View Full Version : Chinese parents, cops clash

06-04-2008, 06:33 PM
RIP for those who stood no chance...

Police drag them from a court building in a display of brewing public anger over quake deaths.

By Cara Anna
The Associated Press

DUJIANGYAN, China — Angry parents whose children were killed in an earthquake-stricken school shouted "Oh, my child!" and "Tell us something!" when police forcefully removed them Tuesday from a protest outside a courthouse.

The police action was the clearest signal yet that authorities are hardening their stance against the impromptu displays of public anger over the May 12 earthquake that collapsed schools and killed thousands of children.

The students' deaths have become the focus for Chinese, both inside and outside the quake zone, fueling accusations about corruption in school construction. The brewing public anger has become a political challenge and threatens to turn popular sentiment against the authoritarian government as it copes with aiding millions displaced by the disaster.

Aggrieved parents and even rescuers have pointed to steel rods in broken concrete slabs that were thinner than a ball-point pen among the 7,000 classrooms that were destroyed.

As the parents were pulled away, journalists were dragged up the courthouse steps by police — "For your safety!" they shouted. The journalists included an Associated Press reporter and two photographers who were held inside and questioned for a half-hour before being let go — after the protesters had been moved away.

The parents were forced along the sidewalk and out of sight.

Surrounded by police at a side entrance to the courthouse, they tried to present what some described as a lawsuit, saying they had no other option because local officials weren't responding.

The papers were refused, the parents said. Calls to local police were not answered.

"This wasn't a riot!" Zao Ming, an official from the foreign-affairs office of the local government, said after the protest. "These people were just disrupting society. . . . The government will solve their problems."

The government has taken some steps to try to help grieving parents. On Tuesday, Beijing began giving compensation to some families whose children were killed — about $144 a year to each parent who lost an only child. Meanwhile, the death toll from the quake rose Tuesday to 69,107 and relief efforts continued in the disaster zone.

Thousands of soldiers searched for a military helicopter that crashed Saturday near the epicenter, with 14 injured quake victims and a crew of five aboard.

Authorities also monitored the climbing water levels in a huge lake formed when a quake-triggered landslide blocked a river, the state-run Xinhua News Agency reported.

Suspicions between the government and grieving parents have grown since the quake. Plainclothes police roamed the grounds of the collapsed Xinjian — or New Construction — Elementary School in Dujiangyan during a memorial for International Children's Day on June 1, a parent said.

They whispered into parents' ears, "Be careful what you say among the foreign media," said Yang, a father at the event who only gave his surname.

06-04-2008, 06:46 PM
and this is the country holding the olympics...hahah what a sad world we live in when such a shitty country can hold the olympics...They let their own citizens suffer and control them with impunity and the world lets them hold the most important sports event we have...Sad world indeed.

06-04-2008, 07:47 PM
O rly? mmm perhaps you forgot about this one..

06-04-2008, 07:52 PM
Tries to find pic with protester holding sign asking if we would have let Nazi Germany host the olympics...

06-04-2008, 07:53 PM


06-04-2008, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by ekguy
and this is the country holding the olympics...hahah what a sad world we live in when such a shitty country can hold the olympics...They let their own citizens suffer and control them with impunity and the world lets them hold the most important sports event we have...Sad world indeed.

Oh and the policy of the IOC is not to wade into politics and award the Olympics apolitically... you may choose to agree or disagree with this, but they aren't there to judge China's situation...

Not saying I agree with that policy completely though...

06-09-2008, 12:42 AM
I dont agree with the policy either. The IOC keeps saying they arent there to affect politics but the olympics is a massive event that brings in billions of dollars of foreign money. The sporting event is supposed to show equality of all humans from any race or ethinicity.

Now how can the IOC award a country with the worst human rights record? Well the country promises to improve its human rights...
that might convince them... oh and to qualm your doubts and to show that human rights have improved, we'll give the media full freedom in and around China.
JUST KIDDING! ahaha those IOC fools think we're telling the truth! This is as easy as when we took over Tibet! ROFL!

Thats pretty much it for the olympics standing for a righteous organization in my eyes.

06-09-2008, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by Subwoofah
Now how can the IOC award a country with the worst human rights record?

I am just wondering if you have a source for that? There are many countries with worse human rights record than China.

Let's not get sidetrack here. Opportunists have distastefully used this disaster as yet another mean of attacking China. First it was Sharon Stone and now the world press, which has enraged the Chinese people. There is a time and place for this and this isn't the time. Let's put politics aside and help the Chinese people the best that we can at this difficult time.

06-09-2008, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by cloud7

I am just wondering if you have a source for that? There are many countries with worse human rights record than China.

Let's not get sidetrack here. Opportunists have distastefully used this disaster as yet another mean of attacking China. First it was Sharon Stone and now the world press, which has enraged the Chinese people. There is a time and place for this and this isn't the time. Let's put politics aside and help the Chinese people the best that we can at this difficult time.

Is your google broken?

I think you are confusing the Chinese people, with the China propoganda machine.. Nearly 60% of the Chinese live in rural areas, with very little exposure to foreign media. I have a hard time believing the people are angry at the world press right now..

06-09-2008, 02:56 PM
Separating the Chinese people from the government is what many supporters are trying to be sensitive about. Its not the people we are fighting but their governments ethics and laws.

A government that is supported by its people, not just from votes, but from emotions and that is exactly what the government needs to do accomplish whatever they please (as long as it LOOKS like the people come out on top). And people abroad will handle international relations, report suspicious activities, stage anti protest protests, etc. That, coupled with their consulates that spy on suspected international organizers and other supporters, puts the dissidents of China in a very tough position. (On a side note, why are there families living in the chinese consulate downtown?)

Going back to the topic at hand...
I posted a news update on the victims in China. How did I distastefully "attack" China? I guess its cuz you've only heard good news and only want to hear good news and if you heard bad news then it must be some sort of attack on the state!! LOL

You say this is not the time to speak on these issues, so... when is the right time? When the international media attention goes to another issue? When state run media can "TRUTHFULLY" show the news in a non biased way? Yes this is a disaster and the state media was quick to capitalize on that, with the government showing complete and utter support. But what about these angry parents? Is the media going to address their concerns? Is anyone even aware of what they are asking about? Probably not, since that would ruin the states image with this situation...

Oh and just to let you know... this disaster happend on the border of the old tibetan region of Amdo. Lots of tibetans also died. I've sent donations and said prayers for the victims.