View Full Version : Teenager dies in stolen car

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09-22-2008, 08:31 AM

When will these kids ever learn? Must be the same kids who tried stealing Civics in the NE, I know a few people who had their Hondas stolen. Feel more sorry for his parents. Yes a life was taken away and its sad but can't say I feel bad.

09-22-2008, 08:34 AM
Best story I've heard.

They were known to police too.

adam c
09-22-2008, 08:36 AM
12, 14, 15? wtf?

where are the parents for these kids?

09-22-2008, 08:36 AM

Originally posted by adam c
12, 14, 15? wtf?

where are the parents for these kids?

They are known to police already, doubt the parents are doing much.

09-22-2008, 08:52 AM
It's too bad the kid died, but I don't feel bad at all. Hopefully the other 4 smarten up.

Boosted Gtir
09-22-2008, 08:59 AM
They should't let these kids get their licenses till they are 21

09-22-2008, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema


09-22-2008, 09:21 AM
Thank god they didnt kill anyone else with their antics (eg. pedestrian).

09-22-2008, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by revelations
Thank god they didnt kill anyone else with their antics (eg. pedestrian).


09-22-2008, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by Boosted Gtir
They should't let these kids get their licenses till they are 21

Story in the Sun stated that he didn't have a license... Didn't seem like they cared about the law too much anyway.

09-22-2008, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by megavolt
Story in the Sun stated that he didn't have a license... Didn't seem like they cared about the law too much anyway.
They were all under 16, so none of them would have a license.

09-22-2008, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by Toms-SC
Best story I've heard.

They were known to police too.


And congrats on getting mod status :thumbsup:

09-22-2008, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by Boosted Gtir
They should't let these kids get their licenses till they are 21

License is not an issue and we have plenty of good 16-18yr old drivers that should not be penalized. GDL and insurance already have enough measure in place for this age group.

09-22-2008, 09:52 AM
they are all under 16, so they'll get a slap on the wrist at best... but hopefully they will learn after this. Well, if they don't after someone died, then nothing will change them.

09-22-2008, 10:31 AM
I feel a bit guilty for saying this... But I think justice was served here. I'm even going as far as to say, I would have liked to see all 5 of them in body bags.

09-22-2008, 10:40 AM
They just went for a joyride in a stolen car dude, they never murdered a family or anything. I'm not trying to defend what they did in any way here, but to say you'd like to see all five of these kids dead is a little extreme. They're 14 and 12 years old. One of them likely made a horrible decision and the others tagged along without much thought unfortunately.

A young teenager dying (even though it was because of their own bad decision) is a tragedy, no matter what way you cut it.

09-22-2008, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema

and yes, this.

09-22-2008, 10:49 AM
somehow, I don't feel sorry...

09-22-2008, 10:57 AM
i smiled.

09-22-2008, 11:13 AM
Harsh but that's the risk you have to take if you are doing stupid shit!

I took my parents car out a few times while under aged but I was careful as hell to not get caught, let alone joy ride around and crash it.

09-22-2008, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by revelations
Thank god they didnt kill anyone else with their antics (eg. pedestrian).

09-22-2008, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by malcolmk14
They just went for a joyride in a stolen car dude, they never murdered a family or anything.

What if they hit someone? If it was Vehicular manslaughter, would you still be sympathetic?

They could of EASILY hit a pedestrian. Luckily the only ones the injured were themselves.

09-22-2008, 12:25 PM
Yes I'm very happy that they did not kill any INNOCENT people but killed themselves. They are old enough to know what is right or wrong. If these are the same kids that stole a couple of Civics last year and the year prior then i'm happy he died because these a@#holes deserve what they got. When they caught these kids (probably the same ones as it was stolen in the same area) all they got was a slap on the wrist and the Police made them write apology letters to send to the victims. Wow, thats all you get for stealing and joyriding???

I agree with the previous post - wish they all died together but when I think about it I would have wished they ended up paralyzed then they would have to live with their silly mistake till they die. Am I harsh? Yes I sure am. Especially when you know people close to you who have had their cars stolen and trashed.

09-22-2008, 12:30 PM
Good on them.

09-22-2008, 12:43 PM
Poor car, it still had a long useful life ahead of it.

09-22-2008, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by mekeni
somehow, I don't feel sorry...


09-22-2008, 12:49 PM
awesome news. 1 less douche in calgary!

09-22-2008, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by cdnsir
I feel a bit guilty for saying this... But I think justice was served here. I'm even going as far as to say, I would have liked to see all 5 of them in body bags.

How the fuck can you say that?
Death? Why the fuck should the punishment for stealing a car be death? I'm not justifying what they did, they are shitheads, and deserve to have their shit kicked in, followed by some jail time.

Hell dude, I know a bunch of kids that age who would do the same kind of shit, or possibly have, I don't respect them, I'll tell them they're worthless dicks, cuz you simply don't take something that isn't yours, but all these kids I know aren't like that because they're evil nazis worthy of a painful and sudden death, its caused by shit they've had to deal with, it's caused by being screwed repeatedly by the adults they were supposed to be able to look to for guidance and help. They generally have shitty parents who don't give a rats ass about them, they've been shat on by teachers and principles, and when you're 13 years old, having gone through a childhood like that, yeah, you might not have the greatest amount of respect for other people, or their belongings.

Again, I'm not saying these douche-bags deserve to be let off the hook, they're old enough to be responsible for their actions, and they totally deserve to be ass-raped by the judicial system, much more so than they actually will be because the judicial system is WAY to lenient on underage dickheads, but they DON'T deserve to be killed.
They deserve to be punished, and then fucking helped. They didn't get like this on their own, and yeah the fact that they are still pretty young means that although they are responsible for their own actions, they are also a lot less mature than someone who's twenty five, and a lot less capable of understanding right from wrong, although still capable, and they don't deserve the same punishment as a twenty five year old, they just deserve a harsher punishment then the one they're inevitably going to get.

As for the fact that they could have killed someone, yes they could have, and they should be treated just as badly as a drunk driver should be treated, cuz both are selfish shitheads who are taking someone else's life in their hands. But no one says that a drunk driver should get the electric chair, because people understand that as low as drunk driving is, there is a huge difference between unintentionally killing someone because you're a stupid dickhead who never seriously considered the consequences, and taking a machine gun and gunning down a mother with her two kids. The latter deserves death, the former deserves to be taught a severe, severe fucking lesson.
That is all.

09-22-2008, 01:33 PM
holy jesus use paragraphs....i'm not even gonna bother reading that

09-22-2008, 01:37 PM
Cliffs notes of Carfanman's post:

read my post.

09-22-2008, 01:39 PM
I never stole a car when I was a kid.........so I get to graduate to age 34 and counting.

No love lost here either.

09-22-2008, 01:42 PM
It's a shame one of them had to die...that's a pretty tough lesson to learn.

I never every did any of that stupid ass shit.

Hope none of them are allowed to get a license now..

09-22-2008, 01:49 PM
My buddies exact words when his car was stolen:

"I hope the fuckers that stole my car die in a car crash"


09-22-2008, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by trikypenguin
holy jesus use paragraphs....i'm not even gonna bother reading that


09-22-2008, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Carfanman

How the fuck can you say that?

How? Because if all 5 of them died, the probability of my car being stolen decreases. In fact, the chance that my (yet to be born) children get mugged also goes down, because these fucking degenerates most likely came from a degenerate family, and will most likely end up popping out a large number of degenerate shithead kids themselves in the not too distant future.

In fact, I'd go as far to say that if all 5 of them died, car and auto insurance would go down a bit (probably not noticeably, but it will show up as a small blip in the statistics used by the insurance companies to calculate how risky neighborhoods are, etc). So if we can take 5 families of deadbeat parents and assume that they had 3 kids each, that's 15 pieces of bad statistics that I no longer need to worry about.

09-22-2008, 02:31 PM
We all make mistakes some larger than others. My dad used to steal cars when he was that age.. Not saying its the right thing to do but death isnt always the most justifiable payback. Some people from troubled pasts can actually go on to do great things.

09-22-2008, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Carfanman

How the fuck can you say that?
Death? Why the fuck should the punishment for stealing a car be death? I'm not justifying what they did, they are shitheads, and deserve to have their shit kicked in, followed by some jail time.

Hell dude, I know a bunch of kids that age who would do the same kind of shit, or possibly have, I don't respect them, I'll tell them they're worthless dicks, cuz you simply don't take something that isn't yours, but all these kids I know aren't like that because they're evil nazis worthy of a painful and sudden death, its caused by shit they've had to deal with, it's caused by being screwed repeatedly by the adults they were supposed to be able to look to for guidance and help. They generally have shitty parents who don't give a rats ass about them, they've been shat on by teachers and principles, and when you're 13 years old, having gone through a childhood like that, yeah, you might not have the greatest amount of respect for other people, or their belongings.

Again, I'm not saying these douche-bags deserve to be let off the hook, they're old enough to be responsible for their actions, and they totally deserve to be ass-raped by the judicial system, much more so than they actually will be because the judicial system is WAY to lenient on underage dickheads, but they DON'T deserve to be killed.
They deserve to be punished, and then fucking helped. They didn't get like this on their own, and yeah the fact that they are still pretty young means that although they are responsible for their own actions, they are also a lot less mature than someone who's twenty five, and a lot less capable of understanding right from wrong, although still capable, and they don't deserve the same punishment as a twenty five year old, they just deserve a harsher punishment then the one they're inevitably going to get.

As for the fact that they could have killed someone, yes they could have, and they should be treated just as badly as a drunk driver should be treated, cuz both are selfish shitheads who are taking someone else's life in their hands. But no one says that a drunk driver should get the electric chair, because people understand that as low as drunk driving is, there is a huge difference between unintentionally killing someone because you're a stupid dickhead who never seriously considered the consequences, and taking a machine gun and gunning down a mother with her two kids. The latter deserves death, the former deserves to be taught a severe, severe fucking lesson.
That is all.

Can someone shorten this? What is the point of this post?

Too damn lazy to read. :rofl:

+3 for them deserving it.

09-22-2008, 02:44 PM
wished they ended up paralyzed then they would have to live with their silly mistake till they die.


09-22-2008, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2
We all make mistakes some larger than others. My dad used to steal cars when he was that age.. Not saying its the right thing to do but death isnt always the most justifiable payback. Some people from troubled pasts can actually go on to do great things.

Yea. Makes me think of Tomco's contest thread and some of the shit beyonders have done in the past :P

09-22-2008, 04:27 PM
Agreed with Carfanman, to a point. I wouldn't wish death on them (haven't had my car stolen to date either though so no rage flowing), but on the other hand I'll reserve sympathy for any innocents who might get plowed by joyriding thieves.

I wouldn't expect anymore if I pulled a douche-stunt, if something happens to me because of a choice I made then well that's that, I deserve no sympathy for my idiocy. We all do stupid things at some points in our lives so a lot of us might be (a little) hypocritical. Perhaps the kid would have gone on to great things, maybe not, but he still made a bad choice (hindsight 20/20). There are people who have gone through shit in their lives but have used the pain to better their own lives, not ruin someone else's.

09-22-2008, 04:29 PM
Well, if anything this will hopefully serve as a wakeup call for his friends, which they sorely need.

Or maybe they'll just cry about it being societys fault and wear wifebeaters and track pants to his funeral.

09-22-2008, 05:17 PM
If anyone deserved to die, it should have been the driver.

Originally posted by redbeast
I agree with the previous post - wish they all died together but when I think about it I would have wished they ended up paralyzed then they would have to live with their silly mistake till they die.
We as taxpayers would have to support the cost of care for the rest of their lives if any or all become wheelchair-bound.

09-22-2008, 05:37 PM
the stealing of the car is one thing but clearly they could not drive if they managed to crash it. and with driving abilities that poor I am glad they got caught.

I just wish that being Young offenders they would get bigger punishments, death not being one, I feel fro the kids family...but not for the kid.

I really hope the other kids smarten up after seing a friend die

09-22-2008, 05:44 PM
not even a bit of sympathy for them. At this age, they should know what's right or wrong. They got what they deserved. 1 less punk kid in Calgary.

09-22-2008, 05:48 PM
Classic example of why not to make bad choices in life. Pretty obvious this was not a good thing to be doing and he paid the price. Simple.

09-22-2008, 06:46 PM
Holy shit I didn't think there would be this many people saying that they deserve it. Gangsters who go around stabbing/killing people is understandable but 12-16 year old kids who don't know any better?

They do deserve to be punished but not by death..

09-22-2008, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by sabad66
Holy shit I didn't think there would be this many people saying that they deserve it. Gangsters who go around stabbing/killing people is understandable but 12-16 year old kids who don't know any better?

They do deserve to be punished but not by death..

Sure they know better. What about stealing a car and driving really fast is smart?

09-22-2008, 07:12 PM
Nothing smart at all about it, but honestly boys will be boys. This was true in 1920 and will be true 100 years from now. I'm mainly just saying that death/critical injury is really harsh for 12-16 year olds..

09-22-2008, 07:44 PM
plain and simple, a car is replaceable a life is not..

For those that say they have no sympathy, did you even think about the family that lost a member? just about everyone would know someone around that age, forget the bad decision and imagine the loss..

09-22-2008, 08:04 PM
wow....what a world we live in when internet thugs believe that the penalty for stealing a car should be death.

Just curiuos....what constitutes death when breaking the law and what doesn't?

09-22-2008, 08:14 PM
Hope the other kids learn a lesson from this - painful as it is, they might even become good members of society.

09-22-2008, 08:21 PM
lol some of those kids goes to my school.

09-22-2008, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by JVR1
plain and simple, a car is replaceable a life is not..

For those that say they have no sympathy, did you even think about the family that lost a member? just about everyone would know someone around that age, forget the bad decision and imagine the loss..

I really don't feel bad because they are "known to police". If you have a record @ 14/15, I doubt you'll contribute much to the society and the chance of becoming a gangbanger is high.

We are not losing Einstein here so I won't shed a tear.

Originally posted by revelations
Hope the other kids learn a lesson from this - painful as it is, they might even become good members of society.

Let's hope.

09-22-2008, 08:41 PM
the way i look at it, it's better them than an innocent bystander.

i hope that noone has to go through having to lose someone because of someone else doing stupid in the first place. imagine a loved one going to the store for milk or whatever and finding out that he/she got hit by this kid.

whether the person may be 13 or 33, would his age matter to any of you if he were to injure or even kill someone close to you?

09-22-2008, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by rotten42
Just curiuos....what constitutes death when breaking the law and what doesn't?

I think the point is simply that if you cause yourself harm during the commission of a crime then too fucking bad for you, you deserve what you get. If you weren't doing the crime you wouldn't be dealing with the consequence, whatever it may be.

09-22-2008, 09:35 PM
They all knew they were in a stolen car, they all knew they were doing something illegal. If any of them were not comfortable with doing it, they would not have been in the car.

I feel sad for the family that now has to throw good money after a bad apple for a funeral, and looking for solace to fill a broken heart after losing a loved one, no matter how rotten.

I wish the others would have had the same fate, but with any luck, this will scare them straight, and contribute to society in a meaningful way, and not be a drain.

sounds harsh, but today as a society, we have gone way too soft. Just because they are "kids" and "boys will be boys" does not change the fact they are all equally to blame for the 1 death that could easily have been prevented should they use common sence.

09-22-2008, 09:35 PM
All good posts. I find it funny when members here say they deserved to be PUNISHED. What is punish for young offenders?

Punishment for stealing a car is that you get arrested, they call your parents and then police may press charges and young offender goes to court and pleads guilty or not guilty and if guilty he/she gets community service. Then the police will make tell he/she to write a letter of apology on why you shouldn't steal etc.... to the owner(s) of the stolen vehicle.

I don't claim to be the brightest and smartest but that is NOT punishment. There has to be some sort of deterent to NOT steal and wreck someones property. Its our great justice system that fails time after time. We never learn and society is just so naive sometimes.

After these kids are out of the hospital I will bet my money they will do it again. I hope to god they learn what happened to their friend and turn themselves around.

09-22-2008, 09:40 PM
lol @ liberal 'justice'

09-22-2008, 09:55 PM
Sad story, thankfully there weren't any bystanders that became victims.

If a 14yr old stole my car, I would never in a million years wish death upon him...like wtf its a car, who cares.

Hopefully his friends all learn a lesson from this and maybe some good comes out of this tragedy.

09-22-2008, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

I think the point is simply that if you cause yourself harm during the commission of a crime then too fucking bad for you, you deserve what you get. If you weren't doing the crime you wouldn't be dealing with the consequence, whatever it may be.

:werd: The kids fault plain and simple. They made the decision to get in the car.

09-22-2008, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by sabad66
but 12-16 year old kids who don't know any better?

I'm sure we've all been 12-16 before and we we're never that retarded.

09-22-2008, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by NoLimitz

I'm sure we've all been 12-16 before and we we're never that retarded.

exactly...shitty that the kid died, but you do stupid shit, expect stupid shit to happen. i think spikers put it best with his post

09-22-2008, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by 88jbody
I just wish that being Young offenders they would get bigger punishments,

An ideal solution in this country would be that your punishment fits the severity of the crime, not how old you are. I don't mean "oh it's just a stolen car", I mean, if you end someone's life, you are tried and judged on the basis of ending someone's life, not on the basis of being a poor little 14 year old who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and comes from a broken home and can only get 3-4 years punishment for something an adult would get 25 to life for.

Originally posted by 88jbody
I feel fro the kids family...but not for the kid.

A kid who was a neighbor and a friend of mine all thru primary, elementary, and high school died not long after we graduated when he was ejected thru the sunroof of a stolen car he was riding in when it crashed. That stunned everyone in the community as he was known as a pretty good straight-laced kid like the rest of us, with no reason to be hanging around the kind of crowd that did that kind of stuff. It can happen to anyone, and anyone can make a bad choice that will have ultimate consequences. Having said that, I too can't shed many tears for someone doing something irresponsible or disrespectful to others (and others' property). Crimes like doing 110 in a 100 zone are victimless crimes. Stealing someone's car is not a victimless crime, and I can't find much sorrow for someone participating in something like that.

09-22-2008, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by Carfanman

How the fuck can you say that?
Death? Why the fuck should the punishment for stealing a car be death? I'm not justifying what they did, they are shitheads, and deserve to have their shit kicked in, followed by some jail time.

Jailtime? YEAH RIGHT.
Please tell me how you'd react if someone stole your shit.

Originally posted by 88CRX
My buddies exact words when his car was stolen:
"I hope the fuckers that stole my car die in a car crash"

that is EXACTLY what I said once I found out my car was stolen.

So...Who is missing a red Civic?

09-22-2008, 11:26 PM
There's probably a lesson in seat belt use that can be learned here too.

09-22-2008, 11:45 PM
If somebody steals my car, I might think or say that I hope they die at first. Then I calm down, and hope that they lose 3 limbs in a crash, and my insurance payout is higher than I could have sold the car for. I never actually want them to die, however, I also don't shed a tear if I do. For some strange reason, I've never been in a stolen car....I WONDER WHY!

Of course, save all that happening, I hope if somebody steals my car, that it is found by Beyond CSI, that the thief has some hilarious disfigurement already, my car is recovered within 2 days, an arrest video surfaces on youtube, and within the week, a car club in California is rocking decals of said hilarious disfigurement on their cars.

09-22-2008, 11:59 PM
The kid who died was there hoping his cousin wouldnt get in trouble, he was never the kind of kid to even go out and do things that kids his age were doing, he was looked upon as the nerd and the kid who always made the right decision.
I feel bad because I know the family and iIknow the cousin he was there with who basically dragged him along. You guy's are probably thinking bad ass 12 yr old when really hes the one who would have his nose in a book and would rather do home work than think about being cool or girls.

I dont understand whats wong with some of you, I dont think death over a car is moraly right, and super_geo your just a fucking idiot plain and simple btw 2 of which I know for a fact come from very wealthy well educated family's. Just because a child steals a car dosent meen that thier going to drop out and become shithead thier whole life. Just because your a moron
like SOME other users who believe youth should die because of one bad decision in thier life makes me wonder what kind of family have you come from ? what fucked up social skills do you indeed have if any.

09-23-2008, 12:08 AM
Not that I think it hasn't been pointed out already several times over, but it appears to need to be said again... "fucked up social skills" is just about the textbook definition of a car thief.

09-23-2008, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by Jay911
Not that I think it hasn't been pointed out already several times over, but it appears to need to be said again... "fucked up social skills" is just about the textbook definition of a car thief.
When your 12-15 trying to fit in, you dont think that much about what your realy doing and socialy among your peers thats what makes you "cool".

09-23-2008, 12:14 AM
I and all the people I know made it past 12-15 without stealing cars. 99% of the people I grew up with are still on the right side of the law (and the grass).

The "everyone does it so stop acting like you didn't" excuse don't work here.

09-23-2008, 12:14 AM
And should I have said psychological problems because to me
thinking that a child deserves to die over stealing a vehicle is okay simply is just wrong.

09-23-2008, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by Jay911
I and all the people I know made it past 12-15 without stealing cars. 99% of the people I grew up with are still on the right side of the law (and the grass).

The "everyone does it so stop acting like you didn't" excuse don't work here.

Thier 12-15 years old , people make stupid decisions but all im saying is honestly its harsh saying a civic is worth a child's life or "he deserves it",

09-23-2008, 12:34 AM
WTF are 12-15 year old kids doing out anywhere at 1:15am let alone stealing cars?? This (to me) sounds 100% like bad parenting, I don't care how straight laced the kid was that was killed. And now the parents are paying the ultimate price, not the kid. The kid's gone, he no longer knows what's going on. The parents who weren't watching their kids and not raising them properly now have to wonder what their kid(s) would have amounted to if they hadn't been through this (not just the kid who died, I'm pretty sure they will all be affected by this for a LONG time, if not their whole lives). I really hope some radical changes come around for all of the families involved. RIP to the kid, and condolances to those who lost someone they loved.

09-23-2008, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by Melinda
WTF are 12-15 year old kids doing out anywhere at 1:15am let alone stealing cars?? This (to me) sounds 100% like bad parenting, I don't care how straight laced the kid was that was killed. And now the parents are paying the ultimate price, not the kid. The kid's gone, he no longer knows what's going on. The parents who weren't watching their kids and not raising them properly now have to wonder what their kid(s) would have amounted to if they hadn't been through this (not just the kid who died, I'm pretty sure they will all be affected by this for a LONG time, if not their whole lives). I really hope some radical changes come around for all of the families involved. RIP to the kid, and condolances to those who lost someone they loved.

True... When I was around that age, if I wasn't home by 10:00 I could expect... :whipped: :whipped:

but then again I guess that's how most asian parents are! It's like Russel Peters said, you white people need to start beating your children. (Assuming the kids involved are white, I have no idea :dunno: )

09-23-2008, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by imjimmylin

True... When I was around that age, if I wasn't home by 10:00 I could expect... :whipped: :whipped:

but then again I guess that's how most asian parents are! It's like Russel Peters said, you white people need to start beating your children. (Assuming the kids involved are white, I have no idea :dunno: )

hey i was raised by white parents and i got my shit kicked when i stepped out of line...

09-23-2008, 12:53 AM
Your one in a million all my white friends never got beats :rofl:

09-23-2008, 03:16 AM
I personally don't give a shit if the kid was an honor roll student and had already gotten a full scholarship to Yale or took a job picking up my garbage on tuesday mornings.

This kid knew right from wrong. He knew he was getting into a stolen vehicle. HE MADE THE FUCKING CHOICE. I am just trying to fit in, what fucking bullshit. he knew it was wrong, as did everyone in that car, and yet they still went ahead and did it.

I got no sympathy. NONE

The outcome did what our justice system could not do. If they were home like good little kids people make them out to be, all 4 would be alive, some poor shmuck would still have his car, kids would not need a therapist, tax payers money would not be wasted, parents would not need to be picking out a 4 foot coffin, family would not need to be flying in from far away places, court rooms would be less crowded, probation officers would not be as over worked.

fuck we should be happy, look what these 4 kids did for our economy.

09-23-2008, 03:18 AM
Originally posted by imjimmylin
Your one in a million all my white friends never got beats :rofl:

oh man, my dad had 4 belts in his dresser drawers, and if i fucked up, he made me walk down the hall, which all of a sudden became 4 miles long, get the belt and go back to him with it, get my spanking, and then go put the belt back. The only choice i had in the matter was which belt i brought back.

oh yeah, I am white as white can be.

09-23-2008, 04:03 AM
Originally posted by Melinda
WTF are 12-15 year old kids doing out anywhere at 1:15am let alone stealing cars?? This (to me) sounds 100% like bad parenting, I don't care how straight laced the kid was that was killed. And now the parents are paying the ultimate price, not the kid. The kid's gone, he no longer knows what's going on. The parents who weren't watching their kids and not raising them properly now have to wonder what their kid(s) would have amounted to if they hadn't been through this (not just the kid who died, I'm pretty sure they will all be affected by this for a LONG time, if not their whole lives). I really hope some radical changes come around for all of the families involved. RIP to the kid, and condolances to those who lost someone they loved.


The kids knew they were breaking the law and they should be willing to pay the price no matter what it may be..

09-23-2008, 05:34 AM
I wouldn't say these kids DESERVE IT...that is pretty cruel...All I really think is that these kids made the choice and it didn't turn out the best. Can't really speculate past that. Just like gagnster kids choose their path. Shit happens

09-23-2008, 06:09 AM
Originally posted by Melinda
WTF are 12-15 year old kids doing out anywhere at 1:15am let alone stealing cars?? This (to me) sounds 100% like bad parenting, I don't care how straight laced the kid was that was killed. And now the parents are paying the ultimate price, not the kid. The kid's gone, he no longer knows what's going on. The parents who weren't watching their kids and not raising them properly now have to wonder what their kid(s) would have amounted to if they hadn't been through this (not just the kid who died, I'm pretty sure they will all be affected by this for a LONG time, if not their whole lives). I really hope some radical changes come around for all of the families involved. RIP to the kid, and condolances to those who lost someone they loved.

Man are you ignorant.

I hope when your child becomes a teenager, all the sheltering and 'good' parenting you give her/him back fires and she/he sneaks out the bedroom window, and crashes your car (non injury collision).

You can't watch kids 100% of the time.... ummm, what perfect world do you live in? 100% bad parenting? You really are full of yourself.

There's a reason the youth offenders act exists, and there's a reason youths act the way they do...

I imagine people here only have such opinions because this is a car forum and thus large value is attributed to automobiles. If this was a model train forum and some kid died swallowing a HO scale model engine on a dare, you'd all be saying he deserved to die as well. :/


I'm hard pressed to believe that even if the scenario was a worst case scenario, that a CHILD deserves death for his or her acute choices as a CHILD.


You wanna know which group of kids that's behind the majority of joy ride motivated car thefts in this city? Rich ass, products of good homes, bright horizon, future leader kids... How do I know this? Ask a city police officer where they find recovered joy ridden cars... The N.W.

09-23-2008, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by bosanel

You wanna know which group of kids that's behind the majority of joy ride motivated car thefts in this city? Rich ass, products of good homes, bright horizon, future leader kids... How do I know this? Ask a city police officer where they find recovered joy ridden cars... The N.W.

Yes, because if I stole a car for a joyride, I'd dump it within walking distance of my house. :rofl: :rofl:

09-23-2008, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by bosanel

Man are you ignorant.

I hope when your child becomes a teenager, all the sheltering and 'good' parenting you give her/him back fires and she/he sneaks out the bedroom window, and crashes your car (non injury collision).

You can't watch kids 100% of the time.... ummm, what perfect world do you live in? 100% bad parenting? You really are full of yourself.

For the most part. Good parents raise good kids.

Sure there are exceptions to the rule (and this incident might be one of them) however for the most part it is true.

I can think back to the friends I had in high school that could do ANYTHING and their parents wouldn't get mad or care. Now all of those people either have illegitimate kids, are still living with their parents or work dead end jobs (or all three) and they are pushing 30.

There is a reason why a kid would feel the need to sneak out of his house and steal a car and it isn't just a "random thing".

09-23-2008, 07:28 AM
^^ bosanel, where in my post did I say he deserved to die? :dunno:

And I'm sorry, but when I was 14, I sure as hell wasn't sneaking out of the house at 1am, but I know a lot of my friends with parents who didn't give a shit about them were freely roaming the streets any time they damn well pleased. My parents gave me and my brother enough freedom that we didn't feel the need to rebel against "the man" and go get ourselves into trouble like this. We also don't have criminal records either, never have, where as these "excellently parented" children do. Give me an F-ing break. Why are there so many lazy parents out there who not only pass the blame off of themselves, but now also take the blame off of other parents to boot? Sure mistakes happen, but there were a LOT of "mistakes" in this situation. He didn't sneak out and fall down somewhere to hurt himself. He snuck out, met up with people he knew would likely cause trouble for him (if he was the innocent angel the previous poster claims he was), knowingly got into a stolen car (the front seat no less), knowingly let someone without a licence drive him and three other CHILDREN around at high rates of speed and he paid the price. That's a hell of a lot of GIANT "teenage mistakes" for one "smart, well adjusted genius kid" to make in one night. And as for the others, a youth record before age 15? Joyriding and crashing a stolen car at 1:15 in the morning? Yeah, the amount of evident parental neglect definately isn't a factor here at all, these kids must all be honor students who are magic at picking locks and silently climbing out of bedroom windows while innocently sleepwalking to steal and joyride cars. :rolleyes:

And how the hell do you know what kind of parent I'm going to be? Saying I deserve this to happen to my kids is just as ridiculous as saying a 14 year old deserves to die for riding in a stolen car. :rolleyes:

09-23-2008, 08:30 AM
I'm with Melinda on this one. Sure the kid takes some blame, but the parents hold most of the guilt on this one.

Either A: They were totally ignorant or B: They tried to be way too controlling of their kid and the kid fought back.

09-23-2008, 08:46 AM
One thing to keep in mind:
My dad pulled this kind of shit when he was a kid/teenager. I had friends that did this shit (much worse, actually. Think guns and high speed chases). Obviously, the next generation does this type of shit, and I'm sure some from my daughter's generation will do it too.

I'm not condoning or justifying. I'm just making the point that this type of activity isn't anything new, so let's not be too quick to start looking for ropes and oak trees.

FWIW If my kid pulled this crap s/he'd be hoping for a good long stint in jeuvie to give me time to cool down.

09-23-2008, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by bosanel
Ask a city police officer where they find recovered joy ridden cars... The N.W.


thats not where they found my car...

09-23-2008, 09:01 AM
^ Thanks for pointing out that quote, must've missed it the first time.

My GF's sister used to work at Crime Stoppers and she said most stolen vehicles are recovered in District 4. (Go figure :rofl: )

09-23-2008, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by bosanel

You can't watch kids 100% of the time.... ummm, what perfect world do you live in? 100% bad parenting? You really are full of yourself.

No you can't watch your kids 100% of the time. But with good parenting, you instill then with the morals, values, and (yes) fear, which keep them from getting involved in such activities.

I would have been scared shitless to get involved in stealing and driving around a car when I was a kid. If my parents found out, I would be in a world of trouble. And that was a big deal to me. And no matter what world you live in, even a kid can establish that stealing and joyriding a car is NOT acceptable.

Obviously, these kids were none too concerned about what was right and what was wrong. They were not very concerned about what would happen if their parents found out - most likely because in prior incidents, the parents didn't punish the kids as they should have, or projected that they really didn't care that much when the kids did wrong.

I never want to see people die - let alone children. Seriously - RIP. But as cold as it sounds, this incident ended the life of someone who could quite likely have been a career criminal when he got older. If you aren't taught not to do things like this as a kid, you're not likely to fare any better as an adult. And one less criminal off the streets really isn't a negative to me....

09-23-2008, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by bosanel
You wanna know which group of kids that's behind the majority of joy ride motivated car thefts in this city? Rich ass, products of good homes, bright horizon, future leader kids... How do I know this? Ask a city police officer where they find recovered joy ridden cars... The N.W. Yeah, but did you ever figure out where the car was stolen from? Marlborough - where there's a shopping cart for every yard, probably close to home for these kids. :closed:

09-23-2008, 09:47 AM
Cars are dumped everywhere - don't delude yourself into thinking that car thieves are dumping these cars within walking distance of their homes or the LRT so they can take a train home.. (?! :dunno: ) - Just about every nook and cranny where people aren't looking inside the city is a place where they'll dump a car, i.e. industrial parks, outskirts roads, etc., and outside the city in places like Conrich, south of Langdon near the river, far west Springbank, and Kananaskis Country are very popular too. They'll just follow one another in yet another stolen car so when they run the wheels off the first one, they can all pile in another and start the cycle over again.

With the protection provided by the "Youth Criminal Justice Act" or whatever the YOA is called these days, you will never find a true breakdown or indication of where the majority of juvenile car thieves/criminals are coming from. Having said that, there's no "northwest vs northeast" thing going on, despite what a lot of Beyond seems to think.

09-23-2008, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by 7thgenvic
I wouldn't say these kids DESERVE IT...that is pretty cruel...All I really think is that these kids made the choice and it didn't turn out the best. Can't really speculate past that. Just like gagnster kids choose their path. Shit happens

So what was the best that could have came out of them from stealing a car? Stripe it, ditch it, and have a good laugh? Then keep stealing and getting away with endangering the lives of innocent citizens on the roads that they joyride on? :dunno:

I agree that life is all about choices, and sometimes we don't make the best ones. But what I also believe in is if you make bad choices, bad things will happen to you. And death is bad mmmkay.

09-23-2008, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by bosanel
You wanna know which group of kids that's behind the majority of joy ride motivated car thefts in this city? Rich ass, products of good homes, bright horizon, future leader kids... How do I know this? Ask a city police officer where they find recovered joy ridden cars... The N.W.

Man are you ignorant.

The car was stolen in NE and end up in NW. And how many get out of jail free card you want to give to these kids. It's not their first offense.

09-23-2008, 10:50 AM
^^^Best signature picture ever.

09-23-2008, 10:54 AM
Problem with parents now a days is that there either to strict and the kids then go out and do dumb stuff because they want to rebel or the parents dont give a shit and the kids go out and do dumb things because they can.

When I grew up it was all about education in life and common sense. I grew up in a European household though and the values are different. I could drink everyday if I wanted to and it was natural to have wine or beer with a meal, as long as im not DRIVING. Not once though did I ever get excited about getting drunk on the weekends and I could have cared less. I never did drugs at all growing up and could pretty much have a girl sleep over if I wanted to.

I know every parent thinks different, but my point is that if these kids were to be educated and have some common sense this would never have happened and even if there was one of them that was like this he would have made the decision not to go out with them that night.

09-23-2008, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek

No you can't watch your kids 100% of the time. But with good parenting, you instill then with the morals, values, and (yes) fear, which keep them from getting involved in such activities.

I would have been scared shitless to get involved in stealing and driving around a car when I was a kid. If my parents found out, I would be in a world of trouble. And that was a big deal to me. And no matter what world you live in, even a kid can establish that stealing and joyriding a car is NOT acceptable.

Obviously, these kids were none too concerned about what was right and what was wrong. They were not very concerned about what would happen if their parents found out - most likely because in prior incidents, the parents didn't punish the kids as they should have, or projected that they really didn't care that much when the kids did wrong.

I never want to see people die - let alone children. Seriously - RIP. But as cold as it sounds, this incident ended the life of someone who could quite likely have been a career criminal when he got older. If you aren't taught not to do things like this as a kid, you're not likely to fare any better as an adult. And one less criminal off the streets really isn't a negative to me....

Man in junior high I was scared that my parents would see my FRIENDS smoking, let alone me. I was the same age that these kids were who stole the car. I couldnt imagine the ass kicking id get from my dad if i stole a car and got into this much trouble.

09-23-2008, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

Man in junior high I was scared that my parents would see my FRIENDS smoking, let alone me. I was the same age that these kids were who stole the car. I couldnt imagine the ass kicking id get from my dad if i stole a car and got into this much trouble.

no kidding.

When my dad went off on me for going fishing by myself on the shore of the bow river at 11 or 12, I could not sit for a few days without wincing. I could not imagine what he would do to me if I stole a car.

09-23-2008, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

Man in junior high I was scared that my parents would see my FRIENDS smoking, let alone me. I was the same age that these kids were who stole the car. I couldnt imagine the ass kicking id get from my dad if i stole a car and got into this much trouble.

Same here... I normally got the ass kicking from my mom with the rolling pin.... I would think she would have upgraded her weapon if i stole a car.

09-23-2008, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by bosanel

You wanna know which group of kids that's behind the majority of joy ride motivated car thefts in this city? Rich ass, products of good homes, bright horizon, future leader kids... How do I know this? Ask a city police officer where they find recovered joy ridden cars... The N.W.

Okay, since you want to ask a city police officer this question, here I am. You are wrong - we recover most of them in District 4 and around the downtown core, not N.W. Calgary. In addition to that, just because they are recovered around those areas doesn't necessarily connect them with anyone living in that area... it has nothing to do with that.

As far as the rest of this topic goes, I think the fact that one of them died and the other was seriously injured is going to be severe enough punishment. All I can say is that I'm glad noone else was hurt, not only in this case but in the one in Evergreen where the two idiots schmucked into a house that was occupied at the time. Those kids need to be sorted out properly, but I think wishing death upon them is a bit over the top.

Just my two bits.

09-23-2008, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by imjimmylin

Same here... I normally got the ass kicking from my mom with the rolling pin.... I would think she would have upgraded her weapon if i stole a car.

I woulda had to make up a lie to tell my friends as to why i had 2 black eyes ;)

Honestly, I got into a lot of little shit when i was younger, but I always knew that I'm gonna get smacked if i went TOO FAR. Sometimes it was worth getting a smack because it would be too damn funny, but it always made me a bit fearful of my parents.

Thing is parents try to be friends with their kids now. Be friends with your kids when they're 17-18. Be their parents when they're kids though.