View Full Version : protein powder before/after workout?

11-09-2008, 01:25 AM
any of you guys consume a protein shake either before or after working out?

i just briefly saw something on menshealth.com that suggests drinking one after but it never explained why or what kinds to try or avoid


and yes, i searched. there were only 4 results

11-09-2008, 01:27 AM
I always drink it after never herd of drinking it before ?

11-09-2008, 02:39 AM
Well, do you put gas in your car before or after you drive it?

11-09-2008, 02:43 AM


To the OP. I've also read articles where they suggest drinking it before, during, and after the workout.

Personally I usually eat a decent meal 1-1.5 hours before so I have lots of energy to lift, lots of water during the workout and a whey shake about 10-15mins after completion.

11-09-2008, 03:07 AM
You drink it---

Pre: (30 mins - 60 mins) before workout to counteract catabolism that may be encountered if you work out too long.

Intra: If you want, you can also take fast digesting aminos during your workout for the same reason. (AVOID drinking PROTEIN shakes during working out, as blood will go to your stomach to digest it. Only fast digesting aminos). IMO not really needed unless you're going extremely intense.

Post: Drink protein ASAP right after your workout to get protein back into your system. This will aid muscle recovery/building.

It's important that you do this ASAP, as the optimal window of muscle growth is to get protein within 1 hour of workout completion. Eat soon after also...no fats as it will slow down digestion. The key to post workout nutrition is to get nutrients back into your system asap...which is why most people drink protein (it's fast absorbing and easy)

IMO the most important one is the post workout shake. You can get away with not taking a pre-workout shake if you eat before you workout. If you don't eat however...you'll just be burning off your muscles + fat. (This is counter productive if your goal is to gain muscle.)

11-09-2008, 11:25 AM
i drink it before an after.

11-09-2008, 12:14 PM
I have a protein shake after with as soon as I'm done to 45 minutes.

Usually I finish eating 2 to 3 hours before I work out. But yeah

Lots of info on this

11-09-2008, 12:49 PM
any recommendations? brands?

11-09-2008, 01:39 PM
Optimum Nutrition (ON) Whey, and ISOFlex are the two most popular ones. Both can be bought at GNC and Popeyes. I also hear good things about BSN Syntha-6 (however this is a slow release protein mix.)

I take ON...it received BodyBuilding.com supplement of the year 4 years in a row. It is one of the cheapest/gram of protein, tastes good, and has low amounts of calories.

11-09-2008, 03:51 PM
Well it entirely depends on WHAT KIND OF PROTEIN you are ingesting. There are slow release protein shakes that are meant to be had at night to supply your muscles with protein to build while you sleep. However the MOST important time when you should have protein is directly after a workout (30-45mins) when consuming whey isolate protein. This is a faster absorption protein and is meant to provide quick energy to the muscles immediately after.

From what I understand, protein after the workout is the most important.

11-10-2008, 07:42 PM
When bulking fast carbs are priority after workout ASAP, then 10-15min later whey.

When cutting and attempting keto or otherwise Whey, glutamine, BCAA's and some creatine (if you're taking it) in a post workout drink is fine.

I do 45g whey 1hr prior, 35G BCAA's peri workout (during), and a 60G whey + sugar/dex post workout.

I just received some new stuff though. So starting tonight Its this for post workout:

ASAP after WO, 60G WMS (waxy maize starch) and 15min after 60G Hydrolyzed Whey.

Should be interesting. The WMS is so fast apparently it bypasses the stomach and injects right into the muscle lol. It's claimed you can see and feel almost instant pumps.

EDIT: Wikipedia,

As of recent, the dietary supplement industry has seen an increase in the usage of Swedish Waxy Maize Starch. It does have a moderate Glycemic index[citation needed], however, it is its unique osmolity that allows it to pass through the digestive system relatively quickly and help pull other nutrients with it into the bloodstream[citation needed]. It's purported effect is assumed to be a greater insulin release and having a higher amount of desired materials reach the blood stream in a smaller time frame[citation needed].

11-10-2008, 08:58 PM

thanks for the info

i picked up some vanilla allmax isoflex isolate whey protein

i'll try it out

11-10-2008, 09:00 PM
ideally its one when you wake up and one after the workout (whenever it is you go to the gym)

11-12-2008, 01:34 AM
Originally posted by Darkane

Should be interesting. The WMS is so fast apparently it bypasses the stomach and injects right into the muscle lol. It's claimed you can see and feel almost instant pumps.

EDIT: Wikipedia,

As of recent, the dietary supplement industry has seen an increase in the usage of Swedish Waxy Maize Starch. It does have a moderate Glycemic index[citation needed], however, it is its unique osmolity that allows it to pass through the digestive system relatively quickly and help pull other nutrients with it into the bloodstream[citation needed]. It's purported effect is assumed to be a greater insulin release and having a higher amount of desired materials reach the blood stream in a smaller time frame[citation needed].

Bypasses the stomach? Is that a joke?

That is impossible. There are no transport proteins to absorb macromolecules into the bloodstream anywhere before the stomach.

Basically that means shit don't get sucked up son!

11-12-2008, 01:40 AM
Seems like, mostly everyoen suggest ASAP after workout and then everythign else is to each to their own? So basically personal preference and finding what works for you?

11-12-2008, 02:24 AM
Originally posted by herragge

Bypasses the stomach? Is that a joke?

That is impossible. There are no transport proteins to absorb macromolecules into the bloodstream anywhere before the stomach.

Basically that means shit don't get sucked up son!

Not literally. lol yes I drink it right to my blood.

For example Dextrose will bring water in for digestion and stay in the stomach longer. WMS is fast, very fast that's why it's ideal.

11-12-2008, 08:11 AM
dumb question

but don't you guys find it tough to compare/measure results while using protein vs not using it?

11-12-2008, 08:54 AM
What's everyones view for taking protien before bed. This is for trying to bulk up.

11-12-2008, 10:06 AM
Take casein protein, or even try adding milk to normal whey to slow down absorbtion so your body is constantly fed while you sleep.

Or u can take a weight gainer.

11-12-2008, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by GQBalla
Take casein protein, or even try adding milk to normal whey to slow down absorbtion so your body is constantly fed while you sleep.

Or u can take a weight gainer.

Ok I am refusing to get into the milk debate again.... :banghead:

Cottage Cheese for before bed... what ever happened to real food people? (Is cottage cheese a real food.....?)

So I will throw that in and add in the whole 1% Chocolate milk pwo drink debate..... Both are much cheaper than any suppliment out there... why not use them and save some $$$.


11-12-2008, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by Darkane

Not literally. lol yes I drink it right to my blood.

For example Dextrose will bring water in for digestion and stay in the stomach longer. WMS is fast, very fast that's why it's ideal.

I am surprised you just started with WMS... how are you liking it?

Were you using Dex or gatorade powder before?

11-12-2008, 01:56 PM
Gatorade powder.

No comments on WMS as of yet, only used it this week so far.

11-12-2008, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by kutt3r

Ok I am refusing to get into the milk debate again.... :banghead:

Cottage Cheese for before bed... what ever happened to real food people? (Is cottage cheese a real food.....?)

So I will throw that in and add in the whole 1% Chocolate milk pwo drink debate..... Both are much cheaper than any suppliment out there... why not use them and save some $$$.


it does slow it down to a certain extent definately not slower than say cottage cheese.

11-12-2008, 02:28 PM
To sum up everything...basically:

Fast digesting proteins before and after workout (Whey Concentrate: "ON Whey" or "ISOFLEX" is my suggestion).

Slow digesting in the morning/sleep (Casein ideally: Cottage Cheese or "ON Casein" mixed with milk to slow digestion is my suggestion).

And if you work out really really hard...amino's during workout ("Intrabolic" is my suggestion)

Also if you really want to up your protein intake, medium digesting proteins in between meals (IDEALLY an egg protein derivative...though you can take Casein or Whey Concentrate...but then you may be overlapping intake timing: "BSN Syntha-6" is my suggestion)

With most emphasis on: before and after workout Whey protein intake...as these fall under the optimal window of anabolic activity/opportunity. If I were to pick the most important one, it would probably be the post workout drink.

11-12-2008, 07:00 PM
What do you think of the power drinks at booster juice? I like the Berry and the Acai. Only unknown is about of fat and sugar. 30g of protein.

11-12-2008, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by bigbadboss101
What do you think of the power drinks at booster juice? I like the Berry and the Acai. Only unknown is about of fat and sugar. 30g of protein.
Pure protein drinks would probably be better post workout because it would be faster digesting.

HOWEVER, if the booster juice drink does not have alot of fat in it, then it could work as a fallback option.

You actually want the sugars/carbs in the booster juice...(or anything that induces an insulin spike) to help shuttle proteins into your muscles post workout. But if the drink has alot of fat (which slows digestion)...then no

Like I said on page 1, the goal is to get protein asap after working out. I personally just drink a shake + eat an apple or two.

With the booster juice, you don't know what they put in there that may effect digestion rate even if they don't have fat. In addition, booster juice is waaay more expensive/serving than a tub of whey concentrate...

But like i said...if booster juice has low fat, then you can fallback on that if you forget to bring your own.

11-13-2008, 12:38 AM
I've been taking WMS (specifically CMI 24/7) for the past 2 months post workout. It's hard to say if it's working because I've dramatically changed my diet too. What I can say is, my strength and endurance is going up every week. :)

I'll leave it up to Darkane for a proper review, haha.