View Full Version : Good Deal at CT on toolbox!

06-06-2008, 09:54 PM

Top cabinet


Bottom Chest

both on for a sweet price, just picked one up.

Ball Bearing slides, internal hidden locking system, security drawer.

anyone looking for a decent toolbox should check these out.

06-07-2008, 12:25 AM
Holy shit I wish I had money for that top chest. Thats a hell of a deal

06-07-2008, 12:37 AM
I had bought a similar top cabinet for my dad last christmas, It looks identical but I believe it has a 7 drawers instead of 10.
Got it for 50 bux at CT...sweet deal indeed!

06-07-2008, 01:17 AM
Nice find! I need a new bottom chest badly.

06-07-2008, 11:21 AM
what size is it? The width I mean.

26" or 41"?

06-07-2008, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by hedge
what size is it? The width I mean.

26" or 41"? Wow. It took me one click to find out. Less time than it probably took to write that question.

OP: Thanks for the heads-up. It's worth dropping a hint or two to the wife, since Father's day is coming up!

06-07-2008, 05:53 PM
just picked up a new box too...


06-07-2008, 05:57 PM
^^ nice box, I have the same one in lime green :)

06-08-2008, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by chadnixon
just picked up a new box too...


Hahahaha. I love the orange!

I work for Nortrux too! (calgary location) Gotta love the volvo!

06-08-2008, 02:29 AM
I'm in need of a new box soon. Running out of room for my tools in my hotdog stand.


06-08-2008, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by DRKM

Hahahaha. I love the orange!

I work for Nortrux too! (calgary location) Gotta love the volvo!

no volvo's here dude.. peterbilt all the way :thumbsup:

Supa Dexta
06-08-2008, 01:03 PM
More pics of that bike..^

Theres a good cabinet at costco too. My cousin just picked one up, I think it was 6 or 700, but its a nice piece.

Here it is,



Much beefier then mastercraft or craftsman boxes. All roller bearing, little struts on the top lid, pret cut mat's. etc...

06-08-2008, 08:55 PM
the one at costco is a g note, i looked at that to.

to much box for what i need.

Supa Dexta
06-09-2008, 06:40 AM
It may have been on sale, but I'm near sure he said it was 6 or 700..