View Full Version : Moved to a different country?

09-29-2008, 11:57 PM
Have anyone of you had the thought of just up and leaving Canada, and moving to a destination of your choice?

Now I am not talking about being offered a job and then moving their.

Maybe you moved their because you loved it and then found the job their.

This thought has crossed my mind many times...

09-30-2008, 12:01 AM
I think about it everyday.....reality hits me though, and then I remember that it's not possible.

09-30-2008, 12:09 AM
I am suiting my basement in my new house, that will put me in positive cash flow situation. Once that happens - I'm outta here .. Asia, Australia, mebbe New Zealand ..

I plan to work odd jobs, gas stations, fruit picking, if i can work for a tour company that'd be ideal ... just do random shit wherever to have fun and not work for the weekend.

Why do you ask ?

09-30-2008, 12:22 AM
There is a lot of cool places out there and I personally think it'd be a waste to spend all your life in Calgary or any other place for that matter. Traveling has never been this easy so I say why not take advantage of it. You get lots of cool experiences, learn about different cultures and just live.

Life isn't supposed to be a 9 to 5 job.

09-30-2008, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by SprayGUN
I think about it everyday.....reality hits me though, and then I remember that it's not possible.
Why not? The only thing holding you back is yourself.

09-30-2008, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by black13
Life isn't supposed to be a 9 to 5 job.

Great quote!

09-30-2008, 12:48 AM
all the time, just need to save enough money then will travel as well.

even relocating to a different city to live/work...i have no plan to stay in calgary forever.

and i would like to take a year off to travel all over the world by train/boat

09-30-2008, 01:49 AM
I think about it often, although doesn't bother me much at the moment as I'm kinda doing it right now (from england) but I will do it again, I won't be in calgary for many more years I don't think, gonna look into living in the caribbean for my mid 30s, as I will either end up spending my 45+ life either there or living in the mountains.

09-30-2008, 02:40 AM
Originally posted by A790

Why not? The only thing holding you back is yourself. The only thing holding me back is, money, and commitments. If I didn't have commitments I would ideally be in another country working on a cruise ship as a photographer, because the job offer for New Zealand cruise lines still stands...just haven't been able. :(

09-30-2008, 03:22 AM
what would be the reason to leave if you decide to head out of canada?

09-30-2008, 03:40 AM
Where would you go that you'd have a better standard of living? There were several places in Europe that I didn't want to leave... but personal space, freedom, nature, opportunities... brought me back :D

09-30-2008, 04:13 AM
I've always considered Japan. At least for a year or two. I've traveled a fair bit, and it was by far my favourite place.

The biggest problem for me is how committed I am here. I spent a lot of time building my company, and it'd be hard to throw that all away.

But I tell ya, they're sure making it hard to stay. Rent through the roof, economy soon to be through the floor, traffic like a 5+ mil metropolis, construction everywhere, speed traps everywhere, no race track, and bullshit my shit don't stick attitude from most people.

I am born and raised in Calgary, but these days it's not the same city I grew up in. If I move, it will either be to a much much bigger city or to a much smaller city. These medium sized cities seem to have the worst of both worlds.

09-30-2008, 05:20 AM
I am born in Canada, but my roots go back to Morocco.

I just love it their, the lifestyle, the family, the weather, beaches, everything!

It seems like people are more happy over their with less.

I would love to live their, just the thing stopping me is my recent Mortgage, my Job, etc.

If I could find a job their for a fraction of what I make I would be happy. But the thing is, French is the second language their, and I do not speak French... I could bypass the speaking French thing if I was a senior in my field, but I am a junior in this...

09-30-2008, 06:55 AM

09-30-2008, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
^ The word you're looking for is there.

Carry on.
thanks for doing that haha, i was :banghead: ing every time i saw it.

and i'm in the same boat...err situation.

i'm heading to austrailia to work/explore for a year
should have everything ready and set to head out in 1.5years

09-30-2008, 09:11 AM
I finished school last year and was just about on my way out the door until i met my current girlfriend.

Its kind of hard just to drop everything at once and commit to such a huge change but i think its something you just have to close your eyes and dive into.

Currently i am trying to convince her to leave the country with me for a while. But i know if we ever broke up I would immediately leave Calgary for a long while.

People are supposed to work to live, no the other way around.

09-30-2008, 09:16 AM
I have accepted and internal transfer with my company that is going to have me re-located to Jakarta, Indonesia for 2-3 years. This was something that i'd always wanted, and my choice to work in oil and gas exploration was partially driven by the possibility of international travel.

I've been in Calgary for a few years now, and it was getting kinda stale, so it's a good time to move on, have new adventures!

I say go for it.

09-30-2008, 09:16 AM
I woke up one morning and decided to move from Newfoundland, 1/4 around the world to Alberta.
Then woke up another day and decided to move down to Georgia.
Then decided to move to New York.

Then I realized what a shithole the U.S.A. is so I moved back 3 months ago.

09-30-2008, 09:23 AM
My sister up and moved to Australia last January, she'll be back this December, isn't what she thought it would be like.

09-30-2008, 09:32 AM
I moved to Canada 9 years ago from Germany, i was 13 at the time.

Whenever I go back and visit, I always wish I could stay. If it wasnt for the euro and so god damn expensive to live there, I would have moved back a long time ago.

I miss my hometown :(

09-30-2008, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by Crymson
I have accepted and internal transfer with my company that is going to have me re-located to Jakarta, Indonesia for 2-3 years. This was something that i'd always wanted, and my choice to work in oil and gas exploration was partially driven by the possibility of international travel.

I've been in Calgary for a few years now, and it was getting kinda stale, so it's a good time to move on, have new adventures!

I say go for it.

This is a HUGE reason I'm in geology. Being confined to one spot is ridiculous and this field seems to have opportunities around the globe. I may have to chit chat with you soon! :)

09-30-2008, 09:47 AM

Feel free to drop me a pm, i'd be happy to meet up for a pint or a coffee and chat about the experience.

For me, it was very fortuitous. I've only been out of uni for 3 years, and managed to swing an international posting. Typically, these types of jobs are reserved for 10 year + guys, but in the oil industry in calgary today, those guys don't exist. You have a generation of 1-5 year guys who are the result of the recent hiring boom since 2001, and you have 20+ year guys who managed to not get laid off in the 90's who are unwilling to relocate so close to retirement.

09-30-2008, 09:48 AM
^^ what are you doing with your FD?

09-30-2008, 09:52 AM
That is also one of the reasons I got into the Oil industry.

Also I can move closer to the country I want to live in, if I do get an international position.

09-30-2008, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by semograd
^^ what are you doing with your FD?

don't know yet. I'm thinking about either selling it this fall, or storing it with some friends who'll do the mods i want while i'm away.

Some other shit is going on right now in my life that may require me to get rid of though, unfortunately.

However! This is one of the cool things, is that my company will supply a car and driver for me, once i move there. So i'll be sure to snap a few picks of the R34 skyline i pick up in Jakarta.

09-30-2008, 09:56 AM
^haha thats sick. try not to sell it dude, you will never forgive yourself.

09-30-2008, 09:57 AM
I know, it took a long time to find that car. But having it sit for 3 years is not exactly ideal either.

09-30-2008, 10:00 AM
Iam moving back to the cayman islands...in fact my wife and i are going in december to vacation and look at some real esate....last time i was there, the rule was for residency you needed to spend 500k on a property.

09-30-2008, 10:40 AM
I've thought about it a few times. I love Finland, Sweden, the whole baltic area. However, I only really have two options for moving:

1) Stay in Canada
2) Move to New Zealand (I am a full citizen of NZ, by birth and grandfather rules combined :D)

Reality: Will probably stay in the Calgary area, maybe have a house in Cochrane or Airdrie.

09-30-2008, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by em2ab

Then decided to move to New York.

how was new york?
the "gf" is thinking about moving there for a bit, completely randomly

Originally posted by Tik-Tok
My sister up and moved to Australia last January, she'll be back this December, isn't what she thought it would be like.
how so?

09-30-2008, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Dumbass17

how so?

Hasn't really elaborated, asides from being expensive. I think it's too much like Canada for her (except the weather). If she's going to live in a place like Canada, why not just live at home where family is?

09-30-2008, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok
My sister up and moved to Australia last January, she'll be back this December, isn't what she thought it would be like.

I was there for a year, it was just like Canada but better weather

That's one country I'm seriously considering trying to move to

09-30-2008, 01:06 PM
i just do the next best thing, work in canada and then travel for 6 months, come back broke and do it again

09-30-2008, 01:13 PM
Fuck yeah! I think I'm going back to Europe next fall. :poosie:

09-30-2008, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by LadyLuck
I moved to Canada 9 years ago from Germany, i was 13 at the time.

Whenever I go back and visit, I always wish I could stay. If it wasnt for the euro and so god damn expensive to live there, I would have moved back a long time ago.

I miss my hometown :(

Fellow-Germany lover here! :D (as you can see from my avatar).

After I finish University here in Calgary, I am hopefully planning to move to Germany/France.

After being all over Europe for 6 weeks in 2007, learning German in first year Uni, living/studying in Germany for 8 weeks this past Summer, and learning French since grade 7, ideally if everything works out it will be a no-brainer living/working in Europe after Uni! :)

Just love the culture, people, etc (for the most part) in Europe way better IMO.

09-30-2008, 01:32 PM
Switzerland. More specifically, Geneve. Waterfront areas, great skiing, women(!), oh and tons of money sloshing around :poosie:

09-30-2008, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by toyboy88

Just love the culture, people, etc (for the most part) in Europe way better IMO.

Thats the thing. I travelled Europe, and the culture is awesome, same goes for Morocco. The people are a lot more welcoming... I don't know it is hard to explain.

09-30-2008, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by SprayGUN
The only thing holding me back is, money, and commitments. If I didn't have commitments I would ideally be in another country working on a cruise ship as a photographer, because the job offer for New Zealand cruise lines still stands...just haven't been able. :(
Excuses. If you want something you can attain it, it's just a matter of how dedicated you choose to be during its pursuit.

09-30-2008, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Dumbass17

how was new york?
how so?
I suggest taking a trip there and immersing yourself in the working culture for at least 2 weeks by being around the hustle and bustle early in the morning and also dealing with people there on a daily basis....order a pizza, call companies with questions, just get some interaction with the people there. This is what turned me away from there, I couldn't understand why people did some of the things they did, everyone's impatient and they'll trample you to get another dollar. There's too much of a "What's best for me right now?" attitude and I couldn't be around people that not only refused to take responsibility for their actions, but refused to believe they could actually be wrong.

But if you get a different opinion from visiting there then you might love it. I hated it......just a little less than I hated Georgia.

09-30-2008, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola
Fuck yeah! I think I'm going back to Europe next fall. :poosie:

Finland bound? :D

Hyva Suomi! :D

09-30-2008, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by stealth

The people are a lot more welcoming... I don't know it is hard to explain.

Word to that. When I go out there I met girls every night, when I go out here I might meet a girl, and they almost always have a bf or are married.

Originally posted by Vagabond142

Finland bound? :D


09-30-2008, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola

Word to that. When I go out there I met girls every night, when I go out here I might meet a girl, and they almost always have a bf or are married.

+1 Most of the places I went to bars/clubs, you would meet girls all the time, and even if they did have a BF or whatever...it was still "Hey guys, my friend and I are from Canada, etc." and the girl (and sometimes BF/friends/group) would be like sweet party it up with us, have a friendly chat, share some drinks, etc!

Just something I noticed, $0.02. :D

09-30-2008, 06:14 PM
If it was financially feasible, I'd be outta here in a heart beat. I've never been to another country and I'd love it so much :( I'm trying to go to Japan next summer, that would just be the shit :D

09-30-2008, 10:04 PM
grass is always greener on the other side.
canada, here i come!

09-30-2008, 11:07 PM
Yea the thing is, if I had a job lined up, I would be gone! Long gone!

O well, I guess I will have to enjoy visiting, every so often...

Or aim for a early retirement...

10-01-2008, 12:25 AM

10-01-2008, 12:27 AM
I'm for trying out Europe too! I really wonder if the grass is greener. We do have it pretty sweet here considering. I think I would miss the mountains a lot

10-01-2008, 01:22 AM
Originally posted by Hakkola


Minä ehdottomasti palvon Suomea

(forgive my horrible grammar, I have only learned very basic Finnish so far T_T)

10-01-2008, 01:31 AM
my bud just moved to finland for hockey.

he told me he will never come home other than to visit. makes me reconsider my entire life...

10-01-2008, 01:41 AM
JfuckinC: Finland has that effect. It may not seem like a tourist destination, nor an entirely viable country for moving to.... until you visit.

I have NEVER... ***NEVER***... been anywhere where people are so nice, the land so beautiful, the cities so clean (well, except for Helsinki on a Saturday night! :D)... it's just such an incredible place. It's bloody magical, that's all I can say.

Oh, it also helps that there is not one ugly woman there. At all. Even the landwhales (and there are some) are hot, I am not joking. Hakkola can back me up on this :thumbsup:

Only downside is the 20% GST o_O

10-01-2008, 01:43 AM
Originally posted by Vagabond142
JfuckinC: Finland has that effect. It may not seem like a tourist destination, nor an entirely viable country for moving to.... until you visit.

I have NEVER... ***NEVER***... been anywhere where people are so nice, the land so beautiful, the cities so clean (well, except for Helsinki on a Saturday night! :D)... it's just such an incredible place. It's bloody magical, that's all I can say.

Oh, it also helps that there is not one ugly woman there. At all. Even the landwhales (and there are some) are hot, I am not joking. Hakkola can back me up on this :thumbsup:

haha he told me all the girls were at least decent looking if not hot. and that everyone rides dirtbikes scooters etc where ever they please lol... i looked at pictures and the land is so lush and nice... i shoulda kept playin hockey.

10-01-2008, 01:58 AM
Yeah... visit Lappiland (Lake Country) up north if you ever go, your jaw will be scraping the ground. SO BEAUTIFUL.

Another couple of things great about Finland :hijack:

-They have bathing right over there. Here it's a bath/shower. Over there it is cook yourself in a super hot sauna for 30 minutes, then go jump in a lake :D (or other suitably frigid water). Snaps your pores shut mighty fast, squishing out all the dirt and oils lifted out by the sauna. I've actually never felt cleaner than after a sauna/cold shower. On a related note, their toilets rock too :P

-Roads. Holy mother of fuck... HOLY CRAP... their highways/motorways are so smooth. I actually fell asleep and slept like a freakin baby from Helsinki-Vantaa all the way to Tamepere in the back seat of my buddy's VW Jetta there. His g/f was in the front seat and my good friend from Estonia was in the back seat with me, and they all commented that they have never seen anyone fall asleep on a trip like that... until I told them about our highways. Seriously, if there is a slight crack in the highway, there is a truck out there the next day filling it with a little tarmac and some tar and getting it FIXED right then and there, before a pothole forms.

Anyways, I am bloody tired, I will now return this thread to its original course


EDIT! Also forgot to mention: Finland has Hesburger. We need that fast food chain over here. Now. Like right now. It's fucking addictive. And good. Sooooooo good. :O

10-01-2008, 04:21 AM
hmm as for humid and hot. well i lived in humid hot singapore for 26 years and i cant say that i love the humid and hot weather. Imagine sweating right after getting out of the shower. High humidity also means high rainfall but that smtimes doesnt cool the weather. Temperature is like 30 degrees 365 days. My AC broke down a couple of months back and the hot temperature was just killing me. sometimes sleeping topless doesnt help either.
somehow my skin is mildly sensitive to stuffiness and rashes will just pop by if i am placed in a stuffy hot humid place.

10-01-2008, 08:30 AM
I would say that all the people who want to do this would have to be single as having a wife pretty much throws all that out of the window, unless your wife has the same intentions.

I might be moving to Japan in 5 years or so, because that is where my wife is from and I love Japan. I have been to Japan 2 times during the Sakura season and I am going again next March/April for a month long visit. You simply can't get enough of Japan, it is an amazing country

10-01-2008, 09:02 AM
I would consider going to France, but only because my entire family including my wife and daughter are now living there. :banghead:

10-01-2008, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by ExtremeSi
I'm for trying out Europe too! I really wonder if the grass is greener. We do have it pretty sweet here considering. I think I would miss the mountains a lot

Go the ALPS in Europe... ;)

10-01-2008, 10:13 AM
i went to finland this summer and to echo what people have been saying that seems like a great place to live.

and hesburger really is just mcdonalds :)
their main burger tastes exactly like a big mac.

10-01-2008, 10:44 AM
I had the ryeburger... zomg so tasty.

Hesburger isn't McDonald's, it's a Swedish chain that rocks :)

Also, the service you get at ANY food service (hell, any store, period) outlet in Finland is stellar. Customer service there >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> customer service here

10-01-2008, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by Vagabond142

Also, the service you get at ANY food service (hell, any store, period) outlet in Finland is stellar. Customer service there >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> customer service here

wait wait what??? we have customer service here to beging with? Haven't seen that shit in the last 5 years. Was in Japan in April of this year and everytime they hand you your bills, they do it with two hands and hold it in front of you. Came back to Canada and went to the store with my wife (who didn't come with my to Japan, but was born there) and we go to shoppers to pick up some stuff. Hand over a credit card, the goth chick at the front looks so pissed that we came in, and after she swipes the card she throws it on the counter and lets it slide towards us....that is when it really hit me...customer service in calgary is extinct.

10-01-2008, 12:07 PM
well nokia is in finland so are the cellphones there cheaper?

10-01-2008, 12:10 PM
Cell phones in Canada have nothing, absolutely nothing, on cells in Europe. Theirs are at least 3 generations ahead. As to cheapness... not entirely sure. Just because it's the country of manufacture does not mean it's cheaper to buy there. I do remember, however, at the electronics store I visited there, that there was an entire wing of the store dedicated cells... and there were about 5000 cells on display (I kid you not).

10-01-2008, 12:21 PM
looks like i'm going to have to hit up finland on my world trip

thanks guys!

i knew i wanted to see family in switzerland and germany but now finland sounds dope! i never even considered it!

what's the weather like? i know nothing of it

10-01-2008, 12:25 PM
Finland in summer = very nice

Finland in winter = fucking cold

Finland in between either season = doesn't exist XD

10-01-2008, 01:49 PM
Thought about it
Calgary is the ideal place really. Boatloads of easy money to be made, absolutely WORLD class skiing 3-5 hours away and a pretty decent summer. High standard of living, lots of space, still home of the "traditional" north american lifestyle of excess and you can still get out and do the redneck thing in interior BC if the mood strikes. Also, chinooks! 2 weeks of relative cold, 2 weeks of warm. Basically dry roads all winter. Rarely does the snow/ice accumulate on the roads for long, just wait a couple days.

Not enough sunlight/too much rain in Van and ice storms and awful winters in Montreal. But those are the only other two cities in the world I would live in I think. And I have traveled extensively.

Fuck it, I'll take my high-paying 9-5 M-F and if theres somewhere I want to visit, I'll do it.

The only downside is that the girls in this city are stuck up gold digging bitches. Oh well, find one that just moved here! Or find one in finland! I was thinking about a new years trip to helsinki for skiing/partying as I know a native there.

10-01-2008, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by kaishen
hmm as for humid and hot. well i lived in humid hot singapore for 26 years and i cant say that i love the humid and hot weather. Imagine sweating right after getting out of the shower. High humidity also means high rainfall but that smtimes doesnt cool the weather. Temperature is like 30 degrees 365 days. My AC broke down a couple of months back and the hot temperature was just killing me. sometimes sleeping topless doesnt help either.
somehow my skin is mildly sensitive to stuffiness and rashes will just pop by if i am placed in a stuffy hot humid place.

This summer I enjoyed 30-50 degree weather everyday in Morocco.

It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes at 50 degrees it is hot, but I did not mind it at all.

Visited some family who live right on the Atlantic Ocean, it was humid, but great!

I love 37-40 degree weather, just awesome! Love the feeling of summer, people having fun, and the nice sunsets over the ocean...:(

I was built for hot weather.

10-01-2008, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by stealth
I was built for hot weather.
Me too. Then I met skiing.
We compromise. I wear a lot of clothes haha
Last time I was tested I had 4.7% bodyfat. Skiing is just too good

edit: my tar is actually me dropping into feuz bowl iirc

10-01-2008, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by Vagabond142
Finland in summer = very nice

Finland in winter = fucking cold

Finland in between either season = doesn't exist XD

In Helsinki winter is fine, it's like Vancouver, I would see around 6C some days even in december, other places yes, it is fucking cold.

You have to keep humidity in mind, summers can be uncomfortably hot, even when it is only mid 20's.

10-03-2008, 01:55 PM
Anyone of you have plans for making money?

Would you continue on with your career over there?

10-03-2008, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by stealth
Anyone of you have plans for making money?

Would you continue on with your career over there?

Well for me I know French as well, working on German now...so it would be slightly less difficult to find a job over there I imagine.

10-03-2008, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola

In Helsinki winter is fine, it's like Vancouver, I would see around 6C some days even in december, other places yes, it is fucking cold.

You have to keep humidity in mind, summers can be uncomfortably hot, even when it is only mid 20's.

An addendum to my previous post:

Tampere in winter = FUCKING COLD

10-04-2008, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by toyboy88

Well for me I know French as well, working on German now...so it would be slightly less difficult to find a job over there I imagine.

Yea I am thinking about picking up French as a second language.

I already know Arabic, which is good for my line of work. But these companies in Morocco, Algeria, France, etc. would like French too.