View Full Version : Weird Internet Issue

08-05-2008, 06:53 PM
So I built my new computer and hooked it up to the ethernet cable i usually use for my xbox. The adapter is just the generic one on my Asus P5K with the drivers off of the cd.

When I use the internet casually on it, it works fine, but i am getting some files off of irc, and it is going at around 500kbps and then kills the internet connection and that can only be cured by restarting the computer. it also affects my other computers internet connections, which is also cured with restarts.

does anyone have any ideas why this happens. also the irc download will still continue to run for awhile while the internet browsers are unable to get to any page. :dunno:

i just tested it again and apparantly the internet returns to normal once irc has closed the connection for the file transfers. it is hydra irc if that is any help.

08-05-2008, 07:09 PM

08-05-2008, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by revelations
shaw, regular highspeed, surfboard modem, netgear wired router

08-05-2008, 07:16 PM
try newest drivers off the intrawebs

try hardcoding the interface to 100Mbit fullduplex, instead of Autodetect... find this in the NIC's properties, advanced tab methinks

you have a dmz setup on the router? or proper ports forwarded to the machine for DCC transfers on IRC?

08-05-2008, 07:19 PM
also, is your router damn old? :D tried resetting it... with a hammer?

08-05-2008, 07:20 PM
i looked in the properties tab underadvanced and couldnt find the duplex option?

no ports forwarded for irc. just installed was going to try to forward ports for utorrent, didnt remember login for router at the time.

08-05-2008, 07:27 PM
In WinXP I'd go:

Settings... control panel... network connections... right-click on Local Area Connection... beside where it says Connect using: "Anus Realtek Built-in Junk" there's a button [Configure] which opens a new window, should have an Advanced or Link Speed tab... just look through for an option that says "auto detect" and see if you can choose 100Mbit Full Duplex

Can't remember router password? Perfect time to reset it... you should definitely forward some ports, say 44000-44444 to your IRC machine, and tell hydra to use those for DCC's. Otherwise the router may be doing some UPnP or DMZ oddness... in fact, disabling UPnP may help. Also a good time to update your router's firmware to newest from netgear's website which may fix issues.

08-05-2008, 07:31 PM
hmm, i will try resetting the modem and router.
then forward those ports
the router has the most update firmware as it is a pos and is old but usually isnt trouble
but on the autoduplex item, on this computer i have it, but on my new computer it is not in the options under advanced for some reason, both have completely different options there.

08-05-2008, 08:12 PM
Alright. I updated drivers for nic. reset modem and router. seems to be working sofar, but the internet hangs occassionally then will work suddenly a few moments later. still no option for the duplex in the settings though

08-05-2008, 08:22 PM
hangs on just the one PC or all?

08-05-2008, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Grogador
hangs on just the one PC or all?
i believe it is all. speeds are dropping 4000/400, 2000/200, 1500/100 but not disconnecting like before.

update: and now it is doing the disconnect thing again. reset and the internet works again :banghead:
that did last the longest though, about 1 hour at kbps transfer then cutoff

08-05-2008, 09:25 PM
sounds like a dying router, but maybe try unplugging the "new" computer and see if everyone cuts out

08-05-2008, 09:29 PM
Everything is fine when that computer is not on. Only using hydrairc causes the internet to cut out, possibly freezing the router for a moment maybe??, until hydra irc closes the connection and it is back to normal. never had this issue before with this computer, could it possibly even be the program itself, i have used hydrairc on this computer for years with no issues, and now suddenly on the new computer, weird disconnects. the modem is getting up there in the years though aswell

08-05-2008, 09:31 PM
Its directly related to the router, its all about open tcp and udp connections.

Some routers have hard limits, and die horribly if you hit them.

Is it possible to change your max open connections on that irc app?

Or upgrade to a router that supports DD-WRT Firmware?

08-05-2008, 09:34 PM
Ah, weird... hmm... DCC is only one connection, so it shouldn't rape your router or NIC like torrents do. Do you have a spare PCI network card you could pop in to that machine to test? Forward those ports for DCC too :D

What kind of cablemodem? Black standup Motorola SB5100 or the older horizontal CyberSURFR?

08-05-2008, 09:36 PM
yah it is weird because the transfer isnt that fast, and yet it is messing with it. i have never ran into issues like this before on large/fast transfers such as this and now the router could be the issue from what you guys have said. i dont have a spare nic card as i have always relied on on-board for my nics. it is the newer motorola modem as they took away my favorite cybersurfr :(

08-05-2008, 09:38 PM
Is your onboard NIC a Realtek, perchance?

If you like, msg me the HFC MAC ID off your cablemodem and I can check your signal, noise and errors... although it really sounds like some sort of router/NIC mismatch.

Maybe hit stuff like http://speedtest.shaw.ca and dslreports.com speedtests to kind of exercise it?

Oh, and forward those DCC ports yet? :D

08-05-2008, 09:44 PM
it is a p5k so the brand on that is attansic?
the speed is fine now. 4500/450
on the router i forwarded the ports 44000-44444

08-05-2008, 09:51 PM
set hydra's dcc options to use those ports?

08-05-2008, 10:00 PM
i have just set it now as i couldnt find it before, just need to wait for the pack to come back up. i am assuming dcc send ports are what i am looking for

08-05-2008, 10:05 PM
Not sure, technically it should be "dcc receive ports" or just some option for ports to use in general... RTFM? Personally I use mIRC.

I did find this in the hydra IRC wiki, FAQ section:

Q: When I try to initiate DCC send or DCC chat, I am disconnected from all the IRC servers I'm connected to, whats happening?
A: Some older Netgear routers will drop and connection to IRC if the you've used port 6667 to connect to the IRC server and then try to initiate DCC send or DCC chat with other users. A work around for this is to connect to the IRC servers using a different port. Almost every IRC server will have other ports open, (check with their Message Of The Day when connecting for additional open ports), such as 6669.

Also this... although we are talking receive... worth a shot:

Q: I can't send files to people, why?
A: Check out the "External Address" ("Router Address" in Hydra IRC? 0.3.160 and below) setting, make sure it's set to your network's external IP and make sure the router for your network is correctly forwarding packets from that address to your machine on the ports configured in the "DCC Send First Port" and "DCC Send Last Port" settings.

08-05-2008, 10:08 PM
Yah, the only other dcc was for chat. that issue sounds similar but it allows me to connect and begin and transfer the file then just cuts out at random. i am attempting to download the same pack on this computer, and nothing is happening out of the ordinary. same speed, same file, no problems. :dunno: this is so weird:banghead:

08-05-2008, 10:19 PM
I blame the onboard NIC. Newer drivers here (http://www.station-drivers.com/page/attansic.htm) found all sorts of stuff about their crap on Asus forums (http://vip.asus.com/forum/search.aspx?keyword=attansic&search_type=by_topic&SLanguage=en-us).

08-05-2008, 10:29 PM
Get a new router! Simple!

08-05-2008, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by Grogador
I blame the onboard NIC. Newer drivers here (http://www.station-drivers.com/page/attansic.htm) found all sorts of stuff about their crap on Asus forums (http://vip.asus.com/forum/search.aspx?keyword=attansic&search_type=by_topic&SLanguage=en-us).
alright thanks for the links
i found this also
- Download the Asus LAN driver
- Download the latest M3A bios file (0601) from the Asus M3A support website
* if this PC can't get online, download these on another web enabled PC and save it to a USB drive/floppy drive or burn it.
- Boot in Safe Mode (press F8 when starting up)
- Go into Device Manager and delete/uninstall the LAN driver.
- Reboot in Normal mode
- Windows will detect the LAN, but don't install any drivers for it.
- Run AsusUpdate and update your bios using the 0601 bios file you saved.
- Reboot
- Install the Asus LAN driver
- It should install fine.
- Then do a Windows Update and one of the available updates will be to get the driver!
- Get it, reboot, smile."

different motherboard but i will give it a try, along with this guy having the exact same issue
here (http://forums.speedguide.net/showthread.php?p=2204921)

update: updated to the different drivers with a straight install. works pretty fast sofar, will test again tomorrow after work to see if it cured the irc issues. thanks for the help sofar.:thumbsup:

update 2: after download on this computer aswell, i believe my router is shitting the bed as the internet is slowing down and picking up once the connection is closed

for a new router, i have heard good things about this linksys i guess

08-06-2008, 08:41 AM
The WRT54GL sounds decent, you can load up custom Loonix firmware (like OpenWRT or DD-WRT) on it, but didn't they gut the hardware in recent versions? Dunno, I've never used a consumer type router, mines a PIII 733MHz running pfSense (http://www.pfsense.com/). I used to run m0n0wall (http://m0n0.ch/) on a Pentium 90 :D No problems and an uptime over 2yrs...

08-06-2008, 08:57 AM
i have read good things about the tomato firmware so i guess i will pick that router up and load that firmware this weekend. it should be a step up from my router now, which sucks badly, to this. as long as it has 4 wired ports and works fine with my 360, it should work i hope.

08-06-2008, 08:59 AM
turn off the WiFi :D

08-06-2008, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by Grogador
turn off the WiFi :D
yup, i am getting a wireless router and turning off the wifi until i get an eee pc.:rofl:

08-06-2008, 09:13 AM
That Linksys Wireless G for Linux is perfect for DD-WRT Firmware. It runs great.

Their is a small change in the settings to allow lots of connections, and my roomate and I have never tanked mine. (Both of us running torrents, newsgroups, etc ) all the time.

08-06-2008, 09:54 AM
alright, that ddwrt firmware sounds good. i will have to go to memx and pick it up so i can set it up then install that firmware.

08-07-2008, 07:00 PM
alright thanks for all of the help guys. i picked up the wrt54gl, will do the firmware upgrade to ddwrt later. i must attempt to get civilization 4 now that it is working to test it out.

10-13-2008, 02:03 PM
Just thought since I would bump this back instead of creating a new thread. My issue has returned when getting files off of irc, yet it is only on this individual computer so it is not a router or modem issue. When it happens, the irc client disconnects from all servers wether I use mirc or hydra irc and the internet no longer works until this computer is reset, yet my xbox and my sisters computer still have proper working internet. Any ideas on how to get around this internet freeze out. Only occours while using irc with large files that have a reasonably large transfer time.:confused:

10-13-2008, 02:24 PM
Hey I know this isn't of much help but I remember reading a thread with the exact same problem on here and the guy said his problem was solved by buying a new router. I have the exact same mobo as you and have never experienced that problem.

10-13-2008, 02:31 PM
its definitely the router's problem. When you download stuff from multiple sources like torrents, there might be a lot of ports open which could bog down ur connection terribly. I had the exact same problem with azureus vuze and this is how i solved it:
Depending on ur firmware but with the ddwrt firmware (opensource firmware) there is an option for udp/tcp timeout, and you want to adjust these values down to 60secs instead of the default 3600 value.

10-13-2008, 02:36 PM
arian, i think that was this thread, i thought it was fixed but hadnt attemped to get any large files until recently so i assumed the router fixed it.

i am not sure if it is the router here, torrents give me no issues at all, it is just irc file transfers which have a single source which are causing issues. Usually about 30mins-1hour it just disconnects, everything using the internet on this computer like msn and such disconnect and the internet stops working.

adam c
10-13-2008, 05:15 PM
i don't suppose you're running mcafee?

i had it on my computer and if i was torrenting, my internet would be non-existant

10-13-2008, 05:31 PM
nope, just avast, and no firewall. torrents are no issue for some reason, only large files over irc. a large convenience as irc is a little bit faster than torrents most times. :banghead: