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12-03-2008, 10:28 AM
Canada Divided on Toppling Government: Poll
Posted: December 03, 2008, 11:02 AM by Julie Smyth
Canadian Politics
An new Angus Reid poll suggests the public is divided on the possibility of an opposition coalition throwing the Conservatives out of power.

The poll of 1,000 Canadians shows:

35% believe the Conservatives deserve to continue in government; 40% disagree
If the Tories fall: 37% would allow the opposition to form a coalition government; 32% would hold a new federal election
57% are worried about the Bloc Québécois becoming involved in the federal government; 64% would not be comfortable with Stéphane Dion becoming Canada’s Prime Minister
53% believe the Tories have not done a good job in dealing with the economic crisis; 75% think the federal government should implement a stimulus package to boost the economy as soon as possible
The poll was conducted Monday and Tuesday using an online survey and offfers one of the first glimpses into how Canadians feel about the crisis on Parliament Hill. The margin of error is +/- 3.1%, 19 times out of 20.

The survey also shows that a majority of Canadians express disappointment with the way the Tories have dealt with the economic crisis, and urge the implementation of a stimulus package to boost the economy.

Canadians are split on whether their own Member of Parliament should support the confidence motion against the Conservative minority government (In favour 36%, Against 40%), on whether the opposition parties should get together and topple Stephen Harper's Government (Yes 36%, No 41%), and on whether the Conservative Party deserves to stay in government (Yes 35%, No 40%).

Respondents were provided with three choices in the event the Conservatives are defeated in the House of Commons next Monday: 37% would allow the opposition to form a coalition government, while 32% would prefer to hold a new federal election, and seven per cent would opt for letting the opposition govern by accord.

Support for the coalition concept is highest in Quebec (48%), B.C. (39%) and Atlantic Canada (36%), while Ontarians are evenly divided on the issue and respondents in Alberta (53%) and Manitoba and Saskatchewan (43%) would prefer to vote again.

Only one-in-four Canadians (25%) admit that they would be comfortable with Liberal leader Stéphane Dion becoming Canada's Prime Minister, while almost two-thirds of respondents (64%) are uncomfortable with this notion. In Canada’s most populous provinces—Quebec and Ontario—three-in-five respondents (60%) are not at ease with the idea of Mr. Dion at 24 Sussex.

A majority of respondents (57%) are worried about the Bloc Québécois becoming involved in the federal government, while three-in-ten (30%) disagree. Almost half of Quebecers (57%) see no problem with the sovereignist party's participation in a coalition, but large majorities in Alberta (82%), Manitoba and Saskatchewan (74%) and British Columbia (66%) are concerned.

Three-in-four Canadians (75%) think the federal government should implement a stimulus package to boost the economy as soon as possible, and a majority (53%) believes the Conservatives have not done a good job in dealing with the economic crisis.

12-03-2008, 10:43 AM
For fucks sake, how many morons did these people talk to? We don't need a stimulus package. We have yet to encounter a huge disaster. Spending Canadian money in Canada is not going to save us from our biggest trading partner imploding :facepalm:
Even more disappointed to see so many people in favor of a coalition.

12-03-2008, 10:44 AM
I guess just like US. Bad economy brings calls for a government that won't be fiscally responsible and give $ to everyone.

I don't care one way or another any more. The damage is done. Thanks to coalition of losers, the market tanked even more than it has to.

Originally posted by b_t
For fucks sake, how many morons did these people talk to? We don't need a stimulus package. We have yet to encounter a huge disaster. Spending Canadian money in Canada is not going to save us from our biggest trading partner imploding :facepalm:
Even more disappointed to see so many people in favor of a coalition.

Most of these morons are out of job Ontarians. So many are in Alberta now. They are suffering and they will want change even if that mean backing a coalition with no principle.

12-03-2008, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema

Most of these morons are out of job Ontarians. So many are in Alberta now. They are suffering and they will want change even if that mean backing a coalition with no principle.

Not surprising that the largest support for a coalition comes from Quebec...... but BC and Atlantic Canada are a close second with Ontario split on it.

12-03-2008, 10:53 AM
I am sick of hearing how we need an economic stimulus package. I wish for once I would be informed on how this would actually help. Or is this just spending money for the sake of public approval. Does this money actually go to something that needs help through rough times (such as financing institutions providing business loans) or does this go to struggling industries that can only make a profit when the going is good. If it is the latter we need to let evolution take it's course and let these weak companies die off for the benefit of long term economic stability. It does us no good to give the autoworkers $10 billion if the next day the US decides they aren't going to back GM and Ford (which at this point they probably shouldn't).

I would hardly call what we are going through an economic crisis...yet. Economic downturn, recession, okay. But this is not a crisis yet.

This survey sounded loaded to me. I could see questions like do you feel the current government have responded to the economic crisis? Yes or No.
- Well they haven't responded yet because they don't need to in my opinion. Sorry I guess that would have to be a No.

12-03-2008, 11:00 AM
Forget the stimulus and just put more money into EI and retraining people who are out of work.

We are turning into a knowledge and skills-based workforce.

Assembly work, etc. is being outsourced to other places - so we'd (eg. Ontario) had better get with the times.

12-03-2008, 11:05 AM
53% believe the Tories have not done a good job in dealing with the economic crisis


What do you want Harper to do? Print money and throw it at the problem? For fuck sakes. I would LOVE to see how the coalition would deal with this problem.

The Cosworth
12-03-2008, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by revelations
Forget the stimulus and just put more money into EI and retraining people who are out of work.

We are turning into a knowledge and skills-based workforce.

Assembly work, etc. is being outsourced to other places - so we'd (eg. Ontario) had better get with the times.

If you ran for MP I would vote for you if you were serious about this.

Smartest comment on how to fix the damned economy

12-03-2008, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by KleanCord
I am sick of hearing how we need an economic stimulus package. I wish for once I would be informed on how this would actually help. ....

I would like to know aswell

12-03-2008, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by Canmorite


What do you want Harper to do? Print money and throw it at the problem? For fuck sakes. I would LOVE to see how the coalition would deal with this problem.

The problem with the coalition's argument - that we need a timely and drastic stimulus package - is that they do not have access to any of the portfolios they need to actually draft a budget. It takes weeks for a new government to take power, parliament shuts down for Christmas anyway, and then it takes weeks after that to go through the books and some more weeks to draft a budget.

Basically, they would not be able to table a budget until late February, early March.. whereas Harper could get a budget out in late January.

It is an extremely transparent and desperate grab at power that leaves the average Canadian citizen totally out in the cold. People who voted Liberal and NDP voted for Liberal and NDP ideals; now, they will end up with some warped compromise that does not reflect their wishes. The largest group of Canadian voters - those who voted Conservative - now see their votes go to waste as their government is basically usurped. It's a fucking mess.

Everyone loses.

12-03-2008, 11:36 AM
So, we are teetering on a deficit budget due to the "worldwide economic crisis", yet Harper gets shit on for not offering a "stimulus" to Canadians. You mean like a handout, like the Americans did?
We all see how well THAT worked!

12-03-2008, 12:08 PM
Holy shit! Our economy grew 1.3% in the third quarter, the fastest it has in a year... we need a fucking bailout ASAP!


12-03-2008, 12:13 PM
Thank God I am reading some intellectual adn educated responses here. Great ideas too.

Some places (ie. facebook page for against coalition) has some of the most retarded, un-educated responses and remarks. They pretty much sum up that survey.

What the hell is wrong with people in BC that they support the coalition....too much happy grass?

AAAAAAHHHHHHH, maybe we should separate (Alberta) so we can be away from all the retards in this country, they are making my IQ drop just reading their 'thoughts' & 'suggestions'.:guns:

12-03-2008, 12:16 PM
I added another option to the poll if you don't mind.

12-03-2008, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by buh_buh
I added another option to the poll if you don't mind.

Well I was thinking that perhaps a fifth choice should be given but you can't say no the government shouldn't be toppled but an election needs to be called. The government has to be toppled for that to happen unless you are suggesting that Harper up and call an election on his own?

12-03-2008, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Beerking

Some places (ie. facebook page for against coalition) has some of the most retarded, un-educated responses and remarks. They pretty much sum up that survey.

What the hell is wrong with people in BC that they support the coalition....too much happy grass?

As I said that survey sounds loaded. You can't ask questions like -

Do you think the Conservatives have addressed the economic crisis appropriately? Yes or No.

This question implies there is a crisis. It also doesn't get to the root of the problem. 1) Is anything needed at this current time 2) have they done anything yet.

If the answer is No to either of those then the survey gets answered no even though 1) Nothing might be needed 2) Nothing has been done yet.

This probably doesn't make any sense. But basically how can you ask if the Conservatives have responded to the problem when there may not be a problem. Hence, why they haven't taken drastic action such as a $30 billion dollar stimulus plan, and are choosing the wait and see approach.

Asking 1000 people this question you are instantly going to have half the respondents not know enough to make an educated response. So that leaves them saying no the conservatives have not handled the crisis because they have not done anything yet.

12-03-2008, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by eljefe

Well I was thinking that perhaps a fifth choice should be given but you can't say no the government shouldn't be toppled but an election needs to be called. The government has to be toppled for that to happen unless you are suggesting that Harper up and call an election on his own? I guess then I am saying the government should be topped and an election should be called, but I do think the Conservatives should remain in power. Even if there is change, we should do it democratically (not constitutionally), so now that the situation's changed, people can now vote (again) with the coalition in mind. I think enough money has been squandered in the previous 2 elections, but this appears to be the only fair option at this point.

I wanted another option because the option of yes the government should be toppled and a general election should be called implies the Conservatives should get the boot through an election.

12-03-2008, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by buh_buh

I wanted another option because the option of yes the government should be toppled and a general election should be called implies the Conservatives should get the boot through an election.

Sorry for the confusion, my intent on that option was that they are defeated through non-confidence vote and a general election is called to decide who the electorate elects, with no perceived outcome for that election predicted.

12-03-2008, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Beerking
What the hell is wrong with people in BC that they support the coalition....too much happy grass?

BC is pro NDP/Liberal and borderline communist.

Their premier has all sort of stimulus plan started last month.

12-03-2008, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by b_t
For fucks sake, how many morons did these people talk to? We don't need a stimulus package. We have yet to encounter a huge disaster. Spending Canadian money in Canada is not going to save us from our biggest trading partner imploding :facepalm:
Even more disappointed to see so many people in favor of a coalition.


Stimulas package will only delay what would come anyways while throwing the country in more debt...

Yes there is a correction brewing, let it happen and we will come out of it stronger with businesses and business models that can be sustained in the future.

I think this is all coming from Ontario and the automakers fall, does Alberta get a stimulas package because the price of oil is down? Does BC get one when lumber is down?

The mad panic has to stop and rational minds need to prevail here.... I just not sure that there are any down east.

I voted No, but there should be an election. The reason is that Canada voted PC, if they want to remove them they cannot replace them with a 'new' party. They should have to run as 1 single party and then see whom Canada would vote in. (I hate the idea of another election, but I hate the idea of Dion in power more than another election)


12-03-2008, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by The Cosworth
If you ran for MP I would vote for you if you were serious about this.

Smartest comment on how to fix the damned economy

That idea would of course never fly with Joe public because the mass media is too uneducated to understand and explain long-term planning and thinks that a simple knee jerk reaction will make people happy.

EI training is there for those who want it and qualify for it.

After I was let go from Air Canada (jet engine tech) I was given roughly 60,000$ for 2 years to go to a tech school - best decision ever - and now am in a field where there is always work.