View Full Version : Fight

09-14-2003, 01:11 AM
Did any of you see the De La Hoya vs Mosley fight?!

If you did and even if you didn't...De La Hoya got ROBBBBBBBBED. What fight were the judges watching?! Mind you De La Hoya didn't go on the crazy offensive but he definetly was less defensive than when he fought Trinidad.

So disappointed in the outcome of that fight...De La Hoya rightfully won that one and Shane Mosley didn't even have enough balls at the end to admit he wasn't the true winner.

The best though was when George Foreman at the end of the fight told one of the commentators he "just watches boxing...he doesn't know boxing" that was sweet. Kinda like the first Holyfiend vs Lewis fight when Holyfield "won" when he shouldn't have and didn't have enough brass to admit he wasn't the true winner.

This is kinda rambling....maybe cause I'm drunk

Joe Malms
09-14-2003, 01:47 AM
Thats boxing for you.
When it gets to that level of being so commercial its not at all about the actual sport.
Mosley got his ass beat..De La Hoya landed twice as many punches and connected twice as much.
Mosley even knew he lost because he was swingin left and right in the 12th round trying to get a knockout.
Pretty pathetic and disgusting in my opinion.

09-14-2003, 04:57 AM
Bullshit fight. This time De La Hoya murdered him

09-14-2003, 05:22 AM
De la hoya defenatly should have won this fight, it was close, but just look at the punches landed and that proved who was more dominant, Judges are Fuckin Blind.

09-14-2003, 09:12 AM
How can you guys say DLH murdered or owned? It was a close fight and yes DLH should of "probably" won, but it was close and i have seen much worse decisions before. People are so passionate about this fight they will totally exaggerate. First off, DLH took way more damage then Mosley. This isn't amateur boxing or the Olympics where it's all about how many punches you land no matter how hard they are. Mosley was the most aggressive fighter and did the most damage even though he landed and threw fewer punches. Decisions suck anyways no matter what. The only other option is that they do away with the judges and just rule the match based on compu box numbers.

Sure DLH may of got the short end on the stick with this decision, but DLH won a couple of controversial decisions himself. So he shouldn’t complain and just live with it. A lot of people were just influenced by the commentators which is understandable but also a bad thing to do. Larry Merchant is a drunk senile bastard and George Foreman is a nice guy but looks like he doesn’t know what planet he's on sometimes.

In the end all fight sports are corrupt, even MMA. So be realistic and don’t set yourself up for disappointment. If a fight goes to a decision I don’t even care who wins because it is no longer in the fighter’s hands. Decisions suck ass and if both fighters can’t KO or TKO each other in 12 rounds it should just be an automatic draw. It should always be left up to the fighters not some stupid judges.

09-14-2003, 01:52 PM
I don't agree that if both fighters can't KO or TKO in 12 it should be an automatic draw. That isn't fair to the fighter that fought the hardest and proved to be the victorious fighter. That fighter is the one that SHOULD win...and in this case it was definetly De La Hoya.

I definetly don't agree that this fight was close.....sure Mosley won the first one and I think he should have De La Hoya didn't do shit the first fight except for in the later rounds. De La Hoya pretty much dominated this fight from the start Mosley landed a few substantial power blows to De La Hoya but with the combinations of power punches, jabs, and body shots De La Hoya landed the match was rightfully his.

Decisions suck and I agree with that but the fact that this was a unanimous decisions is complete and total bullshit. I could even have lived with a 2-1 decision but a unanimous decision?! That's basically saying that Mosley dominated the fight which he didn't do. I'm hoping there will be a De La Hoya vs. Mosley 3 and I definetly think De La Hoya wants redemption for this bullshit decision. I don't think he'll retire.

09-14-2003, 06:34 PM
mosley won deal with it..look how quickly mosley got good and hes doing soo good that it matches up with de la hoya so he deserves some credit...if i was a judge i'd probaly rule for mosley too i mean he is faster then de la hoya...and WTF is de la hoya complaining about and hiring lawyers to "investigate" on the decision from the judges like WTF buddy you've got way more money then mosley so accept the truth geez.

09-14-2003, 07:54 PM
It's not about money...it's about who won the fight fair and square.

De La Hoya got paid $17 million for the fight to Mosley's $4 million. If he fought just for the money he'de accept the decision and go cash his cheque. Either way he's getting paid but he want's it looked at and I can't say I blame him.

09-15-2003, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by Ajay
The best though was when George Foreman at the end of the fight told one of the commentators he "just watches boxing...he doesn't know boxing" that was sweet.

Let me guess, Foreman was dissing Larry Merchant?
It's not the first time and probably not the last.

I fucking hate Larry Merchant and so do many boxers, the guy shows no respect at all for what boxers do.

Tyson would not fight for HBO because of Larry Merchant.
HBO lost alot of money not showing any Tyson fights because they would not get rid of Larry Merchant for Tyson.
This shows how close Merchant is with the suits at HBO.