View Full Version : zeitgeist addendum

10-09-2008, 04:36 PM
anyone going to get their house "off the grid"
haha, although i found it extremely interesting,
what do you guys think? bullshit?

10-09-2008, 04:48 PM
You'd have to pay me to sit through that shit

10-12-2008, 11:57 AM
thats actually pretty awesome.

anyone that was turned off by the first zeitgeist should still watch this. its much better, and doesn't go into religion or 9/11.

the crazy dude halfway through actually makes more sense than anyone i've ever heard.

10-12-2008, 05:37 PM
These guys could be wrong, but what if their not?

That question alone makes me believe that most people should try watching it with a open mind, and maybe go a little further and educate yourself on these issues and decide for your self. Because any person with 2 brain cells to rub together should realize that the image of the world you see through your tv, in the paper, or even from the perspective of these institutions we hold so highly in regard is completely f'd up and outright biased, skewed, distorted, or just plain rediculious and if not for the fact that these ideas are known as the way things are we would look at the real effects of our culture and be mortified and in disbelief that someone would accept this shit.

10-12-2008, 05:45 PM
Watching it right now :D:thumbsup:

Loved the first one, this should be just as good I hope!

10-12-2008, 06:45 PM
i think you are cheating yourself if you dont watch it.
even if it is 100% fake and lies, how is that different from watching CNN every night?

and if anything it will give you a different perspective that you cannot get from mainstream media, at least to be taken with an open mind as mentioned.

but dont watch it for an outlook on life, like anything else you see or read or hear, research for yourself, fact check and decide for yourself what is truth and what is lies.

but to dismiss something without watching you are pretty much just cheating yourself and living in denial.

10-12-2008, 09:29 PM
No, it is not fake... I have posted many vids in the past that explains the monetary system....

This one also does a great job, though I must say the stuff at the end is a bit esoteric even for me.

10-14-2008, 04:54 PM
just finished watching it.

the scarcity = profit statement hit the nail on the head.

10-14-2008, 05:12 PM
My question is after making all this money, what exactly do they plan to do with it? How much is enough? :dunno:

10-14-2008, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by Canmorite
My question is after making all this money, what exactly do they plan to do with it? How much is enough? :dunno:

And if they get all the money, don't they have all the debt? Isn't their money worthless because it isn't actually worth anything anymore? And if "they" keep printing money, aren't they just making the money they already have worth less?

Oh why can't we just go back to the gold standard and have the financial stability of the 1800s?!

10-19-2008, 12:37 AM
Watching it right now!

Economists are dirty. And I'm one of them.

Originally posted by kertejud2

And if they get all the money, don't they have all the debt? Isn't their money worthless because it isn't actually worth anything anymore? And if "they" keep printing money, aren't they just making the money they already have worth less?

Oh why can't we just go back to the gold standard and have the financial stability of the 1800s?!

Yup, as you have more money, the less it's worth.

As for the gold standard, I think we're heading that way anyways.

10-19-2008, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by Toma
No, it is not fake... I have posted many vids in the past that explains the monetary system....

This one also does a great job, though I must say the stuff at the end is a bit esoteric even for me.

IMO the entire project is total a total new world order psy-op and I’ll explain why I believe this.

It mixes in legitimate facts and ideas with a social engineered utopic view on how society should function and how people will evolve, be reconditioned or reprogrammed. It has total disregard for human nature and instinct and assumes that people act because of the system they live in. If you eliminate needs, you can eliminate crime because people won’t need to rob or kill to sustain themselves. No matter how rich someone becomes it is human nature to compete and trample over other people.

No matter what utopia you create people will try to gain an advantage over their fellow man. Even Huxley wrote about how humans are pack animals that naturally function in a tribal environment, not in a colonial worker bee or ant style structure that the world elite want to mold our society into.

So the movie attracts the attention of many people by presenting truth, then providing a solution based on their own social engineering ideas.

Not to mention the hatred of religion when in fact the people behind it view their futurist leader as a living god and worship their ideas like a religion in itself. It is extremely hypocritical, cult like and you could even call It satanic.

10-19-2008, 09:33 AM
Oh, it's worth noting that Obama's economic advisor is a former chairman of the Federal Reserve.


Just when you think someone might have come along that doesn't suck, turns out they're in his pockets too...

10-19-2008, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by BigMass

IMO the entire project is total a total new world order psy-op and I’ll explain why I believe this.

It mixes in legitimate facts and ideas with a social engineered utopic view on how society should function and how people will evolve, be reconditioned or reprogrammed. It has total disregard for human nature and instinct and assumes that people act because of the system they live in. If you eliminate needs, you can eliminate crime because people won’t need to rob or kill to sustain themselves. No matter how rich someone becomes it is human nature to compete and trample over other people.

No matter what utopia you create people will try to gain an advantage over their fellow man. Even Huxley wrote about how humans are pack animals that naturally function in a tribal environment, not in a colonial worker bee or ant style structure that the world elite want to mold our society into.

So the movie attracts the attention of many people by presenting truth, then providing a solution based on their own social engineering ideas.

Not to mention the hatred of religion when in fact the people behind it view their futurist leader as a living god and worship their ideas like a religion in itself. It is extremely hypocritical, cult like and you could even call It satanic.

On another page maybe they are just selfless ethical people looking for the common well being?

10-20-2008, 07:47 AM
Originally posted by TurboD
i think you are cheating yourself if you dont watch it.

Good ... I cheat at everything else :rofl:

The first one had it's moments, and turned into Star Trek on heroin.
This looks like a lame attempt to capitalize on some small margin of popularity. I'd rather spend 2 minutes typing out this message of criticism than spend the 3-4 hours watching more crap.

Someone please tell me how Zoltergeist has changed their life?
What do you people do differently after watching these shows?

I'm interested to hear about all of the mind-blowing epiphanies you guys are experiencing


10-20-2008, 03:30 PM