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08-04-2008, 09:26 PM
Alright, with the looming choice of naming our son hanging over our heads, we find ourselves hating or being so-so on pretty much everything we've considered (which is litterally THOUSANDS of names.) The biggest problem for us is that no male name is safe anymore. Parents of girls everywhere are stealing names like Cameron, Blake, Joey, Charlie, Rhys, etc, and turned them into unisex or predominantly female names. We definately want a name that is 100% male and not something he may grow up and hear someone tell him "Oh, you're named that? So is my sister." :guns:

I figured as a last effort, I'd post here and ask you guys for some help.

- What is your name?
- And do you like it, love it or hate it?
- What awesome or horrible nicknames have come out of it?
- Have you ever met or heard of a girl with the same name?

Thanks in advance for all the help guys! :burnout:

08-04-2008, 09:27 PM
Christopher - I hate it, too common......perhaps I will change my name to Topher, and I don't think that would ever be a female's name :thumbsup:

08-04-2008, 09:29 PM

Nicknames: Jamie , Jamezzzz , JAY mez , Jimbo , J

Always liked my name and ive never met any girls with same name lol

08-04-2008, 09:30 PM

Nicknames: Judd, Juddy, JP

I don't mind it...never met anyone else with this as a first name and 2 d's. I wouldn't name my kid it haha, I'd rather be a Jonathan

08-04-2008, 09:32 PM
S.heldon (won't let me put it without the .)

I like it, it's unique. Don't hear it very often.
Shelly, Sheldo...

08-04-2008, 09:32 PM

Nicks: Ray, Rayray (ladies love that one)

Yes I <3 my name.

08-04-2008, 09:33 PM

Ry, RK, Ryan the Lion (my late Grandfather :rofl: )

JUst throwing it out there, but I always liked the name Hunter.

08-04-2008, 09:34 PM
as posted in another thread, you would be pretty safe with the name Chewbacca.

08-04-2008, 09:39 PM

It's alright, friend's kids always say: "Hey, I know a Thomas, Thomas the train"

Bad names: Tom - Ass

What about naming him Max Power?

08-04-2008, 09:40 PM
Mark, nicknames.... nothing directly relating to the name.

08-04-2008, 09:41 PM
I'm a chick, so my name won't help you much. But I totally agree with where you are coming from on the name thing. There are tons of new moms in my office with the weirdest names for their kids. I shake my head most days.

I can tell you that I have two nephews, Alex and Evan. Alex doesn't get made fun of but when Evan was a baby we called him Heavy Evie.

Obviously didn't catch on now that they are in grade school.

I also have had a few parents lately that are naming their boys the old school names like Ethan, Oliver, Matthew, Lucas etc. Those seem to be slowly coming back around.

Do you have names that you are thinking of? I'm sure if you post them, these guys would tell you how it could possibly be made fun of. :)

08-04-2008, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by mark4091
Mark, nicknames.... nothing directly relating to the name.

Nothing personal, had a friend "Mark", called him Markus the dinkus

08-04-2008, 09:44 PM

Not popular enough that you hear it everyday. I don't mind it... just don't use Bradley. No bad nicknames based off of it either. I wouldn't want to meet a girl with the same name.

A++++ Would call myself Brad again!!!

08-04-2008, 09:46 PM
named my kid miller after the beer, he will love it, dont steal it.

08-04-2008, 09:52 PM
- What is your name? Dane
- And do you like it, love it or hate it? i like it
- What awesome or horrible nicknames have come out of it? hmm... everything rhymes with it: pain, sane, insane, lane, drain, etc so i got it all... i never really had any real nicknames though.
- Have you ever met or heard of a girl with the same name? nope

i like my name because its original, iv never met another person with this name before and its short so its easy to write

08-04-2008, 09:55 PM
Knud is my first name. I go with both but mostly Ken.

I like my name(s)

You hear Ken and Barbie jokes apparently your whole life. They are never jokes. Always, "where's Barbie." You get used to it. It becomes fun when you can belittle them as they say it with facial expressions alone.

I always ask them if they know why Barbie never gets pregnant. Well it's because Ken always comes in a different box!

On the switch, Knud (Danish) has never really been an issue for me. There are more questions then comments. Then again, for those that don't understand me when I say it, I have to relate my name to the small boat (canoe) and give a little 'd' at the end. Or now I say it's just like the friggen Polar Bear.

08-04-2008, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by TomcoPDR

Nothing personal, had a friend &quot;Mark&quot;, called him Markus the dinkus

Haha none taken, never heard anything that works that well, but nowadays using the word dinkus is like making fun of yourself

D'z Nutz
08-04-2008, 10:01 PM
My name is Arif. I used to like it, but lately everyone's been naming their babies this and now it's lost it's uniqueness.

I've been getting a lot of angry phone calls late at night from guys I don't know too. :dunno:

08-04-2008, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by TomcoPDR

It's alright, friend's kids always say: &quot;Hey, I know a Thomas, Thomas the train&quot;

Bad names: Tom - Ass

What about naming him Max Power?

LOL, I knew a Thomas that I'd call Dumb Ass. (No offense to you though.)

Michael, Mike, Mikey, Mikhail. I worked with a French girl that called me Michel (it'd would annoy me though whenever anyone else called me that, but with her I didn't mind :dunno: )

08-04-2008, 10:11 PM
- What is your name? Chuck

- And do you like it, love it or hate it? Love it..and anybody who doesn't deserves a round house kick to the face

- What awesome or horrible nicknames have come out of it? Only awsomeness comes out of Chuck, if not...read one line above

- Have you ever met or heard of a girl with the same name? No, and if i did then i must be talking to the mirror

08-04-2008, 10:11 PM
my name is Krista

I know a few. I do like my name, but nobody ever spells it properly. I get Christa, Krysta, Chrysta.....and when I hear the first sound of my name...Kris....I pretty much respond to any ending because so many people get it wrong. Kristal, Kristen, Kirsten.

My niece just had a boy and named him Holden, yes like the Catcher and the Rye. I have heard it a million times since, but I still like it.

I think many people are trying to hard with names.... The papers are full of Evanders, and Jayden's. Go back to Joeseph, Robert, Mathew, Mitchell.

Both my pregnancies they thought were twins..I always said I would use Lucy and Ricky, or Elvis and Priscilla.

08-04-2008, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by Kritafo
my name is Krista

I know a few. I do like my name, but nobody ever spells it properly. I get Christa, Krysta, Chrysta.....and when I hear the first sound of my name...Kris....I pretty much respond to any ending because so many people get it wrong. Kristal, Kristen, Kirsten.


08-04-2008, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by BlackArcher101


Did you really have to do that here Bradley? It was good thread until you posted that.

08-04-2008, 10:22 PM
it is an alright name. fairly common
nicknames are like matt hat or bat, nothing bad though. the annoying thing is people who spell it with one T.
never met a girl with that name.

08-04-2008, 10:23 PM

EK 2.0
08-04-2008, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz

My name is Arif. I used to like it, but lately everyone's been naming their babies this and now it's lost it's uniqueness.

I've been getting a lot of angry phone calls late at night from guys I don't know too. :dunno:

Hmmmm interesting...that's what is happening to my life right now....

But in serious answer to your question....

My name as you know is Arif.

Yes I do love it...it has not only a great meaning when translated from Arabic. But even just in the line of my family's thinking to name me this...

In terms of nicknames, the big one is "Reefer Madness" or "Reefer"...haha...but I don't complain haha...its the pronunciation that seems to throw a TON of peeps for a loop though...

As far as girls being named this...no it IS a boys name...but the female version just has an "a" on the end of it...But the ladies seem to like to call out my name...hahaha...

I hope this seriously puts it in the running though...

08-04-2008, 10:24 PM
Maximus for the boy. It's powerful.

Cornelius, Promethius, Tiberius.

Those are some popular ones ;)

I like my name, it's rare<ish>. You guys don't get to know it muahaha.

08-04-2008, 10:27 PM
My name is Russ. Just Russ, not Russell which people seem to think is weird. I respond to Russ, Russell, Ross, anything really.

I like it, not a lot of people have it and the only people I have ever seen with the same name have been very successful people (ie Russ Jackson who was a famous quarterback).

I have never really had a nickname. At my old job I did and it was Hollywood just because I was on my phone all the time. People would say Russ the bus, or Russell the love muscle, etc. But it would never stick.

Originally posted by Kritafo
my name is Krista

I know a few. I do like my name, but nobody ever spells it properly. I get Christa, Krysta, Chrysta...

It's not Ryan it's Bryan. People like you piss me off.

08-04-2008, 10:27 PM

Growing up I was the only one in elementary and junior high with it so I loved it. Although my first name is Robert, I believe in ECS there were 6 other kids named Robert so the only way to differentiate myself from everyone my parents used my middle name JC and I haven't used Robert ever since.

I never really got any bad nicknames out of it except JC from *NSYNC, CJ Parker (doubt kids will ever bring that name up again HAHAHA!), and JC Penney oh and if someone wanted to be blasphemous they'd use Jesus Christ.

But I had quite a few good nicknames out of it like Jay, Jace, J.Cizzy, J.Cizzle, J. Dawg LOL...

I don't think I've met any girls named JC...

08-04-2008, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by frozenrice

Did you really have to do that here Bradley? It was good thread until you posted that.

Were talking male names, one's that don't get confused with gender :dunno: Krista ain't one.

08-04-2008, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by BlackArcher101

Were talking male names :dunno:


08-04-2008, 10:31 PM
- What is your name?


- And do you like it, love it or hate it?

Love it, its unique, people usually remember it

- What awesome or horrible nicknames have come out of it?

Candykane, cokane, hurrikane.... only ones ive heard

- Have you ever met or heard of a girl with the same name?


08-04-2008, 10:32 PM
Thanks for the suggestions so far. And as much as I appreciate the female name feedback, we are pretty much 100% sure we are having a boy so it doesn't help much.

I had a huge list of "potentials" that eventually got widdled down to a few "so-so's". Some were taken off because the men in my family (hubby, dad, brothers, etc) were able to poke some holes in them pretty easily and some we just really HATED the nick names and of course 1 or 2 are unisex names and we want to avoid that. But the list used to be something to this effect (I am typing it off the top of my head)

- Ian (my cousin from edmonton is named Ian, we're still trying to decide if that matters)
- Cameron (thanks to cameron diaz, it's actually a pretty common girl's name now)
- Lachlan (pronounciation became the issue)
- Roman (nickname Rome. It got vetoed because my hubby's name is Rolland and he thinks they sound too similar)
- Campbell (hubby straight out hated this)
- William (this was my #1 but I absolutely detest Bill and Billy as nicknames)
- James (don't like the two common nicknames of Jim and Jamie)
- Oliver (dad and brother immediately started quoting oliver twist when they heard this one)
- Callum
- Logan (RIDICULOUSLY popular right now)
- Hunter (another one hubby hated)

If you actually like any of those, feel free to let me know and your reasons why. If not, keep doing what you're doing and letting me know your info. Any other suggestions of definite 'guy' names are also welcome. Thanks!

EK 2.0
08-04-2008, 10:38 PM
Uhmmm, Mel, I don't see "Arif" on that list...

Does that mean it's on the "short list"...

08-04-2008, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by schocker
it is an alright name. fairly common
nicknames are like matt hat or bat, nothing bad though. the annoying thing is people who spell it with one T.
never met a girl with that name.

How about Matt the Brat...thats what I used to call my brother when we were younger :thumbsup:

Sure I like it
Nicknames: Jon, Jonny Boy, Jonny Apple Seed, Jono, Jonny be good, big bad jon, blah blah blah
No, never met a girl with my name lol

08-04-2008, 10:45 PM
2 things, don't say hubby cause thats gay, and every guy i have ever met hates that, even if he says he doesn't mind, he hates it.

second never ever logan, my wife runs a dayhome, she has had a few logans in her time, all of them were so retarded, and they all pissed me off, don't know why, but we don't need another logan.

08-04-2008, 10:51 PM
My names cody i love it not to many people named cody but i knew someone who had a dog named cody once.

no bad nicknames only one i really ever had was "code".

no girls had my name that i know of.

if i ever have a boy i would probally name him riley james.

08-04-2008, 10:51 PM
See user name. (well before the _A_M part) Pretty damn rare to meet a Graham. I know (this user who rarely posts, in the lounge section) named his kid Graham. Thats cool.:thumbsup:

Actually my middle name (the _A) is Austin. Also extremely rare. :)

For a grade school class, we had to guess somebodies middle name, with a hint from the person. I said mine was also a car name. A lot of people guessed "Gremlin" or "Demon" etc.
Traumatizing school days. :rofl: I've still never recovered. :( :cry:

EDIT for Tomco.
A lot of friends call me "Grambo"
As you can guess, my school nicknames were "Graham Crackers" or "Golden Grahams"

It never really bothered me. I honestly didn't care, although it was very annoying as I grew older. (not towards my name, but the not-so-funny people that would call me that.
Sure stuck me the wrong way when guys said they were going to "Smoke a Gram".
Did that mean they wanted to blow "Gram" 's Polish sausage? or snuff me out?

RE-edit, I'd like to know "Penis McKnickles" first name. :lol:

08-04-2008, 10:53 PM
^^^ What about being called Graham-cracker? (nothing personal)

Trying to help OP and her son out to prevent a life time worth of drama.

08-04-2008, 10:55 PM
how about Dennis?

08-04-2008, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by rmk
how about Dennis?

Dennis the menace :rofl:

I would post my name but everyone will spend 30 minutes trying to figure out how to say it haha

08-04-2008, 11:04 PM
With a nod to the Dukes of Hazzard, I would definately go with
"Enis". Nothing could possibly go wrong with a name like Enis. Ever.

08-04-2008, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by EK 2.0
Uhmmm, Mel, I don't see &quot;Arif&quot; on that list...

Does that mean it's on the &quot;short list&quot;...
Haha Arif, I think there would be a bit of a culture confusion if we named him after you. Besides, I think I read in another thread that someone else had already claimed it for their kids ;)

Originally posted by theken
2 things, don't say hubby cause thats gay, and every guy i have ever met hates that, even if he says he doesn't mind, he hates it.

second never ever logan, my wife runs a dayhome, she has had a few logans in her time, all of them were so retarded, and they all pissed me off, don't know why, but we don't need another logan.
LOL thanks for the advice on the name. And hubby is just easier to type than husband, I definately don't call him that in real life. I personally hate it too.

Originally posted by calgarys_finest
if i ever have a boy i would probally name him riley james.
Hate to break it to you man, but Riley is a retardedly popular girl's name now.

Originally posted by Graham_A_M
See user name. (well before the _A_M part) Pretty damn rare to meet a Graham. I know (this user who rarely posts, in the lounge section) named his kid Graham. Thats cool.:thumbsup:

With the announcement of a recent baby boy named Graham born to fellow beyonders Abyss and Hampstor, we figured it would be a conflict of interest...especially since they're our best friends lol.

Thanks again for the feedback so far guys, it's greatly appreciated. If it's important, the little guy's last name will be Gombert. It's "correctly" pronounced 'gom-bear' but we usually just pronounce it like it's spelled. Middle name will be Bryan.

EK 2.0
08-04-2008, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by Melinda

Haha Arif, I think there would be a bit of a culture confusion if we named him after you. Besides, I think I read in another thread that someone else had already claimed it for their kids ;)

Claimed or not...I am offering you the Calgary Exclusive rights for the name haha...

08-04-2008, 11:23 PM

08-04-2008, 11:25 PM
adam is a good strong name.


08-04-2008, 11:34 PM
What is your name? Justin

- And do you like it, love it or hate it? itz alright.. it wierd that i got a name like justin an im brown lol

- What awesome or horrible nicknames have come out of it? jus, jazz, justy, just

- Have you ever met or heard of a girl with the same name? Never justin but have herd Justinee

08-04-2008, 11:34 PM

I dont mind my name at all.

08-04-2008, 11:40 PM

I don't like the name, but its definately unique and EVERYONE, from teachers to co-workers remember me after the first time we meet. I think it has alot to do with the name. I used to not like it, but now that I am older, I don't mind it.

Nicknames: D, Dima

08-04-2008, 11:46 PM
Boy name? Wayne
Wayne or Maximus

Girl name? Jordan

08-04-2008, 11:54 PM
I like it.
Biscuit, Triscuit (the type of cracker lol), The Trist o.O

08-04-2008, 11:59 PM
My full name is too long so I go by my initials, JED. It started in grade school, when I would write my initials then my last name, teachers started calling me Jed and it stuck. I like my name, I've only met a few Jed's and most of them are older men. The most common nickname I get is Jedi.

08-05-2008, 12:03 AM
I like my name, haven't met many people with my name, especially the way its spelt. I know 2 Jared's (but 1 of them isn't a true jared, his first name is roger and his middle name is jared, he doesn't like roger.) and I've only met 1 other Jarett ever.


08-05-2008, 12:09 AM
My full name is Alexandru but I go by Alex most of the time. I've always thought it was a popular name, but by the looks of it (last 3 pages) it's not too bad. I like my name, and never really had issues with it. If I had to pick a name for a boy it would probably be Remus or Jay.
I mean, if you go by the principle of "oh I have to find a name that has no flaws".. good luck with that. You have to make sure you educate him well enough that he can outplay/outwitt potential "name calling" by others. Heck, if you can't do that, at least make sure he'll be ripped so he can knock them out.

08-05-2008, 12:12 AM
love it, i dont know another...
the only nickname i ever hear is Al
and i have never met a girl with the same name

08-05-2008, 12:15 AM

Nick Name- Fi, Ser. Fino. Serf. Gisti

Love the name its unique and no one has it

962 kid
08-05-2008, 12:17 AM

Only nickname is Mike or Mikey really. Common name, but I still like it :)

08-05-2008, 12:28 AM

nicknames: matt, matty
-common, but it's easy to pronounce and definitely male, not as original i guess.

08-05-2008, 02:55 AM
I didn't really read original post with my last post... but for suggestions I always liked the name Thor. No clue why but it is unique and bad ass.

BUT if you want to please myself or Trevor, name your kid Chewbacca. Not only would you be my favourite person in the world (along with the kid) but no one is going to fuck with him at school... no one.

Wookie's do not like to lose.

08-05-2008, 06:31 AM
I offered up some boys names... I know 2 women who were told they were having a girl, and they ended up with boys in the past year.

My son is Adam, and if I had to do it all over again I would pick something less common. That being said the common names make kids happy when they go to toys r us and get all that crap with their names on it.

I like Pasha and Yuri and Uriel.

08-05-2008, 06:34 AM
What do you guys think about a name Sergei ? It's pretty popular in Russia.

08-05-2008, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by Kritafo
I offered up some boys names... I know 2 women who were told they were having a girl, and they ended up with boys in the past year.
Yeah, it's infinately harder to confidently say you're having a girl when all you're seeing on the ultrasound to confirm that is three lines of cartilage (and most u/s techs will just say "I think it's a girl" if they don't see male parts right away, but then will warn parents to be that there's only an 80% chance they're right and a 20% chance that it is in fact a boy). But when your little guy flips over to moon you and all you can see is the franks and beans, it's pretty freakin hard to deny the 99.9% chance you're having a boy. :rofl:

08-05-2008, 07:25 AM
Full name Aleksandar, I go by Aleks. People spell it wrong all the time. Used to be unique years ago but I see more people spell it this way.

08-05-2008, 07:31 AM
Originally posted by Destinova403
- What is your name? Dane
- And do you like it, love it or hate it? i like it
- What awesome or horrible nicknames have come out of it? hmm... everything rhymes with it: pain, sane, insane, lane, drain, etc so i got it all... i never really had any real nicknames though.
- Have you ever met or heard of a girl with the same name? nope

i like my name because its original, iv never met another person with this name before and its short so its easy to write

Another Dane as well, guess my name isn't as unique as I thought.

Nicknames: Danish, Daner, GreatDane.

I've never met a girl with the same name.

I like the name, pretty original name, although people always think my name is Dean when I introduce myself.

08-05-2008, 07:46 AM
Ryaz - know a few ppl with that name but no one spells it this way

i like my name

ppl confuse it with Reyes Reez, Reese and most commonly with Ryan when i used to work at budget and had my name tag on, i used to get called that a lot even though I'm brown :dunno:

08-05-2008, 07:48 AM
How about Zenon!!

Now how many people actually have that name. I've yet to meet another Zenon but have met a couple people over the years that know one, but I secretly think they met me previously but don't recognize me.

- And do you like it, love it or hate it? I love my name!

- What awesome or horrible nicknames have come out of it? Not many, Zee, or yeah thats about it, some kids during school would call me Ze-Man but nothing bad I think.

- Have you ever met or heard of a girl with the same name?
There was some strange show on YTV back in the day "Zenon Girl of the 21st Century" but eh one show so far.

08-05-2008, 07:49 AM

Never had any problems with my name, never had any nicknames from it either (though have had a few for other reasons). I've never met a girl named Jeff in my life, that'd be a little awkward.

edit: Sorry, I have had a few people call me Jefferson Airplane, but that's because I'm an aircraft mechanic ;)

08-05-2008, 08:08 AM
Ooh!! My nephews friend is named Zennon. We call him Zenny. Super nice kid.

08-05-2008, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by dannie
Ooh!! My nephews friend is named Zennon. We call him Zenny. Super nice kid.

Okay fine I have other nicknames. My Step-dad also calls me Zeddy...

08-05-2008, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by Unknown303

Okay fine I have other nicknames. My Step-dad also calls me Zeddy...

What about HID ?? :bigpimp:

08-05-2008, 08:29 AM
Our soon to be born sons name is going to be Lorenzo, but I like short names so we will call him Enzo (like the car).

08-05-2008, 08:31 AM
Here's a list of some of the other names we thought of

Gianni (pronounced like Johny)

08-05-2008, 08:45 AM
My Name is Donavon, i friggin love my name except that people always spell it wrong, which is partially my parents fault for spelling it this way.

People normally call me "D", Big D, Dono etc

Rat Fink
08-05-2008, 09:48 AM

Supa Dexta
08-05-2008, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by Unknown303
How about Zenon!!

Now how many people actually have that name. I've yet to meet another Zenon but have met a couple people over the years that know one, but I secretly think they met me previously but don't recognize me.

- And do you like it, love it or hate it? I love my name!

My sister used to date a guy in NS named zenon.. Never cared for the guy.. :rofl:

08-05-2008, 10:05 AM
Megatron imo :nut:

08-05-2008, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by FivE.SeveN
Megatron imo :nut:


now how do I convince the wife of that one?

08-05-2008, 10:25 AM
Well, my name is Vincent

I like the name, it's pretty unique, and I only know one other Vincent and they have the same last name as me. It doesn't seem to be very popular in Canada. Heard a few people say how my personality matches the name. Apparently most Vincent's are smart and cocky haha...

Nick names: Vince, Vincy, Vee, VeeDub (that's only because my initials are VW)

Never met a girl named Vincent, but met a few named Vincy.

08-05-2008, 10:34 AM
My legal name is James but I have gone by Jamie all my life.

I've had comments on the fact that girls are often named Jamie but it has never bothered me one bit.

08-05-2008, 10:42 AM
Greg... Gregory... it's ok... not as common as you'd think.

I've been called Gerg by sidlexics, or had people try to spell it Gregg. Grog ftw.

08-05-2008, 10:56 AM
My name is Raymond.

Never really thought about if I like the name or not but i guess it do. its not anything way out there and its not too common.

Nicknames: Ray... everything else revolves around my last name haha.

For girls names only ever known one japanese girl by the name of Rei.

08-05-2008, 11:15 AM
Name: Brodie
I enjoy it. Its different enough that I havent actually met another Brodie (Besides Scott's with it for thier last name, as Brodie is an uncommon Scottish last name)
Nicknames: Birdy, Birdman.... got called Grody Brodie in elementary school :rofl:
Never have I ever met another Brodie, nevermind a girl by that name.

08-05-2008, 11:24 AM
Andrei (pronounced same as Andre). (French/eastern Eu. version)

Love my name, sounds great lol,

I guess an insult would be Andrea (female version)

08-05-2008, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by 2000_SI
Name: Brodie
I enjoy it. Its different enough that I havent actually met another Brodie (Besides Scott's with it for thier last name, as Brodie is an uncommon Scottish last name)
Nicknames: Birdy, Birdman.... got called Grody Brodie in elementary school :rofl:
Never have I ever met another Brodie, nevermind a girl by that name.

I know Brodie's of both sex, but I still love the name. It was one of my top boy names when we had our son. But he got Adam.

08-05-2008, 11:40 AM
Mine is Etienne. I like in it a French environment but here every English speaking person gets it wrong so I just go by frenchy or ET.

The English translation of it would be Steve or Steven.

08-05-2008, 12:19 PM
Ian: I haven't met an Ian I like. There was this kid at our cabin named Ian and we hated him with a passion

Cameron: I agree with you, could be used as a girls name.

Lachlan: The pronounciation could be an issue, but you could play with the spelling and see if you find another way for it to work.

Roman: I haven't seen Roman for a name in a very long time. It is unique.

Campbell: This one could work, but depends on the last name and how it rolls together.

William: The key with not using the Bill or Billy is to correct people straight away. That way it doesn't stick.

James: Same thing as William. Just make sure you correct people.

Oliver: I quite like Oliver. It has been coming back slowly. And really, is Oliver Twist such a bad thing? (Just make sure people don't call him Ollie....blech)

Callum: The only nickname right off the bat for this one is Cal. Whether that bothers you or not is a different story.

Logan: Every second kid is named Logan.

Hunter: I can understand why your husband wouldn't like this one. It wouldn't be my pick either.

What about classic names? Lucas, Matthew, Ethan, Jack, John, Brock (if you want strong), Joshua, Carter, Liam, Benjamin, Nicholas....

I agree with you for the most part though. You don't want your kid to have a girl name. And in my personal opinion, I don't like the crazy ass names people give their kids.

08-05-2008, 12:37 PM
Hmmm, you need a masculine boys name, that is uncommon.

1 simple answer to that.

Name the kid BROCK

All i can think of when i hear that name is a guy. no way that it can be used as a girls name, i have only met 2 or 3 people that have the name, and really, not too many ways for people to make fun of it.

Most strong name for a Boy i can think of.

08-05-2008, 01:03 PM
My name is Gabriel.

I suppose I love it. Probably because of the strong bible reference.

Good nicknames : Gabe, Gabby
Bad nicknames: none that I've been called

Girls I've met are all named Gabrielle/Gabby.

08-05-2008, 01:22 PM
You want a Male name no girl would want??


On a more serious note some cool guy names are Jeremy, Brent, Dirk, I know a few folks who have called their boys Dawson, though that is weird because Dawson is a last name.

08-05-2008, 01:27 PM

Its good, i was named that because my bday is close to st patties day

nicknames include: pat patty, patty cakes ,st.patrick, post man pat. my fave is Patroclus from troy!! (pronounced patrocleese)

the bad? patricia :dunno:
girls i know a few patricias?

08-05-2008, 01:32 PM
name him Burninator

08-05-2008, 01:51 PM
ooh... Kramer's a gooder. I'm gonna keep that on my list.

08-05-2008, 03:55 PM
How about Seven?

08-05-2008, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Neil4Speed
How about Seven?

Nah Seven is a bad name... she should go for ... ummm... Soda.. yeah Soda.

08-05-2008, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Boat

Its good, i was named that because my bday is close to st patties day

nicknames include: pat patty, patty cakes ,st.patrick, post man pat. my fave is Patroclus from troy!! (pronounced patrocleese)

the bad? patricia :dunno:
girls i know a few patricias?


08-05-2008, 04:41 PM

Do not under any circumstances name your kid Matthew. :banghead:

08-05-2008, 06:48 PM
Farquhar. (Pronunciation: Far-kwar)



08-05-2008, 06:50 PM
i doubt you'd name your kid steve haha

i like my name though, pretty common but nothing too common.
get called steve-o, stevie, steven, stevieo (i love this one)

oh edit: i haven't met a girl named steve yet.

08-05-2008, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by dannie
Ian: I haven't met an Ian I like. There was this kid at our cabin named Ian and we hated him with a passion

:rofl: so true, I havn't met one I like either...it's mostly because of their attitude.

08-05-2008, 06:59 PM
adam is a good strong name

Fuckin' rights. ;)

In all seriousness though, I've had more trouble with my last name then my first. "Adam" is best described as quoted. And I do not believe it to be that popular, I knew one Adam up until grade 6 and even in highschool (over 1100 kids at the one I went to) there were mabye 4 Adam's throughout the whole school. Very rare that I ever have to do the "someone's calling me" head twist.