of Physics, April 2007, page 11
¡ü Hansen's group at the Goddard Institute wrote, "Global warming is now 0.6 ¡ãC [1.0 ¡ãF] in the past three decades and 0.8 ¡ãC [1.4 ¡ãF] in the past century." http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/2005/
¡ü 7.0 7.1 http://climatesci.colorado.edu/2006/01/29/do-urban-areas-have-larger-long-term-temperature-trends-than-other-locations/feed/
¡ü http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/6321351.stm
¡ü Glaciers shrinking at record rate
¡ü Massive ice shelf on verge of breakup
¡ü http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-0704280477apr29,1,4275902.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed
¡ü 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 http://www.cato.org/pubs/regulation/regv15n2/reg15n2g.html
¡ü http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/070404_gw_mars.html
¡ü http://www.heartland.org/Article.cfm?artId=17977
¡ü http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2007.../2006GL028764.shtml
¡ü http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/pluto_warming_021009.html
¡ü http://www.boulder.swri.edu/~layoung/eprint/ur149/Young2001Uranus.pdf
¡ü http://newsbusters.org/node/14167
¡ü http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/306/5702/1686
¡ü 20.0 20.1 20.2 http://www.suntimes.com/news/otherviews/450392,CST-EDT-REF30b.article

What a fuckin joke. How embarrassing for all the anti-global warming proponents out there.

05-16-2008, 11:49 AM
"The following is a growing list of examples of liberal bias, deceit, silly gossip, and blatant errors on Wikipedia. Wikipedia has been called the National Enquirer of the Internet:[1] "

Of course the reference is a conservative blog....

Instead of complaining about the largest user editted encyclopedia, maybe they should and some logical passages to the numerous so called biased entries. They just make themselves look like a bunch of self-righteous complainers!

Who would want to read their opposing biased point of view?

05-16-2008, 09:10 PM
No entry on Viagra.

It surprises me a bit that no rabid conservative has any views on Viagra.