View Full Version : "You have a missed call"

D'z Nutz
12-10-2008, 03:18 PM
1) You're away from your cell phone and someone calls you. It's not a number you recognize and he or she did not leave a message (or you don't have voicemail).

Are you the type that calls back despite the fact you could be calling a stranger and you have no idea who you're asking for? Or do you expect them to call back if it's important enough?

2) You ARE near your phone and someone you don't recognize is calling you. Do you answer?


1) I do not call back unknown missed calls because I have no idea who I'm asking for, and
2) Yes, I do answer unrecognized numbers if I'm by the phone, but I know many people who screen unknown numbers.

Just kinda interested as to how some of you handle such situations for no reason other than curiosity, especially since so many of you no longer have land lines (http://forums.beyond.ca/st/225343/have-any-of-you-ditched-your-land-line/).

adam c
12-10-2008, 03:20 PM
1) if it's a missed call and i don't know the number, i google it
2) if i see the call and i don't know the number, 99% of the time i will ignore it and then google it afterwards

12-10-2008, 03:21 PM
Generally, whether I am near or away from my phone, if it's a number that I don't recognize, I don't answer.

I figure if it's important enough, they'll leave a message.

12-10-2008, 03:24 PM
1) Google the number as well. If they don't leave a message or call back I don't call even if I know what number it is.

2) Answer it if I'm not busy but I don't go out of my way to answer it if I'm in the middle of something.

12-10-2008, 03:24 PM
1) I call back and say I missed a call from the number bla bla bla.

2) I do answer every call except for private calls

12-10-2008, 03:39 PM
1) Wont call back unless the same number has called more than once and i missed them all

2) I answer everything cuz i like yelling at prank callers =)

12-10-2008, 03:40 PM
1. If they didn't leave a message I'll look up the number. If nothing comes back then I might call the number. But that just depends how curious I am.

2. I usually answer it it's a local call but if it's not then i'll let it ring. I answer blocked calls because I have a few friends with blocked numbers.

12-10-2008, 03:44 PM
1. No message, no returned call. Simple as that.
2. Didn't used to answer unknown/blocked #'s but now I'm running a business so don't have a choice.

12-10-2008, 03:45 PM
I don't answer the phone unless it's work related.... if it's important enough, they'll leave a message. Anyone else would just text.

12-10-2008, 03:45 PM
1) I never call back, I think people that do have no concept of the idea of a wrong number. If I call someone and get their voice mail I leave a message if it's important or email them, text them, etc.

When someone calls me and says "Uh yeah, someone from this number called me and I missed the call?" I always ask "Did they leave a message?". The answer is always "No", so I reply with "Then they didn't want to talk to you anymore".

2) I only answer if it's someone I know and want to talk to. And I never answer if I'm on the shitter, humping, sleeping, or driving in heavy traffic or bad weather.

12-10-2008, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by mowglee
1) Wont call back unless the same number has called more than once and i missed them all

2) I answer everything cuz i like yelling at prank callers =)

Where's Akram?

12-10-2008, 03:46 PM
1)no voicemail/txt=not important

2)yes only if it has BC or AB area codes affixed to it, I wont otherwise.

lol my house is totally different, i will answer every single call and when you know it's a telemarketer, 'may i speak to -yourname-' i always say 'no, sry wrong number bud' there is a moment of silence then they hang up, i'm guessing it's because he/she can't say, 'but we have you on our computer screen at this address and this phone number'


12-10-2008, 03:54 PM
what if you dont have voicemail?? then you would never know if it was important since they wouldn't leave a message.

adam c
12-10-2008, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by DJ_NAV
what if you dont have voicemail?? then you would never know if it was important since they wouldn't leave a message.

then they will call back

12-10-2008, 03:58 PM
1) Won't ever call back an unknown missed call. I can't stand idiots who call somewhere and say, "uhh, someone from this number called me?"

2) Won't ever answer blocked numbers. If you are too pussy to show your number, try again.

12-10-2008, 04:00 PM
Missed call, number in my phone, don't call back. If its that important, they'll call me again.

Unknown number, I usually don't pick up because 95% of the time its my mom.

12-10-2008, 04:02 PM
1.) No call waiting on my cell. About 6 people have my number, and I don't give a shit if I talk to 5 of them or not.

2.) I decide whether or not I'm going to answer the phone before I get up. If I'm up, I always answer, even if only to argue with telemarketers. A lot of times (ie: Sunday afternoons, etc) I'm not going to answer at all, regardless of who's calling.

12-10-2008, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by buh_buh
Unknown number, I usually don't pick up because 95% of the time its my mom.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Ain't that the truth! Nothing like family causing you to screen your calls.

12-10-2008, 04:13 PM
will pick up/call back any number that calls my cell but never pick up blocked calls cuz theres usually a reason theyre blocked.

12-10-2008, 04:30 PM
1. Google it if no voicemail, but i won't pick up
2. I never pick up blocked #'s

12-10-2008, 04:33 PM
Missed call: I don't bother responding unless I am waiting for news/info from someone. Even if I am, I will generally not call back a missed call unless I know it is possible that person might be calling from an alternate line.

If I get a call I do not recognize when I'm by the phone, I generally pick it up. Guess the $5 I spend for caller ID isn't particularly useful to me....

12-10-2008, 05:29 PM
1. No voicemail = don't care
2. I always answer, recognized number or not. Why wouldn't you?

EK 2.0
12-10-2008, 05:55 PM
1. I have voicemail, if they don't leave a message then i figure they have the wrong number, or are gonna call me back if it's important enough.

2. I always answer all calls if I am near my phone which is 95% of the time...I can't put my crackberry down haha...

12-10-2008, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Swank
When someone calls me and says "Uh yeah, someone from this number called me and I missed the call?" I always ask "Did they leave a message?". The answer is always "No", so I reply with "Then they didn't want to talk to you anymore".

1) If it's important they'll call again or text me. but i'll google the number anyways. even if its someone i know don't expect me to call back because if you don't call again it's obviously not important

2) only on ev/wkd that don't waste my minutes

12-10-2008, 06:08 PM
I answer ALL calls because they can be clients for either real estate related calls or Film and TV related calls.

If I miss a call and there is no voicemail right away, I'll call and say " Hi I just missed a call, this is Mark." If it's a business that answers, generally I clue in right away, otherwise if it's a personal line, I guess I'll find out shortly.

12-10-2008, 06:20 PM
1) i get a lot of different numbers calling me, so if i miss it, i'll call it back and ask "hi someone just called me at this number, someone looking for a jarett?"

2) and if an unknown number calls me and im near my phone i answer with a "hello jarett speaking" i know it sounds gay...but time to start getting more professional here.

However, i RARELY pick up blocked numbers.

12-10-2008, 06:21 PM
1) I will usually call back, if it's a local number;

2) I answer the phone, no matter who calls (unless I don't feel like talking to them). If you have my number (even if I don't know you), chances are you want to talk to me.

12-10-2008, 06:32 PM
#1) I never call back, they should leave a message or call later.

#2) I almost never pick up blocked ID callers. Personally, I think blocked numbers are kind of rude.

12-10-2008, 06:44 PM
1) Don't call back, if it was that important either they'd leave a message, or will call me back in the future.

2) I answer every call if im there, unless its someone i don't want to talk to at that given time.... or im busy or something.

12-10-2008, 07:04 PM
I don't pickup blocked numbers. Usually always shitheads

I pick up EVERY number I don't recognize strictly because of work.

If friends call me and don't leave messages. Fuck them... Im on the phone so much, sometimes they call me and it doesn't get logged, and then they bitch why I never call them back...

And on a side note.
Huge pet peive: "You have reached (quitness), please leave a message"

OMG people, you are not on americas most wanted list. Stop trying to be cool and put your name on your voicemail.

Mr. Burns
12-10-2008, 07:07 PM
1) if it's a missed call and i don't know the number, i google it
2) if i see the call and i don't know the number, 100% of the time i will ignore it and then google it afterwards


12-10-2008, 07:09 PM
what are you talking about^

I answer all calls regardless unless I am talking to someone already... I let call waiting/voicemail handle it, kinda rude to tell someone to hold mid setence if you ask me.

My only pet peeve is when you call. text someone, they tell you they'll contact you later and never do.

12-10-2008, 07:10 PM
1) Will not return call normally. If I am expecting a call, I will google the number and will or won't call them back depending on the results
2) If number displays as 000 000 0000 or starts with 1-800 or 888, 866, etc.... I won't pick it up. If it's a randon number then I probably will.

12-10-2008, 07:17 PM
I've never heard of people googling a number to see who it was? If you're that interested, why not just pick up the phone when they call?

On the other hand, think about how many times you've actually received an "important" call unless you're specifically expecting it. If it's THAT important, whoever it is will definitely call back.

The only situation I can think of that this doesn't apply to is when radio stations are randomly calling people to give them a prize and you either pick up or have x amount of time to call them back.

I don't remember a single time in my life when my phone has rung, I've picked up, and afterwards said, "Holy shit, I'm so glad I picked up that important phone call!"

12-10-2008, 07:20 PM
I used to screen my calls like mad, I would never pick up the phone unless the number was already in my address book. Now, I had to activate voice mail and answer all calls except for unknown numbers -- if they need to get a hold of me they will leave me a message. Numbers that are not listed in my address book I also pick up as they are potential clients.

12-10-2008, 10:48 PM
what's this big deal with blocked numbers?

my dad calls me from asia every day and it's blocked every time, same with other frnds from overseas
it only shows if they actually use the cellphone/phone company to call. if they dial a phone card or special line to get a cheaper rate i wont' see the number

i usually call numbers back because most of the time it's an organization or company trying to reach me, and if you're waiting for oppurtunities they tend not to call you back. i usually wait for the other end to say something first though. if it's company u'll be greeted, and u'll recognize a familiar 'hello' if it's a frnd. otherwise it's a prank call from my end heh

12-10-2008, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by dragonone
what's this big deal with blocked numbers?

They are irritating because you never know who it will be. You answer with the feeling it might be someone you don't want to talk to, and most of the time it is.

It could be a bill collector, an old friend that you don't consider a friend anymore, or maybe just some random retard etc.

In my experience people usually use blocked numbers when they are trying to be sneaky.

Although I realize tons of people have them just because they don't want everyone to have there number, blocked numbers still piss me off and I wont answer them 90% of the time.

Thats my take on it anyways.

12-11-2008, 12:33 AM
1) Call back
2) Pick it up

I've heard about people not receiving if its blocked number but never googling it....:dunno:

12-11-2008, 07:51 AM
1) i don't call back. i hate people who do and this is why.
this scenario happens multiple times during my shift.

"hello, xxx business"
"yeah, hi, did someone call me from this number?"
"i don't know, did someone call you?"
"well, someone called me and this number showed up"
"well, when any call is made from here this number shows up. someone could have called from another extension"
"oh...do you know who?"
"oh, ok" *click*


2) only when i am expecting a call from a business or a beyond seller/buyer:nut:

12-11-2008, 09:01 AM
1 - I have voice mail, but no caller ID. I fucking hate it when people phone, and I miss the call. But they dont leave a message or anything. I understand it could be a wrong number, and thats fine. But otherwise...leave a message so I can atleast know who phoned me.

2 - I on occasion will pick up the phone. I enjoy a conversation with a time share salesmen every once and a while.

12-11-2008, 09:15 AM
What do you think people did before caller id existed?

And if you dont recognize a number, do you still pick it up? What if "a bill collector, an old friend that you don't consider a friend anymore, or maybe just some random retard etc" is calling from an unblocked number that has no name attached or you dont recognize the name, do you still pick up?

Originally posted by Deville

They are irritating because you never know who it will be. You answer with the feeling it might be someone you don't want to talk to, and most of the time it is.

It could be a bill collector, an old friend that you don't consider a friend anymore, or maybe just some random retard etc.

In my experience people usually use blocked numbers when they are trying to be sneaky.

Although I realize tons of people have them just because they don't want everyone to have there number, blocked numbers still piss me off and I wont answer them 90% of the time.

Thats my take on it anyways.

Yeah, I think many people dont realize the number of the mainline will show up on call display even though the company could have hundreds of extensions.

Originally posted by yue
1) i don't call back. i hate people who do and this is why.
this scenario happens multiple times during my shift.

"hello, xxx business"
"yeah, hi, did someone call me from this number?"
"i don't know, did someone call you?"
"well, someone called me and this number showed up"
"well, when any call is made from here this number shows up. someone could have called from another extension"
"oh...do you know who?"
"oh, ok" *click*