View Full Version : Krazer Vs. BlackBerry Storm?

12-02-2008, 09:15 PM
I know there are a number of topics on the Storm that comes out in a week or so and I have looked through most of them but could not really find an answer to my question.
I am in need of a new phone as my Krazer was crushed when my father decided to shut the hood of my car on it, crushing it in the hinge part of the hood leaving 2 bolt size crush marks on the front screen. The phone worked for the last 3 months like this but now is doing weird things and not working most of the time.

So my question for thoughts who have other forms of blackberries as I have never had one nor have I ever played around with one or know any of the features of them, do you think it would be worth the extra $50-$60 for me to buy a Storm or should I save the money and just have my Krazer fixed?

I like my friend’s I-phone but I do not want to switch to Rodgers as I like the plans and service I get from TELUS. Some of the features I like on the I-phone are;

- GPS (not the best with finding my way around so this will help ahah)
- The applications he gets for free (fun little games and random things like this Zipo thing)
- The internet browsing (youtube & beyond.ca of course :P)

I am also a big text massager, way more than phone calls, my current plan I get like 150 minutes and I never even come close to using all them but text messaging I use like 1500+ a month
and than just stuff like picture/video sending etc..

So what do you guys think? Is the blackberry storm going to be worth it?

12-02-2008, 09:16 PM
i love my blackberry pearl, i had a razr liked it also, but blackberry for me with unlimited plan is awesome

12-02-2008, 09:17 PM
Krazr FTL.
It's so ugly...

12-02-2008, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by theken
i love my blackberry pearl, i had a razr liked it also, but blackberry for me with unlimited plan is awesome

Yea they have great plans and I was looking a the Student 50 for smart phone plan.

$50.00 month | Up to 200 minutes
Unlimited nationwide talk, text, picture and video messaging with your Fave 101
- Unlimited email, IM and web browsing2
- Unlimited local nights and weekends starting at 6pm
- Call waiting
-Conference calling

Unlimited local calling on your birthday

but would this include every thing including the "data" i think its called to use the internet?

Originally posted by GenerationX
Krazr FTL.
It's so ugly...

oh I agree, i just bought the Krazer as I had my phone stolen out of my car and needed one and my g.f liked hers so I walked in to the store, said ill take one of these in black and walked out ahah, but im done with flip phones.

12-02-2008, 09:43 PM
I'm looking at the Student 50 plan as well...except I'm an existing customer. I had to talk to Retentions, but they gave me the plan with the Fave 10 thing thats only for new clients, so they just won a contract renewal! :clap:

BB Storm FTW

EDIT: Yes, unlimited data includes pretty much everything. I'm not sure about the GPS stuff though. Telus has this thing called Telus Navigator that they charge $10/mo for, it gives you turn-by-turn directions and all; but Google Maps (and I think BlackBerry Maps too, I haven't used it though, so I'm not sure) would be free.

At the very least, e-mail/IM/web is all free and unlimited (within reason though)

12-02-2008, 09:59 PM
I would wait for the Storm launch and then play around with one. If you like it, buy it. The screen is a little weird because you actually have to push down, like click it, to select something.

There should be some form of GPS with the Storm. The Blackberry Ap store is coming, but it wont launch until early 2009. Browser on the Storm is almost as good as the iPhone. Not quite there, but its not bad.

If you prefer an actual keyboard the Curve 8330 might be a good choice. $50 if you sign a 3 year contract with Telus. Still a very good phone.

12-02-2008, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by dino_martini
I would wait for the Storm launch and then play around with one. If you like it, buy it. The screen is a little weird because you actually have to push down, like click it, to select something.

That's what I plan to do. There was one review I read though, I think on Crackberry.com, the guy said typing on it is a breeze, and really isn't all that difficult, saying its more of a firm touch than a click.

12-02-2008, 10:26 PM
I would wait for a bit to try it out but my phone is pretty much pooched so I cant really wait a few months. I just get this matrix style screen when i flip it open and the front screen that shows the time shows nothing now. And i do lots of traveling between here (calgary) and Invermere/Kelowna so i dont want to be with out on when I am on the road.

I have been reading a few things on it and apparently if you cut up a business card or some paper and put it on the battery than put the cover on it, it will actually improve the feel of the click screen. produces less travel on the screen and gives a much better feel.

12-20-2008, 08:22 PM
:P got my storm today and absolutely love it.

I have never had a BlackBerry before but I can say I am hooked already. I am a big text messager guy and I found it was easier to text on my Krazer (like selecting who you wanted to text) but the actual typing although I suck right now, I can see it being easier on the Storm.

Haven’t had time to do anything else on it yet other than put all the names and numbers back in my phone book and shortly after the battery died but I can only imagine it will keep me busy for a while.

Also for thoughts who have this or any other blackberry, how do I get to the GPS application?

Caustic Cheese
12-23-2008, 02:33 AM
Storm FTW!
I used to sell cellular phones, both motorola and blackberry. The blackberry firmware is much more stable and you can do way more stuff on a blackberry in comparison to any motorola. Mostly because the blackberry is a smartphone (and the blackberry servers are uber reliable).

So blackberry vs. motorola is a no brainer:


Ironically, I do not own a blackberry. I used to. I have tried over 3 dozen phones in my day from about 8 different phone companies. Now I'm a tool with . . . an iPhone. You cannot beat the features the iPhone has to offer, and once you get used to the on-screen keypad, you'll be in love.

12-23-2008, 02:41 AM
id go with the BB just because the replacement warranty is fantastic

12-23-2008, 02:05 PM
Ya it seems pretty good... 1 year warranty with just a direct swap for a new phone, no screwing around with a loner for 2months while your phone gets fixed

I am defiantly still learning how to use this thing though

12-23-2008, 02:14 PM
youre comparing a blackberry storm to a krzr?

12-24-2008, 11:24 PM
I must say I switched to the dark side, and I got the BB Storm versus KRZR... holy crap does the BB Storm ever kick the crap out of the KRZR....

12-25-2008, 04:45 AM
Originally posted by mowglee
youre comparing a blackberry storm to a krzr?

what else am I going to compair it to? never had a BB before..last phone was a Krazer so umm... yea I am..

12-25-2008, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Freebs

what else am I going to compair it to? never had a BB before..last phone was a Krazer so umm... yea I am..

Well, don't anymore. There's no comparison.

12-25-2008, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by HyperZell

Well, don't anymore. There's no comparison.

Sure there is...

The Storm's battery life sucks! Like it is HORIBLE! Compared to my Krazers battery life even after a year and being crushed it still would hold a charge for 4days where as my Storm holds a charge for 18hrs with little use (a few text messages and phone calls no internet use at all) and its dead

The Krazer was much smaller and easier to fit into the pockets (I’m not a clip the phone to your belt kind of guy)

The Krazer could send picture/video text messages, and so far I cannot find a way to do this on the Storm

I mean don’t get me wrong the BB Storm is a way better phone in general but there are comparisons that can be made between the two and pros and cons for each.

The battery life is kind of what really gets to me, I mean this phone was bought for me as a Christmas present so I can’t complain but I think once this contract is up in a year I will be switching to the i-phone unless they come out with a lot more applications and a battery that lasts at MINIMUM 2x longer than the current one. I mean come on 18hrs?, I don’t even want to see how fast it drains if I use anything other than texting and phone calls.

12-25-2008, 11:37 PM
just carry the charger on you at all times :thumbsup:

12-26-2008, 01:31 AM
Originally posted by xLostx
just carry the charger on you at all times :thumbsup:

Its small but not really portable... lol I'm thinking of buying another BB Storm Battery cause the current battery SUCKS BALLS... and it lags... and pictures are laggy to take, and just some things just suck shit about it...

OH and its heat touch so if your hands are cold... goodluck.

12-26-2008, 02:20 AM
Originally posted by Bimmer88

Its small but not really portable... lol I'm thinking of buying another BB Storm Battery cause the current battery SUCKS BALLS... and it lags... and pictures are laggy to take, and just some things just suck shit about it...

OH and its heat touch so if your hands are cold... goodluck.

ahh there maybe good news for us about the battery issue.. check out this link


apparently they are bringing out a new one that has 90% more capacity.

12-26-2008, 02:32 AM
I don't think what he is saying here is "which is a better phone in general" he's merely asking "Compared to the price differences which is more worth it for my application in your opinion". Something I get all the time and its a completely valid question. Maybe you should read OP's post a little more carefully. To answer the navigation question Telus should have their navigator application out soon for it if you want to pay extra for the announced turn by turn directions. But- you probably don't want to do that since the Telus Nav app sucks I would get the blackberry maps- its free and the data usage it sucks up is included in your student 50 plan. Any other questions man you can send me a PM or visit me in store in Southcentre- my name is Andre. Grats on your purchase- oh and keep your eye out for a Storm re flash that fixes the lagging issue with the accelerometer and the main menu and improves overall stability. You likely have a reflashed version judging from the date you bought it.