View Full Version : how to get free meals from macdonalds

11-08-2008, 10:35 PM
saw this video, thought its pretty funny and it might actually work!


11-08-2008, 10:45 PM
Might work, I had a similiar situation where I ordered, and got handed my meal and the car behind me's meal also but I gave them a WTF look and told them I didn't order it....

11-08-2008, 11:30 PM
This is actually pretty good!

11-08-2008, 11:33 PM
haha, is anyone gonna try it?

11-09-2008, 12:13 AM
this means youd actually have to eat McDs.... would Wendys be the same?

11-09-2008, 12:38 AM
holy crap the guy was white!!!

I was totally expecting a brown guy:rofl:

and i'm brown before anyone accuses me of being racist...lol...but that was pretty funny...to the post above...im sure it would work at wendys also...pretty much any fast food place with a drive-thru should work...

11-09-2008, 12:39 AM
sounds like something badatusrnames would do . that guy is a cheap bastard

11-09-2008, 01:10 AM
It *might* work. It depends on how bright the people working the 2nd window are.

If the guy ordered, then his order would show up on the screen, and then get zero'ed out when he got to the first window. A manager would have to go there and use his key to cancel the order. So if person at window 2 was paying attention, they'd see that the order was canceled and to skip that car.

If the guy did not order, and he pronounced that he had no money at the order board, then usually the people in the 2nd window would hear it because their headset picks up the audio feed. And if person at window 1 was smart enough, they would usually tell the person at window 2 that the guy forgot his money and is driving through.

But hey, whatever. The worst that can happen is they don't give you the food and you book it haha.

If you are really really cheap and can't dig up the $5 for shit that they'd have to pay ME to eat, then go when it's really really busy (like noon on a weekend). Just walk up to any till and say "they forgot to give me my big mac".

But yeah, what a fucking cheap bastard.

11-09-2008, 02:25 AM
hahahhaa that rules!!!
i want to try it now.

11-09-2008, 02:48 AM
lol that vid is old and has been posted before. I really don't care for it to attempt it but I had a few friends try that back when we were in high school and yes, it does work.

11-09-2008, 01:26 PM
Even if it was free, you'd have to pay me to eat mcdonalds food. Gross.

11-09-2008, 01:39 PM

Explains lots.

D'z Nutz
11-09-2008, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG

Explains lots.

Coincidently, the car behind him was making a video "How to get Alberta to pay for your McDonald's".

11-09-2008, 01:50 PM

11-10-2008, 09:59 AM
^ tabernacle ;)

11-10-2008, 10:11 AM
even easier, get you food, drive back through the drive thru, give them your receipt and tell them what they forgot (what you want extra). Works every time

11-10-2008, 10:12 AM
Why the fuck would you want to steal McDonalds in the first place? It's the restaurant equivalent of shoplifting from Value Village.

11-10-2008, 10:16 AM
^ understandable, but when i was in college with no money, one persons meal would go a long ways

11-10-2008, 10:50 AM
Old video.

It's a great way to be an asshole since you screw up probably 10-15 peoples orders and as much as i loathe a lot of the scabs that work at the fast food joints for being incompetant retards, they dont need to be getting yelled at for another person being a cheap ass.

11-10-2008, 10:57 AM
I would venture to guess it probably would indeed work. I heard of a variation where you simply ask for a straw at the first window. This one probably raises less suspicions.

But in the end, whether McDonalds, Wendy's, or anywhere else, it's stealing. I'd venture to guess if you actually get caught somehow, you'd be charged by the cops like any other theft.

Morally and legally, this isn't cool. Besides the fact you mess up others' orders, as well as the poor bastards working for minimum wage.

For the record though, it would be a retribution of sorts. I went to McDonalds yesterday actually. The pop was flat, I didn't get a straw or a spoon for my sundae, or napkins. Big surprise.

11-10-2008, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG

Originally posted by Eleanor
^ tabernacle ;)

nope, I think ZorroAMG has it right, I understand where his reference is coming from:

11-10-2008, 11:55 AM
ive done it once before back when i was in highschool...

just make sure both windows are being used with orders... dont go to one with order bored since everyone usually hears it including the person giving you the food...so make sure to do it at the order windows.....

even tho we got 2 fish meals SS with diet coke.. the fires were worth it lol

11-10-2008, 11:57 AM
stealing is stealing.

if you have no problem with it, then why not do a dine-and-dash from a nice restaurant instead. its like shop lifting from the dollar store instead of holt.

11-10-2008, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by urban.one
stealing is stealing.

if you have no problem with it, then why not do a dine-and-dash from a nice restaurant instead. its like shop lifting from the dollar store instead of holt.

more security @ holt than the dollar store...its like saying...instead of stealing a civic...steal a ferrari...

maybe if mcdonald's wasn't so piss-poor with customer service most of the time...they wouldn't have this problem...they get orders wrong...they're so damn cheap when it comes to giving out ketchup packages...went with a buddy both got supersized meals...asked for some ketchup and got four packages combined...not close to enough...all it takes is a bit better customer service and they wouldn't have these problems (or at least not as much)

11-10-2008, 12:38 PM
It's incredible what people will do to save $6.

Why not just tackle a veteran selling poppies and steal the donation box?

11-10-2008, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by krazykhoja

maybe if mcdonald's wasn't so piss-poor with customer service most of the time...they wouldn't have this problem...they get orders wrong...they're so damn cheap when it comes to giving out ketchup packages...went with a buddy both got supersized meals...asked for some ketchup and got four packages combined...not close to enough...all it takes is a bit better customer service and they wouldn't have these problems (or at least not as much)

You're bitching because you're paying for the cheapest food outside of a homeless shelter and aren't getting stellar service? Seriously? :facepalm:

11-10-2008, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by krazykhoja

more security @ holt than the dollar store...its like saying...instead of stealing a civic...steal a ferrari...

maybe if mcdonald's wasn't so piss-poor with customer service most of the time...they wouldn't have this problem...they get orders wrong...they're so damn cheap when it comes to giving out ketchup packages...went with a buddy both got supersized meals...asked for some ketchup and got four packages combined...not close to enough...all it takes is a bit better customer service and they wouldn't have these problems (or at least not as much)

Customer service at McDonalds will always be questionable. It is a basic starting job for a lot of people.
As for your little pant pissery over ketchup...ever run a business? There is a very valid reason they got strict on Ketchup handouts. Why pay for something everyone will just throw out? (not very enviro/financially smart.)

As for the main topic in this thread.....why not work an extra hour at your dishwashing jobs and actually pay for your chemically induced meal? Cheap cunts. :D

11-10-2008, 12:55 PM
You could probably find enough change on the ground to buy a mcdonalds meal on your way to mcdonalds. I literally don't believe how cheap some people are. You also can't expect any level of customer service from a staff making ~$8/hr.

11-10-2008, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Eleanor
^ tabernacle ;)


11-10-2008, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
You could probably find enough change on the ground to buy a mcdonalds meal on your way to mcdonalds. I literally don't believe how cheap some people are. You also can't expect any level of customer service from a staff making ~$8/hr.

I disagree...I used to work in retail and made $5.90 waaaaaay back in the day...but I still prided myself on customer service...made sure the client was taken care of, did what I could to earn repeat business...great way to hone your skills...working in a job like mcdonalds (or retail)...you can really practice your people skills something that is invaluable later on in life when you have a better job...

if they don't care about working at a $8/hr job...they might not care in an $20 or even $30/hr job...

11-10-2008, 02:19 PM
I have something even easier. When I get my food from any of those fast food places I always open the bag before moving to make sure the order is correct, and by this time the window's been slammed closed already. So I wait there to complain and a minute later the window opens up again and they hand me the next order........seriously, they're not very bright. I have to tell them it's not mine, I just want to explain the concept of "no pickle, no ketchup" and how it translates to assembling a hamburger.

11-10-2008, 03:40 PM
hrm, well you're just ripping off the McDonald's Corp. for cost (maybe like $3 on a $6 value meal). karma-wise, it's bad to steal, and that's why most people don't do it to their friends, family, or hopefully local mom n' pop shops. but really, for mcdonalds, the cost of the meal they are giving you is a drop in the bucket. i imagine that they throw out WAY MORE food per day than is scammed from them. in high school, i worked at Dairy Queen and Taco Bell, and i ate/wasted/threw at my co-worker way more than i got scammed. actually, the taco bell i worked at had the highest watse in the midwest, according to my manager. seriously, you run the taco shells down a trough, throw the shit in, and about 50% of what you grab ends up in the trash bin in the bottom. major waste, and somehow these corporations make tons of cash. I'm not worried about jacking a $6 value meal from mcdonalds.

11-10-2008, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by krazykhoja
if they don't care about working at a $8/hr job...they might not care in an $20 or even $30/hr job...

Exactly!! The problem with North America is the workers. Many are lazy scumbags who don't give a shit about their job. To really get inspired, just go to a place like Japan. EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE has complete respect for the job they do. Because you'll get your ass fired if you don't. Walk into any 7-11 or fast food chain and the workers there take 110% pride in their jobs. All the workers greet you, and have complete respect for the customer, and they do their jobs as quick as they can.