View Full Version : Legal Files: Gallery of Fine Cars threatens to sue beyond.ca

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06-19-2008, 03:08 PM
I've decided since I'm spending so much money on lawyers every year, that I might as well post up the things we get.

I just checked our beyond emails, and got this today.

From: Justin Klee
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 5:27 PM
Subject: The Gallery of fine cars/legal action against beyond.ca

To whom this may concern,

Over the past 2 or so years we have received some very negitive publicity from your website www.beyond.ca. We neither have the time or patience anymore to respond to these very untrue, biased blogs on your website and will be filing a class action suit against www.beyond.ca and any of its owners if The Gallery of fine cars is further mentioned hereforth in its website. We would also like any prior posts, blogs or mentions deleted from your system asap. We have set an appropriate deadline of June 23/2008 for someone to either respond or the above actions to be resolved otherwise we will be dealing with this in a legal manner. Thank you.

Justin Klee/Adriano Aprile
The Gallery of Fine Cars Inc.
1305 33rd Street NE
Calgary, AB T2E 6S8

I replied with this:

Hi Justin.

As you are probably aware, there are nearly 2.5 million posts on beyond, and the moderation team can not and does not read every post on the forums, nor can we authenticate the accuracy of every post. The content of each post lies with the users that write them, as clearly stated in our Terms of Use. We do not remove threads or posts because someone simply asks us to, this has been and always will be our style of moderation to allow our users a right to express their opinion, good or bad, even for sponsors of our site. We usually get requests after a reply like this to release information of users posting unfavorable opinions of you and/or your business, so I would like to inform you in advance that unless we are required to by a court order, such information will not be disclosed, again, as stated in our Terms of Use.

If you have specific posts that you feel are untrue, feel free to forward them to me and I will inform the user in question to modify or delete their post (each user has such a right). I personally recommend you use our Private Message system to communicate with the users directly, as it’s much faster than to have us perform the task.

If you still wish to proceed through a legal path (honestly, we get about 10 of these a year and you’ll be just wasting your money), you can forward your claim to our legal counsel for such matters at Bennett Jones.

Just a quick warning to those that have posted about Gallery of Fine Cars, if what you posted is the truth or opinion, there is nothing they can do legally to beyond.ca or to you. Hell, we even get money back when we counter sue for wasting our time.

If, however, what you posted is not the truth, then they can have a court order to have us remove the post, release your information, and they can sue you directly.

06-19-2008, 03:11 PM
Oh ya, I forgot to mention, they should really check to see what a class action lawsuit is.

06-19-2008, 03:13 PM
You rule! lol :thumbsup:

06-19-2008, 03:13 PM
:eek: not another lawsuit, lets hope everything turns out on beyond favor:thumbsup:

06-19-2008, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by SCHIDER23
:eek: not another lawsuit, lets hope everything turns out on beyond favor:thumbsup:

There is no lawsuit unless we mention The Gallery of Fine Cars again on beyond... Oh wait. I just mentioned them.


06-19-2008, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by rage2
Oh ya, I forgot to mention, they should really check to see what a class action lawsuit is. I was gonna say.... That's hilarious.

06-19-2008, 03:15 PM
:rofl: Rage 1 - Gallery 0

Round 2 "ding ding ding"


06-19-2008, 03:16 PM
Man, it would take a full day to delete all the negative comments about them! Run your business professionally and you won't have all these problems.

(honestly, we get about 10 of these a year and you’ll be just wasting your money)

:rofl: :bigpimp:

06-19-2008, 03:16 PM
Last time I checked, this was still a free country and we're entitled to our opinions. Same goes for sharing our opinions with our friends...

06-19-2008, 03:16 PM
A lawsuit brought by one or more plaintiffs on behalf of a large group of others who have a common interest.

06-19-2008, 03:18 PM
ya that shows how shitty of a company they are if they make a bad reputation for themselves then try and clean it up by sueing the people that they treated like shit...

06-19-2008, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by rage2
Oh ya, I forgot to mention, they should really check to see what a class action lawsuit is.

Haha, that was the first thing I noticed.

06-19-2008, 03:23 PM
see... and thats what i love about rage... he protects us and our right to an honest oppinion/free speach :love:

06-19-2008, 03:23 PM
So I guess a good example of a class action suit would be their prior customers stuck with their fine cars :rofl:

a social dsease
06-19-2008, 03:28 PM
Gallery of Fine Cars SUCKS!!

oh shit!!!

I'm gonna get sued! :rofl: :rofl:

06-19-2008, 03:28 PM
man, such cry babies

+1 for beyond

06-19-2008, 03:29 PM

06-19-2008, 03:29 PM
Wow Gallery of Fine Cars is sueing beyond, I didn't know that.

Amazing that Gallery of Fine Cars would do that, I guess the Gallery of Fine Cars has to do what they have to do but a member's opinion is just that, an opinion.

I take it there are some members of beyond.ca that think less of the Gallery of Fine Cars. Could you say that user opinions of the Gallery of Fine Cars is less than favorable?

I didn't know exactly what "Gallery" meant so I looked it up. Did you know that a group of people watching a tennis match are called a gallery?
I also discovered that People go to a Gallery to look at art. I suppose fine cars could be considered art. So if there were fine cars in the Gallery of Fine Cars they could be called a gallery.

06-19-2008, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by rage2
Oh ya, I forgot to mention, they should really check to see what a class action lawsuit is.

:rofl: I really hope that wasn't written by a lawyer, hahaha.

I like their tactics though, who needs negative publicity from Beyond forum members, when you can just make some yourself!

Originally posted by Destinova403
he protects us and our right to an honest oppinion/free speach :love:

Sorry, you only get free speech on beyond if you spell properly.

Thanks for posting this Rage. :thumbsup:

06-19-2008, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by teg_boya
ya that shows how shitty of a company they are if they make a bad reputation for themselves then try and clean it up by sueing the people that they treated like shit...



06-19-2008, 03:31 PM
All they have done is created another negitive beyond thread about them. lol

Keep digging.....:banghead:

The Cosworth
06-19-2008, 03:32 PM
cant sue people for slander in canada :thumbsup:

06-19-2008, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by alloroc
Wow Gallery of Fine Cars is sueing beyond, I didn't know that.

Amazing that Gallery of Fine Cars would do that, I guess the Gallery of Fine Cars has to do what they have to do but a member's opinion is just that, an opinion.

I take it there are some members of beyond.ca that think less of the Gallery of Fine Cars. Could you say that user opinions of the Gallery of Fine Cars is less than favorable?

I didn't know exactly what "Gallery" meant so I looked it up. Did you know that a group of people watching a tennis match are called a gallery?
I also discovered that People go to a Gallery to look at art. I suppose fine cars could be considered art. So if there were fine cars in the Gallery of Fine Cars they could be called a gallery.

google search bots :rofl: :rofl:

06-19-2008, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola

Sorry, you only get free speech on beyond if you spell properly.

sorry... i usually try to spell things correctly but sometimes typos make it through. Allow me to correct myself: "Opinion"

although my grammar is always bad, so i rarely even try with it anymore.

06-19-2008, 03:33 PM
Are these the same guys that use to own Hot Wheels?

Post up their reply! I want to know what they say next haha

06-19-2008, 03:39 PM
ya Justin Klee is the owner of the gallery/ hot wheels these guys are a joke I’ve done alot of research and found some super shady things about this company and their cars here's hoping they go out of business!....+1 for rage being a god :love:

06-19-2008, 03:40 PM
Have to bump this thread up on the google search:

gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars gallery of fine cars

06-19-2008, 03:41 PM
:rofl: I think they googled themselves and found that the beyond links were the second thing that came up... I bet this won't go anywhere sounds a lot more like an attempt to bully rage :|

06-19-2008, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by alloroc
Wow Gallery of Fine Cars is sueing beyond, I didn't know that.

Amazing that Gallery of Fine Cars would do that, I guess the Gallery of Fine Cars has to do what they have to do but a member's opinion is just that, an opinion.

I take it there are some members of beyond.ca that think less of the Gallery of Fine Cars. Could you say that user opinions of the Gallery of Fine Cars is less than favorable?

I didn't know exactly what "Gallery" meant so I looked it up. Did you know that a group of people watching a tennis match are called a gallery?
I also discovered that People go to a Gallery to look at art. I suppose fine cars could be considered art. So if there were fine cars in the Gallery of Fine Cars they could be called a gallery.

I think i read some where on here that doing that doesnt help the google search you have to word it like this

06-19-2008, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola
:rofl: I really hope that wasn't written by a lawyer, hahaha.
No, usually email threats like this are written before they even talk to their lawyers. After my reply, that's usually when they decide to pay for their lawyer to try to deal with it.

Not that lawyers can't be ridiculous. Here's another one from earlier this year that we dealt with.




I seriously think that ppl that threaten us think that this site is run by a bunch of kids. I use lawyers at most of the top firms in town and let them handle all this stuff. In the above case, the BD&P lawyer in question actually worked on a project with me about 2-3 years before and forgot, so he was conflicted off the case. The client got a new lawyer after realizing I'm not some punk behind a keyboard, talked to my lawyer in a rational manner, talked with the user that made the offending post, and resolved it once the user realizes that he got the story wrong. That was detailed here:


06-19-2008, 03:51 PM
^^^ Yeah, Thanks again for that rage, You rock my socks

06-19-2008, 03:55 PM
i like the whois data there, it is like they just learned to use google:rofl:

06-19-2008, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by rage2


LOL, I remember that, surprised I didn't post in that thread...

You have to post this stuff when it happens, entertaining read.

06-19-2008, 03:58 PM
gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary

Added Calgary in there

06-19-2008, 03:59 PM
I wouldn't put myself in a position to lose a case. If you've seen my posts in the legal section here, I know a lot about law.

I mean if I wrote something defamatory (which I won't) and I got a bullshit threat, hell ya I'd remove it before it even gets to the lawyers.

It's too bad I hate school, I think I would've been a great lawyer.

06-19-2008, 04:00 PM
LOL... its up on the home page now :clap: :clap:

06-19-2008, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by Destinova403
LOL... its up on the home page now :clap: :clap:

Haha wow thats up fast! no body is going to miss that now! lol.

I love all the links to the old threads also lol.

06-19-2008, 04:04 PM
:thumbsup: Rage2

Class action lawsuit?? Hahaha...these guys must be smrt.


06-19-2008, 04:06 PM
Fact: I heard some guy named Frank bought a car from the Gallery of Fine Cars and now he's dead.

Need I say more?

06-19-2008, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by rmk
gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary

Added Calgary in there

#7 already! with Calgary it is #5

06-19-2008, 04:07 PM
Lol @ home page news story :rofl:

The Cosworth
06-19-2008, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by TKRIS
Fact: I heard some guy named Frank bought a car from the Gallery of Fine Cars and now he's dead.

Need I say more?



06-19-2008, 04:08 PM
That grammar is RIDICULARS!

Thanks GoFC for giving me an opportunity to use that word.

06-19-2008, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by rmk
gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary

Added Calgary in there

:rofl: :rofl: The INTERNETS IS HERE

06-19-2008, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by 88CRX
Lol @ home page news story :rofl:
this is getting rediculars already. really sheds a negitive on GALLERY OF FINE CARS

06-19-2008, 04:12 PM
It really only takes a day to delete a post so I’m not sure why we were given so much time to do it anyway but I digress

lol so true. if beyond had any intention of deleting posts, it would have been done already. Gallery ftl

06-19-2008, 04:16 PM
This is glorious!!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Rage gets sued and makes a thread about it for everyone to laugh at! I love it!

Rage, are you the sole owner of beyond?

06-19-2008, 04:18 PM
Weren't they a one time sponsor on here too?

They should learn something from the other tools that tried to sue Beyond, rage2 and crew don't fuck around. :guns:

06-19-2008, 04:18 PM
This just in:

Free Speech Nazi's found working at Gallery of Fine Cars. The Simon Wiesenthal Center is already on the case!

06-19-2008, 04:21 PM
gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary gallery of fine cars calgary

06-19-2008, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by The Cosworth



There was this innocent little 10 year old boy, and he went for a test drive with his dad in a car from The Gallery of Fine Cars.

A few months later, he found out that he had 3 cavities. The dentist couldn't say whether or not the events were related, but I think the evidence is pretty clear...

06-19-2008, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by The Cosworth
cant sue people for slander in canada :thumbsup:
Can you counter sue them for being idiots?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
God damn I love this place!

Oh and I should add:
Gallery of Fine Cars
to boost it up on Google lol

06-19-2008, 04:29 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


06-19-2008, 04:29 PM
this. website. rocks.

06-19-2008, 04:31 PM
I'm enjoying the Google thing.

Gallery of Fine Cars douchenozzles Gallery of Fine Cars douchenozzles....

06-19-2008, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Jlude
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


:rofl: :rofl:

Definitely not doing themselves any favors.

06-19-2008, 04:39 PM

06-19-2008, 04:39 PM
i wonder what would happen if this started spreading around the internet like a few other beyond threads:dunno:

06-19-2008, 04:40 PM
repeating the keywords wont do much, it will actually decrease the ranking :)

If you want the thread to show up for the search term, link to the thread or blog post using the keywords you want to target from another site.

<a href="http://www.beyond.ca/gallery-of-fine-cars-threatens-beyondca/186.html">Gallery of Fine Cars</a>

Gallery of Fine Cars (http://www.beyond.ca/gallery-of-fine-cars-threatens-beyondca/186.html)

The Cosworth
06-19-2008, 04:40 PM
^^ already posted on mitsunation!

06-19-2008, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by schocker
i wonder what would happen if this started spreading around the internet like a few other beyond threads:dunno:

Everyone should start Digging it and see what happens.

06-19-2008, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by Jlude
Rage, are you the sole owner of beyond?
No, kenny and I own it.


06-19-2008, 05:20 PM
GoFC is getting ownnnned.

06-19-2008, 05:39 PM
"class action" law suit haha. And if they are going to sue for defamation, it would require that the information given by beyond members is false. From what I gather, the information is looking quite accurate.

06-19-2008, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by TKRIS
Fact: I heard some guy named Frank bought a car from the Gallery of Fine Cars and now he's dead.

Need I say more?

i heard frank died of aids, i wonder where he got it :dunno:

06-19-2008, 06:04 PM
ha ha Beyond.ca you have nothing to worry about :thumbsup:

06-19-2008, 06:12 PM
Looking forward to seeing where this goes.:D

06-19-2008, 06:18 PM
going to express my freedom of speech being a canadian and a senior member on this forum:

Gallery of fine cars, choke on a dick plz kk thx.

06-19-2008, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by The Cosworth
cant sue people for slander in canada :thumbsup:

Gallery of Fine Cars isn't claiming slander. Whatever they claim that is defamatory has been written on the forums, so in other words published on these forums. Which is libel and not slander.

Slander = Defamatory statement with no permanent record, usually spoken.

Libel = Defamatory statement that is published in a permanent manner or a manner that can deemed to be permanent.

Plus for a defamation claim to be successful in first place, the statements made have to be false. If they are accurate there is no claim. So if everything that has been said here against them is true, they can suck a defective dick just like their cars.

Rage I say you go to law school and both of us can start our own law firm and we can deal with all the lawsuits ourselves. Plus you won't have to hire B&J. :rofl:

06-19-2008, 06:24 PM
amazing what you can find on the internet

beyond ftw

06-19-2008, 06:25 PM
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06-19-2008, 06:28 PM
In regards to ^^^

Originally posted by kenny
repeating the keywords wont do much, it will actually decrease the ranking :)

If you want the thread to show up for the search term, link to the thread or blog post using the keywords you want to target from another site.

<a href="http://www.beyond.ca/gallery-of-fine-cars-threatens-beyondca/186.html">Gallery of Fine Cars</a>

Gallery of Fine Cars (http://www.beyond.ca/gallery-of-fine-cars-threatens-beyondca/186.html)

I think this needs to be repeated.

06-19-2008, 06:30 PM
^^hahah werd! But props to the guy for the effort though.

06-19-2008, 06:42 PM
Pretty funny stuff.

Bottom line is that anyone can say pretty much anything on public forums and there is nothing any one can really do about it. Rage has a small penis. Worst case, have the forum owners remove the information. But in general the law has always sided with that little thing we have in Canada called FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

I don't really have an opinion of GOFC - but they're clearly ignorant of the law. Besides, why bother with little beyond.ca when they should be trying to bitch slap GOOGLE.

GOOGLE is the one who is responsible for having their fine establishment portrayed to the average internet user as a problematic company. I mean, GOOGLE is the way people are going to find this company, not beyond.ca.

I doubt anyone who wanted to know anything about GOFC went to Beyond.ca looking for the information. They probably started out with GOOGLE.

So fucking sue GOOGLE!

And while your at it, since you're such big shots, you might as well sue MICROSOFT too - since those two are the primary shitbag companies facilitating the easy access to this horrible information on The Gallery of fine cars Calgary.


the gallery
06-19-2008, 06:49 PM
We usually dont reply to beyond as most of the information posted by individuals is very biased and far from the truth...but just to clarify a few issues.......

a) "chop shop", "stolen cars" and "salvage vehicles from the US" do not exist at the Gallery....im sure the police would be involved or amvic
b)we do 2 types of deposits.....refundable which is explained clearly to the individual signing the contract in 3 seperate lines that this is solely holding the price of the car and there are usually written conditions of the deposit for the Gallery and the individual ie. subject to financing, subject to vehicle availability, if they change there mind and so on and then there is non refundable where the deposit is kept if they walk away from the car. Crystal clear on all contracts.
c)yes....we have encountered maybe 10 or so incidents with vehicles sold that we have either fixed to the best of our ability or resolved some other way...that is why all of our vehicles are warranted by the Gallery for 30 days from purchase. We do offer the extended warranty from GMAC (GM warranty) but this is solely up to the client upon purchase. Things do happen as they are used cars and we try our best to rectofy the problem.
d)we understand what class action means and we are not the dealership with concerns at beyond.ca. It is not the website itself but some of the members who continue to slander and bash existing business without any truth or regard for there actions. We merely wanted beyond.ca to remove or regulate these harsh comments but now it is a public issue.

06-19-2008, 06:49 PM
LOL , thats to funny .. hmmmm The Gallery of fine cars Calgary!

06-19-2008, 06:52 PM
:werd: :werd:

Just like everyone has said, Beyond.ca or any of the users that have posted, can not and should not get in trouble for the postings..
Most of these threads that are about the Gallery of fine cars Calgary start with a user posting a question, or stating an experience there....
Then people are coming in simply posting what there experiences were with the gallery of fine cars calgary...

There is nothing wrong with that...

Same with people being allowed to write good reviews for companies or businesses online...

06-19-2008, 06:53 PM
This is not the US of A and even if it was these jokers still would not win this "class action" lawsuit.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

06-19-2008, 06:55 PM
Beyond ftw. :clap:

GOFC just screwed themselves because the beyond threads pop up as 2nd, 3rd and 4th links on google.:whipped:

PS: This is worse than that lady suing for the defective thong.

the gallery
06-19-2008, 06:58 PM
We are not trying to edit, ban or remove postings good or bad....just get rid of the stuff that is slanderious and untrue.

06-19-2008, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by the gallery
We usually dont reply to beyond as most of the information posted by individuals is very biased and far from the truth...but just to clarify a few issues.......

a) &quot;chop shop&quot;, &quot;stolen cars&quot; and &quot;salvage vehicles from the US&quot; do not exist at the Gallery....im sure the police would be involved or amvic
b)we do 2 types of deposits.....refundable which is explained clearly to the individual signing the contract in 3 seperate lines that this is solely holding the price of the car and there are usually written conditions of the deposit for the Gallery and the individual ie. subject to financing, subject to vehicle availability, if they change there mind and so on and then there is non refundable where the deposit is kept if they walk away from the car. Crystal clear on all contracts.
c)yes....we have encountered maybe 10 or so incidents with vehicles sold that we have either fixed to the best of our ability or resolved some other way...that is why all of our vehicles are warranted by the Gallery for 30 days from purchase. We do offer the extended warranty from GMAC (GM warranty) but this is solely up to the client upon purchase. Things do happen as they are used cars and we try our best to rectofy the problem.
d)we understand what class action means and we are not the dealership with concerns at beyond.ca. It is not the website itself but some of the members who continue to slander and bash existing business without any truth or regard for there actions. We merely wanted beyond.ca to remove or regulate these harsh comments but now it is a public issue.

Hey question for you there Chief: If you put as much effort into running your business as you did writing that 10 line post, do you think your company would still (in my opinion) suck as much balls as it currently does?

06-19-2008, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by the gallery
We usually dont reply to beyond as most of the information posted by individuals is very biased and far from the truth...but just to clarify a few issues.......

a) &quot;chop shop&quot;, &quot;stolen cars&quot; and &quot;salvage vehicles from the US&quot; do not exist at the Gallery....im sure the police would be involved or amvic
b)we do 2 types of deposits.....refundable which is explained clearly to the individual signing the contract in 3 seperate lines that this is solely holding the price of the car and there are usually written conditions of the deposit for the Gallery and the individual ie. subject to financing, subject to vehicle availability, if they change there mind and so on and then there is non refundable where the deposit is kept if they walk away from the car. Crystal clear on all contracts.
c)yes....we have encountered maybe 10 or so incidents with vehicles sold that we have either fixed to the best of our ability or resolved some other way...that is why all of our vehicles are warranted by the Gallery for 30 days from purchase. We do offer the extended warranty from GMAC (GM warranty) but this is solely up to the client upon purchase. Things do happen as they are used cars and we try our best to rectofy the problem.
d)we understand what class action means and we are not the dealership with concerns at beyond.ca. It is not the website itself but some of the members who continue to slander and bash existing business without any truth or regard for there actions. We merely wanted beyond.ca to remove or regulate these harsh comments but now it is a public issue.

People have the right to relay their experiences - and that's really the end of the story. It's something that all companies need to keep in mind with how they practice business.

If someone was under the impression that they were giving you money to hold a car - and let's face it - anyone who gives you a deposit is giving it to you to HOLD a car ... well, if you sold that car to someone else after that deposit was placed, you made a fairly serious judgement error thinking it wouldn't at all bother the folks who put down the deposit.

Bottom line is very simple, it's a business, and some people will have good experiences and some people won't - as a business, it's your job to make sure the customer is always happy so these things don't happen. With the internet nowadays, you're really quite screwed if someone does want to tell their story. It's very easy to do, and literally tens of thousands or even millions of people can be reached very quickly.

This is a good reason why you don't do silly things with your business.

But, on a bright note, as this thread gets more reads and views - and eventually overtakes your own web site on Google, perhaps every single customer you have in the future will walk away happy because you'll never do anything silly, like, I dunno, selling a car which already had a deposit on it. I know it's a simple thing. But it pissed at least one person off. And if you did it to me it would piss me off too. So I don't think that person is out of line.

Oh, and great news for you - I'd never really heard of you before. So look at it this way, this was great advertising. See, before this thread I never could have bought a car from you because I had no clue who GOFC was. Now I do - and since I know who you are and what you sell, it is now possible I could become a customer of yours. So you should probably put a small cheque in the mail payable to beyond.ca for advertising. It's the right thing to do.

06-19-2008, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by rage2

No, kenny and I own it.


:rofl: your own wikipedia entry.... lmao :D

06-19-2008, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by Toma

:rofl: your own wikipedia entry.... lmao :D

Fucking ballers probably made it themselves.

Rage has a small penis (I saw it first hand).

I didn't see that anywhere in the wikipedia entry!!! :dunno:

06-19-2008, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Xamim
Beyond ftw. :clap:

GOFC just screwed themselves because the beyond threads pop up as 2nd, 3rd and 4th links on google.:whipped:

PS: This is worse than that lady suing for the defective thong.

It just gets better and better!

06-19-2008, 07:13 PM
Prove that the comments are not true the gallery of fine cars

06-19-2008, 07:20 PM
another epic thread.... this is going to be a great year.

+1 on advertising cheque.

06-19-2008, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by analbumcover
Prove that the comments are not true the gallery of fine cars

werd... otherwise even if this does make it to court... itll turn into your word against the members word and the case would be thrown out.

06-19-2008, 07:25 PM
It's actually quite amusing how when one of these threads pop-up the company in question like The Gallery of Fine Cars Calgary joins beyond and tries to defend itself. :thumbsup: :rofl:

the gallery
06-19-2008, 07:46 PM
Zfan.....as we stated before the Client is fully aware of what type deposit they are putting down.....they actually sign 3 different spots on the bill of sale and are given the same copy we keep....people bitch if we keep the deposits when they lie about there credit, change there mind, etc etc so we had to come up with an alternative.....I bet those same people failed to mention that we try numerous times to contact them before we sell the car on them.....always to sides to every story...the only problem it seems that everyone likes to ride the negitive ones....contact the other 700 clients we sold vehicles to in the last year...im sure 10 out of 700 is pretty good....its not like we are trying to take advantage of people.....just trying to offer the best possible product at a lower price unlike the other dealers.....why dont you bash bmw for there admin fees and gross profits on cars??

06-19-2008, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by the gallery
just trying to offer the best possible product at a lower price unlike the other dealers.....why dont you bash bmw for there admin fees and gross profits on cars??
check the forum, people do bitch about bmw prices, hence the importing threads.

Originally posted by the gallery
.....always to sides to every story...

always a W in the word two!

06-19-2008, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by defekt1
It's actually quite amusing how when one of these threads pop-up the company in question like The Gallery of Fine Cars Calgary joins beyond and tries to defend itself. :thumbsup: :rofl: Always results in an epic fail!!! :thumbsdow :rofl:

06-19-2008, 08:15 PM
Though the question was directed at ZFan, I would not bash BMW because BMW, and by that I mean Calgary BMW, has been honest about their product -to my knowledge- about any question that I have had for them.

I was blatently lied to in the Gallery of Fine Cars within minutes of walking in the door. In fact the lie was about the third sentence spoken by the salesman, assuming he gave me his actual name in the first sentence.

I am not normally one to ascribe a malicious motive where incompetence will suffice. That being said, When I caught the salesman in his lie, he changed his story completely and absurdly without acknowledging the lie. This, I have read, is one trait demonstrated by psychopaths. I am not a mental health expert, so I make no claims in this regard.

Without making a long story longer, I walked in to the Gallery and went up to a car that I had seen online. I was approached by a salesman. He welcomed me to the Gallery and introduced himself, before asking if I was interested in the car. I noted that it had a metric speedometer so I asked if it was a Canadian car. He said that yes it was not only a Canadian car, but it was a local car as well. I opened the door and checked the VIN plate, which was unsurprisingly in Imperial. I pointed this out. The salesman then, without missing a beat, told me that sure, it was initially obtained in the US but brought up to Calgary when it was brand new, and owned and maintained locally. Strangely enough, there was no written history available.

the gallery
06-19-2008, 08:16 PM
Jlude....this is why we were never a memberof beyond.ca...you are too focused on finding typo's in our responses and all the negitive things you can find.....perfect example of why we are on here in the first place.....we dont mind the negitive, not at all....just the stories.....

06-19-2008, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by the gallery
Jlude....this is why we were never a memberof beyond.ca...you are too focused on finding typo's in our responses and all the negitive things you can find.....perfect example of why we are on here in the first place.....we dont mind the negitive, not at all....just the stories.....

Just jokin with ya bud....

On a serious not, perhaps you could address the story two posts up?

06-19-2008, 08:19 PM
nbaker00 has been selling used cars, why is no one bashing him?
You should realize that you don't deserve a fucking cookie for doing what you're supposed to, which is treating people properly, being honest, and doing everything you can to keep the customer happy, but you do deserve to be humiliated if you DON'T treat someone properly, regardless of what the reason is. You're running a business and it is not YOU who decides what the customer wants, it's the customer.

06-19-2008, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by the gallery
Jlude....this is why we were never a memberof beyond.ca...you are too focused on finding typo's in our responses and all the negitive things you can find.....perfect example of why we are on here in the first place.....we dont mind the negitive, not at all....just the stories.....
hes just stating that you can't really spell. and i found 2 spelling errors.

the gallery
06-19-2008, 08:24 PM
I agree...our salesmen do make mistakes or sometimes lie if they dont fully know the answer....we usually do not have any U.S vehicles in our shop as we did not follow the wave of people buying from the U.S. It was probably an honest mistake but he is also the SALESGUY!! If you really want to know where the car came from....what was repaired or any other important info you should really ask for either the owner or do your own homework....The complaints we are talking about are directed at The Gallery......not at the staff....we at the Gallery try to give young guys a shot at working in the car business and its a shame that you are all over him for a little screw up.....

06-19-2008, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by the gallery
Jlude....this is why we were never a memberof beyond.ca...you are too focused on finding typo's in our responses and all the negitive things you can find.....perfect example of why we are on here in the first place.....we dont mind the negitive, not at all....just the stories.....

I know this isn't addressed to me, but when you don't take the time to type in proper sentences or even just simple spelling, people really don't want to read your comments. If you're serious about negotiating the posts on this site, maybe you should learn to talk in a professional manner..just a suggestion.

By the way, isn't The Gallery of Fine Cars open until 9pm on a thursday night? Maybe if you got off this website and gave some customer service instead of arguing with people online...people wouldn't be flaming your company..

the gallery
06-19-2008, 08:26 PM

Thats funny...probably cause he doesnt move 500 cars/year and have a 65 car indoor showroom....