View Full Version : Stupid ticket question

06-15-2008, 12:00 AM
Ok so earlier on this evening I got pulled over for aperently going 80 in a 70...although I never ended up getting that speeding ticket...Instead the officer decided to give me a ticket for a defaced license plate..for $345. Now the only thing wrong with my plate is that on the first letter there is about a half inch of paint kinda scraped. This happend when I was washing my car.

All im wondering is how fucked up a license plate would have to be for a cop to hand out this ticket? I have never heard of this fine..and have been pulled over a few times before this and have never heard anything about my license plate beeing "defaced"

On top of this shit I got a $57 ticket for no rear sidemarkers..and 2 exhaust tickets of $115 each..1 for excessive noise..other for widened exhaust outlet. What a great night:bullshit: :guns:

I know this is pretty stupid to make a thread about but I searched about defaced license plate ticket and found nothing. All I really want to know is why they really hand these out..im pretty sure mine was totally un called for.

06-15-2008, 12:13 AM
Why? So they can read your plate of course. If it's damaged, which it was in this case, it's your responsibility to get a new one.

06-15-2008, 12:32 AM
lol oh shiet, lemme guess.. were you at the tims and staples tonight?

06-15-2008, 12:39 AM
My plate is perfectly visible..you can make the letters out without a problem...

IMO this cop is just trying to be a dick, I have been pulled over before and have never gotten a warning about it or anything..And 2 exhaust tickets? I mean common...

Chris Ng
06-15-2008, 12:40 AM
Care to take a close up picture of the area of the plate with the half inch paint scrape? I find it hard to belive that a pressure washer at the car wash "removed" any of the red paint from your plate... Short of intentionally scraping the paint off yourself with a sharp object or sandpaper, paint isnt just going to get washed away by the pressure washer..

06-15-2008, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by b18cr
lol oh shiet, lemme guess.. were you at the tims and staples tonight?

No...I got pulled over by deerfoot and peigan though..Fuck i'm never driving in that area on a weekend again.

06-15-2008, 12:45 AM
yeah if you want people to be on your side and understand the cop was being a dick
post pics :)

06-15-2008, 01:06 AM
If it's for real, that's a pretty bullshit reason to give someone a ticket like that.

I too find it difficult to believe it blew off. The paint will crack and peel like a mutha before that paint itself comes off in one strip like that.

06-15-2008, 11:05 AM
I wouldnt put this past a traffic cop (it happens)... but generally speaking....for him to NOT give you a basic speeding citation and instead smack you with multiple violations totalling in excess of $600, either you have a record thats pretty long or something was 'said' to the officer during the course of the traffic stop that was something OTHER than along the lines of "yes officer I was speeding a bit"

(honesty is really the best policy during traffic stops)

06-15-2008, 11:17 AM
No the first cop was just being a total dick..and the other cop like came back up to my car and started saying shit and was being even more of a dick...they both really didnt know why they pulled me over.

When I first got pulled over my friend in the passenger seat wasnt really thinking and ashed his smoke out of the window. Of course this isnt real smart to do infront of an officer but there was no need for the officer to freak out. As soon as he ashed the cop was like "Hey you wanna ash on the ground again every little spec of ash I can see will cost you a littering ticket..then the other cop looks at my friend and hes like "Yea..Calgary is no your ashtray son,"...Then they ask for my license,registration blah blah. I gave him all my stuff and the pink slip I had was the temp one that you get from the registry when you first insure you're vehicle. Cop looks at the sheet and says.."whats this?..." Then I said "It's my pink slip...." Cop then trys to say oh this sheet isnt pink..this dosent look like a pink slip to me.

So then he asked how long my car had been insured for..I told him about a week and a half 2 weeks..He then says "This sheet is only good for 2 weeks..where is you're actual pink slip..I have never seen this and you could have just made this yourself," That there kinda pissed me off because already theyre trying to screw me over for stupid shit. I tell him to look at the sheet...which said Valid until June 19th...I then asked the cop.."are we the 19th today? No I dont beleive so..." Then hes like..."ok...just hang tight"

Then he walks away and his parter was still standing beside my car and I asked why I got pulled over. He then tells me that I was going 80 in a 70. All I said after this was "No I wasnt speeding..I know for a fact I wasnt," After saying JUST this ..the cop instantly looses it. Hes like "oh you want to give me some attitude kid? I know you were speeding dont question me..You think you're a tough guy? Well wait until I go talk to my parter and see what else we can nail you for," Then walks away....Fucking cops with absolutly nothing better to do. If they consider that beeing attitude then I guess I shouldnt even had said a single fucking word..I was extremly polite and still got shit on.

06-15-2008, 12:14 PM
Heres a couple pics of my plate...and Yes the pressure washer I use to wash my car here at home did this....Is it my fault the paint sucks?


06-15-2008, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by SR240SX
No the first cop was just being a total dick..and the other cop like came back up to my car and started saying shit and was being even more of a dick...they both really didnt know why they pulled me over.

When I first got pulled over my friend in the passenger seat wasnt really thinking and ashed his smoke out of the window. Of course this isnt real smart to do infront of an officer but there was no need for the officer to freak out. As soon as he ashed the cop was like "Hey you wanna ash on the ground again every little spec of ash I can see will cost you a littering ticket..then the other cop looks at my friend and hes like "Yea..Calgary is no your ashtray son,"...Then they ask for my license,registration blah blah. I gave him all my stuff and the pink slip I had was the temp one that you get from the registry when you first insure you're vehicle. Cop looks at the sheet and says.."whats this?..." Then I said "It's my pink slip...." Cop then trys to say oh this sheet isnt pink..this dosent look like a pink slip to me.

So then he asked how long my car had been insured for..I told him about a week and a half 2 weeks..He then says "This sheet is only good for 2 weeks..where is you're actual pink slip..I have never seen this and you could have just made this yourself," That there kinda pissed me off because already theyre trying to screw me over for stupid shit. I tell him to look at the sheet...which said Valid until June 19th...I then asked the cop.."are we the 19th today? No I dont beleive so..." Then hes like..."ok...just hang tight"

Then he walks away and his parter was still standing beside my car and I asked why I got pulled over. He then tells me that I was going 80 in a 70. All I said after this was "No I wasnt speeding..I know for a fact I wasnt," After saying JUST this ..the cop instantly looses it. Hes like "oh you want to give me some attitude kid? I know you were speeding dont question me..You think you're a tough guy? Well wait until I go talk to my parter and see what else we can nail you for," Then walks away....Fucking cops with absolutly nothing better to do. If they consider that beeing attitude then I guess I shouldnt even had said a single fucking word..I was extremly polite and still got shit on.

Now the truth starts to come out. You and your passenger start in with attitude and you wonder why the man is hassling you. Guaranteed every ticket you got was legit-your mouth wrote those tickets. You can't win an arguement with CPS but respect (no flicking ashes, for example) and politeness will get respect and politeness in return. They were trying to screw you over for stupid shit? Littering, defaced licence plate and speeding as well as modified exhaust are all violations, not "stupid shit". You are responsible to replace your plate if you are aware of it being damaged. Suck it up, show some f*cking respect next time and stop bitching on Beyond about some bullshit ticket. End of rant.

06-15-2008, 12:39 PM
If what you saiod was accurate - sounds like you probably came across a trainee or a bad cop....there are those around unfortunately.

But denial of speeding generally isnt good practice - the cop has his mind made up - even if hes wrong, the next thing to do is to take it to traffic court - instead of arguing about it roadside (btw, never mention that you will see him in court).

06-15-2008, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by ianmcc

Now the truth starts to come out. You and your passenger start in with attitude and you wonder why the man is hassling you. Guaranteed every ticket you got was legit-your mouth wrote those tickets. You can't win an arguement with CPS but respect (no flicking ashes, for example) and politeness will get respect and politeness in return. They were trying to screw you over for stupid shit? Littering, defaced licence plate and speeding as well as modified exhaust are all violations, not "stupid shit". You are responsible to replace your plate if you are aware of it being damaged. Suck it up, show some f*cking respect next time and stop bitching on Beyond about some bullshit ticket. End of rant.

You're a fucking moron.

I didnt give the officer attitude...Nor was I speeding..I was probably going slower then the speed limit because I was coming up to a railroad crossing and my car is pretty low so i slowed down to go over it...as soon as I tapped on my brake the sirens went on. I simply said I'm pretty sure I wasnt speeding. He lost it right away after this...When he went on and on about how im giving he attitude I was saying no officer im sorry I'm not trying to give you attitude I just really didnt think I was speeding..Then he calls me a tough guy? So you know what Ianmcc, You should show some fucking respect you werent at the scene and dont have a fucking clue how it all went down. I was being as polite as I could be..I didnt even bitch after getting the tickets..during the time they talked to me or anything. I have been a dick to a cop before ok...This time I kept my mouth shut because I knew that if I would have gotten cocky with the officer it would have cost me more money. In the end I try and be cool about everything and not arguing with the officer and he still shits a brick and nails me with all this shit. I dont care I'm going to fight it and am almost positive all tickets will get dropped.

06-15-2008, 01:03 PM
$500 + worth of tickets cause you talked too much

proof : "I know you were speeding don't question me [...] Well wait until I go talk to my parter and see what else we can nail you for"

Originally posted by SR240SX
I tell him to look at the sheet ... which said Valid until June 19th ... I then asked the cop ... "are we the 19th today? No I don't believe so" [...] I was extremely polite

06-15-2008, 01:57 PM
You have over $500 in tickets to pay. Who's the fucking moron?

06-15-2008, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by ianmcc
You have over $500 in tickets to pay. Who's the fucking moron?

How does that make me a moron? I wasnt speeding...I wasnt doing anything wrong but driving a car that is a fucking cop magnet which is why I got nailed with all these stupid fines. You really think all the tickets I got were because I was a danger to people on the road? No theyre all fucking pointless fines and the cop wanted to givem out because he thinks he has all the power in the world.

If you consider proving the cop that hes wrong attitude..then thats just fucked. What was I supposed to do? Say yea you're right I was speeding..You should give me a ticket for that aswell..Give me a fucking break, I wasnt speeding..Its not like im arguing a radar ticket..they were behind me and decided to say I was speeding so they could nail me with bullshit.

06-15-2008, 02:15 PM

am i the only person who just sits quietly while the cop writes me a ticket?

maybe he was having a bad night... but unfortunately for you... all those tickets are legit.

06-15-2008, 03:16 PM
Kind of off topic but are you allowed to ask the cop to show you the gun or what ever he used to clock you at? Nothing wrong in asking right?

Just wondering last time i got pulled he just showed it to me.

06-15-2008, 03:21 PM
OK here is my rant involving this

1. I was there when you got pulled over and YES you were speeding i watched the ghost car go around me and pick up on you. I was doing 72 on cruise control and you were pulling away from me

2. YOUR exhaust is too damn loud so you probably deserved it. There was a subaru that got pulled over just up the road from you so they were watching for this shit.

We were only about 5 blocks from timmies when you got stopped so they all over the place.

06-15-2008, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by ianmcc
You have over $500 in tickets to pay. Who's the fucking moron?

:rofl: :thumbsup:

Originally posted by delco21
OK here is my rant involving this

1. I was there when you got pulled over and YES you were speeding i watched the ghost car go around me and pick up on you. I was doing 72 on cruise control and you were pulling away from me

2. YOUR exhaust is too damn loud so you probably deserved it. There was a subaru that got pulled over just up the road from you so they were watching for this shit.

We were only about 5 blocks from timmies when you got stopped so they all over the place.


06-15-2008, 06:30 PM
the exhaust for excessive noise is not legit.

In order to properly issue that ticket, a cop has to have a decibel meter and stick it up to the exhaust and get you to rev it in order to measure it. If he did that, then you can't fight it. If he didn't, there you go, you got one ticket off. Police officers aren't really allowed to give that ticket off just because they think it's loud. It has to be measured in order to stand.

However, most dick officers do in order to just stack up tickets in most cases. And most drivers don't know shit and just take it up the ass.

The widened outlet ticket however, you probably wont be able to fight.

Go and try to fight as many tickets as you can, and then write to your local alderman about the cop's attitude and back yourself up with evidence if you really still need to rant. Thats the only way these guys will even come close to getting in trouble for going on a power trip.
Helps if you have the officers badge number or car plate number so you could pinpoint the specific cop.

06-15-2008, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by AG_Styles
the exhaust for excessive noise is not legit.

In order to properly issue that ticket, a cop has to have a decibel meter and stick it up to the exhaust and get you to rev it in order to measure it. If he did that, then you can't fight it. If he didn't, there you go, you got one ticket off. Police officers aren't really allowed to give that ticket off just because they think it's loud. It has to be measured in order to stand.

Hmmm... did you hear that from a friend of a friend who has a sister who once dated a guy who said he was a lawyer or did you just read it off the internet?

This is absolutely not true. Its actually very easy to look up the relevant section of the TSA-VER and see what it actually says about noisy mufflers:


61(1) A motor vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine must have an exhaust muffler that is cooling and expelling the exhaust gases from the engine without excessive noise and without producing flames or sparks.

(2) A person shall not drive or operate a motor vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine if the exhaust outlet of the muffler has been widened.

(3) A person shall not drive or operate a motor vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine if a device is attached to the exhaust system or the muffler that increases the noise made by the expulsion of gases from the engine or allows a flame to be ignited from the exhaust system.

(4) This section applies to a power bicycle that is propelled by an internal combustion engine.

It says nothing about a specific decibel level, just 'not excessive'.

You may not like it, but it comes down to what a Traffic Court Commisioner decides is reasonable. A lot of it will be decided upon based upon the description given of the noise your car made - ie the officer could hear you coming from six blocks away, or your car's exhaust made normal conversation in the police car difficult.

06-15-2008, 06:55 PM
Welcome to your lesson in responsibility and authority. Now you're prepared for the next one.

06-15-2008, 08:39 PM
Go away for a weekend and I miss this gem of a thread.

Remove your fart can and tell your friend to quit being an asshole. You should both split the tickets 50/50 as you are both equally stupid. Once the tickets are settled I would seriously consider selling the 240SX for a BMW as it fits your style a little better.

Shit, son.

06-15-2008, 08:55 PM

06-15-2008, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by Toms-SC
Go away for a weekend and I miss this gem of a thread.

Remove your fart can and tell your friend to quit being an asshole. You should both split the tickets 50/50 as you are both equally stupid. Once the tickets are settled I would seriously consider selling the 240SX for a BMW as it fits your style a little better.

Shit, son.

Oh sure im going to put my stock muffler back on a car with 300whp...that should make my car run alot better..thanks for the great input. Yea it was stupid for my friend to ash out the window..but he didnt see the cop becide him. But wait? of course that makes me just as much of an idiot right? Why do you have to post such a useless fucking post? What does this have to do with me asking why they give out a ticket for a defaced license plate?

And sell my 240sx for a BMW? Why? Let me guess...because im a douche bag? Man allot of you love to assume shit on here and just make fun of people because they get tickets like this.

I wasnt doing anything out of hand for me to get all these fines...to the guy saying he was behind me at the time...If infact you were behind me...I wasnt pulling away from you that fast AT ALL...I saw a cop go into the tim hortons parking lot and drive around the lot..which is why I left right away...I know cops love to hand out these exhaust tickets and yea I will get one if the cop decides to be a prick. So as soon as that cop left...I left a few minutes later. Do you think im going to speed out of there knowing a cop is probably right around the cornor? Not likely sorry....

Keep assuming shit, All I asked was why they handed them out. Thanks for everyone that had something useful to say.

06-15-2008, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
Also get a new license plate, and how do you get a ticket for not having sidemarkers? (Unless you meant signal lights.) You will get some reprieve in court if you show them that you took the fart can off. You should also have no problem fighting the license plate (bs ticket.)

Side markers on my car are shaved...and aprearently if your tail lights dont wrap around the side of your car then you need red reflectors...fucking :bullshit:

06-15-2008, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by BlueGoblin

Hmmm... did you hear that from a friend of a friend who has a sister who once dated a guy who said he was a lawyer or did you just read it off the internet?

This is absolutely not true. Its actually very easy to look up the relevant section of the TSA-VER and see what it actually says about noisy mufflers:

It says nothing about a specific decibel level, just 'not excessive'.

You may not like it, but it comes down to what a Traffic Court Commisioner decides is reasonable. A lot of it will be decided upon based upon the description given of the noise your car made - ie the officer could hear you coming from six blocks away, or your car's exhaust made normal conversation in the police car difficult.

Excessive, interesting term, so basically you are teling me that "excessive" is at the discretion of the officer? Give me a fucking break, they are giving you idiots way too much authority. In the states, pretty much every state enforces a 95dB limit at 4 feet or something like that, taking the discretion away from the officer. Good on them, because ill tell you what, my HKS exhaust is very quiet on the hiway, and even when i mash the throttle i GUARANTEE it wouldnt exceed 95dB, but im sure a dickhead cop here will give me a ticket for "widened exhaust" I dont see these Harley with straightpipe assholes getting tickets for their exhausts...why the fuck is that? My friend happened to be at staples a week ago in his skyline, guys like me and him just go there to bullshit and talk cars and have coffee, thats it, if i want to race ill go to race city...when it stops raining. Anyways, he went to leave to go home, i know how he drives, he doesnt drive like an asshole. They pulled him over, gave him a licence plate light ticket, and a widened exhaust ticket, and he asked them why he got pulled over and he was told because he was at the back of the group leaving. Give me a fucking break CPS, dont you have better fucking things to do? If i race, and you see it, ticket me till youre blue in the face, fine. But if im just there bullshitting and hanging out, FUCK OFF, im not doing any harm to anybody.

anyways, my .002.

06-15-2008, 10:48 PM
^Whoa, take some deep breaths there, Sparky.

Little of what you posted is worth responding to, but to clairfy:
'Excessive' is up to the interpretation of the Court.

If you don't like it, speak to your MLA and lobby for changes to the Traffic Safety Act. They do revise it periodically.

I would expect that any Harley based forum would see the exact same complaints of harrassment for noisy pipes, and likewise on diesel pickup/offroad modificaiton forums.

06-16-2008, 12:33 AM
This is you.


06-16-2008, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by delco21
OK here is my rant involving this

1. I was there when you got pulled over and YES you were speeding i watched the ghost car go around me and pick up on you. I was doing 72 on cruise control and you were pulling away from me

2. YOUR exhaust is too damn loud so you probably deserved it. There was a subaru that got pulled over just up the road from you so they were watching for this shit.

We were only about 5 blocks from timmies when you got stopped so they all over the place.

ohh man, that night was fucked also i got 2 tickets, one for a widened exhaus tip, and one for tint on my front windshield..

he first told me that i was speeding when i left that parking lot.
turns out at the end of it all, i didnt even get a speeding ticket..

the cop took a knife and started picking at my tint on my windshield. i aruged saying that im allowed 15cm from the top of my windshield, hes like ur not allowed tint at all from behind the driver rear window forward.. holy shit did that piss me off.. he cut a huge chunk out.. he said he needed it as a sample, i was like for what. he said to show the court what percentage of tint u were using.. i was like it wont matter if im not allowed to tint on the front.. later on he takes a tape measurer and measurs my windshield. and iwas like so i was right huh. hes like no, i was jus measuring how long it was.. unbelievable..

they also checked my headlights, taillights, signals, DB meter on my exhaust, measured my exhaust.. they were allll over the place that night.. geez.. sorry if i kinda jacked the thread.. but man.. never going to those meets again.. that was a first.

06-16-2008, 06:22 AM
Originally posted by BlueGoblin
^Whoa, take some deep breaths there, Sparky.

Little of what you posted is worth responding to, but to clairfy:
'Excessive' is up to the interpretation of the Court.

If you don't like it, speak to your MLA and lobby for changes to the Traffic Safety Act. They do revise it periodically.

I would expect that any Harley based forum would see the exact same complaints of harrassment for noisy pipes, and likewise on diesel pickup/offroad modificaiton forums.

interpretation of the court hey, and who do they use to say weather it was loud or not...an officer....does somebody from the court come out when i get my ticket and confirm "yep its too loud", i think not, and are CPS told to use DB meters to measure the noise, doesnt look like it. So i guess it is up to the discretion of the officer now isnt it. Also, the law is so fucking vague, it basically says you arent allowed an exhaust system besides factory, period. So, my personal freedom to have something besides the stock piece of shit they put on there from the factory, is taken away, weather its louder or not. I can have a 4" exhaust outlet, and still make it quiet, its called mufflers and resonators, but im still going to have some dumbass officer pull me over and tell me its too big because the outlet is WIDENED. Fuck off. I understand that the cops dont want people racing, but they are going about it the wrong way, busting every shmoe that happens to have a "widened exhaust"

Chris Ng
06-16-2008, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by b18cr

but man.. never going to those meets again.. that was a first.

Glad to see that that the cop's methods to keep people from attending these meets are actually working..

Many will deny that they are not there to cause any trouble. but quite simply, if you are going to that timmy's, it's either to participate in or witness streetracing...

06-16-2008, 07:59 AM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki

it basically says you arent allowed an exhaust system besides factory, period.

thats pretty much EXACTLY what it says. just be thankful that we dont have CARB laws here... or when they pop ur hood youll probably get a PILE more tickets.

they tag people who go to the street racing meets because there are KNOWN street racers who go there. how are they supposed to know that you were just chilling?

im sure there are lots of people who have aftermarket exhausts who dont get tickets... but they probably dont hang around with known street racers who the cops are targetting. OR you could just put ur stock exhaust back on... that would probably help :dunno:

if you dont like the laws... write your MLA and lobby to have them changed... or stop breaking them.

06-16-2008, 10:38 AM
haha so you guys went to the tim hortons which is a known meeting spot for street racers and got busted? no wonder you got ticketed. Im sure you wont be going back which is what CPS wants.

06-16-2008, 11:48 AM
Am I the only one that goes to timmies and doesn't get harrassed?

I am kinda glad the cops are hard on people there. Maybe it will clean up that parking lot of the people that shouldn't be there. They are getting rid of the drunks, druggies, and the kids stunting every 5 seconds casue they are bored.

Unless you are legal, and drive nicley, you will be pulled over and ticketed. Eventually people will take the hint and start doing tasteful upgrades to their cars, or do burn outs in the parking lot which chip the paint on a lot of expencive cars out there.

I feel sorry for what has happened to you, but it does happen out there. And when you are not prepared to deal with it, it can be a shock. Now you know for next time. Start brainstorming on what you need to do to your car, and who to talk to about your tickets.

06-16-2008, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by Destinova403

thats pretty much EXACTLY what it says. just be thankful that we dont have CARB laws here... or when they pop ur hood youll probably get a PILE more tickets.

they tag people who go to the street racing meets because there are KNOWN street racers who go there. how are they supposed to know that you were just chilling?

im sure there are lots of people who have aftermarket exhausts who dont get tickets... but they probably dont hang around with known street racers who the cops are targetting. OR you could just put ur stock exhaust back on... that would probably help :dunno:

if you dont like the laws... write your MLA and lobby to have them changed... or stop breaking them.

You can get carb legal exhausts in the states that still do what they are supposed to, so yah...no. And as for lobby to get it changed...90% of the population wants a car to drive to a from work, and for nothing else....so yah, im sure there are lots of ppl that are going to back our cause for different exhaust laws. Like i said above..what the fuck do you mean how do they know im just chilling...if i drive out of the parking lot in a quiet and peaceful manner, fuck off, i dont need fucking tickets. If they see me break the law, give me a fucking ticket, i deserve it. As for the exhaust thing...do you have a stock exhaust on your car? do you ever plan on upgrading it? Do you think people should not have the right to upgrade it if its quiet? The law says you cant widen it...so basically that eliminates EVERY exhaust system, quiet or not. :thumbsdow

06-16-2008, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by SR240SX

Side markers on my car are shaved...and aprearently if your tail lights dont wrap around the side of your car then you need red reflectors...fucking :bullshit:
Sounds to me like you removed a useful safety device on your car. I think that ticket is 100% legit.

06-16-2008, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Chris Ng

Glad to see that that the cop's methods to keep people from attending these meets are actually working..

Many will deny that they are not there to cause any trouble. but quite simply, if you are going to that timmy's, it's either to participate in or witness streetracing...

yeah, maybe there are some of those kids still wanting to race one another but its still a meet and greet, theres even older women and old men bringing thier litttle kids to show off and check out some of the rides, such as the american muscle..

theres nothing wrong with these meets, yeah its good that the cops are grabbing those pullin outta the parking lot goin on to barlow to show off thier BOV's.

but some of us that go are actually there to jus check out some dope rides, talk, meet and jus hang out wit tuners.. it sucks that cops are on our case..

that time i got that ticket i wasnt even speeding, i know for a fact cause i knew where the cops where right before i even came to the parking lot, they pulled me over when i was headed to the second tims for a cup of coffee since the staples tim was soo busy.. they were fukn bored, and decided to inspect and try to give me tickets for anything they can on my car, they checked my signals, headlights, high beams, brakes, man.. i over heard on their radios " oh theres a red one over there go grab him, his exhaust is a loud." that pissed me off.. they were just everywhere pullin whoever over that night and grabbin them for stupid bs..

06-16-2008, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by b18cr

yeah, maybe there are some of those kids still wanting to race one another but its still a meet and greet, theres even older women and old men bringing thier litttle kids to show off and check out some of the rides, such as the american muscle..

theres nothing wrong with these meets, yeah its good that the cops are grabbing those pullin outta the parking lot goin on to barlow to show off thier BOV's.

but some of us that go are actually there to jus check out some dope rides, talk, meet and jus hang out wit tuners.. it sucks that cops are on our case..

that time i got that ticket i wasnt even speeding, i know for a fact cause i knew where the cops where right before i even came to the parking lot, they pulled me over when i was headed to the second tims for a cup of coffee since the staples tim was soo busy.. they were fukn bored, and decided to inspect and try to give me tickets for anything they can on my car, they checked my signals, headlights, high beams, brakes, man.. i over heard on their radios " oh theres a red one over there go grab him, his exhaust is a loud." that pissed me off.. they were just everywhere pullin whoever over that night and grabbin them for stupid bs..
Hey man I see exactly what you mean and I do agree that it is a pretty bullshit method of control, but you also have to realize what they have had to deal with for so many years. This Tim Horton's IS (whether you like it or not) a street race meeting spot, that's what everyone knows it as. People complain, the cops try and chill there to make sure everything is okay and the kids STILL street race and put everyone in danger. I know it sounds like fun and games but when someone crashes everyone is quick to say "oh you dumbass don't street race," including the ones who have done it before.
The cops have tried everything, and this is a final resort. People have to realize that they are fucking it up for themselves, and even if the cops are using retarded methods of prevention, as long as it works then they are happy even if you are not.

06-16-2008, 05:29 PM
Misinterpretation abounds.

61(1) A motor vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine must have an exhaust muffler that is cooling and expelling the exhaust gases from the engine without excessive noise and without producing flames or sparks.Pretty self explanatory. Yes it's at the officer's discretion. It tends to be one of those "add-on" tickets you get when you give lip. I'm not saying the OP did, I'm just saying that it tends to be that way. You won't get pulled over just to receive this ticket. For the record, any device that muffles, cools, slows, quiets, etc the exhaust gases counts as a muffler. This includes mufflers, resonators and turbochargers, among other things. Those Harley's with straight pipe's probably deserve tickets for them, and chances are if they get pulled over for speeding and give attitude, they get them.

(2) A person shall not drive or operate a motor vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine if the exhaust outlet of the muffler has been widened.This does not mean "widened compared to stock". Unfortunately that's the only solid knowledge I have. I've been given two explanations that make sense. One is that this means that the outlet (tip) is wider than the inlet of the next attached device whether that be muffler, res, cat, o2 housing, etc. There's no performance advantage for this and so no reason to do it. The second is that the tip has been manually widened, which makes less sense to me, but you deserve a ticket if you do it ;) Either way, a straight pipe doesn't deserve a ticket in this regard and 99% of aftermarket exhausts are legal.

(3) A person shall not drive or operate a motor vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine if a device is attached to the exhaust system or the muffler that increases the noise made by the expulsion of gases from the engine or allows a flame to be ignited from the exhaust system.No whistle tips, no flamethrowers. Tunes that dump fuel on closed throttle decel are legal.

If anybody has a good source on the interpretation of #2 please post here or PM me.

06-16-2008, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by SR240SX

Oh sure im going to put my stock muffler back on a car with 300whp...that should make my car run alot better..thanks for the great input.

Is that extra bit of HP worth forking out more money in tickets? Last time I got a speeding ticket, I got an extra 2 tickets because of the exhaust. In my case, the exhaust drew enough attention to get me pulled over.

Ever since I only like to use OEM exhausts. My wallet, ear drums and passengers all thank me for it.

06-16-2008, 05:57 PM
You guys hang around that Tims on a Saturday night and you wonder why your getting pulled over and ticketed :rofl: :rofl:

06-16-2008, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by 88CRX
You guys hang around that Tims on a Saturday night and you wonder why your getting pulled over and ticketed :rofl: :rofl:

Like I said before...I wasnt "hanging out" there...I went into the tim hortons..got a bottle of water...sat in my car for about 5 minutes while a cop went around the lot..then drove out..didnt leave the parking lot like a maniac..i left it like I would leave any other parking lot. Cops just like to label everyone that has a loud car or a flashy car....fuck the police, I'm sick of cops like this handing out tickets that arent affecting anyone or doing any danger to anyone. I have had maybe 8 exhaust tickets....Am I going to change my exhaust just because of this? Fuck no...You gotta pay to play!!!

06-16-2008, 07:03 PM
^ If you gotta pay to play, why are you on here bitching about it? Pay the ticket and STFU

06-16-2008, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow

Sounds to me like you removed a useful safety device on your car. I think that ticket is 100% legit.


Useful safety device? What makes it more safe? Care to share?

Next time I post something like this I guess I should just lie and say yea im an idiot I drive like a mad man and you guys should all call me a dumbass and make fun of me for it. Save you fuckers the trouble of assuming what happend.

06-16-2008, 07:07 PM
Itll be kinda funny if they start coming and busting up beyond meets for loud exhaust and other BS

06-16-2008, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by Eleanor
^ If you gotta pay to play, why are you on here bitching about it? Pay the ticket and STFU



Like I said before FUCK all I wanted to know is why they hand out a ticket for a defaced license plate and how fucked a plate would have to be to go one.

A+ for you

06-16-2008, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by SR240SX

Useful safety device? What makes it more safe? Care to share?

Uh.. visibilty of the turn signal?:dunno:

06-16-2008, 07:15 PM
omg... 8 exhaust tickets? No wonder the constable was ready to slap you with more.... you obviously havent been receiving the hints.

06-16-2008, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by schocker

Uh.. visibilty of the turn signal?:dunno:

They dont blink....Theyre reflectors...maybe a inch in length and half inch wide...

06-16-2008, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by SR240SX

Like I said before FUCK all I wanted to know is why they hand out a ticket for a defaced license plate and how fucked a plate would have to be to go one.

Well, dirt/mud on a license plate is also considered defaced, so pretty much anything will get you that ticket.

06-16-2008, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by SR240SX

They dont blink....Theyre reflectors...maybe a inch in length and half inch wide...
Well it is about visibilty at night so that people can see you from the reflector hence why rear bumpers are all ruined with reflectors also.

06-16-2008, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Well, dirt/mud on a license plate is also considered defaced, so pretty much anything will get you that ticket.

All I wanted to hear, Thank you...and it took how many stupid replies?? wow...

As for people seeing me from those reflectors...I can gaurantee you that they see my big red tail lights before a little puny reflector.

06-16-2008, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by SR240SX

Like I said before...I wasnt "hanging out" there...I went into the tim hortons..got a bottle of water...sat in my car for about 5 minutes while a cop went around the lot..then drove out..didnt leave the parking lot like a maniac..i left it like I would leave any other parking lot. Cops just like to label everyone that has a loud car or a flashy car....fuck the police, I'm sick of cops like this handing out tickets that arent affecting anyone or doing any danger to anyone. I have had maybe 8 exhaust tickets....Am I going to change my exhaust just because of this? Fuck no...You gotta pay to play!!!

I'm not trying to sound like an ass (like some people in this thread) but the cops obviously target every modified car that hangs around that tims on a Saturday night.

You have two choices.... drive a stock car to the street races/tims or don't go there at all :dunno:

I've had limo tint and a loud exhaust on my car for over 3 years and I've never once been pulled over.

06-16-2008, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by SR240SX
No the first cop was just being a total dick..and the other cop like came back up to my car and started saying shit and was being even more of a dick...they both really didnt know why they pulled me over.

When I first got pulled over my friend in the passenger seat wasnt really thinking and ashed his smoke out of the window. Of course this isnt real smart to do infront of an officer but there was no need for the officer to freak out. As soon as he ashed the cop was like "Hey you wanna ash on the ground again every little spec of ash I can see will cost you a littering ticket..then the other cop looks at my friend and hes like "Yea..Calgary is no your ashtray son,"...Then they ask for my license,registration blah blah. I gave him all my stuff and the pink slip I had was the temp one that you get from the registry when you first insure you're vehicle. Cop looks at the sheet and says.."whats this?..." Then I said "It's my pink slip...." Cop then trys to say oh this sheet isnt pink..this dosent look like a pink slip to me.

So then he asked how long my car had been insured for..I told him about a week and a half 2 weeks..He then says "This sheet is only good for 2 weeks..where is you're actual pink slip..I have never seen this and you could have just made this yourself," That there kinda pissed me off because already theyre trying to screw me over for stupid shit. I tell him to look at the sheet...which said Valid until June 19th...I then asked the cop.."are we the 19th today? No I dont beleive so..." Then hes like..."ok...just hang tight"

Then he walks away and his parter was still standing beside my car and I asked why I got pulled over. He then tells me that I was going 80 in a 70. All I said after this was "No I wasnt speeding..I know for a fact I wasnt," After saying JUST this ..the cop instantly looses it. Hes like "oh you want to give me some attitude kid? I know you were speeding dont question me..You think you're a tough guy? Well wait until I go talk to my parter and see what else we can nail you for," Then walks away....Fucking cops with absolutly nothing better to do. If they consider that beeing attitude then I guess I shouldnt even had said a single fucking word..I was extremly polite and still got shit on.
Translation: if you or your friends are dirty smokers you'll get raped by the popo.

06-16-2008, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki

If they see me break the law, give me a fucking ticket, i deserve it.

um... hate to burst the bubble there man... but they DID see you break the law... and they DID give you a ticket.

and yeah... if the majority want the laws to make cars quiet/slow/safe... than those are the laws that will be made. its how democracy works

PS: i have a Mugen Twin-Loop exhaust on order from king motor-sport for my car, so yes i am getting an after-market exhaust however the tip is very small and it looks very close to stock. however i do accept that by installing it i am breaking the law and if i get a ticket i will pay it.

06-16-2008, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Destinova403

um... hate to burst the bubble there man... but they DID see you break the law... and they DID give you a ticket.

and yeah... if the majority want the laws to make cars quiet/slow/safe... than those are the laws that will be made. its how democracy works

PS: i have a Mugen Twin-Loop exhaust on order from king motor-sport for my car, so yes i am getting an after-market exhaust however the tip is very small and it looks very close to stock. however i do accept that by installing it i am breaking the law and if i get a ticket i will pay it.

Hate to burst you're bubble bud but I got the tickets not him.

06-16-2008, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by SR240SX

Hate to burst you're bubble bud but I got the tickets not him.

actually you could read up and see both of our posts and follow our conversation.

06-16-2008, 09:11 PM
SR240SX, are you the punk that has this deafening loud car that drives around Hidden Valley Drive at about 1:30-2:00AM everynight? I am pretty sure it's your car....

06-16-2008, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by shutterbug_art8
SR240SX, are you the punk that has this deafening loud car that drives around Hidden Valley Drive at about 1:30-2:00AM everynight? I am pretty sure it's your car....

Its the car all primer? I livei n Hidden Valley...Yea my car is loud as shit...but I dont drive it around my neighborhood at 1 or 2 AM..I barely drive this car...First time I have taken it out in since last summer

06-16-2008, 09:48 PM
Can you take pictures of your can?

06-16-2008, 09:54 PM
Sure here is a pic


Dont say...Oh no wonder you got a ticket..blah blah

I know this already.

Car is also loud as fuck because my wastegate is open dump

06-16-2008, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by Destinova403
PS: i have a Mugen Twin-Loop exhaust on order from king motor-sport for my car, so yes i am getting an after-market exhaust however the tip is very small and it looks very close to stock. however i do accept that by installing it i am breaking the law and if i get a ticket i will pay it. You're not breaking the law. In fact the twin-loop is one of the quieter performance exhausts out there.

06-16-2008, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
You're not breaking the law. In fact the twin-loop is one of the quieter performance exhausts out there.

did you not see that quiet has nothing to do with it? Yes you are breaking the law, you are making your exhaust bigger than factory, therefore you are breaking the law. Any modification, under this vague piece of shit law, is considered breaking the law.

06-16-2008, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki

did you not see that quiet has nothing to do with it? Yes you are breaking the law, you are making your exhaust bigger than factory, therefore you are breaking the law. Any modification, under this vague piece of shit law, is considered breaking the law. Did you not read my post at the top of the page? "Widened exhaust" does NOT mean "wider than stock".

06-17-2008, 06:12 AM
Originally posted by Mibz
Did you not read my post at the top of the page? "Widened exhaust" does NOT mean "wider than stock".

My point is, its you against the cop, and the cop is always right unless you can give the court reason to doubt the officer. Ive fought and won my fair share of exhaust tickets, but ive also lost some, depending on the judge and what the cop says. Some judges think that exhaust tickets are a waste of time and quash them right away. Ive been told by officers that i asked why are they writing me a ticket even tho i have silencers and resonators and the response was "your exhaust is too big, its not stock, therefore you, are getting a ticket".

06-17-2008, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by Mibz

If anybody has a good source on the interpretation of #2 please post here or PM me.

Unfortunately there seems to be nothing in the way of written decisions on this section. This isn't surprising due to there being almost no written decisions in traffic court, but I would have thought that perhaps one of these may have gone to SCA in the Court of Queen's Bench. I'm just using CANLII though. If anyone has access to QuickLaw right now they might be able to do a better search.

06-17-2008, 11:14 AM
i hate cops and there BS and they enjoyment of raping any younger person with a nice car. this seems like a good thread to post this in. end of my posting in this thread

06-17-2008, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by teg_boya
i hate cops and there BS and they enjoyment of raping any younger person with a nice car.

Yes I'm sure all the cops are drooling over a 16 year old entry-level sports car, that's why they're dicks :nut:

06-17-2008, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Eleanor

Yes I'm sure all the cops are drooling over a 16 year old entry-level sports car, that's why they're dicks :nut:

sorry not nice car, i should have said nicer then the average pos none sports car with no turbo that cant go over 120km/h

06-17-2008, 11:45 AM
You liar.

Originally posted by teg_boya
end of my posting in this thread

Originally posted by teg_boya

sorry not nice car, i should have said nicer then the average pos none sports car with no turbo that cant go over 120km/h

06-17-2008, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok
You liar.

stop forcing me to defend my self and let me remove myself

06-17-2008, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by teg_boya

stop forcing me to defend my self and let me remove myself

Who is forcing you to 'defend yourself'? You post a series of words and letters which almost resemble three sentences. The first two alleged sentences seem to contain nearly random statements of opinion which contribute nothing to discussion. The final quasi-sentence appears to declare that you will post no more clever insight in this thread.

Please, go forth and contribute no more.

06-17-2008, 05:20 PM
There seems to be a drastic difference in age groups in this thread and it's easy to pick out which posts belong to which group. I hope when you grow up people don't keep linking to this thread to embarrass you.

06-17-2008, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by em2ab
There seems to be a drastic difference in age groups in this thread and it's easy to pick out which posts belong to which group.

I can see this aswell...I would fit in the "younger" age group being 21 but I do not drive like an idiot (especially around cops). Also, I was at the Tim's last Saturday when it looked more like a cop-meet rather than a car show & shine or wtv you want to call it...

Did I rip around making my BOV go nuts? Naaaa..I just chilled, spoke to some alright car people and left slowly and quietly! Did I get pulled over or followed? NOPE!

It's all in how you compose yourself...If the cop drives around the lot and sees two groups of people, one group would consist of a bunch of 18-21yr olds being loud, running about and causing a rucuss (sp?) ... The other group would consist of 4-5 cars neatly parked in a corner with a small group of people standing in a circle conversing quietly and enjoying their coffee/doughnut wtv.

Now you must keep in mind the police aren't stupid, therefor they remember what they saw 10 mins ago...So, who do you think they will keep and eye out for once people start leaving??? My $ is on the youngins...

If you get pulled over and end up getting 600$ worth of tickets, chances are you did something to deserve it (i.e. ash a rig out the window...).

Rant over.

06-17-2008, 07:52 PM
LOL.....man people just stop posting....All these posts have NOTHING to do with what im asking.

Everyone who thinks there is no way I was doing nothing wrong and I was driving stupid/ deserved the tickets , Keep thinking what you want..If you think they're arent any dick cops out there who will try to fuck you over with w.e they can then you havent met that cop yet..and once you do..and you get those bullshit ticekts..you might just understand how I feel about the whole situation.

I mean common...What cop pulls you over...says that you were speeding...then the other cop says I wasnt speeding I made an illegal left turn...then they come back with 4 tickets that had nothing to do with why they pulled me over. And the 4 tickets they gave me took them a good 15 minutes to walk around my car and inspect every little fucking thing and nail me with every ticket.

Like everyone that is sayiing oh I was there I didnt get pulled over. I'm sure you're car isnt near as loud as mine...im sure it's not as attention grabbing as mine. And if it is (not saying my car is the shit and is nicer then everyones...) Then im sure you have gotten hassled before and gotten a ticket that you really dont think you shoulda gotten.

06-18-2008, 09:44 AM
Umm, I was just adding to the previous post by explaining what I noticed Saturday night (hence the quote)...Also, you mentioned you got the answer you were looking for a few posts up so :thumbsup: to telling people to stop posting when you have said the same thing over and over again & already got what you wanted out of this thread.

-I suggest you DO NOT go to Tim's this Saturday as it will be very nice out = lot's of lil piggies looking for loud fart cans...

C'est fini mon ami!