View Full Version : Racing on 8th in Saskatoon = Dead Cyclist.

09-25-2008, 01:41 PM


SASKATOON — Two young men charged in the death of a cyclist who was hit while two cars were racing on a Saskatoon street have been released on bail.

Kyle Bradley and Mitchell Rebryna briefly appeared in provincial court Thursday morning. Witnesses have told police they spotted two sports cars racing along the city's popular 8th Street strip before one of them, a red Pontiac Firebird Trans Am, struck the cyclist from behind just before 3 a.m. Wednesday.

Both the Trans Am and a grey Ford Mustang fled the scene.

Each man faces one count of criminal negligence causing death by street racing, a relatively new Criminal Code charge which carries a maximum life sentence and maximum lifetime driving ban.

Rebryna, who police allege was driving the car that struck 64-year-old Barry Grosse, faces an additional charge of hit and run.

The 20-year-old stood in the prisoner's box, his hands stuffed in his pockets, as several of his friends in the public gallery wiped away tears.

Grosse's nephew, Phillip Grosse, also cried as he walked outside of the court building.

"It's a lose-lose situation for everybody. Nobody gains anything from this," he said.

"If anything, I hope it creates awareness that street racing is a serious, serious thing that needs to be looked at, especially on 8th Street. It's got a reputation for cars zooming up and down."

Police have said Grosse's death is the first in recent memory related to street racing in Saskatoon.

Grosse, a retired school principal, suffered from a sleep disorder and often went out at night for exercise when he couldn't sleep, said his nephew.

Police officers found his body lying on the street, several metres from his mangled bike, after witnesses to the crash flagged down their patrol car.

Grosse was later pronounced dead at hospital.

Within hours, and acting on a tip, police arrested Rebryna. Bradley was arrested later in the day.

Phillip Grosse said it's shocking the pair are accused of driving off, leaving his uncle alone on the street.

"It's unforgivable really," he said. "You see a guy laying there on the ground - it's tough to accept."

Bradley and Rebryna are to appear in court again Oct. 16.

09-25-2008, 02:02 PM
One thing that bugs me about North America is that people are so anal about being environmentally friendly and to cut down on driving cars. Riding a bike like the rest of the world would make sense, until you read shit like this.

Edit:granted he was riding at 3 am and most likely had no lights.

09-25-2008, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by snoop101
Edit:granted he was riding at 3 am and most likely had no lights.

Wrong place, wrong time, wrong gears. You get what you get.

09-25-2008, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by snoop101
....Riding a bike like the rest of the world would make sense, until you read shit like this.

Edit:granted he was riding at 3 am and most likely had no lights.

That's somewhat assinine to say. Granted, 8th street is no place for a bike (and I bike a lot, my bike collection is likely worth more than my prelude), but buddy didn't die cause he was riding a bike.

He died because some asshat doing over 100kph on a city street wasn't looking at the road and hit him from behind.

09-25-2008, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

That's somewhat assinine to say. Granted, 8th street is no place for a bike (and I bike a lot, my bike collection is likely worth more than my prelude), but buddy didn't die cause he was riding a bike.

He died because some asshat doing over 100kph on a city street wasn't looking at the road and hit him from behind.

I think you were reading that wrong. Our law states that a bike is classified as a motor vehicle (not sure the technical term). He has the same right to drive on that road as the cars were. Anywhere else in the world bikes are natural to the road and drivers look out for them.

09-25-2008, 02:25 PM
Wow, disgusting :thumbsdow

I hope they get thrown in the clink for life.

09-25-2008, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by snoop101

I think you were reading that wrong. Our law states that a bike is classified as a motor vehicle (not sure the technical term). He has the same right to drive on that road as the cars were. Anywhere else in the world bikes are natural to the road and drivers look out for them.

Oh, I see where you were going. I have been a tad obtuse lately. :)

09-25-2008, 07:47 PM
what kind of cars were they?

09-25-2008, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2
what kind of cars were they?

Both the Trans Am and a grey Ford Mustang fled the scene.

09-25-2008, 07:51 PM
I got to 'released on bail' and stopped reading. Why would they let 'em out...:thumbsdow

09-25-2008, 07:56 PM
Each man faces one count of criminal negligence causing death by street racing, a relatively new Criminal Code charge which carries a maximum life sentence and maximum lifetime driving ban.

life sentence!?!?!?!


09-25-2008, 08:01 PM
8th street is always FULL of idiots. The worse incident I've seen involved an older camaro doin a burnout at the intersection of Circle/8th and then skid for 200ft, spin across 3 lanes of traffic and end up on the other side of the road. Losers skidding around on a Friday night is all too common.

Stupid hicks with their POS cars need to realize that cruising on 8th does not make them pimp shit. I can't count the number of times I've had some fag in a JDM shitbox pull up next to me and want to race. :thumbsdow

RIP to the deceased.

09-25-2008, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by Canmorite
I got to 'released on bail' and stopped reading. Why would they let 'em out...:thumbsdow

Because they arent declared dangerous offenders who are likely to re-offend.

They will serve their time... just not right away.