View Full Version : questions about inspections

09-07-2008, 11:14 PM
hi im in the middle of buying a 95 jeep yj and it has never been inspected. will it need an inspection to be able to get insured in alberta? is the limit 12 years or older? or are there some companies that will allow 15 years or older? if there are companies that allow 15 years or older in alberta which are they?

another question, if it is 12 years only, to pass an inspection it will need a catalytic converter. how will i go about transporting it to my house and later to an inspection facility to get that inspected after the catalytic converter is installed?

09-07-2008, 11:19 PM
In alberta, the vehicle is not required to have a catalytic converter to pass the insurance inspection

its actually a really easy inspection to pass

Most insurance companies will request for the inspection to be done if the vehicle is 12 years or older, there is no age limit beyond that.

It basically checks

-Exhaust (for leaks and breaks not emissions)

09-07-2008, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by AE92_TreunoSC
In alberta, the vehicle is not required to have a catalytic converter to pass the insurance inspection

really? didnt know that. thanks a lot.