View Full Version : Is this stuff available here?

12-10-2008, 10:43 AM
Due to my interest being piqued by the current news story on the front of Cad-comic.com, quoted in part below, I was wondering if marshmallow spreadable creme was available in Calgary at all?

Link to the item: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshmallow_creme

Selected quote from Cad-Comic.com front page:

Now peanut butter and jelly... that was like two entirely different universes colliding into an explosive orgasm which is then held in check by two slices of bread. You had the warm and the cold... the gooey and the... whatever the fuck adjective you use to describe jelly. Sticky. I don't know.

Anyway, where was I going? Right, the Fluff. So I mention Fluff, and then a couple of days later I happen to find myself at the grocery story, and Fluff once again pops into my head. I figure 'Hey, what the hell. I wonder what it tastes like' (because I'd forgotten in my old age, apparently).

I swing by the sandwich aisle, and all they have are large tubs of Fluff. Apparently if I wanted Fluff, I was going to have to commit. And commit I did.

So now I've got Fluff, I've got peanut butter and I've got bread. And as I'm engineering this sandwich later on that evening, I glance up and in the fruit bowl in front of me is a banana. I'm a fan of peanut butter and banana sandwiches, so I go for broke. I slice up the banana and lay it out between the PB and Fluff.

Sweet monkey-fucking shit.

I know, like I said, this is common knowledge for some of you. For me, this is like existing on a higher plane. I can't get enough of this sandwich now. The banana acts as the perfect buffer between the Fluff and the peanut butter. Like when the Fluff and the peanut butter gang up in your esophagus and try to choke you, the banana steps in all like "Hey guys... chill."

12-10-2008, 10:48 AM

Yes, Safeway, Superstore, Co-op, etc.

12-10-2008, 10:57 AM
Yup it's at Superstore down the aisle with ice cream cones and topping, it' with the topping.

Like Amysicle link shows, it's a Kraft Product and can be used in lots of recipes, or used for "fluff and nutter" sandwiches.

12-10-2008, 10:59 AM

Peanut Butter + Fluff + Banana sammich of epicness coming this weekend! :D

12-10-2008, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Kritafo
Yup it's at Superstore down the aisle with ice cream cones and topping, it' with the topping. I thought I saw it in that aisle but I wasn't 100% sure and I didn't want to mislead him.

Thanks for that tip!

12-10-2008, 11:04 AM
I know for sure it is that way at the Country Hills Superstore, I just bought it on Monday for some Christmas fudge.

12-10-2008, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Vagabond142

Peanut Butter + Fluff + Banana sammich of epicness coming this weekend! :D

Make sure you have really fresh bread, and don't let the marshmallow cream go unused it gets weird. It's even better if you make them as pinwheel sandwiches.

Which is a bread loaf sliced lengthwise and you roll them up it has no crust and co-op will put the bread through the slicing machine if you ask. You can get it dyed any colour you want as well. I do this for my kids for fun sometimes

12-10-2008, 12:29 PM
okay, so I will make epic sammichES... more than one is a party! :D

I'm guessing putting it in the fridge (the spread, not the sammiches, which will be in my stomach) will make it last longer?

12-10-2008, 12:44 PM
Totally available here. I got some at Superstore to mix in with vanilla ice cream and pineapple. So good :drool:

12-10-2008, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Vagabond142
okay, so I will make epic sammichES... more than one is a party! :D

I'm guessing putting it in the fridge (the spread, not the sammiches, which will be in my stomach) will make it last longer?

NO..haha! you will never get it out again if you put it into the fridge.

I suggest you make a make a mess of sammies and eat the leftovers on icecream or use leftover for fluff shakes.

Into blender container put 1 c. chilled fruit juice (orange, cranberry, grape, apricot nectar), 2 large spoonfuls Marshmallow Fluff. and 3 ice cubes. Blend 30 seconds or until smooth. Makes 1 serving.