View Full Version : Another example of how we take it lying down,a nd cops given too much power....

06-09-2008, 06:47 PM

06-09-2008, 06:53 PM
I'm sure we can all agree that there are abusive cops out there, however, I know that every time I've been wrong and a cop has called me on it, I get respect when I give respect.

Are we supposed to challenge authority on everything and everyone?

I dunno, I'm not a sheep, but there's somethings I just don't care enough about like challenging authority at all times at all costs, especially when I'm in the wrong. Anarchy is not the answer. :dunno:

They've always been there for me when I've needed them.

06-09-2008, 07:02 PM
Who fucking cares? the guy was lane splitting, got caught, and was ticketed on the spot to the full extent of the law.

would you have made a thread about how warm and fuzzy you got inside after reading a story where a driver broke the law and got off on a warning from a cop? :banghead:

06-09-2008, 07:02 PM
Did you read the story?

You have NEVER got a BS ticket?

You have NEVER been abused by a cop, or had a friend go through it?

06-09-2008, 07:04 PM
News flash: Many people charged with a crime get off with a lesser sentence via plea bargaining or due process! Some even get off entirely!


The Cosworth
06-09-2008, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat
News flash: Many people charged with a crime get off with a lesser sentence via plea bargaining or due process! Some even get off entirely!


I agree with you here, but I also have to agree with Toma on the fact that this law is pretty bogus. To me if they are charged with street racing it should be an instant court appearance (kind of like Ab). Not an automatic suspension like a DUI. DUI is NOT SUBJECTIVE where as racing is much more so.

You cant take a measurement and tell for sure that they were or were not racing.

Also I do not street race, so I am not sympathetic to those idiots. I just don't want to be on the Pwnage end of that stick.

06-09-2008, 07:08 PM
He deserved a ticket, but what I think was egregious was that he got charged criminally and had his vehicle impounded, for a ticketable offense and all under a law meant cut down on stunt driving when he clearly wasn't doing so. The officer wasn't respecting the spirit and intent of the law:

"First thing he said is, 'Your bike is gone for a week,'" said Papazov.

The officer seized Papazov's motorcycle and licence for seven days right on the side of the road.

Papazov was charged with stunt driving and his bike was towed — at a cost of almost a $1,000.

When Papazov got his day in court, the charges didn't stand up. Papazov was found guilty of making an illegal lane change and fined $600.

OPP Const. Dave Woodford says what happens in court is not his concern. "My concern is getting those people off the road."

Simply being charged with stunt driving cost Papazov more than $2,000 in non-refundable towing and legal costs. He said he had to sell his motorcycle to pay the fees.

06-09-2008, 07:20 PM
Who started that stupid law to begin with? What party holds power in Ontarable?

06-09-2008, 07:20 PM
You can't leave any room for judgment in traffic law.... cops are too stupid, and too abusive of the power and responsibility we give them... as witnessed by that morons statements in the above story.

What the did COP is criminal, probably goes against the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and should be punished by law.... not to mention the dude should get every penny back.

06-09-2008, 07:27 PM
What party ratified this law into being?

06-09-2008, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Toms-SC
What party ratified this law into being?

As of May 20, 2008, police had laid 5,139 street racing or stunt driving charges since the law was enacted on Oct. 1, 2007.


06-09-2008, 07:34 PM
ok so wait... coles notes...

biker performs illegal maneuver - cop sees this and follows the book giving him a suspension for stunting (bear in mind that im sure the biker mouthed off etc to get this although that is a presumption so it could be left out) - biker doesnt take responsibility for his actions, hires lawyer (it mentions that he had legal fees in the article so i will presume he did) to get him off the hook - has sentence reduced - cops fault for abusing power etc etc...

now... suddenly this proves that all cops are stupid and useless and abuse their power for their own personal gains?

IMO the party in power should be blamed... cops are simply charged with enforcing the laws that they put into place. they were following the procedures which they are trained to follow.

do you have some kind of vendetta against cops because they do their jobs? or would you prefer if they just sat around and did NOTHING while crimes were being committed (crime being defined as a breach of the law)

PS: you have NO IDEA what ur talking about toma**

**edited to remove profanity...

06-09-2008, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by The Cosworth

I agree with you here, but I also have to agree with Toma on the fact that this law is pretty bogus. To me if they are charged with street racing it should be an instant court appearance (kind of like Ab). Not an automatic suspension like a DUI. DUI is NOT SUBJECTIVE where as racing is much more so.

You cant take a measurement and tell for sure that they were or were not racing.

Also I do not street race, so I am not sympathetic to those idiots. I just don't want to be on the Pwnage end of that stick.

Oh, I certainly don't disagree that the law is incredibly vague and open to abuse. However, judging by the article, the courts are handling it like they should any other law that's open to interpretation, on a case-by-case basis. :dunno: Until the law is abolished, that's about as good as you can hope for.

06-09-2008, 07:38 PM

06-09-2008, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by Destinova403
ok so wait... coles notes...

biker performs illegal maneuver - cop sees this and follows the book giving him a suspension for stunting (bear in mind that im sure the biker mouthed off etc to get this although that is a presumption so it could be left out) - biker doesnt take responsibility for his actions, hires lawyer (it mentions that he had legal fees in the article so i will presume he did) to get him off the hook - has sentence reduced - cops fault for abusing power etc etc...

now... suddenly this proves that all cops are stupid and useless and abuse their power for their own personal gains?

IMO the party in power should be blamed... cops are simply charged with enforcing the laws that they put into place. they were following the procedures which they are trained to follow.

do you have some kind of vendetta against cops because they do their jobs? or would you prefer if they just sat around and did NOTHING while crimes were being committed (crime being defined as a breach of the law)

PS: you have NO IDEA what ur talking about toma**

**edited to remove profanity...

and you have no idea what he is talking about. read the article... Toma is getting at the low percentage of conviction rates, this shows that "all cops are stupid and useless and abuse their power"

and yes he has a vendetta against the stupidity of the police force.

06-09-2008, 07:47 PM
You know what makes me sick? they are cracking down on speeders, and the cops hang out at timmies looking to bust anybody that even comes to bullshit and actually doesnt race.

i found some stats.....

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Fatality Analysis Reporting System data for 1998–2001 were used for the analyses. There were 149 568 fatal crashes and 315 (0.21%) involved street racing and 399 fatalities occurred in these crashes

Mothers Against Drunk Driving Canada estimates that in 2004, there were 3,013 traffic fatalities in Canada. Of these, they estimate that at least 1,157 – 38.4%, or more than three deaths per day – involved impaired driving, but that the figure "is a conservative estimate, due to the underreporting that results from the inability to test surviving impaired drivers and reliance on police reports." Moreover, they estimate that in 2004, 355,534 individuals were injured in traffic accidents, and approximately 68,245 of these – or 187 per day – were injured in impaired driving crashes

now i know the years arent the same or anything, im just doing a comparison. So tell me this, how come there are cops waiting at timmies to bust our asses for exhaust tickets, licence plate light tickets, seatbelt tickets, blah blah blah, but i dont see a checkstop every few miles trying to bust the intoxicated pricks driving around while theyre busting ppl for useless shit. I for one want to see more checkstops. FINE, bust me for my exhaust, bust me for going out and hanging with my friends and NOT RACING (i swear to god i dont race, thats what race city is for) But god dammit i want the same attention paid to drunk drivers. I know exactly why it isnt, its easier to make revenue on speeders/exhaust tickets/stunters

06-09-2008, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by hadookin

and you have no idea what he is talking about. read the article... Toma is getting at the low percentage of conviction rates, this shows that "all cops are stupid and useless and abuse their power"

and yes he has a vendetta against the stupidity of the police force.

i still dont see it man... how does that show the stupidity of the police force? the police dont make the laws they just enforce them... the fact that the laws have loop-holes and gaps in them which allows them to be fought easily has NOTHING to do with the cops or their competence.

show me proof of the stupidity of the police force and ill admit you are right... but im not seeing it. the laws are flawed and the police are taking the blame.

06-09-2008, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by Destinova403

i still dont see it man... how does that show the stupidity of the police force? the police dont make the laws they just enforce them... the fact that the laws have loop-holes and gaps in them which allows them to be fought easily has NOTHING to do with the cops or their competence.

show me proof of the stupidity of the police force and ill admit you are right... but im not seeing it. the laws are flawed and the police are taking the blame.

the low conviction rates in itself demonstrates the level of stupidity.
I don't know how else to explain it.

06-09-2008, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by Destinova403
ok so wait... coles notes...

biker performs illegal maneuver - cop sees this and follows the book giving him a suspension for stunting (bear in mind that im sure the biker mouthed off etc to get this although that is a presumption so it could be left out) - biker doesnt take responsibility for his actions, hires lawyer (it mentions that he had legal fees in the article so i will presume he did) to get him off the hook - has sentence reduced - cops fault for abusing power etc etc...

now... suddenly this proves that all cops are stupid and useless and abuse their power for their own personal gains?

IMO the party in power should be blamed... cops are simply charged with enforcing the laws that they put into place. they were following the procedures which they are trained to follow.

do you have some kind of vendetta against cops because they do their jobs? or would you prefer if they just sat around and did NOTHING while crimes were being committed (crime being defined as a breach of the law)

PS: you have NO IDEA what ur talking about toma**

**edited to remove profanity...

The problem is that this law isn't black and white, like speeding laws. there is a large gray area of discretion for the individual officer which essentially means that they can pick and choose how they enforce it, which leads to profiling of younger drivers.

Also, since it isn't a simple ticketable offense, the officer essentially serves as judge, jury and executioner at the side of the road as you are immediately punished when you have your license suspended, vehicle impounded and have to pay a lawyer all before you are even convicted. Due process under law, which is a pillar of any democratic society is suspended by this law. Conviction should be left to a jury of peers and punishment to a judge, not a police officer at the side of the road. Worryingly, there is also no restitution if you are found innocent.

Tacitly, the intent of this law has been acknowledged to profile and harass young drivers and the police are unapologetic about innocent people getting caught up in it and being wrongly punished financially.

You know that if this was a mature professional on a cruiser bike, he would've been let off with a ticket.

I really wouldn't be surprised that a challenge of this law on constitutional grounds would see it ruled to be unconstitutional.

Charge people with stunting all you want (they do that here), but don't punish people before they are even convicted.

06-09-2008, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki

now i know the years arent the same or anything, im just doing a comparison. So tell me this, how come there are cops waiting at timmies to bust our asses for exhaust tickets, licence plate light tickets, seatbelt tickets, blah blah blah, but i dont see a checkstop every few miles trying to bust the intoxicated pricks driving around while theyre busting ppl for useless shit. I for one want to see more checkstops. FINE, bust me for my exhaust, bust me for going out and hanging with my friends and NOT RACING (i swear to god i dont race, thats what race city is for) But god dammit i want the same attention paid to drunk drivers. I know exactly why it isnt, its easier to make revenue on speeders/exhaust tickets/stunters

that and its nearly impossible to set up a lot of check-stops around key areas/times which wouldnt result in the city being nearly paralyzed because of no traffic flow.

although i do completely agree with you that the police dont do nearly enough to stop drunk driving... i dont see any VIABLE alternatives to regular patrols. check-stops work great but are expensive and disruptive to traffic flow and im sure that they have found statistically that they dont actually catch enough drunk drivers to justify it.

there are teams of highly paid planners in city hall mulling over these problems so im sure we wont find anything they havent thought of.

06-09-2008, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by hadookin

the low conviction rates in itself demonstrates the level of stupidity.
I don't know how else to explain it.

how is the low conviction rate the fault of the cops is what im asking?
id say it rests a lot more on the flawed/holey laws than the police.

06-09-2008, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by Destinova403
bear in mind that im sure the biker mouthed off etc to get this although that is a presumption so it could be left out

If this was a presumption that should have been left out, why didn't you leave it out?

06-09-2008, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by badatusrnames

The problem is that this law isn't black and white, like speeding laws. there is a large gray area of discretion for the individual officer which essentially means that they can pick and choose how they enforce it, which leads to profiling of younger drivers.

Also, since it isn't a simple ticketable offense, the officer essentially serves as judge, jury and executioner at the side of the road as you are immediately punished when you have your license suspended, vehicle impounded and have to pay a lawyer all before you are even convicted. Due process under law, which is a pillar of any democratic society is suspended by this law. Conviction should be left to a jury of peers and punishment to a judge, not a police officer at the side of the road. Worryingly, there is also no restitution if you are found found innocent.

Tacitly, the intent of this law has been acknowledged to profile and harass young drivers and the police are unapologetic about innocent people getting caught up in it and being wrongly punished financially.

You know that if this was a mature professional on a cruiser bike, he would've been let off with a ticket.

I really wouldn't be surprised that a challenge of this law on constitutional grounds would see it ruled to be unconstitutional.

Charge people with stunting all you want (they do that here), but don't punish people before they are even convicted.

i agree quite frankly... the problem i have is all of this police bashing. they go to work every day and go through shit that many of us couldnt even cope with. (murdered family for one).

because of the policies put into practice by some liberal politicians the police are being labeled as power monger's when im sure most of them are only doing their job and following the book.

the way i see it... if i get off of a ticket for whatever reason its because of the cops own generosity because they are able to follow the laws which are in place. getting tickets for exhaust for instance is the LAW... dont modify your car if you cant accept the consequences... same goes for riding your bike in-between cars in traffic... the biker broke the law and the cop followed procedure and the biker refused to take responsibility for his actions (from the point of view of the law)

the fact that the law is unconstitutional has NOTHING to do with the police being "stupid"

06-09-2008, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by Destinova403

i agree quite frankly... the problem i have is all of this police bashing. they go to work every day and go through shit that many of us couldnt even cope with. (murdered family for one).

because of the policies put into practice by some liberal politicians the police are being labeled as power monger's when im sure most of them are only doing their job and following the book.

the way i see it... if i get off of a ticket for whatever reason its because of the cops own generosity because they are able to follow the laws which are in place. getting tickets for exhaust for instance is the LAW... dont modify your car if you cant accept the consequences... same goes for riding your bike in-between cars in traffic... the biker broke the law and the cop followed procedure and the biker refused to take responsibility for his actions (from the point of view of the law)

the fact that the law is unconstitutional has NOTHING to do with the police being "stupid"

No, the police championed this law and if you listen to OPP spokespeople, they are completely unapologetic in the way they are applying this law. This is a law for the OPP by the OPP and they are abusing their powers accorded by it to profile and harass younger drivers.

Even if politicians create such a vague law, it is up to the police and the courts to choose how they enforce it. They are not following "the book" because with this law, there is no book definition, they do have choices to make.

The police have shown that they are willing to apply this law indiscriminately and broadly.

The courts have chosen to check this power given to police by this law with a low conviction rate.

I would have no problem with that, because otherwise, the checks and balances of the system are working, with the large exception of the fact that the individual charged suffers largely before they even get their fair day in court, that is unconstitutional.

06-09-2008, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by badatusrnames

No, the police championed this law and if you listen to OPP spokespeople, they are completely unapologetic in the way they are applying this law. This is a law for the OPP by the OPP and they are abusing their powers accorded by it to profile and harass younger drivers.

Even if politicians create such a vague law, it is up to the police and the courts to choose how they enforce it. They are not following "the book" because with this law, there is no book definition, they do have choices to make.

The police have shown that they are willing to apply this law indiscriminately and broadly.

The courts have chosen to check this power given to police by this law with a low conviction rate.

I would have no problem with that, because otherwise, the checks and balances of the system are working, with the large exception of the fact that the individual charged suffers largely before they even get their fair day in court, that is unconstitutional.


06-09-2008, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by badatusrnames
He deserved a ticket, but what I think was egregious was that he got charged criminally and had his vehicle impounded, for a ticketable offense and all under a law meant cut down on stunt driving when he clearly wasn't doing so.

:werd: I think that's one of the main points of the article. Imagine you got pulled over for speeding and got charged with street racing, got your car impounded, had to pay the impound fee & towing, only to get your day in court and get it brought down to a speeding ticket. That's what sucks.

Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat
Oh, I certainly don't disagree that the law is incredibly vague and open to abuse. However, judging by the article, the courts are handling it like they should any other law that's open to interpretation, on a case-by-case basis. :dunno: Until the law is abolished, that's about as good as you can hope for.

At least the low conviction rate for actual street racing shows that the judges in Ontario aren't as stupid as their politicians.

06-09-2008, 08:24 PM
The rider's claim as to the minimal infraction of creeping past parked cars is very fishy to me, if for only the reason that he plead to a $600 fine.

The prescribed fine for an illegal lane change in Ontario is rather less than $600, I suspect. Deals with exceptional dollar figures beyond the face value of a ticket would only have been done in my court in exceptional and sometimes reluctant circumstances. For instance, a guy charged with Careless ($402) for going 30ish over the limit (~$200) through a late red ($287) might be given a guilty plea deal to the speeding alone but with a $400 fine (fewer demerits), for instance, or as I saw once but never did myself - a single mother facing a mandatory jail sentence for a repeat no insurance ticket might get a plea to 'fail to provide proof of insurance' with a thousand dollar fine rather than $2875+ and two weeks in Remand.

Incidentally, clearly emboldened by such exhilarating power, today 4 OPP officers broke into a poor fellow's home today without a warrant or anything, and he ended up horribly injured.

Story here (http://www.cbc.ca/canada/ottawa/story/2008/06/09/ot-fiery-blast-080609.html) :devil:

06-09-2008, 08:33 PM
police bashing has led to more attempts to monitor police brutality and abuse. the government has no power without the people, and essentially, it's the people who have the right to check the responsibility of the government and all it's divisions, that includes law enforcement. All levels and divisions of government should be held accountable to the people. We are some sort of a democracy right?

Police bashing has occurred simply due to the actions of the police themselves. If the public doesn't take a stand on anything and simply let every single offence slide, the saying is: "give an inch, take a mile". That accounts both ways. Police officers shouldn't let anything slide and the public shouldn't let any civil rights violations slide. The main problem is that police officers are given more power over the regular citizens to protect and maintain the peace, and they should be held accountable for everything they say/do due to this heightened position of trust and power.

Yes, the biker's actions were shifty, but the officer's reply lacked tact as well. "i don't care as long as i get them off the road." ? You're kidding me. That's stereotyping right there. Biker didn't get convicted of the crime that the officer stopped him for and that particular officer is still typecasting him. He's not a judge. It's like saying "all brown people are terrorists, all chinese people are mathematicians, and all white people are movie stars". This wasn't a statement made with a private group of friends, this was a statement made to the media. This is the type of character/attitude that we don't want in law enforcement. Stopping that biker was a good move, but the words that came out of his mouth showed that officer's attitude and character.

06-10-2008, 07:24 AM
just an FYI Calgary is one of the few, if not the only city that runs CheckStop year around. It's out every week and a permanent rotation for the Traffic Teams.

06-10-2008, 08:20 AM
This reminds me of when Ludelver and I both got pulled over and charged with stunting/racing down on ogden road. Neither of us were racing or anything, but the cop assured us he saw us racing and heard us reving our engines.

It ended up costing me a few hundred dollars and points to get it looked after.

Total BS

06-10-2008, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by Toma
Did you read the story?

You have NEVER got a BS ticket?

You have NEVER been abused by a cop, or had a friend go through it?

I have NEVER got a bullshit ticket.

I have NEVER had a friend go through it.

Funny how that works eh? Every time I got a ticket, I deserved it. Cop was professional, and I was respectful. Simple process. I then would go down to the JP, explain the ticket and why, and more often than not got it reduced heavily, if not completely.

Maybe it's the cars I drive, or maybe it's my white skin, or maybe it's my attitude, I dunno, but some of you guys sure "take it" a lot from the man, and maybe, just maybe, it's you, not the man?

I know our legal system in Canada pretty bloody well, and because of this, I know what I can and cannot do. I'm not going to push my luck and ride that fine line because it makes me a rebel and a free thinker and all that bullshit, I obey them because I'm comfortable with my freedoms within the Highway Safty act and all that shit that it's not worth it for me to push my luck. It's like some of you guys look for trouble and then get pissed when the cops bust you on it, instead of thinking "I'm a cop, but this law is dumb, so I'm not going to enforce it because these guys are standing up against it, even though it's my job, and it's the court system that is supposed to get down to the nitty gritty."

The Cosworth
06-10-2008, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by Ben

I have NEVER got a bullshit ticket.

I have NEVER had a friend go through it.

Funny how that works eh? Every time I got a ticket, I deserved it. Cop was professional, and I was respectful. Simple process. I then would go down to the JP, explain the ticket and why, and more often than not got it reduced heavily, if not completely.

Maybe it's the cars I drive, or maybe it's my white skin, or maybe it's my attitude, I dunno, but some of you guys sure "take it" a lot from the man, and maybe, just maybe, it's you, not the man?

I know our legal system in Canada pretty bloody well, and because of this, I know what I can and cannot do. I'm not going to push my luck and ride that fine line because it makes me a rebel and a free thinker and all that bullshit, I obey them because I'm comfortable with my freedoms within the Highway Safty act and all that shit that it's not worth it for me to push my luck.

you look pretty black in your avatar. :devil:

on a serious note, I was thinking the same thing. I have only had 2 tickets. 1 was for speeding trying to get to my girlfriends house after school in H/S and the second was because I was stupid and rearended someone (snowing and not paying attention)

so I hear you on the no BS ticket thing.

06-10-2008, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by Toma
Did you read the story?

You have NEVER got a BS ticket?

You have NEVER been abused by a cop, or had a friend go through it?

I think the majority of people on this forum haven't been driving long enough to see this.

I've gotten tickets I've deserved, but I've also gotten BS tickets from asshole cops. When that happens, I suddenly don't feel so bad that they get paid almost nothing to do a crap job that nobody wants to do. I would probably be just as bitter if I was a cop.

06-10-2008, 09:38 AM
Yeah, funny how "it must be my fault" for being illegally searched at the side of the road for nothing other than driving my work truck in Forrest Lawn while on my way to one of my rental properties to make repairs. "Lots of drugs in the area" was the excuse. Fuck, I don't drink, smoke, and the closest I have come to taking a "puff" was standing next to someone that was.

Funny how 2 of my customers who were on my dyno for an hour got stunting tickets as they were leaving because the cop "saw them racing"..... when in fact he had been hearing them on the dyno..... then nabbed em when he finally saw them.

I was heading up centre street after a movie one night with the GF. She was like you guys and never believed the "BS ticket" existed... I got near the top, when a small dick cop comes racing up from behind me and gives me speeding ticket. My GF is like...WTF You weren't speeding!! And I said "Welcome to my world", lol... she could not understand how I could have been so calm about it lol.

The stories my cop buddy told be of how he got shit faced and then got pulled over...only to have him and his car driven home for him... or how they used to go to the T&C to pick fights...

....I have a dozen examples. Them judging people for what they drive, where they live, where they are... is not justification for them to harass, rewrite laws, and re-interpret their meanings.

Richard... It's not a shit job. It's an easy job for high school grads. Base salary is decent, 4 on 4 off, and with court time, they can almost double their base.

You morons can blame the "victims" all you want....

In the end, there is NOTHING wrong with rewriting laws so that they leave judgment out of the equation, and are not nearly so vagues as say the "stunting" law.

In the end, the moron cop in Ontario and the cops in general are breaking the Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms, and that is a FAR BIGGER crime then illegal lane changes or speeding, and THEY SHOULD BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE!!

06-10-2008, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by legendboy
This reminds me of when Ludelver and I both got pulled over and charged with stunting/racing down on ogden road. Neither of us were racing or anything, but the cop assured us he saw us racing and heard us reving our engines.

It ended up costing me a few hundred dollars and points to get it looked after.

Total BS

Hahahahaha.... that was my dyno example above....



06-10-2008, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by Toma
Yeah, funny how "it must be my fault" for being illegally searched at the side of the road for nothing other than driving my work truck in Forrest Lawn while on my way to one of my rental properties to make repairs. "Lots of drugs in the area" was the excuse. Fuck, I don't drink, smoke, and the closest I have come to taking a "puff" was standing next to someone that was.

Funny how 2 of my customers who were on my dyno for an hour got stunting tickets as they were leaving because the cop "heard them racing"..... when in fact he had been hearing them on the dyno.....

I was heading up centre street after a movie one night with the GF. She was like you guys and never believed the "BS ticket" existed... I got near the top, when a small dick cop comes racing up from behind me and gives me speeding ticket. My GF is like...WTF You weren't speeding!! And I said "Welcome to my world".

The stories my cop buddy told be of how he got shit faced and then got pulled over...only to have him and his car driven home for him... or how they used to go to the T&C to pick fights...

....I have a dozen examples. Them judging people for what they drive, where they live, where they are... is not justification for them to harass, rewrite laws, and re-interpret their meanings.

Richard... It's not a shit job. It's an easy job for high school grads. Base salary is decent, 4 on 4 off, and with court time, they can almost double their base.

You morons can blame the "victims" all you want....

In the end, there is NOTHING wrong with rewriting laws so that they leave judgment out of the equation, and are not nearly so vagues as say the "stunting" law.

Wow, that sucks man, you've just continually gotten the shaft man. Both overseas and now here. I'm sorry life is hard, but you're a strong willed person, you'll survive. That’s a lot of shitty encounters. Must have been where my share of them went.

Obviously all these cops you've delt with are the norm within the police department and an accurate sample of the nature of being a cop.

I don’t enjoy being called a moron, especially when it's not my fault that I haven’t been victimized by police, I've been pulled over countless times, for doing really stupid stuff with my car and always been treated the way I would expect, and have always had great success getting it reduced, fully expecting it not to be.

You cant expect us to not at least think "well maybe they deserved it". Aren’t you the one who's all about thinking for yourself and stop taking it laying down, yet you plow this drivel down our throats and expect us to agree and be like "yeah, absolutely Toma, the Police suck, they are over paid and underworked. Sounds a little hypocritical to become upset when people challenge yours, or at the very least question it? Looks like you want to be the wolf and us the sheep.

In any case, thats beside the point, we'll just have to agree to disagree, I cannot side on this with you, nor can many others.

Not all of us have grown up like you have with the things you've been through (I'm truly sorry for that stuff) however the only thing is if you take away that judgment out of the equation, I am concerned about it opening up a Pandora’s box of other issues. I sure as hell would lose it if my family was murdered, and the people that did it were pulled over but released due to the officers inability to use "just cause". Sure, an extreme measure, but things like that would happen over time.

06-10-2008, 10:07 AM
My problem is that essentially, it ended up being a $2000 speeding ticket. Like everyone said, we don't know what the actual story is but if the charge gets talked down from stunt driving/street racing (which is a pretty major offence) to speeding, there's obviously way too much room for interpretation.

06-10-2008, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by Toma

In the end, the moron cop in Ontario and the cops in general are breaking the Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms, and that is a FAR BIGGER crime then illegal lane changes or speeding, and THEY SHOULD BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE!!

Funny, I didn't know that police officers could write laws all on their own.

06-10-2008, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by sexualbanana
My problem is that essentially, it ended up being a $2000 speeding ticket. Like everyone said, we don't know what the actual story is but if the charge gets talked down from stunt driving/street racing (which is a pretty major offence) to speeding, there's obviously way too much room for interpretation.

That or the courts are doing what they've always done, which is to give leniency to anyone willing to come in and take the time to complain. I think we've seen more than enough people here on Beyond that are 100% guilty for whatever, go in and plea it down