View Full Version : The Customer Service Experience Thread

11-26-2008, 12:52 PM
Spawned from the Telus dispute thread, we need somewhere people can post rants or funny situations with customer service. I used to work at Telus but most of mine have faded (blocked out) since then.

1. I was talking to a client and I could hear the guy next to me talking to a client as well but wasn't really paying attention to him. The basic of his client's issue was that it was an old lady and when she entered her password into her voicemail, it wouldn't let her in. So he checked the systems and didn't find anything wrong, then he did a 3-way conference call into her voicemail to have her try it again. When the voicemail asked for her password, I could hear from his earpiece the lady screaming, "SEVEN! EIGHT! OH!..." He said, "Ma'am, are you saying your password?" This woman thought it was voice operated, it was funny.

2. I had a guy call in saying he logged into his www.mytelusmobility.com account but it had all the wrong information in it. He gave me the username and password, I logged in (not that I needed it) and it didn't look right at all. I checked the account number and it wasn't the same, the phone number was different so I looked up both accounts and put them side by side. This guy had gotten his username wrong (something like Robert00 instead of Robert0) and coincidentally, the username he entered had the exact same password as his! It was crazy, the two accounts weren't even linked in any way, he didn't know this other guy. The usernames were 1 digit different and the passwords were identical.

adam c
11-26-2008, 12:56 PM
i'm bored

post more

11-26-2008, 12:58 PM
I'll try and think of some, I was there 18 months.

11-26-2008, 01:06 PM
Fugro must be slow today.

11-26-2008, 01:27 PM
God... I have so many, I don't know where to start......

1. A couple years ago we had a woman come in the office to update her file. She didn't have the proper paperwork to do it. She was very nice, super polite and had her two little girls with her. (The kids were 3-4yrs old or so). She left to go get the paperwork she needed.

Shortly after she walked out the door, she came back in without the kids but with an insanely drunk man. He came to the counter and started cursing out the clerk. When the clerk told him that there isn't anything he can do at this moment, the guy told him "I'm gonna jump over the counter and break your neck." Well, the woman pulled him back and told him that they need to go. The guy stumbled to the door and turned around and yelled back at the clerk that he will be waiting for him outside at the end of his shift.

I walked behind them on the way out to see if the guy was driving. Sure as hell, she gets in the passenger seat and he gets in the drivers seat with the two little girls in the back.

I went outside and wrote down the plate of the car and called in the drunk driver to the cops.

I felt sorry for the clerk though, it was his second day on the job.

2. When you walk into the office, there is a sign that says "Please wait in line until called upon." This woman is next in line and the clerk calls her up to the desk. The first thing she says is "Wheres my coupon?" The clerk had no idea what she was talking about. So she asked her what she meant. She asked her in all sorts of different ways and the woman kept wanting her coupon.

Finally the clerk says to her. "I'm sorry, I have no idea what you are asking me for." The woman points to the sign and says "It says wait for a coupon." The clerk, who is a complete newfie, looks at her and says "Ya cracked by?" while smiling. The woman lost it on her and said she had no right to call her a "crack whore." :facepalm:

Well, now this newfie doesn't know what to say. So she gets up and walks to the sign and turns it around to show her the sign and reads it to her.

The woman just stares at it, turns red and doesn't say a word. Meanwhile, the line up of people behind her are all giggling. She grabbed her stuff and stormed out.

3. Guy and his wife come into the office to do a service. Half of what they wanted to do could be done, but the other half was illegal. We told this guy and his wife that it was illegal and he lost it. He did not believe us and demanded that we call the cops to verify because we were lying to him.

So, I called the cops that were on duty that day and within 2 min they were at the office. The guy tells the cop what he wants to do and the cop tells him the same thing we did. That it's illegal.

The guy starts ranting about how communist this country is and how its iron fist ruling blah blah blah. (They were from eastern europe). The cop listens to the guy for about 30 seconds of his rant and says "No one forced you to move to this country. If you dont like the laws that you have to live by here, then I suggest you move back to your home country."

The guy was shocked that the cop said it so pointedly. I had to turn around because I started laughing at the wording he used. In the end, the client was escorted out of the office by the cop.

**I'll add a few more when I get time today. There are tons of stupid things that happen at my office.

adam c
11-26-2008, 01:34 PM
^^ are you a newfie too? #2 makes no sense

a coupon?
Ya cracked by? <- wtf is that

11-26-2008, 01:35 PM
What kind of service was #3? Are you a massage therapist?

11-26-2008, 01:37 PM
from my days in a call centre at the phone company.

1. customer calls in ranting about their phone bill and this charge they were paying for call waiting, he didn't authorize it, doesn't know what it was, and frankly didn't want to be billed for it.

I got halfway into explaining what the charges were for when... *click* he interrupts me and says "Can you hold, my second line is going"

2. Had a customer who just got his new cell phone, said it was broken because everytime the phone rang and he tried to answer it, the damn thing would turn itself off. Spent probably 5-10 minutes troubleshooting and making test calls, and yeah his phone turned itself off everytime I tried to call him.
I can't remember how we got there, but he said he was pushing the "Push When Ringing" button on the phone. I got confused because back then, it was either send/talk or a green button to answer a call. Nope, he was adamant on the "Push When Ringing" button... took me a little while but we figured out the problem. He was pushing the PWR button.

11-26-2008, 01:37 PM
When I was a teenager, I worked at Superstore in the electronics/photo dept. Being a stationary employee meant everyone would come to me asking where "insert non-electronic/photo item here" was.

One lady blew up at me because I didn't know where some kind of spice was. I just told her "Look lady, you see how big this store is? You get to walk around it, I have to stay right behind this counter, you have a better chance of finding it then I do"

It was right about then that anyone who asked where any food related item was, I would tell them aisle 37, which was hardware, and coincidently, my friends dept. He would then redirect them to aisle 1, which was actually produce, and where another friend worked. We had many customers doing laps around the store.

11-26-2008, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by adam c
^^ are you a newfie too? #2 makes no sense

a coupon?
Ya cracked by? &lt;- wtf is that

Its newfie slang for: Are you crazy? or What are you talking about? Sort of thing.

11-26-2008, 01:42 PM
Not so much a dumb customer or anything, but this was pretty funny:

This younger guy comes in to pick up his computer from service. One of the guys is showing him what was wrong with his comp and what they did to fix it and everything and it's all good. I look over there again a minute later and the guy is flat out on the floor. Apparently he just fainted? We were waiting to see what would happen but after a minute he said he was fine and then got up, whereby he prompty proceeded to fall over again, this time smacking his head on the counter. EMS came and helped him out and in the end it was fine and he was okay, but I remember remarking "I didn't think our prices were that bad"

Haha I'm not a jerk and I'm glad he was okay, but it was funny in a youtube way.

Oh, and there was this time when I was at Red Lobster and the waiter spilled food on me so I uppercutted him as a reflex, but let's not talk about that.

11-26-2008, 02:44 PM
I have a few that I can't remember right now, but here is one from my helpdesk experience:

This guy calls and says he has problems with his wireless internet connection.

Me: Have you had this problem before
Him: No, it's been working fine ever since I got this laptop about a year ago.
Me: Where is your wireless router located?
Him: What's that?
Me: It's the unit with the little antennas that gives off the wireless signal so your laptop can get wireless internet.
Him: I don't know what your talking about.
Me: Do you pay for internet service? who is your ISP?
Him: I don't pay for anything and what's an ISP?

Long story short is that he was getting free Internet from a neighbor that didn't have their wireless network secured and he thought since his laptop came with wireless it automatically worked.

Another one was when I taught some guy how to copy and paste and he praised me like I was god.

The helpdesk I worked on sold farming equipment so a lot of the calls were from farmer type people :D , and some of the guys were a blast to talk to

11-26-2008, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by HyperZell
Not so much a dumb customer or anything, but this was pretty funny:

This younger guy comes in to pick up his computer from service. One of the guys is showing him what was wrong with his comp and what they did to fix it and everything and it's all good. I look over there again a minute later and the guy is flat out on the floor. Apparently he just fainted? We were waiting to see what would happen but after a minute he said he was fine and then got up, whereby he prompty proceeded to fall over again, this time smacking his head on the counter. EMS came and helped him out and in the end it was fine and he was okay, but I remember remarking &quot;I didn't think our prices were that bad&quot;

Haha I'm not a jerk and I'm glad he was okay, but it was funny in a youtube way.

Oh, and there was this time when I was at Red Lobster and the waiter spilled food on me so I uppercutted him as a reflex, but let's not talk about that.
LOL I saw the exact same think happen to a guy in line at subway! He was old and looked like a bum though.

11-26-2008, 03:07 PM
Just out of highschool I worked in a photolab developing pictures. It's amazing how people don't really understand that every photo had to be viewed for clarity/dust etc. In some cases, depending on the store, general public could watch all pictures being developed through a little window on the machine set at the front of the store.

It amazed me just how many people took pics of their grow ops and cultivation.

It was always good when someone dropped off a roll of film that had some pretty good looking ladies in the photos. Not only were they posing. They were buck and getting a nice little stuffing! One time there was a photo of a chick passed out with a Heineken bottle in her mitt. It was pretty awkward giving that set of prints back when SHE came to pick them up! Hot though!

We were supposed to take out all the nudies and put in a note stating we couldn't develop the nudes. etc. Most times I wouldn't care and give them back. I mean, I got to see many hot naked chicks, why not give them back? lol

Unfortunately we were supposed to call the cops when the grow op pics came through. I have never been a rat, so I handed the cultivation pics to the next employee to deal with.

You name it, I saw it.

11-26-2008, 03:20 PM
I was walking by the service counter when out of nowhere there was this rotting smell. It was best described as the smell of rotting curry.

Myself, 1 manager, 2 staff were trying to figure it out - kept walking around to smell for this and talking to each other about it We thought someone had had curry and left their food to rot on the floor under a shelf or something.

When we realized the source, i felt like a complete ass - it was an east indian's computer (who was standing at customer service). When we powered his computer on, the fan was blowing that smell out :barf: :barf:

11-26-2008, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by HyperZell
Oh, and there was this time when I was at Red Lobster and the waiter spilled food on me so I uppercutted him as a reflex, but let's not talk about that.

I remember that thread :rofl:

11-26-2008, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Kona9

You name it, I saw it.

Lol, yep, one perk of working in the photo/elec. part of Superstore. I didn't actually develop the photo's, and they weren't on display for the general public (like some places), but whenever any nudes came through, the guy upstairs would come running down and get me, lol.

11-26-2008, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by HyperZell

Oh, and there was this time when I was at Red Lobster and the waiter spilled food on me so I uppercutted him as a reflex, but let's not talk about that.
did yell shoyuken while doing so?

11-26-2008, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by topmade
I have a few that I can't remember right now, but here is one from my helpdesk experience:

This guy calls and says he has problems with his wireless internet connection.

Me: Have you had this problem before
Him: No, it's been working fine ever since I got this laptop about a year ago.
Me: Where is your wireless router located?
Him: What's that?
Me: It's the unit with the little antennas that gives off the wireless signal so your laptop can get wireless internet.
Him: I don't know what your talking about.
Me: Do you pay for internet service? who is your ISP?
Him: I don't pay for anything and what's an ISP?

Long story short is that he was getting free Internet from a neighbor that didn't have their wireless network secured and he thought since his laptop came with wireless it automatically worked.

Hahaha I had some family over to my place on Thanksgiving and a very non-technical aunt explained the same "issue". They weren't paying for Internet, stealing from a neighbor, the neighbor moved away and they had NO idea why their Internet service wasn't working anymore. They also wondered why the Internet wouldn't work while camping, or while driving in the car. They asked if I had the disk so that I could re-load the Internet for them because the one they had on their laptop was defective.

This is the same aunt who sat telling everyone for 20 mins how she was going to buy a Mac laptop because they can't get viruses and are so much superior to Windows computers. I pulled out my Macbook to show her and she wouldn't look at it because she insisted it wasn't a Mac, it was an "Apple".


11-26-2008, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Kona9
Just out of highschool I worked in a photolab developing pictures. It's amazing how people don't really understand that every photo had to be viewed for clarity/dust etc. In some cases, depending on the store, general public could watch all pictures being developed through a little window on the machine set at the front of the store.

It amazed me just how many people took pics of their grow ops and cultivation.

It was always good when someone dropped off a roll of film that had some pretty good looking ladies in the photos. Not only were they posing. They were buck and getting a nice little stuffing! One time there was a photo of a chick passed out with a Heineken bottle in her mitt. It was pretty awkward giving that set of prints back when SHE came to pick them up! Hot though!

We were supposed to take out all the nudies and put in a note stating we couldn't develop the nudes. etc. Most times I wouldn't care and give them back. I mean, I got to see many hot naked chicks, why not give them back? lol

Unfortunately we were supposed to call the cops when the grow op pics came through. I have never been a rat, so I handed the cultivation pics to the next employee to deal with.

You name it, I saw it.

Haha fuck i remember a new years party my buddy got a buncha naked shots of his gf and we got the film developed , the dude who gave the pics back to my friend grinned and said "Good party? ;)"

I couldnt stop laughing haha (hell yes i saw the pics, since they broke up 2 months later lol).

11-26-2008, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by almerick

did yell shoyuken while doing so?

I said, let's not talk about it.

11-26-2008, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by HyperZell

I said, let's not talk about it.

But we need to know did the guy go flying through a table behind you???? was there a cake or some drinks on said table??? was he a punkass??? I need answers

adam c
11-26-2008, 06:07 PM
^^ omg change that avatar pic or i might have to break my screen

11-26-2008, 06:13 PM
She brings a valid point

Originally posted by Davetronz
[...] she wouldn't look at it because she insisted it wasn't a Mac, it was an &quot;Apple&quot;.

... for a retaaard

11-26-2008, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by adam c
^^ omg change that avatar pic or i might have to break my screen

:rofl: :rofl: its about time someone said something i thought beyond was going soft.

but on a serious note she killed my avatar and took over my internets....

11-26-2008, 09:17 PM
She looks like Skeletor.


adam c
11-26-2008, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by drtoohotty1

:rofl: :rofl: its about time someone said something i thought beyond was going soft.

but on a serious note she killed my avatar and took over my internets....

it's still fucking there:whipped:

11-26-2008, 09:21 PM
there's a few people on that girl as avatar band wagon...........man, i can't even read what the person says cause all i see is that weird face.....bah!