View Full Version : I guess I'll properly introduce myself as well

06-18-2008, 11:17 PM
Let's see, I found this site through a Youtube video about the stolen Skyline. I registered and lurked for awhile but only recently began posting. I live in the Los Angeles area, and the only time I've been to Calgary was to catch a connecting flight to Regina.

So yeah, hey there everyone!

06-18-2008, 11:56 PM
Welcome. Stay a bit longer the next time you're in the vicinity.

06-19-2008, 12:09 AM
Welcome to the site.

I just got back from a two week vacation in Cali on Sunday. Hit up San Jose, San Fran, LA and San Diego. Nice place to live man...I noticed every city I went to everyone was reppin their sports teams lol

ie San Fran had Giants hats everywhere, La was obviously Laker town etc.

Anyways, hope you enjoy the site!

06-19-2008, 12:51 AM
I'll be sure to check out Calgary when I get time.

And yeah, assuming you're near the water and not inland it's really nice but expensive as hell! At least $2000/month for a 2 bedroom apartment on the beach :eek:

06-19-2008, 08:01 AM
sounds about like what prices are here;)

06-19-2008, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by Mr_ET
sounds about like what prices are here;)

I was just about to say the same!

06-19-2008, 10:05 AM
When I was there we were staying with a buddy of mine in San Jose for a bit who's there for schooling to become a chiropractor. He has two roommates and they pay $700/mo for rent EACH, and utilities etc are not included! :eek:

That is WAY MORE than it is here. It's a nice two-bedroom apartment but still pretty pricey, and I've been told that's cheap down there.