View Full Version : Dinner Ware and Cutlery - Where to Shop?

09-21-2008, 09:10 AM
Well not sure where else to put this so it goes in here.


I'm going to be replacing all of my dishes and cutlery today. Generally speaking I don't ever shop for this kind of stuff.

Any suggestions on where to look? I'm looking for something modern, durable, a bit stylish and not over 300 dollars.

Any ideas?

- the Bay?
- Sears ?
- Homesense?

Thanks for the suggestions

09-21-2008, 09:14 AM
home outfitters

Lots of little chic'y stores have some cool stuff too.

09-21-2008, 09:20 AM
^^ Thanks Tik Tok

What do you guys think about something like this?

The dinner table is a black with a hint of brown in it.

I know I have no style, this is why I look to Beyond for helps


Or Maybe:


Or Maybe:


^^^ Is square the new round???

09-21-2008, 09:28 AM
White is always so timeless. I find things with a pattern tend to get old quickly. If you want modern, I would go with something like this:


Or the same thing but square


Plus, food always looks better on a white plate.

Or this:


linens and things have dishes as well, i didnt see much on their website though

09-21-2008, 09:36 AM
those look pretty ugly to me. I'd go with all white, square.


09-21-2008, 09:40 AM
I like home outfitters too.

I also go to "Twisted Goods" in Market Mall. They have a lot of contemporary things and I believe they have dinnerware and cutlery. Not a huge selection, but it's an idea if you are looking for something different.

This also sounds a bit weird, but if you go to Ikea, you can find lots of square plates and contemporary pieces for a very cheap price and they look decent.

From a girl's perspective... with your table, you don't have to match the colours exactly. Sometimes the best thing to do is to contrast to bring out the contemporary feel. E.g. for the colour of your table, I might go for white and square, or lime or olive green (depending on what your table looks like). It sounds weird, but it works. Do you have a picture of your table? Quite honestly, I don't like any of those selections you posted. ha ha. No offense.

09-21-2008, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by TC2002
I like home outfitters too.

From a girl's perspective... with your table, you don't have to match the colours exactly. Sometimes the best thing to do is to contrast to bring out the contemporary feel. E.g. for the colour of your table, I might go for white and square, or lime or olive green (depending on what your table looks like). It sounds weird, but it works. Do you have a picture of your table? Quite honestly, I don't like any of those selections you posted. ha ha. No offense.

No offense taken at all. Thats why I'm on here asking!
A girls opinion is always appreciated, since it girls who I am ultimately trying to impress... :D

Heres the table for reference:


09-21-2008, 10:01 AM
So next question:

Should I get a thick style porcelain or ceramic dish set or a set of those really tough skinny plates? (made out of something??? not sure...)

THis looks pretty modern to me, and its quite affordable. Ay thoughts?


09-21-2008, 10:07 AM
If you can get that in just white, your good to go. Whether its a thick or thin plate doesn't make a difference.

Oh, and if you have any $ left over, look for a bigger picture for the wall across from the window and take that other one down. If you are looking to impress, you gotta go all the way :)

09-21-2008, 10:08 AM
ha ha. :)

Ok. Seeing how you have a point of reference with the picture on the wall... go for the white squareish plates idea from ikea (see dannie's post above) and match with some of their cutlery. The white from the picture helps coordinate things in your room. I might put that picture in a glass, frameless frame (again from Ikea) to help modernize it, but that's an entirely different discussion. Just thought you might consider that if you were going there anyway. :dunno:

Go to inhabit interiors at Mount Royal Village (http://www.inhabitinteriors.com/) to find yourself some nice placemats too and you'll be set. I'd go for a dark grey one if you end up getting white dinnerware. :)

Good luck!

Edit: I agree with dannie. Go with all white. Don't overdo it.

09-21-2008, 10:10 AM
^ hahaha.... I was going the same way. Too funny.

09-21-2008, 10:11 AM
Brokenlegs, maybe tc2002 and I should just take your money and go shopping for you :D

I mean really, how often do you have two chicks offering to help decorate your house??

09-21-2008, 10:13 AM

09-21-2008, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by dannie
Brokenlegs, maybe tc2002 and I should just take your money and go shopping for you :D

I mean really, how often do you have two chicks offering to help decorate your house??

Lunch is on me! ;) Ladies???

09-21-2008, 10:26 AM
That would take money out of the housewares fund.... :D

You'll be fine. Just make sure you go with the square white dinnerware, and for cutlery go for something with weight to it. When you are done that, stop by Pier 1 and grab some placemats. You could even check Pier 1 for some plates. They have decent stuff

09-21-2008, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by dannie
That would take money out of the housewares fund.... :D

You'll be fine. Just make sure you go with the square white dinnerware, and for cutlery go for something with weight to it. When you are done that, stop by Pier 1 and grab some placemats. You could even check Pier 1 for some plates. They have decent stuff


Well I tried anyways... :rofl:

Thanks for all of the advice, I really appreciate it. I think I'll start another thread on interior design of my bedroom and living room next since this one worked out so good!


09-21-2008, 10:31 AM
We'll be here for ya! Post a pic of the final product wouldja??

09-21-2008, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by dannie
We'll be here for ya! Post a pic of the final product wouldja??

I just looked up a home outfitters and a pier 1 right in Richmond Square and Signal Hill. I could have this finished in a matter of minutes!:burnout:

Pics will be posted

09-21-2008, 12:04 PM
Urban Barn has some nice stuff too, and Home Evolution is worth checking out...

09-21-2008, 12:48 PM
And here's what I got.

I can take it back if you girls don't like it. I found some really nice modern looking square plate and bowl sets, but I realized that I actually hate square bowls.

Then I found this set that was almost square but still had round bowls. Its a really thin potery, not large and bulky. Just sleek and my favorite CHEAP. 79 dollars for 46 peice set at Home Outfitters.

And I got a 100 dollar set of silver ware to go with it.






Pizza box was added for extra dash of Panache

09-21-2008, 12:55 PM
Beautiful!!! :clap:

Good job!

09-21-2008, 01:17 PM
Other than having the fork and knife on the wrong sides of the plate, looks good :P

09-21-2008, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by A790
Other than having the fork and knife on the wrong sides of the plate, looks good :P

Gimme a break! I haven't made a dinner setting in at least 15 years (thanks for the tip though;) )

I forgot to mention that I got matching napkins too.

And for anyone else looking to do some shopping:
After just going to Urban Barn, Bowerings, Linnens 'n Things and Home Outfitters, I have realized that Home Outfitters had the most expensive flatware, but best deals on Dinner Ware. Bowerings had some crazy deals on flat ware.

Pier1, well its Pier1. you know what you're getting into if you go there.

09-21-2008, 06:00 PM
Ha ha ha!!! Good work, broken_legs. You have made dannie and I proud. :D It looks good.

Sorry, but no can do for lunch. My boyfriend (also on beyond, btw) would probably have to kill you. ;) I appreciate the thought though. ha ha.