View Full Version : Job Counteroffers

06-08-2008, 01:57 PM
So I'm currently have a fulltime oil and gas job and received another offer for a position that I never even applied at. Met with the company after work one day and they really liked me and made me an offer for $7grand more than my current salary. However I would be put on probation for 3 months with no benefits.

How does one go about counteroffering either your current or other company that made me an offer? Or is that not recommended. I am interested in the other company because it is a new position but the benefits/perks are not as good. For example the company I'm currently at has 30 hour work weeks for the summer (starting July with every Friday off).

I appreciate all the assistance

06-08-2008, 02:00 PM
Well you pretty much can't get past the 3 month probabtion cause I believe thats common among all jobs. Be sure that your current job really likes you and values your work cause if you tell them I found another job can you match they will either tell you to get lost or put you on there "first to go list" as they will now know your looking for other work.

Given that Money is not everything. If your happy where you are and what your doing try asking your current employer if you can do something else.

06-08-2008, 02:07 PM
well I didn't even apply for this job, met with them for a coffee after work and got an offer.

06-08-2008, 02:13 PM
Sounds like they want to hire you.

There is a lot of companies hunting for talent right now.

They came to you, that gives you the power. Don't abuse it, but I would asked for a little more money maybe 5-10%, or whatever you really think you are worth. Make sure all of your unvested options and other benefits you will lose by leaving the first company are made up to you by the new company.

Personally I dont think switching companies is worth 7000/year. There had better be some other incentive in there for you to quit uproot yourself, change your life around, lose your job security and start a new job somewhere else.

06-08-2008, 02:39 PM
If you go for a counter offer, guess who they'll lay off first in LOW times because of your loyalty. If you're going to switch don't bother asking for a counter offer. Just go.

06-08-2008, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by SJW
If you go for a counter offer, guess who they'll lay off first in LOW times because of your loyalty. If you're going to switch don't bother asking for a counter offer. Just go.

Wrong, there is nothing wrong for asking for more money. All of my friends have done this and usually get a better offer within a couple days from the same company.

06-08-2008, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by ryeguy252
For example the company I'm currently at has 30 hour work weeks for the summer (starting July with every Friday off).

I appreciate all the assistance

This would be worth far more than seven thousand dollars to me.

Keep your free time and sanity in mind when considering the offer.

Just my two cents.

06-08-2008, 08:51 PM
if you like where you are at string along the other company until you get the money you actually want, if they lose interest, its not a big deal because you are already happy where you're at right?