View Full Version : XR4Ti vs RX7

08-19-2008, 06:36 PM
Title basically says it all. These cars (of similiar years and shape) go for similiar prices... high-end RX7's notwithstanding. Lets just say I was going to pick one of these cars up: which one should I choose.

Of course the cars are fairly different in nature, but each have the basic similiarities of RWD and decent power for the era. This is all hypothetical in nature ;)

08-19-2008, 06:39 PM

Rare Euro inspired. tons of parts available for 2.3 Ford, and I'm sure they're a lot cheaper than the Rotary.

ALSO, Western motorsports knows the 2.3 Turbo motor quite well and can hook you up. Might be tough getting rotary specific Parts and service locally.

EDIT: If you're serious about the Xr4ti, Why not look into the Mustang SVO? those cars Rock!

08-19-2008, 06:42 PM
Well there is RX7 Specialties for the rotary. But yes, XR4Ti is a very cool car. 2.3L's are strong motors and love boost. Its always cool to see a nice Merkur.

The Cosworth
08-19-2008, 06:51 PM
rx7 looks better IMO but everything underneath the skin of the XR4Ti is better.

So it is up to you

08-19-2008, 06:57 PM
XR4Ti, very unique cars with more support than you might expect.

08-19-2008, 07:47 PM
Wow, let's choose between 2 of the most unreliable cars ever :rofl:.

I used to own an XR4Ti. It's peppy, but man did EVERYTHING break on that car. I gave it to my bro, and he had it just as bad as me lol. At least he made it look decent:


If you think Merkur parts are cheap, you are mistaken. Getting some of those parts are fucking tough!

08-19-2008, 07:47 PM
i actually had to google XR4Ti because i had never heard of it before lol. neat little car :D

08-19-2008, 07:50 PM
Anyways if you need parts:


They're the only place to get some of the tough to get parts.

08-19-2008, 08:14 PM
I've owned 2 RX7's and my friend had a XR4, which I grew to know quite well.

Let's compare:

Design: The RX7 has an understated design, but one which still looks good (though dated) today. The XR4Ti looks peculiar. This can be good if you like original, and "different" looking cars. This can be bad if you like cars that are truly good looking, rather than strange looking. For interior design, the Mazda also wins imo, and does not look as dated as the Merkur by far.

Performance: As far as handling goes, you will simply be hard pressed to find better than the RX7. Not to say the Merkur is a slouch with it's fully independant suspension - it's surprisingly good, but not AS good imo.

However, in a straight line the Merkur has the advantage. Quite a sizable one if you get the 5spd, and an experienced driver who can get a good launch.

Quality: This is a tough one. The RX7 is generally well built and reliable. Except for the engine. The problem is that the rotary is a very picky engine and must be VERY well maintained. If it is not, then it *will* blow. IF you buy one, ensure that it is in good shape, and if you can find one which does not have the fuel flooding issue. If it has not been rebuilt yet, you can expect to do so at a large expense. RX7 Specialties will make your bumhole look like the mouth to a cave.

The Merkur is much much cheaper for parts. It's unfortunate you will need a lot of them. While the RX7 might have a weak engine, the Merkur has weak everything.

In my opinion, the XR4Ti was a good attempt and has it's definate merits. But it's a brutal piece of machinery that will likely break down on you everywhere. But in the end, you're still talking about two very old cars that are prone to failure at this point and despite the Mazda's quality components, I'm not sure you'll be much better off.

Also, check the exhaust on the Mazda. It's very expensive to repair.

08-19-2008, 09:51 PM
But in the end, you're still talking about two very old cars that are prone to failure at this point and despite the Mazda's quality components, I'm not sure you'll be much better off.

Way to sour my thread ;)

So far you guys are working at making me do the mature and responsible thing and keep my reliable japanese piece of machinery while going to school. Its so... BORING though.

All of this ^^^ hypothetically of course...

08-20-2008, 08:11 AM
Honestly dude - if you already have a car that is reliable, you might as well stick with it. Buying one of these older cars is more likely to give you headaches than anything, and let's face it... a 0-60 of 8.5 seconds (on the RX7) is really nothing to write home about...

08-20-2008, 08:16 AM
Ask Jim Rome which car to get. :D

08-20-2008, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by Darkane
EDIT: If you're serious about the Xr4ti, Why not look into the Mustang SVO? those cars Rock!

didnt they come with the same engine?,OP go with the XR, i'm sure he wants something that handles better than a brick with marshmallows for suspension :D A friend had one in high school, worst car ever to have in high school for obvious reasons :banghead: , but his dad was a mechanic and he loved that damned german Ford to death.

i've always thought XRs were interesting/unique cars, because of the one day when i was about 8 and 3 of these things, all black (maybe 1 was dark green like rage's) with full tint and rims come off the offramp from memorial to deerfoot all doing at least 160 out of the corner and the last one in the pack shot flames out the exhaust.

well maybe it wasn't 160 but when you're 8 years old, you're driving with your parents in the family Tercel, never seen a car go that fast on the streets while shooting fireballs out the tailpipe, it might as well have been 200 out the corner.

962 kid
08-20-2008, 10:50 AM
RX7 is the better choice, unless you want a car to be unique. If you care at all about performance, go with the RX7.

08-20-2008, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by 962 kid
RX7 is the better choice, unless you want a car to be unique. If you care at all about performance, go with the RX7.
You know he's talking about 1st gen RX7 right?

08-20-2008, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek
[B] RX7 Specialties will make your bumhole look like the mouth to a cave.[/]

LOL! :werd:

Originally posted by rotten42

Ask Jim Rome which car to get. :D [/]


The solution is obvious, get a first gen RX7 and do a Small block Chev, and watch everyone cringe.

08-20-2008, 05:57 PM
You know he's talking about 1st gen RX7 right?

I'm pretty sure I am talking about a 2nd gen... shit, did I just question rage about what I am thinking?! ;)

I guess I should have clarified, but the last year of 1st gen RX7 was the same year the XR4Ti came out so I thought that when I said similiar age it would all make sense (in reference to a 2nd gen). My bad.

08-20-2008, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by rotten42
Ask Jim Rome which car to get. :D

Exactly what I was thinking too lol
I can not take that cars name seriously now.

Buying an RX7 is like showing up to a party dressed in sweat pants then popping a boner.

962 kid
08-20-2008, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by rage2

You know he's talking about 1st gen RX7 right?

Originally posted by HiTempguy1

I'm pretty sure I am talking about a 2nd gen... shit, did I just [B]question rage about what I am thinking?! ;)/B]

ha, I was right and rage was wrong. Pretty sure that deserves a custom user title. Either way though, the xr is a lame car for modding if you like over 300hp. The heads won't flow over 300hp without serious modification, the transmissions start breaking at around 250 ft/lbs of tq, they like to blow head gaskets, etc etc. They also have super, super flexible chassis.

08-20-2008, 10:18 PM
So... uh... was a conclusion formed here about which one to get? I have a 1987 XR I'm probably going to check out on Friday and an 1988 RX7 (GXL) as well. Did I just type that out loud? I'm leaning towards the Merkur due to its turbocharged goodness and all-around uniqueness (hey, what can I say I've been driving turbo sprints for the past 4 years and have 4 at the moment :nut: ) It also comes with 4 brand new winter tires which is a big plus ;)

Unless somebody can say that magical spinning triangles will make me a convert somehow. I've been around the Ford 2.3 a bit and know it is tough as hell.

And just so everybody knows, the car is not going to need to be daily driven. I'm catching a bus to school hence why I am even considering downgrading to something a bit less practical/more fun.

08-21-2008, 08:15 AM
You....have 4 turbo sprints? and a GLH(S)? What the Christ..... How do I become a baller like you?

08-21-2008, 09:28 AM
Combined they have the same horsepower as one lightly modded mustang.

08-21-2008, 09:28 AM
I'm pretty impressed by your GLH, too. Where'd you find it?

08-21-2008, 04:51 PM
You....have 4 turbo sprints? and a GLH(S)? What the Christ..... How do I become a baller like you?

Tenacity. I was at 6 at one point. This is the nicest one I owned:


Combined they have the same horsepower as one lightly modded mustang.

You could have at least said a Camaro, I am insulted by you comparing my cars to that kind of garbage... JUST KIDDING! ;)

I'm pretty impressed by your GLH, too. Where'd you find it?

In a backyard, I got rid of it quite a while ago and never noticed I hadn't updated my profile. It was rough (real rough) and needed a lot more work then an 18 y.o going to school could afford.

This whole thread may be made pointless in the next 24 hours:


Only 120K on it :drool:

962 kid
08-21-2008, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1
This whole thread may be made pointless in the next 24 hours:


Only 120K on it :drool:

Did your parents beat you as a child?

08-21-2008, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by 962 kid
ha, I was right and rage was wrong. Pretty sure that deserves a custom user title.
How does "banned" sound? :rofl:

I figured XR4Ti's are about the same price as 1st gen RX7's. Didn't think 2nd gen RX7's are that cheap.

Don't hate on the Sprints, I drove a convertible one years ago, they're not too shabby for 3 cylinders haha.

962 kid
08-21-2008, 05:45 PM
Googe already has that one ;) I'm sure you can think of something better than that. I guess Sprints are alright though, it's especially good for the OP because he could buy either the XR4Ti or the RX7 and be blown away by the power.

08-21-2008, 06:11 PM
I guess Sprints are alright though, it's especially good for the OP because he could buy either the XR4Ti or the RX7 and be blown away by the power.

Err... the Sprint I drive right now would be close to either of those with a bit more fuel. Don't knock what you haven't tried. ;) And don't knock me for what little I've posted on this forum. The original question was an honest question not put forth too seriously as who knows what can happen when looking at a general selection of cars? I could end up with anything in reality but thought it would be cool to try something out that was a bit different and post on Beyond to see if some guys could drop me some info on two different cars I am looking at.

Pretty sure I'll end up with something that doesn't blow it's tranny as easily as a talon though... *ZING!* :rofl: I kid! A talon was on the list but I've researched them before quite thoroughly and any talon that is below $3k is a talon I don't want to touch (not really planning on throwing around more then $3.5k for a vehicle).

962 kid
08-21-2008, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

Err... the Sprint I drive right now would be close to either of those with a bit more fuel. Don't knock what you haven't tried. ;) And don't knock me for what little I've posted on this forum. The original question was an honest question not put forth too seriously as who knows what can happen when looking at a general selection of cars? I could end up with anything in reality but thought it would be cool to try something out that was a bit different and post on Beyond to see if some guys could drop me some info on two different cars I am looking at.

Pretty sure I'll end up with something that doesn't blow it's tranny as easily as a talon though... *ZING!* :rofl: I kid! A talon was on the list but I've researched them before quite thoroughly and any talon that is below $3k is a talon I don't want to touch (not really planning on throwing around more then $3.5k for a vehicle).

Don't take it so seriously, it's the web. I'm not knocking you, fuck I almost bought your turbo sprint when you had it for sale lol. If you do get a talon though, I have a great transmission core for sale, only slighty broken ;)

08-21-2008, 06:27 PM
I know, I was just having some fun in the thread I made ;) It's all good.

08-21-2008, 06:33 PM
RX7 with a 20b!

08-21-2008, 10:11 PM
i loved my XR... it was a great car to learn from... cool looking to if you fit a full cosworth rs500 kit...

their are tons of aftermarket places aswell to get parts...

ebay.ca lol


anyways yes their are also the downsides the turbo is oldschool, head does suck balls and wont flow efficiently and the t9 transmission blows aswell easiest solution is to swap a mustang t5 tranny...

08-22-2008, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

In a backyard, I got rid of it quite a while ago and never noticed I hadn't updated my profile. It was rough (real rough) and needed a lot more work then an 18 y.o going to school could afford.

This whole thread may be made pointless in the next 24 hours:


Only 120K on it :drool:

Oh no, a fellow teamswift forum member.

Do you know anything about the Mk4/5s? If so, I might send a PM your way to ask a few things.

08-22-2008, 12:38 AM
If you have to decide between an RX7 and something else, get the (whatever else it is.)

RX7s are a labor of love but you gotta be ready to give the car plenty of attention, especially if you're talking turbo models. It's not the kind of car you can start up just to re-adjust your park job (helloooo flooding).

08-23-2008, 10:52 AM
Oh no, a fellow teamswift forum member.

Yes indeed. I've never owned a MK4/5 due to their "everything" I hate about modern cars-ness (weight, slow). Can't be much help there.

Went and looked at a couple of cars yesterday. Spinning triangles scare me now so I've crossed the RX7 off the list (mabye I'll grab one in two years). However, this Merkur:


has my interest piqued :D

10-12-2008, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by rage2
Wow, let's choose between 2 of the most unreliable cars ever :rofl:.

I used to own an XR4Ti. It's peppy, but man did EVERYTHING break on that car. I gave it to my bro, and he had it just as bad as me lol. At least he made it look decent:


If you think Merkur parts are cheap, you are mistaken. Getting some of those parts are fucking tough!

lol, and i bought it from rage2 and this is what the motor looked like ...

always do a compression test before you buy a used moded car! :)




so did you end up buying the XR?

10-12-2008, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by atomic
lol, and i bought it from rage2 and this is what the motor looked like ...

always do a compression test before you buy a used moded car! :)
Wow, it looked like that? That's brutal.

BTW - u bought it from my bro MrX, I just handed u the keys :rofl:.

10-12-2008, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by KRyn
RX7 with a 20b!

he doesn't want to spend more than 3.5k. You obviously never priced out a 20b swap. Even guys who do them themselves end up paying over 10 grand usually if not that much very close to that in the end. It's expensive as hell...Worth it but expensive.

His 3.5k car would end up costing him well over 10 grand and then gas would be atrocious. He'd be diong a tank every day he would drive the thing. 20b's are thirsty fuckers.

I definitely vote fc though.

10-13-2008, 07:58 AM
Bought a 1994 civic, feel terrible about it. And then I get over 700kms on a tank of gas during regular highway driving :nut: That makes me smile a bit.

If the civic gets sold (everything is always for sale, right?!) I might be getting something else, probably not an RX or Merkur (still want them though)!

10-13-2008, 09:22 AM
am I the only one who thinks the XR4Ti looks ugly? i think they're haggard. I'm glad the OP bought a practical car and not one of those unreliable cars.

10-16-2008, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Wow, it looked like that? That's brutal.

BTW - u bought it from my bro MrX, I just handed u the keys :rofl:.

lol, fair enough ;)

car's still rock'n ... after the first week of driving it my girlfriend nicknamed it for me .. it's been called "stinky" ever since . makes a good winter car .

i was lazy with the new engine replacement . it was a new-to-me motor . i just dropped it in and drove it for a few years . head gasket finally went between cylinders 1 & 2 . i changed the gasket on the weekend .

the interior has been restored back to stock . ebay and pat ..

runs great now :)