View Full Version : F1: itailian GP

09-13-2003, 01:51 PM
wow! what an exciting year! F1 hasn't been this close in years. any predictions? looks like ferrari has stepped up their game a bit in light of the past few races but williams isn't dropping the ball either. i wonder if the new michelins will fare versus their old tires. tomorrow should be a very interesting race, can't wait!!

09-13-2003, 01:54 PM

This season has been the best one yet, I can't believe Williams/BMW made such a great comeback.
There's been so many people in pole position throughout the year, it's anyone's game going into Italy.

92 Teg-B18A
09-13-2003, 06:45 PM
Kimi! West Mclaren Mercedes is running last year's chassis still and they're right up there!

Go Kimi Go!

09-13-2003, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by 92 Teg-B18A
Kimi! West Mclaren Mercedes is running last year's chassis still and they're right up there!

Go Kimi Go!

YAAA, Go Kimi!!! Go Mclaren!!! Everyone is using the new cars and Mclaren is right up there using last years!!!
Ferrari is being a bithc about the tyres. they cant even be bad loser!!!

(anything but Ferrari and im happy)

09-14-2003, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by Team_Mclaren

YAAA, Go Kimi!!! Go Mclaren!!! Everyone is using the new cars and Mclaren is right up there using last years!!!
Ferrari is being a bithc about the tyres. they cant even be bad loser!!!

(anything but Ferrari and im happy) you know that earlier on in the year michelin complained about the brdigestone tires as well, so that statement goest both ways

09-14-2003, 06:32 PM
Well, Montoya tried ,but was running too much downforce :( .But the WDC is still very close. The Indy GP will be a great race !!

09-14-2003, 07:53 PM
Ferrari all the way and go schumaher.

09-15-2003, 11:51 AM
Personally I can't stand JPM...When he first started F1 he's too reckless...then he's way too hard on the equipment (always breaking down, when Ralf could make the car last)...then yesterday he gives up chasing MS because of a little lap traffic....Did anyone else hear the interviews?? Clearly he had the pace after the second pitstop, but after taking a little longer to pass the Jordan he gives up....WTF, When did he become such a wimp?

I wish McLaren had more to offer their drivers, as I would have loved to see Kimi win it all, I previously really wanted Ralf to win, but missing yesterday might be too much to overcome. And since I am not a JPM fan, I think it's Michael's year again. Damn, I didn't want him to be the one with 6 World Championships. Let's just hope Senna's record of 65 poles never topples.

My thoughts.

09-15-2003, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by addbhp
Personally I can't stand JPM...When he first started F1 he's too reckless...then he's way too hard on the equipment (always breaking down, when Ralf could make the car last)...then yesterday he gives up chasing MS because of a little lap traffic....Did anyone else hear the interviews?? Clearly he had the pace after the second pitstop, but after taking a little longer to pass the Jordan he gives up....WTF, When did he become such a wimp?
Maybe he stopped chasing because he was too hard on the equipment :rofl:. All kidding aside, "JPM hard on the equipment" came up when Ralf made the comment after JPM broke near the end of one of the earlier races in the season in the lead. Williams-BMW bitched at Ralf over the comment, and said both drivers were driving just as hard, it was luck of the draw that JPM's motor blew. BMW designed the motor to last the entire distance, regardless of how hard they drove.

As for JPM slowing down and not trying to reel in schuey, it could be team orders, to take less chances and finish second. JPM has been criticized a lot for throwing away a race because when there's no point in doing so (wreckless). Remember, it's easy to reel someone in, passing is a whole different story. Signs of maturity maybe?

As for McLaren, they've got an awesome chassis package, too bad MB haven't stepped up and offered them more power. They're still fairly underpowered, and still suffering with reliability issues.

09-15-2003, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by addbhp
Personally I can't stand JPM...When he first started F1 he's too reckless...then he's way too hard on the equipment (always breaking down, when Ralf could make the car last)...then yesterday he gives up chasing MS because of a little lap traffic....Did anyone else hear the interviews?? Clearly he had the pace after the second pitstop, but after taking a little longer to pass the Jordan he gives up....WTF, When did he become such a wimp?

I wish McLaren had more to offer their drivers, as I would have loved to see Kimi win it all, I previously really wanted Ralf to win, but missing yesterday might be too much to overcome. And since I am not a JPM fan, I think it's Michael's year again. Damn, I didn't want him to be the one with 6 World Championships. Let's just hope Senna's record of 65 poles never topples.

My thoughts.

isnt race cars design to be driven hard.......:rolleyes:
whats the point then if u cant bring out the true potential of the car!!!:D

09-15-2003, 04:32 PM
Amazing race, Barrichello is still my hero.

Also, I think Honda deserves massive props for their finishing.
It's nice to see them actually finish a race, instead of putting another piece of shit on the track again. Maybe Toyota can take a hint too. I was getting tired of seeing these 2 teams struggle for the "worst formula 1 car ever" title.

92 Teg-B18A
09-15-2003, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by rage2
As for McLaren, they've got an awesome chassis package, too bad MB haven't stepped up and offered them more power. They're still fairly underpowered, and still suffering with reliability issues.
True, but MB is working on electromagnetic valves this and last season. I think the power is there it's just the chassis isn't quite upto it. Although Kimi's MB has broken down alot this season...
Meh I still want Kimi to win!:D

09-15-2003, 06:22 PM
Funny you should mention electromagnetic valves... this is from the camless thread that I posted on :


Note what Mario Illen says :).

09-16-2003, 01:13 PM
Micheal Schumacher all the way. No.6 soon to come..:D

Alpine Autowerks
09-16-2003, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by ninjak84
Also, I think Honda deserves massive props for their finishing.
It's nice to see them actually finish a race, instead of putting another piece of shit on the track again. Maybe Toyota can take a hint too. I was getting tired of seeing these 2 teams struggle for the "worst formula 1 car ever" title.

only 1 honda finished... they still have a LONG wat 2 go, right now honda & toyo are dropping warehouses of money in their engines to see who is the best of the rest...

92 Teg-B18A
09-16-2003, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by rage2
Funny you should mention electromagnetic valves... this is from the camless thread that I posted on :


Note what Mario Illen says :).

huh, very interesting... I was totally under the impression that MB was using electromagnetic valves
that was quite the informative read, thanks rage2 :)

09-17-2003, 08:39 AM
Honda is actually taking away a lot of work from BAR and i expect that soon they will be just Honda. Also, Jacque’s 40million/year paycheck is not helping their budget. He's gone next year anyhow unless he takes a pay cut. I really wish they would move Jacque to a team with a better car. Most of the top drivers in F1 now are the most boring and uninteresting people that could possible exist on this planet. Bringing Jaque back to a good team might be good for stirring up some people VS people drama in F1. Right now the biggest story in F1 is the tires, or the cars or the brakes. They never even mention the drivers because they are so damn BOOORING with zero personality. That's the one thing that gets to me with F1

09-17-2003, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by BigMass
Most of the top drivers in F1 now are the most boring and uninteresting people that could possible exist on this planet. Bringing Jaque back to a good team might be good for stirring up some people VS people drama in F1. Right now the biggest story in F1 is the tires, or the cars or the brakes. They never even mention the drivers because they are so damn BOOORING with zero personality. That's the one thing that gets to me with F1
Montoya and Jacques... the 2 best F1 personalities fighting for the championship. Man, that'd be great to see!

Speaking of Villeneuve, did you hear about BAR doing a reality show to choose the next driver? Villeneuve will have to compete with a bunch of other ppl to see who's worthy of the F1 seat. Villeneuve is quite pissed off about the idea.

92 Teg-B18A
09-17-2003, 03:58 PM
Villeneuve thinks he is outta there next year for a swap with Sato. That's what he "reckons" anyway. I read it on F1i.com (http://www.f1i.com/articles/ARTICLE_534536.html)

09-17-2003, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Montoya and Jacques... the 2 best F1 personalities fighting for the championship. Man, that'd be great to see!

Speaking of Villeneuve, did you hear about BAR doing a reality show to choose the next driver? Villeneuve will have to compete with a bunch of other ppl to see who's worthy of the F1 seat. Villeneuve is quite pissed off about the idea. hey i'd like to see that!!! the reality show... and i wouldn't mind seeing the canadian up top once in a while either.

09-17-2003, 11:04 PM
I've got a bad feeling Villeneuve's out of a ride for next year. F1 is all about politics and I have a sinking suspicion Sato has the ride locked up for next year courtesy of Honda.

09-18-2003, 06:37 AM
Even though i like Jacques If i were Honda i would hire Sato. No point spending money on a good driver if your car doesnt work yet. Plus having a Japanese driver on a Japanese car will definately help with promotion inside Japan. More Japanese will get into F1 due to natinalistic reasons, and it might just be what Honda needs to get their heads out of their asses and build a good car. Oh yeah, they should drop BAR and do the whole care themselves (which the almost are now anyways)

09-18-2003, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by rage2
Speaking of Villeneuve, did you hear about BAR doing a reality show to choose the next driver?

Wow, what a professional idea :rolleyes: