View Full Version : Macbook Pro Help

06-16-2008, 09:28 PM
So after being a solid PC fan for many years, I've finally just given up on it, I've gone through something like 9 laptops in the past 3 years, or maybe it was 8, and have finally decided just to get a Macbook pro. I'm going off to uni this september and just had a few questions for those that already have the new version with the penrynn processors. Is there that big of a difference between the 2.4 and the 2.5 ghz processor in terms of noticable speed, because I know there's a little bit more cache, as well have any of you guys had big enough problems to deem getting applecare. Some friends say you don't need it, but I live by it religiously after bricking 3 ipods and going through countless other incidents, any advice and recommendations would be great.

06-16-2008, 10:35 PM
id suggest applecare but not at full price, look at www.sigelectronics.com and get it from there or maybe ebay?...other than that its a good laptop

06-17-2008, 09:25 AM
MBP 2.5, nice.

I've never needed Applecare.

06-17-2008, 04:43 PM
i've got the newest rev 2.5ghz mbp and it's amazing. :thumbsup:

06-17-2008, 10:22 PM
again just for your info: