View Full Version : let's talk about America....

11-18-2008, 01:09 PM
Someone explain to me how these bailouts are going to help the economy.

Basically (and i've said this in another thread) it's pretty simple. If they keep bailing out private companies with money just printed out of thin air, doesn't that just devalue the currency which means:
1) saudi's will start selling in euro's
2) inflation

which means.....probably not the depression but probably 15-20% unemployment.

....aren't these bailouts only going to work for a year, and then america is back to square one, and WORSE off then they are now.

What the hell?

I just don't see how major american economists can do this. They were the superpower for a century now. Call me a conspiracy theorist....but how don't these economicsts know what the fuck they are doing?

adam c
11-18-2008, 01:22 PM
you might want to post in modded46's thread, he'll tell you EVERYTHING and then call think you're retarded if you don't agree with him

11-18-2008, 07:59 PM
Japan wouldn't let anyone fail during their financial crisis. The Nikkei is also hitting 30 year lows.

Let the shitty companies fail, while trying to maintain access to credit for strong companies. It's the only way to get rid of this problem faster and more efficiently.

Fuck bailing out the people who take ridiculous risks or don't follow market trends properly :dunno: