View Full Version : Office Halloween Party Ideas

10-10-2008, 11:31 AM
So I have to put together a halloween party for my office of about ~25 employees...wondering if anyone has any good ideas, or who's office has done something original in the past.


10-11-2008, 08:56 AM
There's a corn maze just south of highway 22x which is open till 8pm. Would be a good place to take 25 people on halloween after a dinner.

10-15-2008, 04:45 PM
Women dress up like Ho's. Find a suitable location Downtown, really any corner will do. Just hang out, and try to sell yourself. Once you are close to closing a deal with a John, one of the males from your office (dressed as a pimp) can come in and toss out a big pimp slap, screaming "Where's my money ho!" and then look into the car and yell "You're next cracker!"

At this point he'll drive off and you and your co-workers can all laugh and bond together.

You'd be actually providing a service and saving marriages.

10-15-2008, 06:00 PM
^ Hahaha. Man I wish I could put that into a sig.