View Full Version : Private-sector auto insurance costs far more

09-10-2003, 08:15 PM
TORONTO (CP) - Drivers in Atlantic Canada, Alberta and Ontario pay far more for auto insurance - as much as 500 per cent more in Toronto - than motorists in provinces with public auto insurance systems, says a new consumer study.
But the insurance industry lashed out at suggestions that it gouges clients, saying the report ignores the higher benefits paid out in private- sector systems than in the four provinces with government-owned insurance - British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebec.

The report released Wednesday by the Consumers' Association of Canada suggests public auto insurance charges the lowest premiums, and that among major cities, Vancouver and Winnipeg have much lower rates than Toronto and Calgary. Winnipeg has the lowest rates among large Canadian cities, the association said.

In Toronto, some consumers "pay up to 500 per cent more for auto insurance than do equivalent consumers in provinces with public auto systems," said Bruce Cran, national secretary for the Consumers' Association.

"The highest actual rate quote we obtained in all of Canada was a shocking $18,000 in Toronto."

The study covered 40 cities in all 10 provinces, examining more than 7,000 rate quotes to compare premiums for a driver with the same vehicle, same driving record and same claims history in different cities.

Cran acknowledged that private insurers use several factors in determining premiums not used in publicly run systems - for example, charging higher rates to unmarried drivers, men and drivers under age 25, all regarded as higher risk. Publicly run systems base rates on individual driving records rather than statistical likelihoods and demographics.

But Cran also argued that much of the rationale used by private insurers to explain higher rates - such as rising health-care and legal costs and falling investment returns from stock and bond markets - mean public auto insurance premiums should have risen in step.

"Private insurers have become very cavalier in the way that they're treating people," Cran said, alluding to an "outcry" of recent complaints to the consumer advocacy group.

"If that's happening with the private auto insurance sector, why isn't it happening with the public?"

Outraged insurance industry officials said their premiums reflect higher accident payouts.

"Public auto insurance systems have very, very sharp controls on what you can get in the way of health care, and most of the public auto systems have no right to sue whatsoever, even if you're not at fault in a car accident," said Mark Yakabuski, Ontario vice-president for the Insurance Bureau of Canada.

An Atlantic Canada spokesman for the bureau insisted auto insurance in the region delivers more to consumers, with claims payouts that "far exceed" levels seen in any province with government-run insurance.

"When you consider that even the lowest average insurance claim payout in this region far exceeds the average claim paid by the government-run insurer in B.C., consumers here are getting a much better deal," said Don Forgeron, Atlantic Canada vice-president for the bureau.

A simpler explanation a sharp rise in car insurance rates in recent years may be the stock market, said Laurence Booth, a business professor at the University of Toronto.

Booth, who helped research the issue for the Ontario government 15 years ago, said because of weak financial markets - where insurers invest premiums to make profits - rates have been raised to compensate for lower investment returns.

"It's not an accident that these problems in the insurance industry tend to happen after stock market crashes," Booth said.

He added that public insurers "plausibly" have lower overhead costs because they don't pay corporate income taxes and aren't profit-driven.

Booth agreed with the Consumers' Association that it's up to voters and the media to press governments and insurers to find ways of reducing rates.

In Atlantic Canada, anger about car insurance costs was a key issue in elections in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia - nearly costing New Brunswick Premier Bernard Lord his re-election. It's also expected to be an issue in a Newfoundland vote expected this fall.

It has not yet become a major issue in the campaign for Ontario's election on Oct. 2, but Conservative Premier Ernie Eves has promised a plan by Jan. 1 to cut premiums by between five and 30 per cent.

Liberal Leader Dalton McGuinty has said he would freeze rates immediately and then reduce them by an average of 10 per cent. The NDP's Howard Hampton is urging the province to turn to public insurance.

Former NDP Premier Bob Rae promised a public auto insurance system in winning the 1990 Ontario election, but once in power he scrapped the idea as too costly. - Canadian Press

Source: Click (http://www.mytelus.com/news/article.do?pageID=news_home&articleID=1405251)

09-10-2003, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by Porsche_944

"The highest actual rate quote we obtained in all of Canada was a shocking $18,000 in Toronto."

Source: Click (http://www.mytelus.com/news/article.do?pageID=news_home&articleID=1405251)

:eek: :eek: :eek: OMG!!!! $18,000 a year! Think about that, the next time you speed on the Deerfoot 500! DAMN!

09-11-2003, 02:02 AM
nothing new but a very good read...what can i say...we can cry and complan all we want...the way things are looking now we are wasting our breath...but maybe if we bitch long enough we might get a break, though i'm not counting on it :banghead: