View Full Version : Doomsday

08-17-2008, 01:43 AM
Just finished watching this movie on dvd, and i thought it was complete garbage. At first it started off really good, it pulled you into the story and it seemed very similar to 28 days/weeks later (Which i loved btw)

Once it got into it, it became so stupid. There was a seperation on survivers, i guess half of the people that survived the virus in the movie either became punk savages that resorted to cannibalism and the other half went old school into medevil times that went back to living in Castles. The story went absoutely no where and it just confused the shit out of me. It became so ridiculous, that at one point it wasn't even an action/horror movie anymore, i was just laughing and trying to figure out what the hell was happening. It seemed like it was based in 3 different eras.

Anyway, the thing that was really stupid was at the end when they found a bentley continnental gt out of no where? Apparently this car is not faster then scrap piece of shit cars that caught up to it, and made it seem like the gt couldn't out run them. Then it goes right through a bus.. causing some huge fireball explosion for some reason? .. the car pretty much goes right through the middle of it, and then there is absoutely no damage to the front of the car lol. It had a few scratches, but the grille, bumper and headlights are left untouched. Must be one hell of a tough built car? Seems like every other wipeout/crash or roll over caused explosions as well. Haha, it was cool to watch but a little tacky.

Don't get me wrong, the movie has tons of action throughout, lots of gun fights and chases, and shit blowing up everywhere, and the chick in it is HOT! It wasn't boring, but the problem is that everything is exaggerated beyond the point, so you can't really get into it, and nothing is really answered. I was also really annoyed and disturbed at the part where the "savage" survivers do their little concert/dirt bike derby thing and eat and burn a person alive

Anybody else watch this and thought it was pretty stupid as well?

08-17-2008, 01:47 AM

most of these people agree with you

i have yet to see the movie, i dont think i will either

perhaps when its on the movie channels on tv, otherwise, not interested

08-17-2008, 02:20 AM
Watched it earlier this week, I wasn't expecting much from a subpar cast and sketchy plot but it delivered on me not being totally bored or hating on it. The whole switch from the mad max style to the medieval shit was a bit wacky but hey it could happen!

08-17-2008, 02:24 AM
I thought it was wicked!

08-17-2008, 03:08 AM

08-17-2008, 08:49 AM
Watched this movie a while ago. I completely agree , the movie was complete shit.. It ripped off Mad Max so badly!! And how the hell would those complete shit cars even keep up to GT lol.