View Full Version : Internet and phone line problem. Please help.

11-07-2008, 08:46 AM
Maybe there's a phone technician, electrical technician, or anyone on Beyond that can help me with this:

Ever since we moved into our current place our Bell Sympatico internet connection gets interupted whenever we use the phone. While using the phone the modem will reconnect and internet access resumes BUT you can hear the modem's connecting sounds (ie. the 'buzzing/squealing') and once the modem is connected you hear constant static (the person on the other end can hear the static as well). Also, when you hangup the phone the internet connection gets cut again, and has to reconnect itself.

When we unplug the modem's phone cable from the wall jack the phone sounds completely normal. When we unplug the modem's power the phone sounds completely normal.

- All of our phones have a Bell filter between it and the wall jack.

- When we plug a phone into the exterior Bell jack it sounds completely normal. Exterior Bell jack = apparently Bell's work ends outside of the house, the interior phone wiring was done by the builder's contractor.

- Our house has two phone line drops to the basement while other houses have three.

Any assistance and help would be great.

11-07-2008, 09:28 AM
First I was thinking you had dialup and was going to make fun of you, but it's DSL right? Sounds like a faulty filter or crossed wires somewhere. So you have multiple phones and they all do this? More likely crossed wires then. Is it an apartment, where the outlets are possibly "loop wired" from one to the next?

For a bigger place with multiple phones, you want to put the filter at the electrical panel. Telus usually gives out the ones pictured below, figure out which outlet goes where and have one "bare" outlet for the modem, then filter the rest right there. Hard to say without seeing how your place is wired.


11-07-2008, 10:59 AM
Ya sympatico highspeed DSL (dsl but not their ultrafast one) in a house. Two phones and they both do this, so the filters are fine or they're both not working, but they were working fine before we moved here. Even tried moving the phones to other phone jacks and same thing happens. It's not a catastrophic situation but it gets pretty annoying sometimes.

11-07-2008, 11:12 AM
1) Pay their service tech the $80/hr or whatever to do inside work
2) Fly me out to Toronto?
3) Order Shaw digital phone and they'll fix your wiring for free, oh wait no Shaw there? Rogers have phone and free service calls too?
4) Go to your electrical panel, find the connection block and start yanking lines until you figure out why your lines are all crossed up
5) Try moving the modem to a different outlet??

11-07-2008, 11:31 AM
My friend had a similar problem, if 2 phones were being used, the house alarm went off. It was a problem with 2 separate things using the same lines in the CAT5 cables. They were trying to send the phone over the same line as the alarm and when the alarm noticed a spike/drop in the line from the phone, it complained.


11-07-2008, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by Grogador
1) Pay their service tech the $80/hr or whatever to do inside work
2) Fly me out to Toronto?
3) Order Shaw digital phone and they'll fix your wiring for free, oh wait no Shaw there? Rogers have phone and free service calls too?
4) Go to your electrical panel, find the connection block and start yanking lines until you figure out why your lines are all crossed up
5) Try moving the modem to a different outlet??
I'm trying to avoid the dropping $80, so #2 and #3 are even less likely to happen, heh. #4 sounds too scary for me, probably wind up messing up something else.

#5, oddly enough I tried that. I plugged the modem in the kitchen (power outlet and phonejack, no computer) and it still gave the same issues with the phones.

11-07-2008, 12:45 PM
Wrong filters? Or did you use the same ones at your old place?

11-07-2008, 12:50 PM
All is the same as old place. Modem, filters, phones, ISP account, etc.