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12-02-2008, 01:00 AM
Was anyone at Roadhouse saturday night?
There was a HUGE fight with some guys and almost all the bouncers there. They threw them out, then one of the guys was thrown into the back of a van and the window smashed, another one was mounted and being kicked in the face by another bouncer. All out rage.
These guys retreat and head to 9th Ave and all the bouncers follow them out there.

Did anybody see this with me? By far the most violent I've seen bouncers there.

12-02-2008, 01:54 AM
omfg, bar fight!!! thats unheard of!!!:drama:

12-02-2008, 02:01 AM
^^^ lol
touche, who woulda thought an establishment based solely on drankin would stimulate such comotion?!

12-02-2008, 02:26 AM
That's not the point of the post.
What I'm commenting on is the job done by the bouncers. It is their job to essentially 'bounce' people who are disturbing the peace inside of their establishment, whether roughly or simply escorting them out, that's fine. But what I witness was them beating the shit out of four guys who weren't resisting at all once they were pushed out the door. It was unacceptable in my mind, and plain assault and batter legally. So thanks for coming out with your useless comments guys, but has anyone else dealt with this?

12-02-2008, 02:31 AM
Originally posted by gsus
That's not the point of the post.
What I'm commenting on is the job done by the bouncers. It is their job to essentially 'bounce' people who are disturbing the peace inside of their establishment, whether roughly or simply escorting them out, that's fine. But what I witness was them beating the shit out of four guys who weren't resisting at all once they were pushed out the door. It was unacceptable in my mind, and plain assault and batter legally. So thanks for coming out with your useless comments guys, but has anyone else dealt with this?

That's why you don't go to shitty bars like that.

12-02-2008, 02:33 AM
I was there saturday night, didn't see it, but from i had heard, one of the four guys had threatened to shoot one of the bouncers after being kicked out.

I'm guessing thats why all hell broke loose.

12-02-2008, 02:38 AM
I remember the bouncers getting in a pretty big brawl not too long ago. It was something to do with some guys going to beat up some small time dealer because the dealer got someone addicted to coke. The worst I have seen it is the bouncers literally throwing some girl out the front door. She was clawing onto the door frame, and I guess the bouncers got fed up and threw her towards those cement blocks out front.

12-02-2008, 03:37 AM
Ummmm, I must of been really trashed
I don't remember much from saturday night lol

12-02-2008, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by Kobe
Ummmm, I must of been really trashed
I don't remember much from saturday night lol

Did you get punched in the face by a chick again?

12-02-2008, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by Canmorite

Did you get punched in the face by a chick again? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

12-02-2008, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by Canmorite

Did you get punched in the face by a chick again?

A+ :thumbsup:

12-02-2008, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by RedGallardo
I was there saturday night, didn't see it, but from i had heard, one of the four guys had threatened to shoot one of the bouncers after being kicked out.

I'm guessing thats why all hell broke loose.

That most definitly did NOT happen lol.

12-02-2008, 11:39 AM
I've never been looked at twice by a bouncer before... probably because I don't have a smart mouth and I don't get aggressive.

I'm sure they didn't beat the shit out of these guys for no reason.

12-02-2008, 11:45 AM
sounds like just another night :drama: :whocares:

12-02-2008, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by 1997GSR
sounds like just another night :drama: :whocares:

12-02-2008, 01:18 PM
The interactions I've had with bouncers have been positive, treat them with respect and they'll do the same.

Disrespect them and well, I'll admit that their response is often gratuitous.

I'm always a little nervous that the only prerequisite for providing security at a bar is often that you look like a roid-monkey. They should have some sort of certification in crowd management and security techniques. Sometimes the easiest way to diffuse a situation is psychologically, not physically. Where the training comes in is to differentiate between when the two situations are necessary.

12-02-2008, 01:37 PM
I hate hearing stories like that, just because its easy to get mixed in if a fight starts nearby you.

12-02-2008, 01:43 PM
Heard one of em was thaco

12-02-2008, 01:47 PM
Don't fuck around at the bar and shit won't happen.

Some bouncers like to fight. I've got a friend who bounces at the roadhouse for the girls, then 1 night a week at the back alley for the action (fights)..... and some of the girls there too!

12-02-2008, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by badatusrnames
They should have some sort of certification in crowd management and security techniques.

That would mean that you'd need bouncers that can read and write... don't you think you're trying to set the bar a bit too high?

12-02-2008, 01:55 PM
Working in the industry and have been for some time now, i have zero respect for the Doormen at roadhouse. They treat their customers with little or no respect. I personally feel they can do a better job.

Like i have posted before, on a similar thread, when i was a doorman at Tantra nightclub a couple summers ago, we had zero to no probems. The reason, we were not assholes, we would talk and joke around with everyone. If you are not a dick to people, they will not start shit i find.

When you take a bouncing job you know ppl will be drunk, and acting like retards, if you cant handle that you shouldnt be a bouncer in my opinion.

12-02-2008, 02:03 PM
Any of the following is grounds for a brutal ass beating;
1) Threatening the lives of any of the bar staff
2) Possesing a weapon of any kind
3) Implying you are possesing a weapon of any kind
4) Stealing from the bar
5) Any assault on the staff

More than likely one or more of the above happened. Yes i have worked with bouncers with egos and rage problems, but we generally don't go around beating people on a whim. I'm sure theres much more to the story than all the bouncers roid raging in unison. :rofl:

12-02-2008, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat
Any of the following is grounds for a brutal ass beating;
1) Threatening the lives of any of the bar staff
2) Possesing a weapon of any kind
3) Implying you are possesing a weapon of any kind
4) Stealing from the bar
5) Any assault on the staff

More than likely one or more of the above happened. Yes i have worked with bouncers with egos and rage problems, but we generally don't go around beating people on a whim. I'm sure theres much more to the story than all the bouncers roid raging in unison. :rofl:

I partially agree, bouncers need to look out for themselves also, but I was in the smoking area, and watched these guy yelling "we're done, we're leaving" over and over, but the bouncers kept on.
It's hard to say because if one of my friends was hit inside a bar, a fight would most likely ensue between both parties,and continue outside, but with bouncers you'd assume that once outside it was over because they are working.

12-02-2008, 02:27 PM
^the bar is still liable even when patrons leave the bar or if the fights continue outside.

12-02-2008, 02:29 PM
^^ Yes but how does it stand when it's the bouncers on duty who are the aggressors?
I ask you because I assume you have been a bouncer/are currently, and know how it works.

12-02-2008, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by gsus

I partially agree, bouncers need to look out for themselves also, but I was in the smoking area, and watched these guy yelling "we're done, we're leaving" over and over, but the bouncers kept on.

I used to go to the Roadhouse quite a bit and while I never had any issues with the bouncers there, I frequently saw them go overboard on people. Doing your job and keeping the shitheads out and the place safe is one thing, disproportionately kicking the shit out of someone who is hammered as fuck to the point where they have no clue where they are or why they're getting their ass kicked is another.

Given the direction of violence Calgary has been going in, I'm actually surprised no pulled a gun or shot at them yet... and when (not if) it happens, I don't know if I'd feel bad for the bouncers at the Roadhouse whatsoever. You reap what you sow.

I find the bouncers at other clubs are way more laid back, and will joke around and shit. I've seen people thrown out of Cowboys on numerous occasions, but that's where it always stopped...

12-02-2008, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by jumperman8
Working in the industry and have been for some time now, i have zero respect for the Doormen at roadhouse. They treat their customers with little or no respect. I personally feel they can do a better job.

Like i have posted before, on a similar thread, when i was a doorman at Tantra nightclub a couple summers ago, we had zero to no probems. The reason, we were not assholes, we would talk and joke around with everyone. If you are not a dick to people, they will not start shit i find.

When you take a bouncing job you know ppl will be drunk, and acting like retards, if you cant handle that you shouldnt be a bouncer in my opinion.

Hey man, I remember when Armin was at Tantra and at the end of his show he decided to keep playing for his fans. Then right at the end when he wanted to talk to some of us, all the bouncer staff started booting off people left right and center. I mean not just your regular boot out, they were grabbing people and throwing them out.

You know me, I'm an easy going guy but I almost just lost it when this started happening. I think you may or may not have been working that night. I just remember this really tall dude who you mentioned you play bball with who did most of the shit though.

Ah well, good thing I don't go out to bars anymore unless I really have to. House parties and private functions are more fun anyways.

12-02-2008, 02:45 PM
I have on several occassions seen bouncers go way overboard at the Roadhouse. By overboard; I've seen large men throw girls into the cement blocks infront of the doors. 4 or more bouncers attacking 1 guy who is not fighting back.

12-02-2008, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by gsus
^^ Yes but how does it stand when it's the bouncers on duty who are the aggressors?
I ask you because I assume you have been a bouncer/are currently, and know how it works.

It's unfortunate, there's assholes in every profession (moreso in this one). More often than not these type of people cause more trouble than their worth. I try to weed out these aggressive powertrippers cause they just don't get it and never will. It's hard for some people to be nice I guess... they just don't understand that their life would be alot less complicated if they were just a little more personable sometimes.

12-02-2008, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by JordanAndrew

Hey man, I remember when Armin was at Tantra and at the end of his show he decided to keep playing for his fans. Then right at the end when he wanted to talk to some of us, all the bouncer staff started booting off people left right and center. I mean not just your regular boot out, they were grabbing people and throwing them out.

You know me, I'm an easy going guy but I almost just lost it when this started happening. I think you may or may not have been working that night. I just remember this really tall dude who you mentioned you play bball with who did most of the shit though.

Ah well, good thing I don't go out to bars anymore unless I really have to. House parties and private functions are more fun anyways.

hahaha... I bet I know just who that really tall dude was :thumbsup:

12-02-2008, 03:09 PM

12-02-2008, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by DJ_NAV


12-02-2008, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by DJ_NAV

close enough?

12-02-2008, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by BigShow
By overboard; I've seen large men throw girls into the cement blocks infront of the doors. 4 or more bouncers attacking 1 guy who is not fighting back.

This is the shit that infuriates me. Is it in the job description for a bouncer that he has to beat the fuck out of someone who breaks the rules of the bar?

12-02-2008, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo

This is the shit that infuriates me. Is it in the job description for a bouncer that he has to beat the fuck out of someone who breaks the rules of the bar?

whos to say she didn't have a knife or gun?

12-02-2008, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat

whos to say she didn't have a knife or gun?

Right, that had to be it :rolleyes:

12-02-2008, 03:42 PM
I like how everyone is saying "Ive seen bouncers throw ppl out" "They beat ppl senseless" "There was 5 of them on 1"

Do any of you know what actually went on? I highly doubt it unless ur friend is a bouncer there! I work as a bouncer in the biggest jungle in calgary(wont mention the establisment). But when the lights go on, its time for you to leave, we dont need you hanging out trying to pick up a chik thats 80lbs bigger then you and that would prob need a pick up truck to be transported to ur house!

I am gonna speak for myself and the guys that i work with(close friends) we all treat ppl with respect when we approach them the first and second time! If your hat is on(no hats at this place) and we have warned you a few times already then its time for you to go!

People are escorted outside depending on what has been done! If its something simple as pukin then ur taken care of, if your throwing drinks at bartenders then its a little more agressive, if its a fight between 2 ppl then its just the same! If 20 ppl are involved, then thats pretty much when ur the most agressive! Ill speak on behalf of myself and this doesnt have anything to do with other bouncers in Calgary! But then again this all varies on how agressive the other person is, if there was a big fight and u grab once of the dudes u tell him to leave and he is willing and starts heading for the door, then all is good! If yous tart fightin back and wanting to go kick the dude in the face once more then ur just asking of getting more then u deserve!

Like a few ppl have said, us bouncers we will respect the person if they do the same back! If your nice to us there is no problems! While most ppl come to fight and start shit, thats their own deal and they will be getting theres soon!

As for the OP, when someone is threatened with a gun and says hes gonna shoot someone, then i think most ppl will go crazy and try and do something about it, some will laugh at them and walk away. Depends what kindof person u are, if ur wanting to fight, if you take ur job that serious!

Most doorman are the shit, No matter how big or how small or how mean lookin they are u will find that they are some of the nicest guys around! Most of you think they will beat ur ass any second jsut cause of the type of job they have, which isnt the case, next time try jokin around and talkin to some of them, i bet you they will befriend you!

12-02-2008, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo

Right, that had to be it :rolleyes:

roll your eyes if you want, neither one of us knows both sides of the situation. i'm not condoning anything, just offering a different perspective.

12-02-2008, 03:48 PM
edit: dbl post!

12-02-2008, 03:48 PM
edit: triple post :eek:

12-02-2008, 03:48 PM
bottom line is..bouncers have attitude problems..and im friends with alot of them..i would punch them in the ear if i wasnt

12-02-2008, 03:52 PM
with all the shit bouncers have to put up with i understand getting 1 chance. you fuck it up you get fucked up. i've met 2 of the roadhouse bouncers through a friend and they were good shit, really nice guys. Don't be an idiot at the bar and your head won't get :banghead:

12-02-2008, 04:09 PM
Bouncers are all over the map for me but IMO 99% of them are constipated fucks.
I mean sure there are some who are responsible and do the right thing in different situations but the majority of them are power tripping losers and I have witnessed this first hand along with the thousands of other people, seeing bouncers act irrationally and with testosterone and rage, not a brain.
Going to court on a common assault charge because of the pricks.

12-02-2008, 04:45 PM

12-04-2008, 09:30 AM
lol that was an abrupt stop to the conversation.

12-04-2008, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by adidas
Most doorman are the shit, No matter how big or how small or how mean lookin they are u will find that they are some of the nicest guys around! Most of you think they will beat ur ass any second jsut cause of the type of job they have, which isnt the case, next time try jokin around and talkin to some of them, i bet you they will befriend you!


We're nice guys! I bounce occassionally just for fun and haven't actually hurt anyone till recently. I beat the living fuck out of some prick last week but only because he gave the guy working the door that night an unprovoked headbutt to the face when he wouldn't let him in. That guy got hurt bad, but so did the poor doorman. He got chipped teeth, broken nose and a concussion just because he wouldn't let a guy in that had been asked to leave earlier for trying to pick fights.

Up to that point the worst I've ever had to do is sit people back down in there chair and yell at them for a minute. Then they always calm the fuck down and walk out under their own power. If you piss me off I'll fucking scare you but it takes a LOT to make me actually hit someone. That's pretty much how the rest of the guys are too. :dunno:

12-04-2008, 11:22 AM
^ like every other group of people their are nice guys and bad guys.

I know adidas and he wouldn't do anything to anyone that didn't deserve it (like a lot of other bouncers out there). But on the flip side there are always those who lack discipline, are willing to abuse their power and let testosterone get the best of them.

For example one of my friends was being kicked out tequilas a few years ago and he told the bouncers that he would find them and come after them later (he is 5 .5 ft tall and probably 160 lbs, no real threat to anyone...) okay not a good thing to say, however this guy was so hammered he couldn't walk straight and he probably wouldn't remember what happened that night let alone remember the faces of the bouncers. But seven bouncers took it upon themselves to drag him behind the bush that separates the club from st. mary's and beat the fuck out of him and send him to the hospital for 2 days.

And of course its the clubs word against ours when we spoke to the cops about it, even though that would be considered assault if that happened anywhere else...

The point is that the few bad bouncers ruins the reputations of all of them. If i were a bouncer and wanted to keep a good rep for all of us, the next time i saw a fellow bouncer going overboard on someone i would step in and say that's enough, and insist on it. stuff like that goes a long way, especially if everyone practices it.

Plus it would save me from having to keep the bad bouncers in check from time to time ;)

12-04-2008, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE


We're nice guys! I bounce occassionally just for fun and haven't actually hurt anyone till recently. I beat the living fuck out of some prick last week but only because he gave the guy working the door that night an unprovoked headbutt to the face when he wouldn't let him in. That guy got hurt bad, but so did the poor doorman. He got chipped teeth, broken nose and a concussion just because he wouldn't let a guy in that had been asked to leave earlier for trying to pick fights.

Up to that point the worst I've ever had to do is sit people back down in there chair and yell at them for a minute. Then they always calm the fuck down and walk out under their own power. If you piss me off I'll fucking scare you but it takes a LOT to make me actually hit someone. That's pretty much how the rest of the guys are too. :dunno:

^ Yeah same. I used to bounce part time when I was up in Whitecourt doing the oilpatch gig.

Its just customer service. I'm there to make sure people can have a good time and keep the idiots out.
I had/have no ego whatsoever, and definately wouldn't start anything for no reason.
The job really is: Customer service all things considered.
It sucked though, there were so few women, and so many sausages, guys didn't typically go to clubs over there to meet women, as the guy to girl ratio was probably 2-3 to 1. They'd just go to get shitfaced and start shit. Big bar fights were quite common. Typically the music would stop and the lights would come on once every second weekend on average. It was just a shitshow. Fun while it lasted, but for $12/hr and no weekends anymore (all things considered), it wasn't worth it.

12-04-2008, 01:16 PM
I was at the roadhouse the other night. This dude and his wife came and sat at our table, they were friends of some friends I guess. The dude kinda got up and walked off, and me and the chick were hitting it off really well. I bought her a drink, and we grabbed a cab back to my place.

The next morning she was all upset and crying about what she would tell her husband. Said she had a three-year old daughter with him and he had just gotten out of a mental hospital on a day pass to see her. Oh well, not my problem. She grabbed a cab home.

12-04-2008, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by semograd
^ like every other group of people their are nice guys and bad guys.

I know adidas and he wouldn't do anything to anyone that didn't deserve it (like a lot of other bouncers out there). But on the flip side there are always those who lack discipline, are willing to abuse their power and let testosterone get the best of them.

For example one of my friends was being kicked out tequilas a few years ago and he told the bouncers that he would find them and come after them later (he is 5 .5 ft tall and probably 160 lbs, no real threat to anyone...) okay not a good thing to say, however this guy was so hammered he couldn't walk straight and he probably wouldn't remember what happened that night let alone remember the faces of the bouncers. But seven bouncers took it upon themselves to drag him behind the bush that separates the club from st. mary's and beat the fuck out of him and send him to the hospital for 2 days.

And of course its the clubs word against ours when we spoke to the cops about it, even though that would be considered assault if that happened anywhere else...

The point is that the few bad bouncers ruins the reputations of all of them. If i were a bouncer and wanted to keep a good rep for all of us, the next time i saw a fellow bouncer going overboard on someone i would step in and say that's enough, and insist on it. stuff like that goes a long way, especially if everyone practices it.

Plus it would save me from having to keep the bad bouncers in check from time to time ;)

Lol bet he won't make that threat again.

12-04-2008, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by malcolmk14
I was at the roadhouse the other night. This dude and his wife came and sat at our table, they were friends of some friends I guess. The dude kinda got up and walked off, and me and the chick were hitting it off really well. I bought her a drink, and we grabbed a cab back to my place.

The next morning she was all upset and crying about what she would tell her husband. Said she had a three-year old daughter with him and he had just gotten out of a mental hospital on a day pass to see her. Oh well, not my problem. She grabbed a cab home.


like to stir the pot eh?

12-04-2008, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by malcolmk14
I was at the roadhouse the other night. This dude and his wife came and sat at our table, they were friends of some friends I guess. The dude kinda got up and walked off, and me and the chick were hitting it off really well. I bought her a drink, and we grabbed a cab back to my place.

The next morning she was all upset and crying about what she would tell her husband. Said she had a three-year old daughter with him and he had just gotten out of a mental hospital on a day pass to see her. Oh well, not my problem. She grabbed a cab home.

Flawless victory :rofl:

12-04-2008, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by malcolmk14
I was at the roadhouse the other night. This dude and his wife came and sat at our table, they were friends of some friends I guess. The dude kinda got up and walked off, and me and the chick were hitting it off really well. I bought her a drink, and we grabbed a cab back to my place.

The next morning she was all upset and crying about what she would tell her husband. Said she had a three-year old daughter with him and he had just gotten out of a mental hospital on a day pass to see her. Oh well, not my problem. She grabbed a cab home.

Not really sure if I should laugh at this, or figure you're an insensitive prick. Opinion pending more evidence in the related thread... :)

12-04-2008, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek

Not really sure if I should laugh at this, or figure you're an insensitive prick. Opinion pending more evidence in the related thread... :)


12-04-2008, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by semograd
For example one of my friends was being kicked out tequilas a few years ago and he told the bouncers that he would find them and come after them later (he is 5 .5 ft tall and probably 160 lbs, no real threat to anyone...) okay not a good thing to say, however this guy was so hammered he couldn't walk straight and he probably wouldn't remember what happened that night let alone remember the faces of the bouncers. But seven bouncers took it upon themselves to drag him behind the bush that separates the club from st. mary's and beat the fuck out of him and send him to the hospital for 2 days.

Ok so some small kid drunkenly threatens a bouncer, and therefore it's perfectly fine for the bouncers to kick the shit out of him so badly he's in the hospital for 2 days?! That's not only brutal for the kid, it's fucking stupid on the bouncer's part.

If they just threw him out the kid would wake up and think "Holy shit I was wasted last night!"

Now they're lucky your buddy doesn't have access to a gun, or shady friends. How hard would it be to wait for 2-3 months and then come back and figure out what the bouncer drives, camp out and then seriously fuck him up at the end of the night? It'd be nearly impossible to trace, guy is walking to his car at 3AM, gets shot a couple of times, no witnesses...

And given that this douchebag bouncer has probably fucked up quite a few people, how are they going to know who it was that went over the edge?

12-04-2008, 03:02 PM
But considering the shit that DOES go down at clubs in Calgary I wouldn't chance the fact that some drunk kid is running his mouth.

Besides, its hard to be thrown out of a bar in Calgary, you generally really deserve it :dunno:

When I lived in Aus the boucers beat a guy to death 20 feet from the door in front of all my friends... AND the bouncers instigated the fight.
Bouncers are tame here.

12-04-2008, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo

Now they're lucky your buddy doesn't have access to a gun, or shady friends. How hard would it be to wait for 2-3 months and then come back and figure out what the bouncer drives, camp out and then seriously fuck him up at the end of the night? It'd be nearly impossible to trace, guy is walking to his car at 3AM, gets shot a couple of times, no witnesses...

I know quite a few bouncers who have been stabbed, shot, jumped after work etc..its not that uncommon, just cause you don't hear it on the news all the time doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

12-04-2008, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by thrasher22
Besides, its hard to be thrown out of a bar in Calgary, you generally really deserve it :dunno:

That's bullshit. If you're lucky enough be let into some of the bars in Calgary, you give some guy a look they don't like and you're out. Most Calgary bars are ridiculous.

12-04-2008, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by zerocon

Lol bet he won't make that threat again.

No he wont, but when me and three of our friends came to get him we sure made that threat. They felt pretty tough beating up a drunk dude but they didn't feel so tough when a couple sober dudes wanted to finish what they had started.

Originally posted by Super_Geo

Ok so some small kid drunkenly threatens a bouncer, and therefore it's perfectly fine for the bouncers to kick the shit out of him so badly he's in the hospital for 2 days?! That's not only brutal for the kid, it's fucking stupid on the bouncer's part.

If they just threw him out the kid would wake up and think "Holy shit I was wasted last night!"

Now they're lucky your buddy doesn't have access to a gun, or shady friends. How hard would it be to wait for 2-3 months and then come back and figure out what the bouncer drives, camp out and then seriously fuck him up at the end of the night? It'd be nearly impossible to trace, guy is walking to his car at 3AM, gets shot a couple of times, no witnesses...

And given that this douchebag bouncer has probably fucked up quite a few people, how are they going to know who it was that went over the edge?

My thoughts exactly. If you gotta throw a drunk out, do so. Then leave it at that.

Originally posted by thrasher22
But considering the shit that DOES go down at clubs in Calgary I wouldn't chance the fact that some drunk kid is running his mouth.

Besides, its hard to be thrown out of a bar in Calgary, you generally really deserve it :dunno:

Ya so whats so hard about throwing him out then calling the cops to make sure he doesn't do anything extreme? taking the law into your own hands is illegal.

12-04-2008, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by ryder_23

I know quite a few bouncers who have been stabbed, shot, jumped after work etc..its not that uncommon, just cause you don't hear it on the news all the time doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

We had one of our guys a few weeks ago leave well after closing (like 3:30 or so) and this angry drunk that he tossed out earlier (non-violently) was waiting by a dumpster in the alley to kick his ass.

He took one swing that a blind cripple in a wheelchair could have ducked, fell over, tried to get up and throw another one but started puking and couldn't stand up again. :rofl:

12-04-2008, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by semograd
Ya so whats so hard about throwing him out then calling the cops to make sure he doesn't do anything extreme?

Cause cops have better things to do. :dunno:

Bottom line is that he threatened violence to someone in a profession where violence is common and can be life threatening. All threats must be taken seriously. If he said the same to a cop there would be a nightstick to the face and he would be in a cell.

12-04-2008, 03:35 PM
I got asked to leave from roady sat for no reason, some guys beside me were yelling at eachother or some shit.. the guy asked nice, so i left in a nice manor.
But everytime i get dragged out for some stupid shit and i ask for a follow up confrontation they wont do shit. cause im actually their size!
some bouncers are cool shit, and i am a bar regular so we are on a good level. but alot are total fucking ego tripping cowards..
Meh. these guys should get whats coming to them if they do it for no reason, they make the rest of the good guys look real bad.

12-04-2008, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat
Bottom line is that he threatened violence to someone in a profession where violence is common and can be life threatening. All threats must be taken seriously.

Having a gang of bouncers beat the fuck out of someone while they're down and defenseless is considered taking a threat seriously? That's some of the most illogical and retarded reasoning I've ever heard.

If that guy picks himself up off the ground, goes home and in his drunken state grabs a gun to come back and shoot up the bouncers I wouldn't say the bouncers didn't bring it upon themselves. Why shitkick someone when throwing them out gets the exact same thing done...

Point of the matter is... if the bouncers feel the guy is legitimately threatening their life, they should hold the guy and get the cops involved. There is absolutely no justification for the level of escalation I've seen in Calgary bars.

I saw this one guy who was about 5'10" thin kid get his ass beat down by two big bouncers at the Roadhouse and I mean hard... his head bounced off the pavement like a rubber ball and he looked like he didn't know where he was while he was getting fed punches and knees. I remember thinking that if came back and stabbed or shot the bouncers I'd understand... I mean, I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, but I would understand why he did it.

And as a bouncer, why would you want to open that possibility? To feel big while you stomp down someone a third your size and can't fight back?

Originally posted by Wildcat
If he said the same to a cop there would be a nightstick to the face and he would be in a cell.

That's a tall assumption... if a cop is in the process of detaining someone drunk off his ass and the guy says "I'm gonna come find you and kick your ass" I don't think the cop is going to get 4 of his buddies and shit kick him to the curb. Unlike some bouncers (especially at the RH), they're not uneducated monkeys.

I'd like to assume that they'd understand they're dealing with a drunk individual, sure they might rough him up a bit while they're detaining him, but nothing that can be described as an outright shit kicking, which numerous people have recounted seeing.

12-04-2008, 04:04 PM
^k if size is your common denominator when assuming the level of the threat you'ce clearly missed the point.

Your forgetting a cop is armed, a bouncer is not. Hypothetically if the life of an unarmed officer was threatened there is a higher level of risk on his life. In that situation a more aggressive response is to be expected don't you think?

12-04-2008, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat
^k if size is your common denominator when assuming the level of the threat you'ce clearly missed the point.

Your forgetting a cop is armed, a bouncer is not. Hypothetically if the life of an unarmed officer was threatened there is a higher level of risk on his life. In that situation a more aggressive response is to be expected don't you think?

You're still missing the point.

If the bouncers feel threatened, beating someone up way past the point where they can't defend themselves does not reduce the threat, it exacerbates it.

So if they are legitimately feeling threatened, pin the guy down and wait for the cops to get there. Otherwise, throw the guy out and get on with the night.

Come on, this isn't rocket science...

12-04-2008, 04:25 PM
The response time in a situation like that is 30mins to an hour. I know I've been there. That's 30mins to and hour that should be spent monitoring the rest of the crowd and staff. Detaining someone until the cops get there is not a practical or feasible solution even if it is the right one.

You either send the individual away on good terms as quickly as possible or you incapacitate them to the point where they loose their will to fight/function.

This is how it should be done, that's not to say kids havent been unjustly beaten badly by bouncers. I'm well aware that is also a common occurance. I'm just explaining the reality of the job and how situations should ideally be handled.

12-04-2008, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat

Cause cops have better things to do. :dunno:

Bottom line is that he threatened violence to someone in a profession where violence is common and can be life threatening. All threats must be taken seriously. If he said the same to a cop there would be a nightstick to the face and he would be in a cell.

Okay so why did the cops end up there that night taking statements from us anyways? they could have saved their asses lots of time by just picking up the drunk. now they have to listen to hours of stories.

A cop would not do that unless he was already being attacked. If he did and someone witnessed it, he would have his face plastered all over the news. Plus even if the cops were allowed to do that it wouldn't amount to 2 days in the hospital.

Originally posted by Wildcat
^k if size is your common denominator when assuming the level of the threat you'ce clearly missed the point.

Your forgetting a cop is armed, a bouncer is not. Hypothetically if the life of an unarmed officer was threatened there is a higher level of risk on his life. In that situation a more aggressive response is to be expected don't you think?

Their are ways to neutralize a threat from another human with out having to beat them half to death. And none of those ways involve stepping up the aggression level, you're actually supposed to do the opposite. If you're so worried about someone sticking you with a knife take a goddamn womens self defence course before you become a bouncer.

12-04-2008, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by semograd

Okay so why did the cops end up there that night taking statements from us anyways? they could have saved their asses lots of time by just picking up the drunk. now they have to listen to hours of stories.

A cop would not do that unless he was already being attacked. If he did and someone witnessed it, he would have his face plastered all over the news. Plus even if the cops were allowed to do that it wouldn't amount to 2 days in the hospital.

Their are ways to neutralize a threat from another human with out having to beat them half to death. And none of those ways involve stepping up the aggression level. If your so worried about someone sticking you with a knife take a goddamn womens self defence course before you become bouncers.

Read my other posts following that one.

I agree there are ways to neutralize a threat. But how do you stop that threat from returning with weapons and more people? Cause thats the common form of escalation nowadays.

12-04-2008, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat

Read my other posts following that one.

I agree there are ways to neutralize a threat. But how do you stop that threat from returning with weapons and more people? Cause thats the common form of escalation nowadays.


12-04-2008, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by semograd


Again, read the previous posts.

12-04-2008, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat

Again, read the previous posts.

Originally posted by semograd

taking the law into your own hands is illegal.

Im sure if someone was waving a gun in front of the club a police response time would be a bit faster than 30 mins.

12-04-2008, 04:36 PM
self defence isnt?

12-04-2008, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Kobe
Ummmm, I must of been really trashed
I don't remember much from saturday night lol

Originally posted by Canmorite

Did you get punched in the face by a chick again?

Originally posted by benyl
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Originally posted by brandon

A+ :thumbsup:

epic win
:rofl: :rofl:

sorry buddy :) had to laugh

12-04-2008, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by arian_ma

That's bullshit. If you're lucky enough be let into some of the bars in Calgary, you give some guy a look they don't like and you're out. Most Calgary bars are ridiculous.

As much as I hate to say it, as a white guy I don't have these problems.

12-04-2008, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat
self defence isnt?

Apparently you don't understand the concept of self defense.

Self-defense (or self-defence — see spelling differences) is the act of defending oneself, one's property or the well-being of another from physical harm.[1] While the term may define any form of personal defense, it is strongly associated with civilian hand-to-hand[dubious – discuss] defense techniques. Self-defense defines a civilian activity as opposed to Hand-to-hand combat in a military context.

Many styles of martial arts are practiced for self-defense and some styles train almost exclusively for self-defense, while some martial/Combat sports can be effectively applied for self-defense. More complete self-defense training not only teaches how to physically defend against attack, but also includes personal safety tips and techniques that increase awareness and improves the ability to avoid confrontation and potential dangers.

As soon as you go from avoiding getting punched in the head to actually punching in the head. That's where self defense stops and assault begins.

12-04-2008, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by semograd
As soon as you go from avoiding getting punched in the head to actually punching in the head. That's where self defense stops and assault begins.

your just being un reasonable now? bouncers have enough numbers they can subdue and take care of, but my idea of self defence for an individual(being me) is knocking the head off of who ever comes after me.

12-04-2008, 04:49 PM
^ well then that's fine, his head came off and you effectively stopped his attack. now if you were a bouncer, you would start shit kicking the headless corpse just to make sure it wouldn't get back up.:nut:

12-04-2008, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat
self defence isnt?

I'm quite sure that if clear videos were presented of the initial threat to bouncers and how the bouncers reacted you would have a lot of cases (not all, of course) where it would be definitively established that the bouncers acted far beyond what would be accepted as self defense.

In a court of law it would be assault and battery to possibly attempted murder. But oh wait, because this happened at a club it's accepted... I think it's pathetic that we don't expect more from bouncers.

12-04-2008, 04:59 PM
It probably is above and beyond self defence. So how come more bouncers aren't ending up behind bars? Any theories?

12-04-2008, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat
It probably is above and beyond self defence. So how come more bouncers aren't ending up behind bars? Any theories?

Bouncers are sober, patrons are drunk, and cops don't give a shit.

12-04-2008, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo

Bouncers are sober, patrons are drunk, and cops don't give a shit.


12-04-2008, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by in*10*se

epic win
:rofl: :rofl:

sorry buddy :) had to laugh

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I just saw that
Canmorite and his roommate which is also a beyond member are not sleeping tonight, I will be banging on there doors all night

12-04-2008, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat
It probably is above and beyond self defence. So how come more bouncers aren't ending up behind bars? Any theories?

ya, i do as a matter of fact. It was explained to me that very night actually, by the cops that responded to my buddies assault. In clubs years back a police was assigned to each club to monitor the integrity of the club so that bouncers wouldn't overstep their authority and partyers wouldn't get to rowdy.

In those days if a bouncer beat someone up the police would be able to press charges on the bouncer and fine the club because he was sober and witnessed it.

a few years ago the cops at the top deemed it unnecessary for this service to exist.

And it was explained to me since there would be no officer present to witness beatings then by the time they got to the clubs it would be the bouncers word against the drunk that got shit kicked. The officers that respond to such events at night clubs know its bull shit but the law is the law, unless they see it or someone sober comes forward nothing can be done.

And bouncers further decrease the chances of sober club goers seeing brutal ass beatings by doing what they did to my friend. Take them out back where there are no cameras or witnesses.

I was told the cases of this happening have increased exponentially since cops stopped being assigned to monitor clubs.

12-04-2008, 05:24 PM
So based on this, a very reasonable approach would be to allow the public to lodge formal complaints against bars that have bouncers who overstep their authority.

If the cops get enough complaints to substantiate that it is a common occurrence then it should be required for a cop to be present for the entire night at the expense of the club.

12-04-2008, 05:36 PM
Its actually required to have one cop present for every 500 person capacity and one bouncer for every 65. Larger clubs almost always have 2 cops present. I don't go to roadhouse often but i have never been there without seeing 2 cops inside the club at some point.

12-04-2008, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat
Its actually required to have one cop present for every 500 person capacity and one bouncer for every 65. Larger clubs almost always have 2 cops present. I don't go to roadhouse often but i have never been there without seeing 2 cops inside the club at some point.

So the two cops present take 30 minutes to get their ass out of the club to respond to the fight? That's great

12-04-2008, 06:22 PM
actually response time is more like 2 to 5 minutes, not 30, the bouncers at roadhouse have a good relationship with the cops and if they call them they can be there really fast, ive seen it on more than one ocassion

12-04-2008, 06:23 PM

Trust me ive witnessed it many times, they wont do anything! Just this past weekend, a guy cocked his gun and was going to shoot another individual outside the club! 8 of us bouncers saw it, one called the police(a # that leads directly to the undercover who looks after the clubs) and they came 50 min later! The club was already shut down by then and we were ready to go home!

Another incident where we had the cops sitting outside in their car right outside the club not doing anything but jsut overlooking! As a fight broke out and one of the Doorman waived the cops in, they still sat in their car! After it was all done(10min later) The doorman goes up to the cops and asks why they didnt do anything, to which the cop responded "There is only 2 of us here are u crazy?" 40 min later a few more cars show up, then about 8 of em came in an did a walk through, pretty much everyone had left at this point.

Also last weekend had a bunch of guys come in wanting to fight! They were def looking for someone, after the fight broke out we left the "good guy" inside while we took the other group out! Cops showed up and jsut kinda pushed ppl around but never did anything to ppl that made threats to kill the other dude!

Maybe my whole understanding of a cops duty aint up to par, but i bet more ppl on here got bigger balls then the cops do with their guns!

Also you will always get mixed stories from cops, one will say that u cant do anything past the front door, another will say ur property is till the sidewalk and u must protect it all!

Not 2 long ago they started havin a unit that comes by the clubs/bars and does a walk through just to put some heat on the ppl! They usually go down 17th ave, 4th st and 10th ave! which is where most clubs/bars are located! As of late we have been seeing them less and less and the club is getting worse and worse!

12-04-2008, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by adidas

Trust me ive witnessed it many times, they wont do anything! Just this past weekend, a guy cocked his gun and was going to shoot another individual outside the club! 8 of us bouncers saw it, one called the police(a # that leads directly to the undercover who looks after the clubs) and they came 50 min later! The club was already shut down by then and we were ready to go home!

Another incident where we had the cops sitting outside in their car right outside the club not doing anything but jsut overlooking! As a fight broke out and one of the Doorman waived the cops in, they still sat in their car! After it was all done(10min later) The doorman goes up to the cops and asks why they didnt do anything, to which the cop responded "There is only 2 of us here are u crazy?" 40 min later a few more cars show up, then about 8 of em came in an did a walk through, pretty much everyone had left at this point.

Also last weekend had a bunch of guys come in wanting to fight! They were def looking for someone, after the fight broke out we left the "good guy" inside while we took the other group out! Cops showed up and jsut kinda pushed ppl around but never did anything to ppl that made threats to kill the other dude!

Maybe my whole understanding of a cops duty aint up to par, but i bet more ppl on here got bigger balls then the cops do with their guns!

Also you will always get mixed stories from cops, one will say that u cant do anything past the front door, another will say ur property is till the sidewalk and u must protect it all!

Not 2 long ago they started havin a unit that comes by the clubs/bars and does a walk through just to put some heat on the ppl! They usually go down 17th ave, 4th st and 10th ave! which is where most clubs/bars are located! As of late we have been seeing them less and less and the club is getting worse and worse! !!!

A. Don't go to bars known for this shit and you won't have any problems!

12-04-2008, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by rizfarmer
Q. !!!

A. Don't go to bars known for this shit and you won't have any problems! you quoted a 3 paragraph post to say that?

12-05-2008, 12:54 AM
It's essentially police work that they don't want to do. I have been in this situation myself where my friends and I were beat by bouncers twice at a local club, once while I was on the phone with 911.

When three police officers actually showed up, nice and slowly they exited their vehicles, and walked around like zombies. Didn't end up doing shit all.
I am going to be a cps member when I graduate uni in a year here, and I was disgusted at their response, basically shunning us off as if we were the ones at fault, and I promise you we weren't.
Bouncers (most) at the Roadhouse feel invisible, and this is the root cause. Obviously there are cases where they need to stand up for their own, and deter bad behavior at their bar, but it's gone far beyond that in a lot of cases.

I think the owner of the Roadhouse is a piece of shit, and encourages his guys to be overly aggressive with patrons who may cause trouble in their drunkenness. His name is Chris Dobson, and he's a cocky, narcissistic, prick, a rich prick, but thinks he can get away with anything.

12-05-2008, 09:59 AM
Im not saying bouncers don't have their work cut out for them. I see their jobs being hard and dangerous. But that doesn't excuse them from certain behavior. And I agree that most cops are lazy. But Its easy to see when someone is crossing the line.

Throwing someone out of the club and giving him a few punches to the gut is one thing. taking someone out back (where no one can see) and beating him while he is intoxicated (defenseless) for a few minutes is quite another.

Me and a friend were walking by a local club at night when we noticed some meathead bouncers beating someone up behind the place. Okay you know my opinion of that already but this time buddies gf was trying to get the bouncers to leave him alone. One of them turned around and slapped the chick so hard that she hit the pavement head first. Me and my friend did not hesitate to run over and fuck these 2 bouncers up. The chick and the dude ended up being okay (besides the huge gash on her forehead).

Like I said, some bouncers need to know what they can and cant to. And its not going to help if they hire a bunch of insecure roid monkeys with inferiority complexes. They need to hire, cool level headed people with some form of discipline. Its those people that can handle any situation properly. Not people that just fly off the handle.

obviously this is not going to stop with the way things are going. bouncers claim cops wont do anything, cops claim this, partyers claim that, bla bla bla.

Next time you see bouncers beating someone half to death, or cops just lazily walking around when some shit is going down, record it on your phone and send it to the media. If enough people do it something definitely will happen. The media is a powerful tool. A few years ago a couple cops got in huge shit for overstepping the line while being filmed on camera, it will be no different this time. Things will definitely change if the public sees whats actually going on at these clubs in the morning news. Police will actually start doing work and even proper bylaws could be set in place.

12-05-2008, 10:01 AM
On another note i am looking for 2 doormen to start next weekend at a new club opening up. pm me for details


12-05-2008, 10:09 AM
Oh leave the bouncers alone guys, These guys gotta deal with such shit all the time, that a few (most likely deserved) beat downs is just FINE. Maby all you G-thugs getting beat down every weekend need to re-evaluate your people skills.

12-05-2008, 10:24 AM
^ when was the last time you spent 2 days in the hospital because of roid rage?

12-05-2008, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by semograd
^ when was the last time you spent 2 days in the hospital because of roid rage?

lol I have never been beat up, and if i had been i would not blame my stupidity on others. Bouncers or anybody at that do not just randomly beat up customers. If you did go to the hospital for 2 days i am sure it was your fault 100%.

I worked as a bouncer for about 4 years at one of the bigger nightclubs in Calgary, and in those 4 years i have been stabbed, shot at, bitten, and sucker punched by people who sound just like you. Allways complaining that the bouncers have too much power, and that they are all roid monkeys blah blah blah. Own up to your mistakes, If you drink too much and start a fight you may just loose your teeth that night. lol that rhymes.

12-05-2008, 11:07 AM
I think its a fairly safe assumption that these roles of having power attract the same personality types...

I've been thrown out of bars twice in my life and one time was from a nerdy kid I went to high school with that some of my friends picked on that was also looked jacked on roids. The other time I hurled in the washroom. After i flushed and left teh stall I was put into a headlock and 'escorted' outside.

12-05-2008, 11:12 AM
if you read my first post you would know that i happen to know a few bouncers and i admit that the majority of them are good people.

You cant tell me that my buddy deserved it 100% because I might as well tell you that you deserved to be stabbed. That logic doesn't work for me. You and I both know that there is a better way to handle things.

Just because 1 out of 100 bad people people may have a knife and are ready to stab you with it doesn't mean you have to beat the fuck out of the other 99 because your paranoid that they may have a knife. The people that have already complained on this thread witnessed bouncers beat people that never instigated a fight. So ya if you start one own up to it. But My buddy never started one, That 90 pound chick never started one.

Like i said before: take a womans self defense class. If someone comes at you with a knife, you can disarm them, boot them out and problems over. You have his knife so he wont stab you. He is drunk, you are not. Its damn easy to overpower him. Cant properly deal with violent situations? Dont be a bouncer.

12-05-2008, 11:15 AM
Fuck if I were a bouncer I would probably be on a power trip all night having to look at wannabe gangstas, ed-hardy wearing, true religion rocking fake ass ballin faggots. Unfortunately wearing expensive tight clothing doesn't exactly set a fashion statement for me. All I can see is you have the ability to shop at underground clothing like every other high school kid.

I'll roll up in my 996 Turbo S wearing a friggin $3 hanes white t-shirt and a pair of old mavi jeans with skate shoes and set my own statement.

12-05-2008, 11:17 AM
^ hahah :werd: