View Full Version : Please inform me! (TRAFFIC VIOLATION)

WhiteBoy 4o3
12-11-2008, 11:44 PM
Im a pretty new driver, got my license about two weeks ago. I just got my first Traffic Violation today and im TRIPPIN!

The ticket was for speeding, I was doing 71km/h in a 50km/h zone. The ticket was for $130.00 and 3 Demerit Points.

I don't care about the cost of the ticket, but people are telling me that my insurance is gonna be killer!

So my question was, can I get those Demerit Points not put on my lisence? Also, I was wondering what it is that actually increases the insurance price, the ticket itself or the Demerit Points?

adam c
12-11-2008, 11:47 PM
just cut up your license now

12-11-2008, 11:48 PM
Step one: put on flame suit.
Step two: learn to drive.
Step three: put on nice suit and even better attitude and go plead your case to the crown.

The demerits are what will affect your insurance.

WhiteBoy 4o3
12-11-2008, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by 97'Scort
Step one: put on flame suit.
Step two: learn to drive.
Step three: put on nice suit and even better attitude and go plead your case to the crown.

The demerits are what will affect your insurance.

So what do I have to do to not get those demerit points on my license?

12-11-2008, 11:53 PM
Some insurance companies give you a freebie with your first violation so you're probably ok. You do want to try and get the demerits lower when you go to your court date. Show up early on your court date, talk to the crown, he usually gives you an option to plea guilty and he'll give you only 2 demerits instead of 3. Take the plea and move on, don't ask for more or he'll fuck you over and give you the full 3 demerits.

Don't speed anymore and let this be a lesson. If you want to learn more about how to talk to the crown prosecutor just use the search button as this has been talked about many times on the forums.

Asking the same question over and over isn't appreciated here on beyond.

adam c
12-11-2008, 11:53 PM
there's nothing you can do

12-11-2008, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by WhiteBoy 4o3
Im a pretty new driver, got my license about two weeks ago. I just got my first Traffic Violation today and im TRIPPIN!

The ticket was for speeding, I was doing 71km/h in a 50km/h zone. The ticket was for $130.00 and 3 Demerit Points.

I don't care about the cost of the ticket, but people are telling me that my insurance is gonna be killer!

So my question was, can I get those Demerit Points not put on my lisence? Also, I was wondering what it is that actually increases the insurance price, the ticket itself or the Demerit Points?
plead not guilty, when you get your court date confirmation change the date. you have a 50% chance of the officer not showing or 100% chance to reduce the fine by taking the plea bargain (and possibly the demerits from 3 to 2)

you can take a defensive driving course to take 3 demerits off your record once every 2 years.

it is a combination of your claim history, demerits, type of car and your age that determines your premium.

12-11-2008, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by WhiteBoy 4o3
Im a pretty new driver, got my license about two weeks ago. I just got my first Traffic Violation today and im TRIPPIN!

The ticket was for speeding, I was doing 71km/h in a 50km/h zone. The ticket was for $130.00 and 3 Demerit Points.

I don't care about the cost of the ticket, but people are telling me that my insurance is gonna be killer!

So my question was, can I get those Demerit Points not put on my lisence? Also, I was wondering what it is that actually increases the insurance price, the ticket itself or the Demerit Points?

- Got license 2 weeks ago
- Got speeding ticket
- Wanting to find way out of it


12-12-2008, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by yue

plead not guilty, when you get your court date confirmation change the date. you have a 50% chance of the officer not showing or 100% chance to reduce the fine by taking the plea bargain (and possibly the demerits from 3 to 2)

you can take a defensive driving course to take 3 demerits off your record once every 2 years.

it is a combination of your claim history, demerits, type of car and your age that determines your premium.

This is a lie. Officers love to show up on court date because it's extra time for them to make money without doing a whole heck of a lot of work. Plea bargain pretty much means you're still taking a guilty plea which was already mentioned in my first post. You can do this right with the crown prosecutor on the court date.

The defensive driving course will take 3 demerits off your record but the speeding violation still shows up in your driver's abstract which by the way the insurance companies looks at. The defensive driving course doesn't do much in terms of lowering or keeping your insurance rate low, all it does is help you get this demerits down.

As for the rest of your statement, the combination of history, type of car and age plays a significant part of insurance rate.

12-12-2008, 12:07 AM

12-12-2008, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by JordanAndrew

This is a lie. Officers love to show up on court date because it's extra time for them to make money without doing a whole heck of a lot of work. Plea bargain pretty much means you're still taking a guilty plea which was already mentioned in my first post. You can do this right with the crown prosecutor on the court date.

The defensive driving course will take 3 demerits off your record but the speeding violation still shows up in your driver's abstract which by the way the insurance companies looks at. The defensive driving course doesn't do much in terms of lowering or keeping your insurance rate low, all it does is help you get this demerits down.

As for the rest of your statement, the combination of history, type of car and age plays a significant part of insurance rate.
how is it a lie? i never said that they never show up. they either do or they don't.

12-12-2008, 12:24 AM
Give the guy a break, I'm sure every person on this board has gone over 70 km/h in a 50 zone at some time or another.

Fight the ticket, thats all you can do.

12-12-2008, 08:46 AM
Went to the to see the crown yesterday for a $172 and 2 demerits for crossing double yellow line, and $230 for expired registration (12 days expired).

So, $400 in fines and 5 Demerits where reduced to $172 in fines and no demerits.

He then asked how I like my new GTI commenting "that it is fast as all hell" and said he expects me to come back with at least 1 speeding ticket to prove that fact. I said, Well, I'll try not to.

I'd already seen the guy for 4 speeding tickets in my 3 years in calgary.

It's worth it to have it reduced. I would have lost my license long ago if it wasn't for reductions, he even changed one to something along the lines of turning left when a sign says not to within certain hours.

12-12-2008, 08:51 AM
Gonna be killer in the pocket. Shoulda ran instead. Sprayed vtec in the cops face.

12-12-2008, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by GTI CANADIAN
Went to the to see the crown yesterday for a $172 and 2 demerits for crossing double yellow line, and $230 for expired registration (12 days expired).

So, $400 in fines and 5 Demerits where reduced to $172 in fines and no demerits.


3 demerits for expired registration??

12-12-2008, 09:10 AM
yeah.. your pretty much fucked:dunno:

Masked Bandit
12-12-2008, 09:18 AM
So much bad information in this thread......

Since you are a new driver you will be on the government GRID program (whether you took driver training or not). On the GRID program your first ticket does not affect your rates. However, if you receive a second ticket in the next three years your liability premiums will be surcharged by 25%.

Pay the ticket, slow the phuck down and drive like an ADULT.

12-12-2008, 10:25 AM
Go to the crown, plead your case. Make something up like you have diarrhea and shit your pants or something and get it reduced.

Probably will reduce to 10 over which is $78 and 2 points.

If you really wants the points to go away, talk to Pointts. It won't be cheap but you should have a clean record.

12-12-2008, 10:31 AM
You could also have your Speedo checked, I'm pretty sure I heard something about having a receipt for getting your speedo checked can help sway the decision or something.

:guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns:

12-12-2008, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema
Go to the crown, plead your case. Make something up like you have diarrhea and shit your pants or something and get it reduced.

Probably will reduce to 10 over which is $78 and 2 points.

Don't even bother with trying to come up with an excuse, the crown prosecutors see SO MANY people on a daily basis that they've heard them all. You just need to go in and tell them you want a reduction. PERIOD. The best they can do now is what is above and is $78 and 2 points.

Cops get like $300 or some amount that is definitely worth it for them to show up so these days, more likely than not, they will show up.

12-12-2008, 11:57 AM
go to court and fight it.Last week I went to court to fight mine and lucked out. All the people that came to fight their tickets that morning had them thrown out because a drunk driving case took to long.

12-12-2008, 03:27 PM
You got the ticket..you earned it...now suck it up, pay it, and deal with the consequences.

Some good can come out of it...Realize that accidents are directly correlated to speed, and statistics have shown that a speeding ticket inceases the likelihood of you being involved in an accident. So take this lesson to heart..slow down and pay attention to your speed. And don't waste your time (and the tax payers' time and money) by trying to get out of paying the ticket.

12-12-2008, 04:54 PM
if i were you i would take the guilty plee and come in with a suit say your a student and you cant afford to pay more for insurance and that this was an isolated incident and will not happen again.

12-12-2008, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by Rolltite
You got the ticket..you earned it...now suck it up, pay it, and deal with the consequences.

Some good can come out of it...Realize that accidents are directly correlated to speed, and statistics have shown that a speeding ticket inceases the likelihood of you being involved in an accident. So take this lesson to heart..slow down and pay attention to your speed. And don't waste your time (and the tax payers' time and money) by trying to get out of paying the ticket.

As if one kritafo wasnt enough... Googe man we need ya in here

12-13-2008, 09:09 AM
I think we'd all agree here that it'd help you get off if you offer the judge a bribe. He'd like it too.

Be sure to tell us the story as well.

12-13-2008, 10:29 AM
should of kept driving ... hhaah insurance companies wont look at your record until you have recieved your 4th ticket

12-13-2008, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by EG_Civic
should of kept driving ... hhaah insurance companies wont look at your record until you have recieved your 4th ticket

4th Ticket? I dont know about that.

Like it was said in a previous post, most insurance companies HAVE to let your first ticket slide, as per the Alberta Gov't.

Second, if you got you lic 2 weeks ago arent you on GDL? does 1 ticket mean you lic is suspended?
If thats the case, your going to want to fight the ticket, because having a suspended lic doesnt look good.

12-13-2008, 07:05 PM
i dont think his license would be suspended as GDL drivers have 8 points instead of 15.

12-13-2008, 07:14 PM
lol give the kid a break! we've all been there before.
as for the op: wait about a week, wake up at 7am on a tuesday and head down to rocky mountain house in downtown. from there talk to the crown and just straight up tell him you were speeding and you appologize and you want a reduction. tell him you are in school and don't mind paying the ticket, but you are worried about your rates in the future. good luck.

12-15-2008, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by hampstor
- Got license 2 weeks ago
- Got speeding ticket
- Wanting to find way out of it

Gotta love this world eh?