View Full Version : Can I post a topic/discussion about religion?

10-11-2008, 04:34 AM
Something happened at work that bothered me a bit, just seeing if the majority of ppl are ok discussing about religion and if I should post it? (pic does relate to topic)


10-11-2008, 09:13 AM
Sure you can...but there are no guarantees that your thread won't be shit on by the evolution vs. god arguments like they all are.

EK 2.0
10-11-2008, 10:06 AM
I for one LOVE INTELLIGENT discussion about religions...Even if it does get slightly heated.

That being said, once it gets ugly I do go in and shut 'er down...

But like Weapon_R said...remember this is beyond. Not everyone has intelligence. And sadly, those that do, would stay away from good threads due to the stupidity that does get posted in them by people thinking they know it all.