View Full Version : Supernatural Stories

06-24-2008, 01:00 PM
Found this thread on the VW Vortex Forum.
Pretty entertaining, especially user Ponyone's story on the first page.


While were on this topic, Has anyone here experienced anything "Supernatural" in their lives?

lets share.

06-24-2008, 01:22 PM
I've asked this in a previous thread, but has anyone felt hands or seen phantom people on 22X?

On a side note, the plant I work at has some haunted well skid buildings.. Or so it's claimed.

I've only had minor experiences like sudden anxiety and panic, but one time I saw a black image whisp by a window in a building where it would be only me. I was driving my truck to the site. Kinda wierd.

Fellow co-worker seen a ghastly image of a body with no head. Later on I found out a female arborist got beheaded doing a job just off of our plant site.

o0o0oo0o Scary ;)

06-24-2008, 01:23 PM
No such thing.

If you think you have, well you were either dreaming, hallucinating, or have serious mental issues.

06-24-2008, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe
No such thing.

If you think you have, well you were either dreaming, hallucinating, have spent waaaay too much money at lunch or have serious mental issues.


06-24-2008, 01:30 PM
:rofl: ^^^

06-24-2008, 01:37 PM
This thread will fail.

People will come out in full force to argue to the death that you are wrong.

I have good stories, but I won't even bother sharing them.

06-24-2008, 01:37 PM
In the early 90's my sister and I were driving in the forest in Ontario, it was around 12am one summer's evening.

While we were driving a bright light flew across the windshield at a really fast speed, probably about 40 feet ahead of us. It was like a shiny white light, and it was probably the size of a football or so.

To this day I have absolutely no idea what it could have been. Probably the closest thing to supernatural I can think of.

Ohh, actually, there's one more thing. In my old house in Ontario my cousin and I were playing catch with a tennis ball in my basement. After playing for awhile he threw the ball, just like every other time. I didn't catch it, I saw it bounce and then it went behind a chair and I couldn't find it.

A few minutes later I went upstairs for a drink of water and the tennis ball was in the cupboard with the glasses. :nut:

06-24-2008, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe
No such thing.

If you think you have, well you were either dreaming, hallucinating, have spent waaaay too much money at lunch or have serious mental issues.

now that's some funny shit.

06-24-2008, 01:40 PM
Back in Bosnia, I was 7 years old. I lived at my grandmas house as my parents were in germany.

Our neighbours farm was about 200 feet away from ours. This happened around midnight as my grandpa would meet up with his friends at our house and go outside in the field with their rifles (War was starting in bosnia) they had a huge hole dug in the ground that they would sit in and keep a watch of the surroundings in case intruders came near the house.

Anyways, shortly after my grandpa ran in the house waking everyone up and telling us to look out the window.
Our neighbour was outside sleepwalking, and was walking up a flight of stairs...EXCEPT there were NO stairs, dude was walking on air and kept going higher and higher.

No one dared to call his name in case he woke up and fell. He made it on the roof of his house and i have no idea what happened after that as my grandma made me go back to bed.

our neighbour doesnt remember any of it apparently.

06-24-2008, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola
In the early 90's my sister and I were driving in the forest in Ontario, it was around 12am one summer's evening.

While we were driving a bright light flew across the windshield at a really fast speed, probably about 40 feet ahead of us. It was like a shiny white light, and it was probably the size of a football or so.

What were the conditions like? Sunny, dark, cold, hot, raining, overcast?

06-24-2008, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe

What were the conditions like? Sunny, dark, cold, hot, raining, overcast?

It was nice, middle of summer, clear skies. 12am in Ontario, so it wasn't sunny.

06-24-2008, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola

It was nice, middle of summer, clear skies. 12am in Ontario, so it wasn't sunny.

So pitch black out, and you were certain the skies were clear? You saw stars? Any bodies of water near by?

adam c
06-24-2008, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe

So pitch black out, and you were certain the skies were clear? You saw stars? Any bodies of water near by?

isn't there an expensive lunch calling ur name somewhere?

06-24-2008, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe

So pitch black out, and you were certain the skies were clear? You saw stars? Any bodies of water near by?

Yup, stars, and plenty of water. Outside of Thunder Bay, Lake Superior is really close, and there a tonnes of other little lakes around.

06-24-2008, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola

Yup, stars, and plenty of water. Outside of Thunder Bay, Lake Superior is really close, and there a tonnes of other little lakes around.

It could have been a swarm of fire flies which populate in large numbers near bodies of water.

06-24-2008, 03:30 PM
I watched a bit of psychic kids the other night on A&E. Not sure how much of it is believable.

Isn't there some dude out there that is offering $1million for anyone with substantial proof that the paranormal exists? :dunno:

Growing up my parents have always told me certain stories about ghosts, friends and families who have encountered etc. but that might just be story telling passed down through the generations.

I haven't had any encounters as such but after watching certain movies i.e. 1408 I do get scared shitless for a bit haha

06-24-2008, 03:35 PM
Not a single thing.

My wife thinks you have to believe in that sort of thing to experience it, which just ads to my theory that it is, really, all in ones head.

At the same time though, I'm not one of those asshats who has to insist on explaining everything scientifically, or argue to death that there is no such thing as paranormal. I just haven't experience anything myself.

06-24-2008, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe

It could have been a swarm of fire flies which populate in large numbers near bodies of water.

Doubtful, too solid, fast and bright.

06-24-2008, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola

Doubtful, too solid, fast and bright.

But plausible, especially in the dead of night 40' away.

06-24-2008, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Princess*Precid

Anyways, shortly after my grandpa ran in the house waking everyone up and telling us to look out the window.
Our neighbour was outside sleepwalking, and was walking up a flight of stairs...EXCEPT there were NO stairs, dude was walking on air and kept going higher and higher.

No one dared to call his name in case he woke up and fell. He made it on the roof of his house and i have no idea what happened after that as my grandma made me go back to bed.

our neighbour doesnt remember any of it apparently.

Stairs? Meh...likely just entering a cloaked spacecraft. Now if it were an escalator.....now THAT would be creepy. :eek:

06-24-2008, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

At the same time though, I'm not one of those asshats who has to insist on explaining everything scientifically, or argue to death that there is no such thing as paranormal. I just haven't experience anything myself.

I never believed in it until i experienced it.

Now im a firm believer.

06-24-2008, 03:56 PM
My Mom works at the grace hospital on 14th street at the bottom of that big hill.

There is a ghost that lives in some supply room at the back. They have all seen her. She is some women who dies during child birthday way back in the day. She is in like a white 50's-60's style dress. Apparently she is very friendly. They will hear her bumping and baning around, or music coming from the room. Sometimes they go in there and everything is moved around and the cuboards and such are open. She has a name, just cant remember it right now.


Maudine Riley thats her name.

06-24-2008, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by teggypimp95
My Mom works at the grace hospital on 14th street at the bottom of that big hill.

There is a ghost that lives in some supply room at the back. They have all seen her. She is some women who dies during child birthday way back in the day. She is in like a white 50's-60's style dress. Apparently she is very friendly. They will hear her bumping and baning around, or music coming from the room. Sometimes they go in there and everything is moved around and the cuboards and such are open. She has a name, just cant remember it right now.


Maudine Riley thats her name.

Ive heard about Maudine Riley. just googled it and found this:

The ghost has been identified as Maudine Riley, whose family owned the land that the hospital was constructed on. She lost her life during childbirth within one of the rooms of her residence. It is thought that this room is where the delivery room now stands. Her child did not make it through the birth and it is believed that she does not want women to give birth in that room because she fears they will lose their child and life as well. A monument in the name of Maudine and her child can be located across the street from the hospital in Riley Park.

06-24-2008, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by teggypimp95
My Mom works at the grace hospital on 14th street at the bottom of that big hill.

There is a ghost that lives in some supply room at the back. They have all seen her. She is some women who dies during child birthday way back in the day. She is in like a white 50's-60's style dress. Apparently she is very friendly. They will hear her bumping and baning around, or music coming from the room. Sometimes they go in there and everything is moved around and the cuboards and such are open. She has a name, just cant remember it right now.


Maudine Riley thats her name.

WTF!! And that doesn't creep any of the employees out?!:nut: :dunno:

06-24-2008, 04:36 PM
Lol i guess she is harmless and friendly. Its just a day hospital now so no child births done there. She hangs out in some supply room.

06-24-2008, 04:54 PM
A very good friend of mine moved into an older house in Calgary when she was in Jr. High. Things were a-ok for the first month or so. Then the weird shite started to happen:

1) In her bedroom, one night she was unable to sleep and woke up in the middle of the night . She saw a lady sitting by the headboard and appeared to be stroking her hair (as in my friend's hair). Still kinda gives me chills when I think about it.

2) Cupboards in her kitchen would open / close on their own at all times of the day (not like Poltergeist - but maybe one here and there). Her parents are kinda religious, so they put a buddhist idol at the top of the stairs and things got quite for couple of hours. They had dinner and heard foot steps run down the stairs, open the locked door and leave.

Needless to say, they sold the house and got the heck outta of Dodge.

06-24-2008, 04:57 PM
I thought I saw a gnome once.
Of course, it wasn't really a gnome because gnomes don't exist.

But if I lacked all logical and skeptical faculties, I'd have sworn it was a gnome.

Ouija boards don't really summon the souls of the dead either. Sorry kids.

06-24-2008, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok
My wife thinks you have to believe in that sort of thing to experience it, which just ads to my theory that it is, really, all in ones head.

Even if it is just in my head, I'm fine with that. More interesting stuff happens that way.

06-24-2008, 05:12 PM
just go Calgary Court restuarant in chinatown and go to their basement where the washroom is :thumbsup:

06-24-2008, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by saiyajin
just go Calgary Court restuarant in chinatown and go to their basement where the washroom is :thumbsup:

I heard about that and have taken many massive dumps there at various times of the day / night and have not seen or heard anything. The only scary thing there is the broken ass stair they have leading to the washrooms.

06-24-2008, 06:27 PM
I have many supernatural stories that many of you will say I'm full of shit over... wow, can I be any more verbose?


I see ghosts, everywhere. I can also feel the presense of people when there is no one around. Same thing with driving someones car, I get the feeling of "them." Not the person being there with me, but just the sensation of being.

Also, a few months before my mom died, I had a dream about her being in the hospital. She told me her records indicated that she had cancer. Two months later she was in the hospital and died from cancer. It was weird, when she was in the hospital the doctors didn't check for cancer, and I told them about my dream. The doctor said I was full of shit (in not so many words) and that it couldn't be cancer.....

All in all, I believe in this stuff, also think I'm psychic....

06-24-2008, 06:54 PM
I swear I saw a big ass alien ship once....oh wait, wait, that was a movie.

Oh, I swear once I saw this fucked up chick who was possessed by the Devil and she....oh wait, wait, that was a movie.

Oh oh, once I was walking in the forest and I heard this branch snap, I turned around and I swear I saw this big hairy....oh wait, wait, that was a movie.

Ahhh fuck, forget it.


06-24-2008, 06:56 PM
Well my Dad used to work as a building operator at the Holy Cross Hospital near 17th ave and he said there was this one section with two elevators. One of them, almost every time you would go into it, it would stop on every floor, open its doors and close again until it got to the one you wanted to go to.

The elevator led to the basement if you went all the way down, where mental patients used to be kept when it was a true hospital. He said everytime he went in, it would take forever to get to the floor, but he just stood there and waited. But he said he never got scared.. I'd shit my pants everytime. hahahaha

06-24-2008, 07:03 PM

06-24-2008, 07:24 PM
in mother russia car drives you

06-24-2008, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola
In the early 90's my sister and I were driving in the forest in Ontario, it was around 12am one summer's evening.

While we were driving a bright light flew across the windshield at a really fast speed, probably about 40 feet ahead of us. It was like a shiny white light, and it was probably the size of a football or so.

To this day I have absolutely no idea what it could have been. Probably the closest thing to supernatural I can think of.

Ball lightning?


06-24-2008, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by badatusrnames

Ball lightning?


That was my original thought, but he said clear skies.

06-24-2008, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe

That was my original thought, but he said clear skies.

I've heard that unlike conventional lightning, you don't need thunderstorms/clouds for ball lightning to occur. In some accounts, it simply appeared out of clear/cloudless skies...

Edit: From the wiki article.

It has sometimes been reported during thunderstorms, sometimes issuing from a lightning flash, while sometimes it appears during calm weather with no storms in the vicinity.

Some theories attribute it to electrical charge built up and released as a result of geological activity I believes...

06-24-2008, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe

But plausible, especially in the dead of night 40' away.

dunno if you ever lived back east but fireflies don't create solid lights moving fast at all. More like thousands of little lights that barely move at all. Stop being an assface.

06-25-2008, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by ekguy

Stop being an assface.

no u!

06-25-2008, 08:33 AM
Isn't there a bunch of ghost stories at Heritage Park as well?

06-25-2008, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by Toms-SC

no u!

fine then. :D

06-25-2008, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by badatusrnames

Ball lightning?


Cool, don't know how I forgot about that, I've read about ball lightning before, that could be it.

One more thing, this actually happened two weeks ago. My mom said she heard a bird singing in the middle of the night, and that means someone is going to die. I thought it was some stupid old Finnish wives tale or something and I laughed at her. The next day we get a call from Montreal, my dad's sister died.

06-26-2008, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by Hakkola

Cool, don't know how I forgot about that, I've read about ball lightning before, that could be it.

One more thing, this actually happened two weeks ago. My mom said she heard a bird singing in the middle of the night, and that means someone is going to die. I thought it was some stupid old Finnish wives tale or something and I laughed at her. The next day we get a call from Montreal, my dad's sister died.

wtf, thats scary.
sorry to hear about your loss.

06-26-2008, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by Hakkola

Cool, don't know how I forgot about that, I've read about ball lightning before, that could be it.

One more thing, this actually happened two weeks ago. My mom said she heard a bird singing in the middle of the night, and that means someone is going to die. I thought it was some stupid old Finnish wives tale or something and I laughed at her. The next day we get a call from Montreal, my dad's sister died.

Pure coincidence, lots of birds sing at night for various reasons.

06-26-2008, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by Princess*Precid

wtf, thats scary.
sorry to hear about your loss.

I never really knew her, so not a big deal to me, thanks though.

Originally posted by 89coupe

Pure coincidence, lots of birds sing at night for various reasons.

The bird singing could be coincidence, but my mom saying that when that happens someone dies, and getting a call the next day that her sister-in law had died, is not coincidence. The probability of that happening is way too slim.

I remember a story on beyond where he mentioned that his dog was sick and died the day he went to visit, like the dog knew he would come and waited to die.

These stories I don't believe are really supernatural, I prefer "paranormal." Just because we don't understand them, doesn't mean that this stuff doesn't occur, there could be actual scientific explanations for all this stuff, we just don't have the science down yet.

I don't see any reason why there can't be some sort of link between life on this earth on some level that we can't yet measure.

I don't believe in ghosts and all that sort of stuff, but who knows.

06-26-2008, 12:13 PM
1.About two years ago in ottawa it was aroun 4am in the morning and I was just getting back from my friends house. I was driving and saw some random old lady in her pajamas out of no where on this one street. I stopped and looked at her and asked if she needed any help she didnt say anything and just walked off. I put the car back in first gear and looked back and she was gone. It was impossible for her to move that fast, and there was no where to hide.

2. We used to live out near the country in ottawa kind of what springbank is to calgary. So anyway this one day me and my cousins decided to go take a walk and have some fun. We went outside and there was this stray dog outside our house across the street. We ignored it and started walking. About 10min later walking on the road we saw some random dog running towards us from the complete opposite side that we came from like COMPLETE it was weird I have no idea how the dog got there. Anyway the dog came after us so we started run in circles and what not being little kids. We were all screaming because we are all scared of dogs. So this white car came down with black tints and just stopped on the road near were we where and the dog stopped and starred at this car. The dog dropped dead. It was pretty weird.

06-26-2008, 03:56 PM
Ive seen a ghost years back, but the story behind it wasnt anything special. So I will tell about another experience I had, and what I find to be much more engaging.


In '06 I was living in Maryland for a year, my gf came with me. We rented out an apartment that shares living room walls with another apartment. The neighbor in the other apartment moved in about a week after us. He was a big, young (27 year old) white guy, about 6'4" and 230 pounds... solid. He had a girlfriend or wife who was 5'0 and in good shape and they lived in a 1 bedroom.

Well, during the 7 months that they were there, we would hear screams and slapping noises every now and then. My girlfriend and I would always mute the tv and listen through the wall and hear what sounded like the guy yelling and hitting the girl who was screaming for mercy. This happened at least once every couple days.

During their 7 months there, I only saw the woman once. I saw the guy about 20-30 different times, and each time I would give him a friendly greeting and he would just stare at me and walk by.

One day when I was getting home from work, I saw another guy walking up the steps to my apartment. This guy was different than the first guy and I had never seen him before. My neighbor's and I's apartments were the only ones at the top of the stairs, I saw this other man walking up. He looked at me very suspiciously, but I didn't really think anything of it. I checked my mail and remembered that I hadn't mailed a bill and went back to my car and mailed it from the post office.

When I got home about 45 minutes later, their door was wide open with keys in the lock. I went inside my apartment and watched a bit of TV for about an hour and decided to go get some dinner.

When I opened my apartment door, the neighbor's door was still open and the keys were still in the lock. I thought it was weird since it didn't look like it had moved for over an hour so I decided to knock to see if anyone was home - no answer, knocked a second time - again no answer. I peered inside and could see that the tv was on in the living room and could barely see the bedroom door through the hall but I noticed that it was was slightly cracked open.

So I grabbed some dinner, got home, what do you know, the neighbor's apartment door was shut, but the keys were still in the lock. Being the good (and very curious at this point) neighbor that I rang their doorbell, hoping to let the neighbor know about his keys. No answer... figures.

I went inside and enjoyed my dinner, a few minutes after sitting down, I heard the neighbor's door open, the keys jangle, and the door slam very loudly. I still wasn't very concerned at this point, but I just thought things seemed very fishy, especially considering the suspicious look I got from the guy walking up the stairs earlier in the day.

A few days pass and I haven't heard shit from the place next door. I would used to at least hear a TV or movie playing through their door when I got home every night, but over the next few days it was complete silence, as if no one even lived there.

Fast forward, a few months after these people moved in, on the following Saturday, I was coming back up the stairs after taking down a load of laundry. Just as I reach the top of the stairs, the original (big) neighbor opens his door and has 2 large suitcases in each hand. I say "hello, how you doing" and he looks at me and looks away (as usual).

His door is open while I am greeting him and I glance inside while looking toward him. The piece of artwork that was visible from the entryway and the two couches in their living room, which were also visible the first time i peered in, are gone. It looks like he has moved all of the stuff out since the last time I saw the apartment. My gf and I were always gone most of the day at work, so he must have moved it when we were gone.

Flash forward again, about a week later and the apartment company's cleaning ladies enter the neighbor's apartment and start cleaning. It appears that they have moved out. However, between the last time I saw the neighbor and the time the cleaning ladies were there, I have been hearing the TV when coming home at night.

In reality, I figured that the people hadn't moved out yet and were still watching the TV with less furniture. Before the cleaning ladies had left, they opened the blinds on all their windows so we (and potential tenants) could see right in the apartment. There was absolutely nothing in the apartment.

Now, being the skeptic that I am, I am not easily spooked. But at about 3:30 am, the night after the cleaning ladies left, I was sitting in my living room by myself watching a movie when I noticed the familiar sound of a TV coming from next door. I muted my TV and could clearly hear what sounded like a TV playing through our shared living room apartment walls...

I stood up from my couch and, while still clearly hearing the sounds of a TV, started to slowly walk toward our shared wall. Just as I took my last step toward the wall to get right up next to it, the floor board I stepped on creaked and all of a sudden the TV sounds stopped. I stood with my ear to the wall and heard dead silence.

A few more days pass, and I am out of town with some family and the girlfriend is at the apartment alone. Before leaving, I had told her my story about the TV sounds from a couple nights before.

So it's 1:00am and I'm about to fall asleep at my family's house when my gf calls my cell phone. I answer it and she's obviously shaken and scared. Her voice is trembling and she tells me that she heard the same exact TV sounds and when she muted our TV to hear them better, the "other" tv sounds stopped soon after. She said it was exactly how I had described it to her.

Now this scared the shit out of me... I wasn't really concerned with the first instance and assumed I was just hearing things, but to have her confirm it really irked me in a weird way...

So I get home and we both talk about what happened. We try to think of different explanations, but nothing makes sense. The only thing I could think of was that the neighbor downstairs was watching TV and had the volume up extra loud and turned it down when he heard us walking.

That night, though, while my gf and I were watching a movie, we hear the TV VERY CLEARLY. The sound was obviously coming from next door and the words were clearly audible. We muted our TV and the other TV sounds stopped at the same exact time.

I creeped over to the wall and put my ear to it... nothing. No sounds at all (and these are thin walls, I used to be able to hear everything that went on over there - it was free drunken entertainment ). We continued to watch TV that night when all of a sudden we heard faint screaming. It got louder and it sounded like when we thought he was beating her earlier.

We both put our ears to the wall and the sounds were still there, but they were very muffled and much less clear than how we could hear them before. They sounded like they were playing on a TV in the bedroom, or something. But they were definitely the sounds of the big neighbor guy yelling and the same exact slappings, and the same exact screamings of the girlfriend or wife that I only saw once.

That night really freaked my gf and I out and for the remainder of the time we lived in Maryland, we heard similar sounds ever since. We would hear what sounded like footsteps at times, like children crying, and like a TV and a woman being beat.

My rational explanation says we were just paranoid and hearing sounds from the apartment below or imagining things. My fantastical mind says that the suspicious guy I saw the one day coming up the stairs was some sort of secret lover and the silent big neighbor of mine caught them in the act and killed one or both of them. The 2 suitcases that he was carrying the last time I saw him were loaded and looked very heavy. The sounds are the ghosts of these people in this scenario. We were hoping someone would rent that room but it stayed empty for the rest of the time we were there.

06-26-2008, 03:59 PM
Do a search. There is already a thread like this started a few days ago. Plus thats to damn long!

06-26-2008, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by teggypimp95
Do a search. There is already a thread like this started a few days ago. Plus thats to damn long!
yah, just a copynpaste of the supernatural thread:rofl:

06-26-2008, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by schocker

yah, just a copynpaste of the supernatural thread:rofl:

Soooooo bad it was good :rofl:

06-26-2008, 04:12 PM
did you make this thread because i asked you to stop texting me 5 times a day


06-26-2008, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by Princess*Precid
did you make this thread because i asked you to stop texting me 5 times a day


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: PWNED!

06-26-2008, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Princess*Precid
did you make this thread because i asked you to stop texting me 5 times a day

was he texting you ghost stories :confused:
do tell more

06-26-2008, 04:29 PM
nope no ghost stories lol

06-27-2008, 09:08 AM
haahaahaa good story copynpaste if it wasnt sooooo long that i lost interest in finishing it, oooooohhhh tv's are so spooky lol jk

sometimes my tv turns on by its self!!!!! i think its haunted, who you gonna call....... ghostbusters!

06-27-2008, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by marc
haahaahaa good story copynpaste if it wasnt sooooo long that i lost interest in finishing it, oooooohhhh tv's are so spooky lol jk

sometimes my tv turns on by its self!!!!! i think its haunted, who you gonna call....... ghostbusters!

Haha, nice tigger av btw :)

06-27-2008, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by copynpaste

My rational explanation says we were just paranoid and hearing sounds from the apartment below or imagining things.

Maybe it was your downstairs neighbors the whole time and your upstairs neighbor thought it was you slapping your girl around, that's why he never said hi. :rofl:

06-27-2008, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by Princess*Precid
did you make this thread because i asked you to stop texting me 5 times a day


Wow, you wanted me to stop after just one.... :cry:

06-27-2008, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

Wow, you wanted me to stop after just one.... :cry:

yep and then i had to change my number ;)

06-27-2008, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by saiyajin
just go Calgary Court restuarant in chinatown and go to their basement where the washroom is :thumbsup:

Yeah it's not so scary anymore now that they brightened it up in there. ...but 12 years ago...I would wait until we got home...

06-30-2008, 11:47 PM

07-01-2008, 11:53 AM
Four years ago I was in Corinthos Greece living with my uncle. One night at around 11 pm i was sitting on the beach talking to my father on the phone. Since he was in calgary and i had already been gone for quite a while we were having a long conversation just to catch up on things.

Anyways i was staring up at the star filled sky casually speaking with my father and one particular star seemed to catch my attention. I was looking at it for a minute or 2 but for no particular reason (its not like i felt a compelling need to stare at it or i was drawn to it), but for some reason it felt a little out of place and at the same time i had that strange feeling that i was being watched.

A few seconds later that star darted across the sky to my right and stopped again. naturally i was like "HOLY @#$% DAD, you wont believe what im seeing right now!" Then the "star" darted across the sky to the left but it was visually getting bigger, i could tell it was coming closer towards the ground, then it stopped again. I could tell this thing was not in space, but in the sky just as you can judge the distance of a airplane in the night sky and distinguish it from everything else. Then after that it kind of floated around in a really tight figure eight pattern for 5 seconds then darted across the sky further to my left and continued to decrease its altitude. I lost it as it flew behind the mountains.

07-02-2008, 09:53 AM

look that up...maybe aliens are trying to tell you something lol