View Full Version : Racing below the speed limit?????

09-27-2003, 09:09 PM
Don't you have to be speeding to be racing? I got a $400 ticket tonight for racing off of a red light beside a camaro. I admit I did give her gas but I never shifted out of first gear. In fact I was stopped at the next set of lights a block away!! The cop doesn't have a clocked speed on the ticket because we weren't speeding. I have no demerit points right now, will my insurance go up? Should I fight it?

09-27-2003, 09:13 PM
Thats gay man....since when is it a crime to accelerate quickly?

Did either one of you squeal the tires? Maybe thats why they thought you were racing?

09-27-2003, 09:19 PM
i got a tciket for "stunting" once for racing, cause the cop couldnt prove i was racing, and i DID only go 5 over the limit, he just heard me squeal the tires...then because i was being a smart ass cause i didnt "speed"he gave me a tint ticket as well. :tongue:

09-27-2003, 09:26 PM
James did your insurance go up? That's all I'm really worried about, I have no offences right now so shouldn't I be okay. And yes, the camaro sat there and spun his tires.

09-27-2003, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by NismoS14
Thats gay man....since when is it a crime to accelerate quickly?
Forever :).

I learned it the hard way myself years ago.

Stunts, etc. prohibited

125(1) No person, whether as a pedestrian, passenger or driver and whether or not with the use or aid of any animal, vehicle or other thing, shall perform or engage in any stunt or other activity on a highway that is likely to distract, startle or interfere with other users of the highway.

125(2) No person shall create or cause the emission of any loud and unnecessary noise from a motor vehicle, any part of it, or any thing or substance that the motor vehicle or a part of it comes into contact with.

The cop should've given a stunting ticket, and not racing. But I guess u were racing buddy off the line. The official law against racing :

Racing prohibited

124(1) No person shall drive a vehicle on a highway in a race or on a bet or wager.

124(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Minister or a speed authority as defined in section 14 may authorize a race to be held on a highway subject to conditions that the Minister or speed authority considers appropriate.

Pretty vague description, and of course doesn't say anything about a speed limit being exceeded or not.

09-27-2003, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Forever :).

I learned it the hard way myself years ago.

The cop should've given a stunting ticket, and not racing. But I guess u were racing buddy off the line. The official law against racing :

Pretty vague description, and of course doesn't say anything about a speed limit being exceeded or not.


I guess im just lucky.

09-27-2003, 09:32 PM
I've been pulled over twice for this sort of thing, accelerating quickly off a light, the first time I was asked to get out of my car (i almost shit my pants) haha but all I got was a verbal warning about how there are drunks all over downtown and that I might hit one of em. Riiight. I barely hit 40 when his lights came on haha. The second time was on Macleod when another forum member revved his engine thinking he was all cool :rofl: but I was mistakenly pulled over. Didn't receieve a ticket for the "noise" but instead got a BS ticket for having a "video entertainment system" that was visible to the driver. I took that ticket downtown and had the crown withdraw it because thats BS :)

09-27-2003, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by alcoholic
James did your insurance go up? That's all I'm really worried about, I have no offences right now so shouldn't I be okay. And yes, the camaro sat there and spun his tires.

just fight the ticket, thats all i did, got the demerits dropped( im actually not sure if that ticket had any), fine reduced etc.., I love the legal system! :D

09-27-2003, 09:46 PM
Well I got a $306 ticket last year for racing and had to fight it cus my insurance would go up 150%!!! Plus it's like 6 demerits for street racing! I payed tickets $300 to get it reduced to "excessive speed over 30 km/h" and only payed an extra $120 and only 2 demerits. Racing looks so bad to insurance companies nowadays. If found out after that they would have dropped me had I had that on my record!

I would try to fight it man cus you'll take it up the ass if you don't!

If you have any other questions, let me know and I can help yah out!



09-27-2003, 09:53 PM
If I decided not to go through the hassle of going to court on a work day and pay the fartin thing, would my insurance go up? I have no offences on my record as of right now.

09-27-2003, 09:58 PM
Yes your insurance will go up huge...as it's been stated it carries 6 demerits and is considered a major traffic offense. There is no question but to fight it.

09-27-2003, 09:59 PM
Thanks that is what I wanted to know!!!!!

09-27-2003, 10:17 PM
tips: never argue with an officer.. brown nose your way out. act like a nerd, ware glasses, have a back pack in the car, register car under parents names...

good ways to get out of tickets.

Iv got pulled over so many times, and iv only had this current car for a couple months...

In my truck i got pulled over, i was waring glasses and had a back pack in my car, i did 2 illegal turns, and speeding. He let me go with out any warning or nothing.. .sweet.

In my truck i got pulled over for running a red, 20 seconds after turning red, again acted like a nerd, let me go wrote some good shit on my ticket and let me go... (good shit meaning, wrong info on the ticket, like wrong amount for the crime i did)

I got pulled over the other day for cutting of some one and going 150 in a 50 zone... again NERD...told him the truth, "he cut me off so i cut him off" He let me go with a 10 over speeding ticket. He told me he could have given me a wreckless driving ticket...Got one of those before, they suck...

a lot more stories with them giving me warnings, coz im in the "parents ride" or what ever... shit i got them wrapped around my pinky finger...

Its easier when cops are in the car by them selves, so they usually are a bit nicer.

09-27-2003, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by SpoonEK9
Iv got pulled over so many times, and iv only had this current car for a couple months...

....i did 2 illegal turns, and speeding.

....i got pulled over for running a red, 20 seconds after turning red

I got pulled over the other day for cutting of some one and going 150 in a 50 zone...

a lot more stories with them giving me warnings

It's been a busy couple of months.

09-27-2003, 10:47 PM
i fought my "racing " ticket, got it dropped to speeding 30 over as well. ticket was like $200, and 2 demerits. If it would have gone through as racing i would not be insurable, as i would be "HIGH RISK"

09-27-2003, 10:57 PM
you could argue that hey you were ina hurry to "fill in reason here". If you squeeled tires say your tires were bald and well they squeel all the time. Honestly that used to happen to me all the time on my old tires, coz they looked like slicks! then say that as you took off a little bit faster the other guy in his camaro must have thought that you wanted to race adntook off like an idiot. tell them you stoped at speed limit coz you never had a ticket and didn't plan on getting one either coz bla bla bla being a student you couldn't afford a higher premium. I dont know...work on that dude coz remember, the cop has to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that you are guilty. I think that leaves a lot of doubt. take a pic of a car like yours with bald tires and bring it in as proof...they'll never know and that'll help your case. Either way fight it coz you will get RAPED on insurance. Honestly you will get ass fucked hardcore, and you can bet that they;ll hold back the lube!

But i'm wondering too...did you rev your engine as you guys were waiting for the light? Did you have a big burn out or just a small chirp in the tires? Coz then you are fucked and honestly you deserve the ticket. But even if you did fight it coz your premiums will go up HUGE, IF they will even insure you anymore. And getting dropped from an insurance company+racing= no more driving for you

09-27-2003, 11:27 PM
SpoonEK9: You know that pedal you push on the right?? called the accelerator?? it's ok to let off of it once in a while....

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

any tips on increasing the "nerdiness" level will be appreciated :D :D

09-28-2003, 12:59 AM
Spoon was probably joking......I hope......

Anyway, so Kenny, ticket was thrown out eh? NIcely done :D

I guess these racing under the speed limit is subjective to the officer

09-28-2003, 01:21 AM
I don't get how they can prove it - assuming there wasn't some massive tire-squeal. If I'm in a hurry I gun it (traction control) regardless of the guy beside me or not. If he thinks I'm racing he might gun it himself shrug.

It can't be just how fast you launch, as a bike can take off at 1/4 throttle > hyundai accent full out.


09-28-2003, 10:55 AM
Thats why you've gotta drive a honda! Pin it off the line and they'll never tell you were trying to race! ;) :)

09-28-2003, 11:12 AM
i always squeal the tires out of intersection, cops were behind me a couple times but they couldn't give a flying fuck..maybe it was cuz i was drivng a minivan?

09-29-2003, 06:07 PM
ok I've been wondering. Do tickets ever get cleared off of your record? Is there a period of time that they'll drop off your record or disregard it?

09-29-2003, 06:25 PM
I believe its 3 years but just go to the registry and get a driver's abstract. That's what the insurance companies do to assess your rate etc.

Dope Dealer
09-29-2003, 06:28 PM
You're an idioit Jeevs! Hahaha....

09-29-2003, 06:29 PM
I think it's 3 years for insurance, and 2 years in the Registry database.

09-29-2003, 06:42 PM
2 years is the time demerits stay on. It's from the time of conviction, not the time the ticket was written.

3 years is the time the conviction stays on the abstract. Insurance uses the abstract from the registry to view your records. Again, from time of conviction.

7 years for accidents, that record is held by the insurance company (obviously).

09-29-2003, 06:56 PM
hrm...that is some stupid stuff. i like doing that though, lets me practice my acceleration lol. i only go like 10 over the limit then shut it down there. hrm soo say if i were to get pulled over by a cop, couldnt i just say that person was just accelerating reeeaally slow? :D bwaha i dont think thatd work but yea.

09-29-2003, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by rage2
7 years for accidents, that record is held by the insurance company (obviously). WTF? LOL Bastards!!!

1 more year and I'll be home free then!!! In other words, even cheaper insurance?