View Full Version : Wanted: Dog trainer

08-17-2008, 01:26 PM
I'm looking for a dog trainer that either specializes in or has experience with dog on dog aggression.

I have a 2 yr old male Doberman that needs some training with some dog aggression issues. I adopted him last December, and he was poorly socialized with dogs, it's becoming a problem.

He gets along great with people, well mannered etc. but I cant handle his bad manners with other dogs anymore.

If you know anyone that deals with dog aggression issues please pass on the info. thx.

I realize the Yellow pages etc. would have a ton of them, just looking for some that are actually good, seen alot of people hire trainers with no results,
thanks again.


08-17-2008, 01:30 PM
Do some research on dog obediance and training. You have to assert your dominance over your pet, it takes a while, and alot of time, but if you care for your dog, and dont want to see your dog put down for being to aggressive, you'll do it.

The best training (which i picked up from "at the end of my leash") is get a 6 foot lead leash, tie it around your waist, and attach it to your dogs collar, do this around the house, or outside, for a few hours a day. Wherever you go, your dog has to go.

While walking outside, make random turns, so that your dog has to learn to pay attention to the Alpha (you).

after a while, your dog will learn that you are the alpha, (the one in charge) and if the alpha doesn't see a need to be aggressive with other dogs/people, the dog will not either.

08-17-2008, 01:47 PM
Just look up "Clever Canine" on google or beyond. Best one out there IMO.

08-17-2008, 02:09 PM
brad from at the end of my leash is based out of calgary you could see if they could do an episode with your dog in it:dunno: its worth a shot