View Full Version : Question about car insurance

07-01-2008, 10:58 PM
I realize that this might be different here in the states, but I still want to ask. Is it possible to put the insurance under my mom's name and a car under my name in order to avoid high insurance rates? This would be my first car, and I'm 17.

I ask about this because a friend recommended an early 90's 3-series, but my mom said "no" because of high insurance rates for teens, especially with a BMW.

The only problem I thought of would be if I get into an accident and insurance isn't under my name. If there's insurance on the car, it'll cover damage no matter what name it's under right?

07-02-2008, 12:31 AM
Back when i was 16-18 ... My car was under my fathers name... and I was insured as a part time driver.

BUT, perhaps someone can correct me, isnt the grid system still in affect for auto insurance in Alberta?

07-02-2008, 12:39 AM
Using Kanetix your insurance would be (assuming you had your liscence for a year, took drivers training, 0 tickets, 0 accidents) roughly $4500 with a 1000 collision deductible and 500 comp... now if you just want liability coverage (that means if your car is hit and ran, or vandalized, or if you get into an accident, you're on your own) - it's roughly $1700.

Edit: also insuring under your mom as a secondary, i think thats only possible if she already isnt a primary driver on a vehicle... so say you have 3 vehicles including the bmw (mom has a van, dad has a car, and there is your bmw) - you would have to be the primary on the bmw... AGAIN im not 100% so your best bet is talk to a broker.

07-02-2008, 10:11 AM
^ Yup, that's how my old insurance company works. You can only be a secondary driver if there is already a primary driver on that vehicle.

So if there are 3 drivers in your house and 2 cars then you can be a secondary driver. But if there are 3 cars and 3 drivers, then each person is autmatically a primary driver.

As far as your name being on the car, most registries will only register a vehicle to the name shown on the insurance policy. So even if you're insured on the policy, but your name is not on the insurance pink slip, you may not be able to put the car in your name. Insurance costs won't change regardless of the name on the registration.

07-02-2008, 10:46 AM
I guess times have changed.

Get a motorcycle :D

07-02-2008, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by willyC
I guess times have changed.

Get a motorcycle :D

lol from how long ago? I was sixteen 9 year ago and thats how it was.

07-02-2008, 11:12 AM
it will be almost the same insurance rate for any car if you have liability, fire, and theft. My 180sx costs the same to insure as my 89 rusty dx (few $ diff.)