View Full Version : Calgary clubs and nightlife: How can it be changed?

08-27-2008, 05:11 PM
So i thought i would ask beyond where i could find the regulations and laws on Calgary nightclubs and liquor laws. My reason for this inquiry is i just recently came back from Europe and experienced the nightlife they have.

Recently i have seen how Calgary has been cutting into Liquor laws and the fact that clubs close up at around 2:00am is inherently wounding our nightlife and culture. In Europe it seemed people enjoyed time on patios and pubs then near midnight or 1am the clubs began to fill up with a party hearty crowd that enjoys itself to 4am or 6am.

My goal here is to look further into what is going on, and what we can do to possibly change this. I think its about time we fought for our nightlife and helped gain Calgary some credit for a great nightlife.

It is a far shot for sure, but i am sure many others have seen and compared the difference between our nightlife and others.

08-27-2008, 05:15 PM
For a city as wealthy and big as it is....nightlife is lame here!!!

08-27-2008, 05:16 PM
If you can somehow entice the government to encourage everyone to have 6.3 children per household, then maybe, just maybe, in 18 years time, our population will be large enough to support clubs being opened and parties going past 2am. That, or just move to Europe. I'd rather have the lower population densities here.

Supa Dexta
08-27-2008, 05:33 PM
How that^ has anything to do with anything is beyond me.. Hell in NS we have places that are open until 4 I think it is..

08-27-2008, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by mo_money2supe
If you can somehow entice the government to encourage everyone to have 6.3 children per household, then maybe, just maybe, in 18 years time, our population will be large enough to support clubs being opened and parties going past 2am. That, or just move to Europe. I'd rather have the lower population densities here.
we have a million people, i am sure we could find enough to fill a few clubs after hours....:dunno:

08-27-2008, 05:46 PM
BC has places open until 4.

08-27-2008, 05:58 PM
Its a totally lost cause just travel. I was done with calgary clubs when I went to my first european club at 15. Went to a Calgary club a few months later at 16 and it was like wtf mate?

We just don't have a nightlife, I've come to accept that. The government is going AWAY from good nightlife (case in point minimum drink prices to curb club violence what the FUCK????).

My hat's off to you if you manage to get anything done but I'm seriously not suprised by anything our government doesn w.r.t. clubs and nightlife anymore.

Hey, wasn't that recent incident with the toilet tank lid AFTER minimum drink prices? How the hell did he afford to drink that much? Maybe they should raise prices again because the latest increase clearly didn't have enough of an effect....

08-27-2008, 06:21 PM
Too many 'Not right now chief' and 'I'll cut you up' people in Calgary.

2am closing is lame too...

08-27-2008, 07:08 PM
You'd have to change the people first. Europe's party-goers (apart from the UK) isn't into going out and getting plastered and starting fights all night. Most locals seem to go out for a few drinks and lots of dancing. It's a completely different atmosphere. You can definitely still find your seedy after-hours places where all they serve is bottled water to down some pills but I don't consider that a great scene.

I was in Prague a couple of weeks ago and went to a HUGE 5-story night club that probably had 10k people spread out over the floors. It was intense!! Great music and great fun. I spent 4 or 5 hours there and only had 1 beer! In Calgary I usually end up just trying to get shit faced to have a good time.

Oh, and European girls are just hot wicked girls that are up for dancing and a good time. You can talk to them for hours and they'll never ask what you do or how much money you make or any of that shit. Calgary girls are typically money grubbing wh0res looking to marry into money. The first question here always seems to be "what do you do?"

08-27-2008, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by davidI
The first question here always seems to be "what do you do?"


08-27-2008, 07:14 PM
Calgary nightlife will never change.. Ive gone clubbing all around the world (Aussie/Euro(Ibiza , Amsterdam ect..)/Uk/South America ) and its the culture that makes the clubs better than a Calgary club.. So unless you change the complete Calgary culture , its going to get worse and worse here.

After working in the clubs in Calgary , I can say for a fact , its never going to change here.. Just travel and enjoy the clubs you get to experience around the world.

08-27-2008, 07:16 PM
fuck calgary

on that note. im going to the bar tonight, anyone else?

jdm_eg6. take me next time. fuck this city.

08-27-2008, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ
its never going to change here.. Just travel and enjoy the clubs you get to experience around the world.

Quoted for truth. I've spent the majority of the last 2 years traveling and partying all over the world and being back in Calgary has been a huge disappointment. I'm going to stop buying $7 pints and instead save up for another big trip.

If someone else is picking up the tab I'd consider going out but otherwise it's all about having friends over.

08-27-2008, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by Supa Dexta
How that^ has anything to do with anything is beyond me.. Hell in NS we have places that are open until 4 I think it is..

the dome :thumbsup:

Supa Dexta
08-27-2008, 08:16 PM
I'm usually too drunk to tell time by then, especially in halifax. haha. But even in small towns like newglasgow the cabaret is open till 4... Halifax is a great town to party in though, all the small time feel of the pubs and then when they let out go pick up at the clubs...Fack, those are good times. I think I'm going to have to make another trip this month.. I've ended up with stitches is halifax a time or 2, but that was from my own drunkenness, not from being stabbed or shot.

08-27-2008, 08:24 PM
I couldn't agree with you more. I think the problem with Calgary is that most people go out to drink. The whole intent of going out to the bar is to get plastered. In Europe and South America, that is not the case.

I was just in Israel for a few days and had the best time. The restaurants open at 9pm and everyone goes for dinner after 9. We were sitting on the pier having dinner and there were 3 year olds wide awake and having a good time at 130 in the morning. Teenagers sitting and chatting. We ended up sitting at this awesome beach bar thing. They set up chairs and tables along the shore and you sit, drink, order a pipe and have a good time. We sat out there until 6.30am.

The best part, was that the only drunk-ass person we saw the entire time, was some american chick. We did not EVER see any locals piss-ass drunk.

I was at a house party with a bunch of Venezuelans a couple months ago, and no one was drunk. We had dinner at 2am and danced and chatted and had a good time until 430.

If people went out to just have a good time and not get shit-faced, I don't think we would have the restrictions that we have.

08-27-2008, 10:06 PM
The coolest part about going clubbing in California compared to say here in Calgary, is the fact that you don't have roid monkey guys standing around with their arms crossed. We were clubbing on a Thursday night and the whole club was full with people dancing. You wouldn't hardly see anybody up at the bar or anything like that. On the same note, you could openly ask a girl to dance and she probably would be down for it and you wouldn't have to worry about being shot or stabbed. I don't think Calgary night life will ever change due to the fact that the world loves all kinds of music while here in Calgary they just like the top 40 shit. There are a few people doing it real with their small lounge concepts but really, when you roll up to a huge club and have fun, party all night you kind of wonder... how far behind in the world we are living here.

08-27-2008, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by Supa Dexta
I'm usually too drunk to tell time by then, especially in halifax. haha. But even in small towns like newglasgow the cabaret is open till 4... Halifax is a great town to party in though, all the small time feel of the pubs and then when they let out go pick up at the clubs...Fack, those are good times. I think I'm going to have to make another trip this month.. I've ended up with stitches is halifax a time or 2, but that was from my own drunkenness, not from being stabbed or shot.

Hell yes, I went back down in December for christmas and a bunch of guys beat up like 5 cops lol thank god I stayed in that night ! well maybe not wouldnt mind seeing that =p

But I guess they have "happy hour" but its happy night at most bars and clubs ! thats awesome...

08-28-2008, 11:01 AM
With europe i do agree, it is a culture for sure! And by the looks of it we have more than a few people sick of the way things are going in Calgary. I think with more emphasis on this topic over time and with the new events and artists being brought into this city, the tides are slowly turning.

I also completely agree with the Roid monkeys and overly reserved girls. In europe the girls are much funner, and even the roided out looking guys in Europe were chill and had a great time. I was warned about possible issues and such with people but everyone was extremely great.

As long as i can get the information on these regulations .etc i will hopfully begin work on a petition. If we all realize this we should all work together to change this. Like i said, it looks like there are many of us wanting change.

08-28-2008, 11:06 AM
tell me where to sign up... im down...

08-28-2008, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ
Calgary nightlife will never change.. Ive gone clubbing all around the world (Aussie/Euro(Ibiza , Amsterdam ect..)/Uk/South America ) and its the culture that makes the clubs better than a Calgary club.. So unless you change the complete Calgary culture , its going to get worse and worse here.

After working in the clubs in Calgary , I can say for a fact , its never going to change here.. Just travel and enjoy the clubs you get to experience around the world.

Yep, Calgary is a clicky City with a small town mentality.

08-28-2008, 12:20 PM
ya but it's also WAY warmer late at night in europe than it is here lol

i remember walking around in greece at 2am and SWEATING in shorts in a beater and carrying a beer :P

08-28-2008, 12:28 PM
It's just cultural differences. The average Canadian will never support the kinds of things that go on in Europe. And as a few already mentioned before me, too many heatbags these days. Nightclub owners don't want to take that risk.

08-28-2008, 12:31 PM
Just go to Montreal and party there :nut:

08-28-2008, 01:01 PM
Calgary sucks for night life and it seems like it always will. Not to beat a dead horse but like everyone else said you have to change the mentality of the partygoers here. I admit I'm usually one that will only go out to a pub or lounge with the intent of drinking to get drunk but the times I have gone and stayed sober I always had fun.

I don't go to clubs in Calgary not for fear of getting shanked or shot but because the atmosphere is whack. I haven't partied all over the world but Vegas clubs is enough for me to never want to set foot in a Calgary club ever again.

08-28-2008, 01:04 PM
lol so much hate, i think everyone needs to move out of calgary

08-28-2008, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by davidI

Oh, and European girls are just hot wicked girls that are up for dancing and a good time. You can talk to them for hours and they'll never ask what you do or how much money you make or any of that shit. Calgary girls are typically money grubbing wh0res looking to marry into money. The first question here always seems to be "what do you do?"

Secret Agent Astronaut Millionaire Cowboy.

08-28-2008, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by xLostx
lol so much hate, i think everyone needs to move out of calgary

i dream of this day :thumbsup:

08-29-2008, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by davidI
Oh, and European girls are just hot wicked girls that are up for dancing and a good time. You can talk to them for hours and they'll never ask what you do or how much money you make or any of that shit. Calgary girls are typically money grubbing wh0res looking to marry into money. The first question here always seems to be "what do you do?"


There also seems to be a big emphasis in Alberta, maybe even Canada, about what other people think and everyone judges everyone, while in Europe more people are "free-spirited" or just don't care what others think. I'll be the first one to admit though, going to any popular bar in Calgary is pretty lame and I get completely gooned to have a good time. Being a DD going to Coyotes for instance, will never happen again, it's too boring. Plus, I can only tolerate telling shooter girls I'm not interested so many times without wanting to punch them in the face lol. Many of the decent lounges in town are filled with gold diggers and $12 dollar drinks with more than an average douche density, for example Opus.

08-29-2008, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by randedge

Secret Agent Astronaut Millionaire Cowboy.

I usually say "Waste Management Engineer"....and when they press me I'll say I ride a truck and collect garbage. That or "Celery inspector".

08-31-2008, 03:48 PM
Is there a place similar to the Rhino in town?

sea of ash
08-31-2008, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by msommers
Is there a place similar to the Rhino in town?

closest thing is hifi if you're talking in terms of music...
hifi and rhino are the only places I go now. Everywhere else is full of roid raging douchebags that are there to pick up chicks. At hifi nobody gives two shits about the person next to them and are there to just dance and have a good time and listen to good music

08-31-2008, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by sea of ash

closest thing is hifi if you're talking in terms of music...
hifi and rhino are the only places I go now. Everywhere else is full of roid raging douchebags that are there to pick up chicks. At hifi nobody gives two shits about the person next to them and are there to just dance and have a good time and listen to good music

Shhhhh.... the roided up douchebags on here will find out about AR and Hifi.... Def. agree with you there about the atmosphere about both places.

Along with those two, the Ship is a great douche free environment.... They even sometimes turn away the N Sync lookalikes at the door.

09-02-2008, 09:33 AM
simply put it cant change. To much money and too little taste for atmosphere. you gotta take our night life for what it is... or open up a venue that cater"s to a specific demographic... people with money, taste and maturity.

...But wait a moment dont they do that already? why the hell did The MYNT close down? Beacause it got to violent and people stoped wanting to go. You cant force an atmosphere that is one thing that only people can create. To bad in calgary... ours is "pretentious".

Save the money you would spend on 3 nights out in calgary, go hop a flight to vancity or montreal and spend a weekend partying... trust; you will not feel like going out for a month after, its well worth it.

Get zenops in here... must be rob anders fault.