View Full Version : Noise vs Neighbors

11-01-2008, 07:14 AM
So I threw a pre-party at my place last night and at 9PM my neighbor (2 doors down) comes by and bitches about the noise... unfortunately, I was drunk and instead of diffusing the situation I basically told him to get fucked because it's 9PM, and Halloween... come on!

However, now that I've sobered up.... well, telling him to get fucked was definitely a dumb move. I'll be dropping by later on this morning to apologize and try to figure out some system where everyone's at least sort of happy... but before I go in, does anyone know if there are limits on how noisy you can before 'quiet hours'? I don't even know if this condo building has quiet hours...

11-01-2008, 08:33 AM
Maybe put your feet in their shoes. That should answer your questions.

11-01-2008, 08:56 AM
I dont know about that, most people that bitch about noise at 9:00 have that dickhead mentality anyways. I could understand 11:00 and beyond that, which is the bylaw, but really...how rowdy were you being? Is this a house that you live in? I have dealt with people that just bitch because they have nothing better to do, and this sounds like one of them.
Usually they are angry at how much of a loser they are and just take it out on anybody and everybody.

Heres a personal example. I lived in a basement suite of a 4 plex, and a single mother with two kids lived above me. Im the type of person to go to bed pretty early, as im up at 6:00 in the morning pretty much every morning. Anyways, she complained about EVERYTHING, to the point where one night she claimed we were trying to scald her kid because i had a shower RIGHT after the wife, and she was trying to bathe her kid apparently, and i used all the water or something, i dont know. It was ok for her kid to run up and down the hallway and jump around in the living room from about 9 in the morning till 10:00 at night tho, and if we asked nicely for her to give the kid a break for awhile, she would say "hes a kid, what do you want me to do". Another day, I was playing halflife on my pc and had my little logitech speakers going, like 5:00 in the afternoon, "Ding Dong", "excuse me, could you turn your tv down, its really bothering me and my kid is trying to nap"

Im so glad i have my own house now (=

Hope that was relevant enough.

11-01-2008, 10:59 AM
I know there are quiet hours at my condo from 10 pm to 7 am, whereby people are supposed to keep the noise down. However, regardless of those, there is a section in my bylaws that notes you can't do anything within your private unit, at any time, that would negatively affect the ability of another tenant/owner to enjoy the use of their own condo. Basically things like excessive noise, fucked-up smells etc...

I don't know your neighbour though it sounds like he may be reasonable since he first came to you to complain about the noise, rather than immediately filing a complaint with the condo board. I'd say just give him an apology and let him know that you were unaware of how loud it was. One thing the neighbour above me and I did was to go into each others units while people were walking around and watching movies to see what the noise was like. He walks far more softly now that he's heard what I hear. :)

Hope that helps.

11-01-2008, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by Super_Geo
So I threw a pre-party at my place last night and at 9PM my neighbor (2 doors down) comes by and bitches about the noise... unfortunately, I was drunk and instead of diffusing the situation I basically told him to get fucked because it's 9PM, and Halloween... come on!

However, now that I've sobered up.... well, telling him to get fucked was definitely a dumb move. I'll be dropping by later on this morning to apologize and try to figure out some system where everyone's at least sort of happy... but before I go in, does anyone know if there are limits on how noisy you can before 'quiet hours'? I don't even know if this condo building has quiet hours... lol sorry man but that's kind of funny haha I'm surprised he didn't call the cops after you told him to fuck off lol

Props for going over to apologize though. He'll either:

a. appreciate it
b. tell you to fuck off!!! :D

11-01-2008, 11:10 AM
Yeah - it takes a man to go over and apologize. It may save you from getting in trouble due to potentially breaking the rules too.

In a condo you are subject to whatever the condo rules are. Generally there will indeed be quiet times, as well as potential penalties for excessive noise at any time. Depending on how the person took it, you might already have a complaint lodged against you. But if you have an apartment manager by chance, chances are you would have heard something by now....

11-01-2008, 12:23 PM
Actually, contrary to popular belief, in Calgary there is no "time rule" for noise. We had both the police and bylaw tell us that any time there is 'noise pollution' that is bothering you, people can call in and complain about it. Just depends on the people living around you and their tolerance level I guess.

I do agree though, sounds like he was pretty nice to come over and ask you first. Most would just call the police right away.

11-01-2008, 01:18 PM
The most important rule with condo life is don't piss anyone off. I had one little get together when i first moved in and for the whole time i lived there I would get letters from the board complaining about beer cans all over my lawn and frequent parties. There's always going to be that one asshole who complains but if you start getting bullshit letters just tell the board to talk to your actual neighbors if your loud or not.

11-01-2008, 01:30 PM
the time of day does apply to certain things:


Noise Regulations

Animal & Bylaw Services

The City of Calgary regulates noise through the Community Standards Bylaw 5M2004 PDF File (68 KB) sections 26-39. The following information provides an overview of this section of the bylaw, however if you would like more details, please refer to the actual bylaw. Original copies of the bylaw are available at the City Clerk's office.
What is the law?

* Noise can include, but is not limited to yelling, shouting, loud music, horns, power tools and air conditioners.
* You have the right not to be disturbed by noise.
* You have the responsibility to not make noise that disturbs others.
* Between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. Monday to Saturday and 10pm to 9am on Sunday and holidays (nightime), you may not operate:
o A hand lawn mower
o A motorized garden tool
o A power tool outside of any building or structure
o A model aircraft driven by an internal combustion engine of any kind
o A snow clearing device powered by an engine of any kind (snow clearing devices are exempt during the 48 hour period following a snowfall)
o A motorized snow or leaf blowing device
* You may not operate an outdoor speaker system within 150 meters of a residential development between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. Monday through Sunday (Exception: During the Calgary Stampede, restrictions are in effect between midnight and 7 a.m.)
* This is not intended to prohibit construction activities such as framing and interior work, however power tools mentioned above may not be used outside at nightime.
* Noise regulations for vehicles can be found in the Traffic Bylaw PDF File (155 KB).

Originally posted by Melinda
Actually, contrary to popular belief, in Calgary there is no "time rule" for noise. We had both the police and bylaw tell us that any time there is 'noise pollution' that is bothering you, people can call in and complain about it. Just depends on the people living around you and their tolerance level I guess.

I do agree though, sounds like he was pretty nice to come over and ask you first. Most would just call the police right away.

11-01-2008, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by Stunt66
The most important rule with condo life is don't piss anyone off. I had one little get together when i first moved in and for the whole time i lived there I would get letters from the board complaining about beer cans all over my lawn and frequent parties.

Sums it up. I don't think I've ever had to handle a complaint from a tenant who was on good terms/friendly with their neighbour. The only complaints are in regards to those people who've never had interaction with anyone until they have a loud party or people who are just outright dicks.