View Full Version : screwed up, need advice

10-25-2008, 04:11 PM
so the story goes, i was driving out to strathmore for the first time, kind of a family emergency

i was doing 30 over, so 140, got a ticket for that, not the main issue
the thing is, my insurance had expired earlier this month and i totally forgot about it until i pulled out my proof of insurance when i got pulled over
thinking i was fucked anyways, i told him i didnt have the paper with me, he bought it and i got a failure to produce instead of driving without insurance (about 2500$ cheaper and no impound)

now, im wondering. is it mandatory that i appear in court for the failure to produce ticket? and i want to fight the demerits on the speed ticket (first speeding ticket.)

ideal situation would be to pay both tickets without demerits for speeding, but im kind of worried if i fight the speeding ticket they might challenge me on the fact that my ticket predates my insurance coverage

thanks in advance

10-25-2008, 04:43 PM
Pay your tickets, get your insurance in order, be glad you got away and didn't cause any damages during the lapse.

10-25-2008, 04:47 PM
should i just take the demerits from the speed ticket and deal with the insurance increase then?

10-25-2008, 04:49 PM
you lucked out once and still want to push your luck?

10-25-2008, 04:51 PM
Most will forgive your 1st ticket and unless you switch provider, you may not get hit with increase right the way.

And yes, don't push your luck.

10-25-2008, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by Team_Mclaren
you lucked out once and still want to push your luck?

:werd: By your own admission you managed to weasel out of a $2500 fine, I'd be happy about that.

I'd be worried that the judge would examine your failure to produce ticket, catch you in your lie and then you'd get nailed for driving with no insurance.

10-25-2008, 05:35 PM
yeahh exactly... was just looking for the best case scenario, im glad i got off. student life makes a 3000 dollar fine impossible, but the hiked insurance will hurt too. oh well, thanks for the advice guys, ill just suck it up and take the demerits. 30 over is 4 demerits right?

10-25-2008, 08:08 PM
Most Insurance companies give you one free ticket, but the second in 3 yrs your going to get charges.

If you have an expired insurance card but you HAVE paid, you can just tell the officer. Sometimes they are nice enough to phone the company to check to make sure. (I didnt really know if you did or not)

Anyways whats the amount for the ticket? cause for like $400 Pointts can fight it for you and probably get you off.

10-29-2008, 04:17 AM
tickets are 375 for the both of them, but ive decided to just pay them off and not take the risk

not sure if court appearance is mandatory though

10-29-2008, 06:13 AM
just show up to your court date and talk to the crown prosecutor. They normally will be able to lower the ticket prices down and maybe even be able to get a few demerits off the ticket. It's worth a shot, unless you don't have time.

10-29-2008, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by LiquidK
tickets are 375 for the both of them, but ive decided to just pay them off and not take the risk

not sure if court appearance is mandatory though

The ticket for no insurance? Which on is the second on?

Anyways it should say on the ticket if it is mandatory.

10-29-2008, 07:45 AM
Originally posted by Zewind

The ticket for no insurance? Which on is the second on?

Anyways it should say on the ticket if it is mandatory.

It's not a ticket for "no insurance", it's a ticket for speeding and failure to produce insurance.


Learn how to read and spell, it took me 3 times to understand what you were trying to say.

10-29-2008, 07:50 AM
failure to produce is a mandatory court appearance afaik, but I had a coworker call in and I think he managed to avoid it with a letter from his insurance co or something...

anyways, I would bet on a mandatory appearance.

10-29-2008, 07:52 AM
quick question for the OP, is the ticket pink? If it is then it's probably mandatory.

10-29-2008, 08:13 AM
If you can talk your way into getting your insurance company to give you a letter saying you had insurance during that time then by all means, fight the ticket. Otherwise +1 to not pushing your luck

10-29-2008, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by semograd
If you can talk your way into getting your insurance company to give you a letter saying you had insurance during that time then by all means, fight the ticket. Otherwise +1 to not pushing your luck
For the 200th time, it's FAILURE TO PRODUCE not DRIVING WITHOUT INSURANCE. He can prove all he wants that he had insurance at the time (he didn't, but that's irrelevant), he still FAILED TO PRODUCE proof of insurance. There is no luck involved.

Not mandatory. Pay. Move on.

For the speeding ticket, fight it all you want. It has absolutely nothing to do with the Failure to Produce ticket.

10-29-2008, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by rage2

For the 200th time, it's FAILURE TO PRODUCE not DRIVING WITHOUT INSURANCE. He can prove all he wants that he had insurance at the time (he didn't, but that's irrelevant), he still FAILED TO PRODUCE proof of insurance. There is no luck involved.

Not mandatory. Pay. Move on.

For the speeding ticket, fight it all you want. It has absolutely nothing to do with the Failure to Produce ticket.


Been there done that.... just pay it. And I bet you won't forget to put your new insurance slip in your car next year ;)

10-29-2008, 09:05 AM
WOAH 375 for not having the insurance card...i got one a year or two ago and it was 172 bucks...( but i had insurance hehe) and no you dont have to go to court its just like not having your drivers licence on you..just a ticket...cuz by registering your car it states you car has insurance...even tho if it is canceled or over, the cars plate still says you have it...BUT on the other hand like i had once haha, i got pulled over because i had a plate from my other car on my camaro with a bill of sale and my temp insurance card...but the insurance card was only good for like a week...and i never got my pink one...so thus watching my car get nicely towed away with city wide to the very expensive parking lot on the other side of town then where i live and work...haha...

But yeah you got lucky getting out of a big ticket...take the loss in money cuz in reality your atually saving like 2 grand as if you did show him the bad insurance card...right? so just pay it...forget about it...live like it never happend!!!

10-29-2008, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by JordanAndrew
just show up to your court date and talk to the crown prosecutor. They normally will be able to lower the ticket prices down and maybe even be able to get a few demerits off the ticket. It's worth a shot, unless you don't have time.

best advice. for speeding ticket, go fight it.
Crown will always lower your ticket, or reduce demerits.

but for insurance, pay it, move on.