View Full Version : Riddle!

11-28-2008, 02:17 AM
[The question]
3 businessmen are on a trip and share a hotel room for the evening. The bill comes to 30 dollars (it's a cheap hotel) so each businessman pays his even share - 10 dollars. They head up to their room and the cashier realizes he's made a mistake. He forgot that there's a special rate for the evening and that he should have only charged the businessmen 25 dollars (it's a REALLY cheap hotel). The cashier then instructs the bellboy to run up to the room and refund the 5 dollars to the businessmen. With his incredible insight, the bellboy realizes that the businessmen cannot easily split the 5 dollars between the 3 of them. So instead he pockets 2 dollars and returns 3 dollars to the businessmen. The 3 dollars is returned and each businessman gets a dollar back.

At this point each businessman has payed 9 dollars out of his own pocket, making a grand total of 27 dollars paid for the room. Combine that with the 2 dollars that the bellboy kept yields 29 dollars. So, where's the missing dollar?

11-28-2008, 02:28 AM
Hmmm... not sure if I'm doing it right.

30 - 5 (extra charge) = 25

25/3 (men) =8.33

8.33 + 1 (each got a dollar back) = 9.33

9.33 x 3 = 27.99 ~28

Boy kept 2 dollars

~28 + 2 = 30

11-28-2008, 02:29 AM
:repost: x ?
Its not $27paid + $2 pocketed...rather 27-2 = $25 or the room rate.

11-28-2008, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by LongCity
Hmmm... not sure if I'm doing it right.

30 - 5 (extra charge) = 25

25/3 (men) =8.33

8.33 + 1 (each got a dollar back) = 9.33

9.33 x 3 = 27.99 ~28

Boy kept 2 dollars

~28 + 2 = 30

its all in how you do the math,

usually when you first look at this riddle its
30/3 = 10
10-1= 9
bellboy has 2
9x3= 27
27+2= 29.

thats automatically how most people will think but LongCity has it done right

11-28-2008, 12:17 PM
I must be stupid, even with the explanation above I cant wrap my mind around it.

The business men didnt pay $9.33, they paid $9 each (gave a $10 got back $1) thus each is out $9, and the bellboy only kept 2.... gah I feel like a retard. Anyone else want to explain it a little more clearly for us slow folk? :P

11-28-2008, 12:25 PM
nevermind lol, i got it


11-28-2008, 02:55 PM
Businessmen each paid $9 = $27

Bellboy kept $2.

$27 (businessmen paid) - $2 (bellboy kept) = $25 (room rate).